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2023-06-10 10:01:06 +02:00

66 lines
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# name of bridge to add veth interface to
:local BRIDGENAME "bridgeLocal"
# name the veth interface will get
:local VETHNAME "mDNSTrunk"
# set hostname of container
:local HOSTNAME "mDNS"
# set vlan-ids to reflect traffic between
:local VLANS {100;200}
# define image filename
:local IMAGENAME "mdns_x86.tar"
# path to data root for the container
:local CONTAINERROOT "docker/container/mdns_repeater"
# -------------------------------
# variable holds all vlans seperated by spaces
:local ALLVLANS ""
# check bridge existance
:if ([:len [/interface bridge find name="$BRIDGENAME"]] = 0) do={
:put "Could not find a bridge with name '$BRIDGENAME' !"
# add veth interface
:if ([:len [/interface veth find name="$VETHNAME"]] = 0) do={
# add veth interface
/interface veth add address= gateway= name=$VETHNAME
# add veth interface to bridge
:if ([:len [/interface bridge port find interface=$VETHNAME]] = 0) do={
/interface bridge port add interface=$VETHNAME bridge=$BRIDGENAME
# for each vlan id
:foreach id in=$VLANS do={
# find existing vlan entry
:local vlanentry [/interface bridge vlan find vlan-ids ~ "(^|;)$id(;|\$)" and bridge=$BRIDGENAME]
:if ([:len $vlanentry] = 0) do={
# if entry does not exist add it to vlan list
/interface bridge vlan add bridge=$BRIDGENAME tagged="$BRIDGENAME,$VETHNAME" vlan-ids=$id
} else={
# if entry exists and veth interface is not a tagged member append veth interface to vlan as tagged interface
:if ([:len [/interface bridge vlan find vlan-ids=$id and current-tagged ~ "$VETHNAME"]] = 0) do={
/interface bridge vlan set $vlanentry tagged=([get $vlanentry tagged],"$VETHNAME")
# build ALLVLAN variable
:if ($ALLVLANS != "") do={
:set ALLVLANS ($ALLVLANS . " " . $id)
} else={
:set ALLVLANS $id
# add container environment variable wich defines the vlans used
:if ([:len [/container envs find name=mdns key=VLANS]] = 0) do={
/container envs add name=mdns key=VLANS value=$ALLVLANS
# finally add container
:if ([:len [/container find root-dir="$CONTAINERROOT"]] = 0) do={
/container add file=$IMAGENAME envlist=mdns logging=yes start-on-boot=yes root-dir="$CONTAINERROOT" interface=$VETHNAME hostname=$HOSTNAME
} else={
:put "Container already exists, please delete it beforehand and run again!"