Go to file
Michael Grote f09225a776 DL3059 2022-08-06 20:30:27 +02:00
.drone.yml Doku + Org-Secrets 2022-08-06 20:25:45 +02:00
000-default.conf first commit; copied from https://github.com/occitech/docker 2022-07-23 10:46:57 +02:00
Dockerfile DL3059 2022-08-06 20:30:27 +02:00
README.md first commit; copied from https://github.com/occitech/docker 2022-07-23 10:46:57 +02:00
logrotate-munin first commit; copied from https://github.com/occitech/docker 2022-07-23 10:46:57 +02:00
munin.conf first commit; copied from https://github.com/occitech/docker 2022-07-23 10:46:57 +02:00
munin_mail.conf first commit; copied from https://github.com/occitech/docker 2022-07-23 10:46:57 +02:00
munin_slack.conf first commit; copied from https://github.com/occitech/docker 2022-07-23 10:46:57 +02:00
revaliases first commit; copied from https://github.com/occitech/docker 2022-07-23 10:46:57 +02:00
run.sh first commit; copied from https://github.com/occitech/docker 2022-07-23 10:46:57 +02:00
slack_munin.sh first commit; copied from https://github.com/occitech/docker 2022-07-23 10:46:57 +02:00
ssmtp.conf first commit; copied from https://github.com/occitech/docker 2022-07-23 10:46:57 +02:00


Munin (master)

UNMAINTAINED This repository is not maintained anymore, please use https://github.com/ethersys/ethersys-docker-munin and report issues on it.


Munin stats aggregator and reporting, based on lrivallain (https://github.com/lrivallain) and Arcus (http://arcus.io) work. Update base image (ubuntu 20.04) and munin (2.0.56) and add easily configurable mail and Slack notifications.


git clone https://github.com/occitech/docker.git
docker build -t munin ./munin
docker run -p 80 munin

Or pull

docker pull occitech/munin
docker run -p 80 occitech/munin:latest

How it works


  • 80


  • /var/lib/munin : Databases files
  • /var/log/munin : Logs
  • /var/cache/munin : Where are generated graphs

Environment Variables

  • NODES: Space separated list of <name>:<host> munin node pairs. (i.e. foo.local: bar.remote:
  • CRONDELAY: Change the cron settings to update charts every X minutes (default: 5)
  • TZ: Customize the timezone according to your place: (i.e. Europe/London) (default: Europe/Paris)
  • THISNODENAME: Customize the displayed node name for local host (default: munin)
  • THISNODEIP: Customize the node IP for local host (default:
  • DISABLELOCALNODE: Disable local munin node (default: no)
  • MAILCONTACT: Recipient of the mail alert (i.e. alert@example.test, needed for mail alert)
  • MAILSERVER: Address of your mail server (i.e. mail.example.test, needed for mail alert)
  • MAILPORT: Port of your SMTP mail server (i.e. 25, needed for mail alert)
  • MAILUSER: User to Auth on your mail server (i.e. user@example.test, needed for mail alert)
  • MAILPASSWORD: Password of your mail server (needed for mail alert)
  • MAILFROM: Where the mail seems to come from (i.e. munin@example.test, needed for mail alert)
  • MAILNAME: Friendly sender name displayed for recipiend
  • MAILDOMAIN: Domain of your mail server (i.e. example.test, needed for mail alert)
  • SLACKCHANNEL: Name of your Slack channel (i.e. hosting, needed for Slack alert)
  • SLACKWEBHOOKURL: URL of your Slack webhook (i.e. https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXXX/YYYYYYY/ZZZZZZZ, needed for Slack alert)
  • SLACKUSER: Username of munin bot on your Slack
  • SLACKICON: Icon of munin bot on your Slack
  • VIRTUAL_HOST: FQDN of your munin website

Persistent example

docker run \
 -d \
 --name=munin \
 -p \
 -e THISNODENAME="munin.example.com" \
 -e TZ="Europe/London" \
 -e NODES="anothernode.example.com: anothernode2.example.com:" \
 -v /data/munin/db:/var/lib/munin \
 -v /data/munin/logs:/var/log/munin \
 -v /data/munin/cache:/var/cache/munin \