# python-api-server a small flask-application for storing and downloading stuff like small binaries ## Variables - ``MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH``: maximal Filesize in MB; defaults to 5MB - ``UPLOAD_DIRECTORY``: where to store the uploaded files; should be mapped to a volume; defaults to "/uploads" - ``AUTH_TOKEN``: token used for authenticating ## Example Docker-Compose ```yaml version: '3' services: python-api-server: container_name: httpd-api image: quotengrote/python-api-server:v2 ports: - "5040:5000" volumes: - uploads:/uploads environment: # FLASK_DEBUG: 1 # for debugging # FLASK_APP: app # for debugging MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH: 10 UPLOAD_DIRECTORY: /uploads AUTH_TOKEN: myuploadtoken ENABLE_WEBSERVER: true # if enabled a list of files can be viewed in a webbrowser (see screenshot) volumes: uploads: ``` ### ENABLE_WEBSERVER Screenshot ![](./assets/screenshot_webui.png) ## API-Endpoints - see [Flasgger](https://github.com/flasgger/flasgger): ``http://:5040/apidocs/``