import os import subprocess from git import Repo import paramiko # Function to export RouterOS configuration def export_routeros_config(device_config): device = device_config["host"] username = device_config["username"] ssh_key_path = device_config["ssh_key_path"] ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(device, username=username, key_filename=ssh_key_path) # Modify the export command based on the RouterOS command for configuration export stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("/export") with open(f"{device}_config_export.txt", "w") as f: f.write( ssh.close() # Function to check if the Git repository exists and pull or clone accordingly def check_and_pull_git_repo(): git_repo_path = os.environ.get("GIT_REPO_PATH") if os.path.exists(git_repo_path): repo = Repo(git_repo_path) if not repo.bare: origin = repo.remote(name="origin") origin.pull() else: print("Error: The directory exists but is not a Git repository.") exit(1) else: git_repo_url = os.environ.get("GIT_REPO_URL") Repo.clone_from(git_repo_url, git_repo_path) # Function to commit and push the configuration to the Git repository def commit_and_push_to_git(): git_repo_path = os.environ.get("GIT_REPO_PATH") repo = Repo(git_repo_path) index = repo.index # Add the RouterOS config files to the index config_files = [f"{device['host']}_config_export.txt" for device in DEVICE_CONFIGS] index.add(config_files) # Commit and push the changes index.commit("Update configuration") origin = repo.remote(name="origin") origin.push() if __name__ == "__main__": # RouterOS devices SSH connection settings DEVICE_CONFIGS = os.environ.get("DEVICE_CONFIGS").split() DEVICE_CONFIGS = [ {"host": device.split(',')[0], "username": device.split(',')[1], "ssh_key_path": device.split(',')[2]} for device in DEVICE_CONFIGS ] # Export RouterOS configurations for device_config in DEVICE_CONFIGS: export_routeros_config(device_config) # Check and pull the Git repository check_and_pull_git_repo() # Commit and push the configurations to the Git repository commit_and_push_to_git()