;========================================================== ; ; ██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗ ██╗██████╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ; ██╔══██╗██╔═══██╗██║ ╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗ ; ██████╔╝██║ ██║██║ ╚████╔╝ ██████╔╝███████║██████╔╝ ; ██╔═══╝ ██║ ██║██║ ╚██╔╝ ██╔══██╗██╔══██║██╔══██╗ ; ██║ ╚██████╔╝███████╗██║ ██████╔╝██║ ██║██║ ██║ ; ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ; ;========================================================== [colors] background = #222 background-alt = #444 foreground = #dfdfdf foreground-alt = #555 primary = #ffb52a secondary = #e60053 alert = #bd2c40 [bar/bar] monitor = ${env:MONITOR:} ; launch.sh setzt die Variable damit die Bar auf jedem Monitor erscheint width = 110% height = 27 radius = 0.0 fixed-center = false background = ${colors.background} foreground = ${colors.foreground} line-size = 3 line-color = #f00 border-size = 0 border-color = #00000000 padding-left = 0 padding-right = 2 module-margin-left = 1 module-margin-right = 2 font-0 = fixed:pixelsize=10;1 font-1 = unifont:fontformat=truetype:size=8:antialias=false;0 font-2 = siji:pixelsize=10;1 modules-left = i3 modules-center = popup-calendar modules-right = nightscout_script backlight alsa cpu system-cpu-loadavg memory wlan eth_intern eth_dock battery powermenu tray-position = right tray-padding = 2 tray-background = #888888 ;wm-restack = i3 ;override-redirect = true ;scroll-up = i3wm-wsnext ;scroll-down = i3wm-wsprev cursor-click = pointer cursor-scroll = ns-resize [module/nightscout_script] type = custom/script exec = /home/mg/dotfiles/polybar/nightscout_cgm.sh interval = 120 format-prefix = "BZ " [module/popup-calendar] type = custom/script exec = /home/mg/dotfiles/polybar/popup-calendar.sh interval = 5 click-left = /home/mg/dotfiles/polybar/popup-calendar.sh --popup & [module/system-cpu-loadavg] type = custom/script exec = /home/mg/dotfiles/polybar/system-cpu-loadavg.sh interval = 5 [module/backlight] type = custom/script exec=/home/mg/dotfiles/polybar/backlight.sh tail=true interval=0 scroll-up = /home/mg/dotfiles/polybar/backlight.sh increase scroll-down = /home/mg/dotfiles/polybar/backlight.sh decrease format-background = ${color.shade5} format-foreground = ${color.modulefg} format-padding = 1 [module/xwindow] type = internal/xwindow label = %title:0:30:...% [module/backlight] type = internal/backlight ; Use the following command to list available cards: ; $ ls -1 /sys/class/backlight/ card = amdgpu_bl0 ; ; (unreleased) ; Use the `/sys/class/backlight/actual-brightness` file ; rather than the regular `brightness` file. ; Defaults to true unless the specified card is an amdgpu backlight. ; use-actual-brightness = true ; ; Enable changing the backlight with the scroll wheel ; NOTE: This may require additional configuration on some systems. Polybar will ; write to `/sys/class/backlight/${self.card}/brightness` which requires polybar ; to have write access to that file. ; DO NOT RUN POLYBAR AS ROOT. ; The recommended way is to add the user to the ; `video` group and give that group write-privileges for the `brightness` file. ; See the ArchWiki for more information: ; https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Backlight#ACPI ; Default: false enable-scroll = true [module/i3] type = internal/i3 format = <label-state> <label-mode> index-sort = true wrapping-scroll = false ; Only show workspaces on the same output as the bar ;pin-workspaces = true label-mode-padding = 2 label-mode-foreground = #000 label-mode-background = ${colors.primary} ; focused = Active workspace on focused monitor label-focused = %index% label-focused-background = ${colors.background-alt} label-focused-underline= ${colors.primary} label-focused-padding = 2 ; unfocused = Inactive workspace on any monitor label-unfocused = %index% label-unfocused-padding = 2 ; visible = Active workspace on unfocused monitor label-visible = %index% label-visible-background = ${self.label-focused-background} label-visible-underline = ${self.label-focused-underline} label-visible-padding = ${self.label-focused-padding} ; urgent = Workspace with urgency hint set label-urgent = %index% label-urgent-background = ${colors.alert} label-urgent-padding = 2 ; Separator in between workspaces ; label-separator = | [module/cpu] type = internal/cpu interval = 2 format-prefix = " " format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} label = %percentage:2%% [module/memory] type = internal/memory interval = 2 format-prefix = " " format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} label = %percentage_used%% [module/wlan] type = internal/network interface = wlp4s0 interval = 3.0 format-connected = <ramp-signal> <label-connected> label-connected = %essid% format-disconnected = ;format-disconnected = <label-disconnected> ;format-disconnected-underline = ${self.format-connected-underline} ;label-disconnected = %ifname% disconnected ;label-disconnected-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} ramp-signal-0 = ramp-signal-1 = ramp-signal-2 = ramp-signal-3 = ramp-signal-4 = ramp-signal-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} [module/eth_intern] type = internal/network interface = enp2s0 interval = 3.0 format-connected-prefix = " " format-connected-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} label-connected = %local_ip% format-disconnected = ;format-disconnected = <label-disconnected> ;format-disconnected-underline = ${self.format-connected-underline} ;label-disconnected = %ifname% disconnected ;label-disconnected-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} [module/eth_dock] type = internal/network interface = enx482ae352c8d7 interval = 3.0 format-connected-prefix = " " format-connected-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} label-connected = %local_ip% format-disconnected = ;format-disconnected = <label-disconnected> ;format-disconnected-underline = ${self.format-connected-underline} ;label-disconnected = %ifname% disconnected ;label-disconnected-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} [module/date] type = internal/date interval = 5 date = date-alt = " %d.%m.%Y" time = %H:%M time-alt = %H:%M:%S format-prefix = format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} label = %date% %time% [module/alsa] type = internal/alsa format-volume = <label-volume> <bar-volume> ;label-volume = VOL label-volume-foreground = ${root.foreground} format-muted-prefix = " " format-muted-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} label-muted = sound muted bar-volume-width = 10 bar-volume-foreground-0 = #55aa55 bar-volume-foreground-1 = #55aa55 bar-volume-foreground-2 = #55aa55 bar-volume-foreground-3 = #55aa55 bar-volume-foreground-4 = #55aa55 bar-volume-foreground-5 = #f5a70a bar-volume-foreground-6 = #ff5555 bar-volume-gradient = false bar-volume-indicator = | bar-volume-indicator-font = 2 bar-volume-fill = ─ bar-volume-fill-font = 2 bar-volume-empty = ─ bar-volume-empty-font = 2 bar-volume-empty-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} [module/battery] type = internal/battery battery = BAT0 adapter = AC full-at = 98 format-charging = <animation-charging> <label-charging> format-discharging = <animation-discharging> <label-discharging> format-full-prefix = " " format-full-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} ramp-capacity-0 = ramp-capacity-1 = ramp-capacity-2 = ramp-capacity-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} animation-charging-0 = animation-charging-1 = animation-charging-2 = animation-charging-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} animation-charging-framerate = 750 animation-discharging-0 = animation-discharging-1 = animation-discharging-2 = animation-discharging-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} animation-discharging-framerate = 750 [module/pulseaudio] type = internal/pulseaudio format-volume = <label-volume> <bar-volume> label-volume = VOL %percentage%% label-volume-foreground = ${root.foreground} label-muted = 🔇 muted label-muted-foreground = #666 bar-volume-width = 10 bar-volume-foreground-0 = #55aa55 bar-volume-foreground-1 = #55aa55 bar-volume-foreground-2 = #55aa55 bar-volume-foreground-3 = #55aa55 bar-volume-foreground-4 = #55aa55 bar-volume-foreground-5 = #f5a70a bar-volume-foreground-6 = #ff5555 bar-volume-gradient = false bar-volume-indicator = | bar-volume-indicator-font = 2 bar-volume-fill = ─ bar-volume-fill-font = 2 bar-volume-empty = ─ bar-volume-empty-font = 2 bar-volume-empty-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} [module/powermenu] type = custom/menu expand-right = true format-spacing = 1 label-open = label-open-foreground = ${colors.secondary} label-close = cancel label-close-foreground = ${colors.secondary} label-separator = | label-separator-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} menu-0-0 = reboot menu-0-0-exec = #powermenu.open.1 menu-0-1 = power off menu-0-1-exec = #powermenu.open.2 menu-0-2 = suspend menu-0-2-exec = #powermenu.open.3 menu-0-3 = hibernate menu-0-3-exec = #powermenu.open.4 menu-1-0 = reboot menu-1-0-exec = reboot menu-2-0 = power off menu-2-0-exec = poweroff menu-3-0 = suspend menu-3-0-exec = systemctl suspend menu-4-0 = hibernate menu-4-0-exec = systemctl hibernate [settings] screenchange-reload = true ;compositing-background = xor ;compositing-background = screen ;compositing-foreground = source ;compositing-border = over ;pseudo-transparency = false [global/wm] margin-top = 5 margin-bottom = 5 ; vim:ft=dosini