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This commit is contained in:
Michael Grote 2021-01-07 11:20:35 +01:00
parent 08dca6a471
commit 3ca72d99c5
1 changed files with 60 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -28,12 +28,14 @@ Diese Datei enthält das Passwort mit dem die KeePassDb verschlüsselt ist.
Das vault-secret für die GroupVars wird mit `ansible-vault encrypt_string <password>` erstellt.
### Erklärung
keepass_dbx: "./keepass_db.kdbx"
keepass_psw: !vault |
1. mit vault-pass.yml wird das Kennwort an ansible-vault übergeben
2. ansible-vault entschlüsselt hiermit die variable "keepass_psw"
2. ansible-vault entschlüsselt hiermit die Variable `keepass_psw`
3. der Inhalt der Variable wird dann an das KeePass-Lookup-Plugin übergeben was damit die KeePass-Datei öffnet
@ -48,3 +50,60 @@ lookup('keepass' <-- Aufruf Keepass-Lookup-Plugin
restic_repository_password <-- Titel Eintrag mit Secret
password <-- Feldbzeichner in KeepassDB
## Inventory anzeigen
`ansible-inventory -i inventory --graph`
## Alternatives Dictionary Format:
- name: "ssd_vm_mirror"
type: "ssd"
cron_minute_zfs_trim: "5"
cron_hour_zfs_trim: "22"
cron_month_zfs_trim: "4,8,12"
cron_day_zfs_trim: "2"
cron_weekday_zfs_scrub: "6"
cron_minutes_zfs_scrub: "0"
cron_hour_zfs_scrub: "23"
ist das gleiche wie:
- { name: "ssd_vm_mirror", type: "ssd", cron_minute_zfs_trim: "5", cron_hour_zfs_trim: "22", cron_month_zfs_trim: "4,8,12", cron_day_zfs_trim: "2", cron_weekday_zfs_scrub: "6", cron_minutes_zfs_scrub: "0", cron_hour_zfs_scrub: "23"}
## when: true
`Use when: var rather than when: var == True (or conversely when: not var)`
`when: dokuwiki_update # entspricht when: dokuwiki_update == true`
##Loop + Join
### Vars
mountpoint: "/shares"
- "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_drive-scsi1"
- "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_drive-scsi2"
opts: defaults,allow_other,direct_io,use_ino,moveonenospc=true,category.create=mfs,minfreespace=100G
### Tasks
- name: "Join/Combine sources"
src: "{{sources | join (':')}}"
loop: "{{ sources }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{src}}"
- name: "Mount mergerFS"
path: "{{ mountpoint }}"
src: "{{ src }}"
opts: "{{ opts }}"
fstype: fuse.mergerfs
state: mounted