CI + Dev-Workspace: disable automatic rollout and setup new Workspace #145

mg merged 73 commits from image into master 2024-07-30 20:58:25 +02:00
Showing only changes of commit a9563b4e80 - Show all commits

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@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ echo -e ${GREEN}Pull image...${RESET}
docker pull --quiet ${IMAGE}
echo -e ${GREEN}Start session...${RESET}
docker run -it -v $PWD:/ansible-homeserver -w /ansible-homeserver ${IMAGE} echo Branch: $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) && /bin/bash
docker run -it \
-v $PWD:/ansible-homeserver \
-w /ansible-homeserver ${IMAGE} \
/bin/bash echo Branch: $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) && git config --global --add /ansible-homeserver && /bin/bash
# todo shellcheck