--- - name: Include OS-specific variables. include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml" - name: Check if GitLab configuration file already exists. stat: path=/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb register: gitlab_config_file - name: Check if GitLab is already installed. stat: path=/usr/bin/gitlab-ctl register: gitlab_file # Install GitLab and its dependencies. - name: Install GitLab dependencies. package: name: "{{ gitlab_dependencies }}" state: present - name: Install GitLab dependencies (Debian). apt: name: gnupg2 state: present when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian' - name: Download GitLab repository installation script. get_url: url: "{{ gitlab_repository_installation_script_url }}" dest: /tmp/gitlab_install_repository.sh validate_certs: "{{ gitlab_download_validate_certs }}" when: not gitlab_file.stat.exists - name: Install GitLab repository. command: bash /tmp/gitlab_install_repository.sh register: output when: not gitlab_file.stat.exists - name: Define the Gitlab package name. set_fact: gitlab_package_name: "{{ gitlab_edition }}{{ gitlab_package_version_separator }}{{ gitlab_version }}" when: gitlab_version | default(false) - name: Install GitLab package: name: "{{ gitlab_package_name | default(gitlab_edition) }}" state: present async: 300 poll: 5 when: not gitlab_file.stat.exists # Start and configure GitLab. Sometimes the first run fails, but after that, # restarts fix problems, so ignore failures on this run. - name: Reconfigure GitLab (first run). command: > gitlab-ctl reconfigure creates=/var/opt/gitlab/bootstrapped failed_when: false - name: Create GitLab SSL configuration folder. file: path: /etc/gitlab/ssl state: directory owner: root group: root mode: 0700 when: gitlab_create_self_signed_cert - name: Create self-signed certificate. command: > openssl req -new -nodes -x509 -subj "{{ gitlab_self_signed_cert_subj }}" -days 3650 -keyout {{ gitlab_ssl_certificate_key }} -out {{ gitlab_ssl_certificate }} -extensions v3_ca creates={{ gitlab_ssl_certificate }} when: gitlab_create_self_signed_cert - name: Copy GitLab configuration file. template: src: "{{ gitlab_config_template }}" dest: /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb owner: root group: root mode: 0600 notify: restart gitlab