# IPv4 and IPv6 Dual-stack config If you need to run your K3S cluster with both IPv4 and IPv6 address ranges you will need to configure the `k3s_server.cluster-cidr` and `k3s_server.service-cidr` values specifying both ranges. :hand: if you are using `k3s<1.23` you will need to use a different CNI as dual-stack support is not available in Flannel. Below is a noddy example: ```yaml --- k3s_server: # Using Calico on k3s<1.23 so Flannel needs to be disabled. flannel-backend: 'none' # Format: ipv4/cidr,ipv6/cidr cluster-cidr:,fc00:a0::/64 service-cidr:,fc00:a1::/64 ```