--- ### mrlesmithjr.ansible-manage-lvm lvm_groups: - vgname: vg_data disks: - /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_drive-scsi1 create: true lvnames: - lvname: lv_data size: +100%FREE create: true filesystem: xfs mount: true mntp: /var/lib/forgejo manage_lvm: true pvresize_to_max: true ### mgrote_apt_manage_packages apt_packages_extra: - fail2ban ### geerlingguy_postgres postgresql_databases: - name: "{{ gitea_db_name }}" postgresql_users: - name: "{{ gitea_db_user }}" password: "{{ gitea_db_password }}" ### oefenweb.ufw ufw_rules: - rule: allow to_port: 22 protocol: tcp comment: 'ssh' from_ip: - rule: allow to_port: 4949 protocol: tcp comment: 'munin' from_ip: - rule: allow to_port: "{{ gitea_http_port }}" protocol: tcp comment: 'gitea' from_ip: ### pyratlabs-ansible-role-gitea # https://git2.mgrote.net/ansible-roles-mirrors/pyratlabs-ansible-role-gitea gitea_fork: "forgejo" # gitea update gitea_version: "1.21.7-0" # alt zum renovate testen gitea_version_check: true gitea_backup_on_upgrade: false # gitea in the linux world gitea_group: "gitea" gitea_user: "gitea" gitea_home: "/var/lib/gitea" gitea_user_home: "{{ gitea_home }}" # config liegt in /etc/gitea/gitea.ini gitea_configuration_path: "/etc/gitea" # anpassen gitea_app_name: "forgejo" gitea_fqdn: "git2.mgrote.net" # ssh gitea_ssh_port: 22 # assuming the host SSH server is running on port 22 gitea_start_ssh: false # to not start the built-in SSH server gitea_shell: "/bin/bash" # Repository gitea_default_branch: "master" gitea_default_private: "public" gitea_repository_root: "{{ gitea_home }}/repos" # ui gitea_show_user_email: false # server gitea_protocol: "http" gitea_http_domain: "{{ gitea_fqdn }}" gitea_http_port: "3000" gitea_http_listen: "" gitea_root_url: https://git2.mgrote.net # database gitea_db_type: postgres gitea_db_host: localhost gitea_db_name: gitea gitea_db_user: gitea gitea_db_password: "{{ lookup('keepass', 'gitea_db_password', 'password') }}" # indexer gitea_repo_indexer_enabled: true # security gitea_disable_webhooks: false gitea_password_check_pwn: false gitea_internal_token: "{{ lookup('keepass', 'gitea_internal_token', 'password') }}" gitea_secret_key: "{{ lookup('keepass', 'gitea_secret_key', 'password') }}" # service gitea_disable_registration: true gitea_register_email_confirm: true gitea_require_signin: false gitea_default_keep_mail_private: true gitea_enable_captcha: false gitea_show_registration_button: false gitea_enable_notify_mail: true gitea_default_user_visibility: "public" gitea_default_org_visibility: "public" gitea_show_milestones_dashboard_page: false gitea_default_allow_create_organization: true gitea_default_org_visibility: "public" # Mailer gitea_mailer_enabled: true gitea_mailer_protocol: smtp gitea_mailer_smtp_addr: docker10.mgrote.net gitea_mailer_smtp_port: 1025 gitea_mailer_from: "gitea@mgrote.net" gitea_subject_prefix: "git2.mgrote.net - " # muss der bindestrichs ein? # log gitea_log_systemd: true gitea_log_level: "Info" # Metrics gitea_metrics_enabled: false # Federation gitea_federation_enabled: false # Packages gitea_packages_enabled: false # actions gitea_actions_enabled: false # webhook: wird für drone benötigt, sonst wird der Webhook nicht "gesendet" gitea_extra_config: | [webhook] ALLOWED_HOST_LIST = *.mgrote.net # oauth2 gitea_oauth2_jwt_secret: "{{ lookup('keepass', 'gitea_oauth2_jwt_secret', 'password') }}" # Fail2Ban configuration gitea_fail2ban_enabled: true gitea_fail2ban_jail_maxretry: "3" gitea_fail2ban_jail_findtime: "300" gitea_fail2ban_jail_bantime: "600" gitea_fail2ban_jail_action: "iptables-allports"