--- # restic user restic_user: root # restic group restic_group: restic # restic config directory restic_conf_dir: /etc/restic # was soll ausgeschlossen werden, siehe: https://github.com/restic/restic/issues/1005; https://forum.restic.net/t/exclude-syntax-confusion/1531/12 restic_exclude: | ._* desktop.ini .Trash-* **/**cache***/** **/**Cache***/** **/**AppData***/** # timeout for cifs mount; systemd notation(systemd-analyze calendar "Sun *-0/2-* 23:00") restic_mount_timeout: "10 min" # delay for restartung task; systemd notation(systemd-analyze calendar "Sun *-0/2-* 23:00") restic_failure_delay: "30 s" # when should restic run; systemd notation(systemd-analyze calendar "Sun *-0/2-* 23:00") restic_schedule: "*:0/2" # welche ordner sollen gesichert werden restic_folders_to_backup: "/usr/local /etc /root /var/www /home" # smb-share mit dem repository: z.B. "//fileserver3.mgrote.net/restic" restic_repository: "//fileserver.domain/restic" # password für das repo restic_repository_password: "{{ lookup('viczem.keepass.keepass', 'restic_repository_password', 'password') }}" # nutzer für den share restic_mount_user: restic # passwort für den mount restic_mount_password: "unsafe_password" #gitleaks:allow # where to send in case of an error restic_fail_mail: x@y.de