#!/usr/bin/env bash # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2018 GantSign Ltd. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # Molecule Wrapper the wrapper script for Molecule # https://github.com/gantsign/molecule-wrapper set -e WRAPPER_VERSION=1.1.0 VERSION_DIR='.moleculew' PYTHON_VERSION_FILE="$VERSION_DIR/python_version" ANSIBLE_VERSION_FILE="$VERSION_DIR/ansible_version" DOCKER_LIB_VERSION_FILE="$VERSION_DIR/docker_lib_version" MOLECULE_VERSION_FILE="$VERSION_DIR/molecule_version" YAMLLINT_VERSION_FILE="$VERSION_DIR/yamllint_version" ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION_FILE="$VERSION_DIR/ansible_lint_version" FLAKE8_VERSION_FILE="$VERSION_DIR/flake8_version" TESTINFRA_VERSION_FILE="$VERSION_DIR/testinfra_version" BUILD_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALLLED=false PYENV_INSTALLED=false ANSIBLE_VERSION='' DOCKER_LIB_VERSION='' MOLECULE_VERSION='' PYTHON_VERSION='' YAMLLINT_VERSION='' ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION='' FLAKE8_VERSION='' TESTINFRA_VERSION='' USE_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCIES=false PRE_ARGS=() MOLECULE_CMD='' POST_ARGS=() export PATH="$HOME/.pyenv/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" hr() { for ((i = 1; i <= 80; i++)); do printf '*' done echo '' } banner() { hr echo "$1" hr } run_as_root() { if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then "$@" elif [ -x "$(command -v sudo)" ]; then sudo "$@" else echo "Error: sudo is not installed" >&2 exit 1 fi } build_dependencies_present() { if [[ $BUILD_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALLLED == true ]]; then return fi if [[ $USE_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCIES == true ]]; then return fi # https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/wiki/common-build-problems if [[ -x "$(command -v apt-get)" ]]; then banner 'Installing build dependencies' run_as_root apt-get update run_as_root apt-get install --assume-yes \ make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev \ libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev \ libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev \ git jq echo '' elif [[ -x "$(command -v dnf)" ]]; then banner 'Installing build dependencies' run_as_root dnf install \ zlib-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel readline-devel sqlite sqlite-devel \ openssl-devel xz xz-devel libffi-devel \ git curl jq echo '' elif [[ -x "$(command -v yum)" ]]; then banner 'Installing build dependencies' run_as_root yum install \ zlib-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel readline-devel sqlite sqlite-devel \ openssl-devel xz xz-devel libffi-devel \ git curl jq echo '' elif [[ -x "$(command -v zypper)" ]]; then banner 'Installing build dependencies' run_as_root zypper install \ zlib-devel bzip2 libbz2-devel readline-devel sqlite3 sqlite3-devel \ libopenssl-devel xz xz-devel \ git curl jq echo '' fi BUILD_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALLLED=true } pyenv_present() { if [[ $PYENV_INSTALLED == true ]]; then return fi if [[ $USE_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCIES == true ]]; then return fi if [[ -x "$(command -v pyenv)" ]]; then PYENV_INSTALLED=true return fi build_dependencies_present banner "Installing pyenv for user $USER" bash <(curl --location https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv-installer/raw/master/bin/pyenv-installer) echo '' PYENV_INSTALLED=true } query_latest_python_version() { pyenv_present PYTHON_VERSION="$(~/.pyenv/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build --definitions | grep --color=never '^3\.' | grep --invert-match '\-dev$' | tail -1)" } query_latest_package_version() { if [[ ! -x "$(command -v curl)" ]]; then build_dependencies_present fi if [[ ! -x "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then build_dependencies_present fi if [[ ! -x "$(command -v curl)" ]]; then echo 'Error: curl is not installed.' >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ ! -x "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then echo 'Error: jq is not installed.' >&2 exit 1 fi local version # shellcheck disable=SC2034 version=$(curl --fail --silent --show-error --location "https://pypi.org/pypi/$2/json" | jq --raw-output '.info.version') eval "$1=\"\$version\"" } docker_present() { if [[ -x "$(command -v docker)" ]]; then return fi if [[ $USE_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCIES == true ]]; then echo 'Error: docker is not installed.' >&2 exit 1 fi build_dependencies_present banner 'Installing Docker' sh <(curl --fail --silent --show-error --location https://get.docker.com) run_as_root usermod --append --groups docker "$USER" banner "User '$USER' has been added to the 'docker' group. Logout/restart and log back in for changes to take effect." exit } python_present() { if [[ $PYTHON_VERSION == system ]]; then if [[ ! -x "$(command -v python3)" ]] && [[ ! -x "$(command -v python)" ]]; then echo 'Error: python is not installed.' >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ ! -x "$(command -v pip3)" ]] && [[ ! -x "$(command -v pip)" ]]; then echo 'Error: pip is not installed.' >&2 exit 1 fi PYTHON_EXE="$(command -v python3 || command -v python)" else if [[ ! -x "$(command -v git)" ]]; then echo 'Error: git is not installed.' >&2 exit 1 fi pyenv_present export PYENV_VERSION="$PYTHON_VERSION" if [[ ! -d "$HOME/.pyenv/versions/$PYTHON_VERSION" ]]; then build_dependencies_present banner "Making Python version $PYTHON_VERSION available using pyenv" pyenv install "$PYTHON_VERSION" echo '' fi eval "$(pyenv init -)" PYTHON_EXE="$(pyenv which python)" fi } virtualenv_presant() { if [[ ! -x "$(command -v virtualenv)" ]]; then banner "Installing virtualenv for user $USER" "$PYTHON_EXE" -m pip install --user virtualenv echo '' fi } install_ansible() { banner "Installing Ansible $ANSIBLE_VERSION into virtualenv $VIRTUAL_ENV" pip install "ansible==$ANSIBLE_VERSION" echo '' } install_docker_lib() { banner "Installing Python Docker $DOCKER_LIB_VERSION into virtualenv $VIRTUAL_ENV" pip install "docker==$DOCKER_LIB_VERSION" echo '' } install_molecule() { banner "Installing Molecule $MOLECULE_VERSION into virtualenv $VIRTUAL_ENV" pip install "molecule==$MOLECULE_VERSION" echo '' } install_yamllint() { banner "Installing YamlLint $YAMLLINT_VERSION into virtualenv $VIRTUAL_ENV" pip install "yamllint==$YAMLLINT_VERSION" echo '' } install_ansible_lint() { banner "Installing Anssible Lint $ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION into virtualenv $VIRTUAL_ENV" pip install "ansible-lint==$ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION" echo '' } install_flake8() { banner "Installing Flake8 $FLAKE8_VERSION into virtualenv $VIRTUAL_ENV" pip install "flake8==$FLAKE8_VERSION" echo '' } install_testinfra() { banner "Installing Testinfra $TESTINFRA_VERSION into virtualenv $VIRTUAL_ENV" pip install "testinfra==$TESTINFRA_VERSION" echo '' } wrapper_clean() { local MOLECULE_WRAPPER_HOME="$HOME/.moleculew" read -r -p "Delete ${MOLECULE_WRAPPER_HOME} (y/n)? " yn case $yn in [Yy]|YES|yes|Yes) rm -rf "$MOLECULE_WRAPPER_HOME"; exit ;; *) exit ;; esac } wrapper_upgrade() { curl --fail --silent --show-error --location --output moleculew.new \ 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gantsign/molecule-wrapper/master/moleculew' \ && chmod 'u+x' moleculew.new \ && mv --force moleculew.new moleculew local NEW_VERSION NEW_VERSION="$(./moleculew wrapper-version)" if [ "$WRAPPER_VERSION" != "$NEW_VERSION" ]; then echo "Upgraded wrapper from version $WRAPPER_VERSION to $NEW_VERSION" else echo "You are already using the latest version" fi exit } wrapper_version() { echo "$WRAPPER_VERSION" exit } print_versions() { echo "Python: $PYTHON_VERSION" echo "Ansible: $ANSIBLE_VERSION" echo "Python Docker library: $DOCKER_LIB_VERSION" echo "Molecule: $MOLECULE_VERSION" echo "YamlLint: $YAMLLINT_VERSION" echo "Ansible Lint: $ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION" echo "Flake8: $FLAKE8_VERSION" echo "Testinfra: $TESTINFRA_VERSION" } wrapper_versions() { detemine_versions print_versions exit } wrapper_freeze() { detemine_versions banner 'Freezing versions' mkdir -p "$VERSION_DIR" echo "$PYTHON_VERSION" > "$PYTHON_VERSION_FILE" echo "$ANSIBLE_VERSION" > "$ANSIBLE_VERSION_FILE" echo "$DOCKER_LIB_VERSION" > "$DOCKER_LIB_VERSION_FILE" echo "$MOLECULE_VERSION" > "$MOLECULE_VERSION_FILE" echo "$YAMLLINT_VERSION" > "$YAMLLINT_VERSION_FILE" echo "$ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION" > "$ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION_FILE" echo "$FLAKE8_VERSION" > "$FLAKE8_VERSION_FILE" echo "$TESTINFRA_VERSION" > "$TESTINFRA_VERSION_FILE" print_versions exit } wrapper_unfreeze() { banner 'Un-freezing versions' if [[ -f "$PYTHON_VERSION_FILE" ]]; then rm --verbose "$PYTHON_VERSION_FILE" fi if [[ -f "$ANSIBLE_VERSION_FILE" ]]; then rm --verbose "$ANSIBLE_VERSION_FILE" fi if [[ -f "$DOCKER_LIB_VERSION_FILE" ]]; then rm --verbose "$DOCKER_LIB_VERSION_FILE" fi if [[ -f "$MOLECULE_VERSION_FILE" ]]; then rm --verbose "$MOLECULE_VERSION_FILE" fi if [[ -f "$YAMLLINT_VERSION_FILE" ]]; then rm --verbose "$YAMLLINT_VERSION_FILE" fi if [[ -f "$ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION_FILE" ]]; then rm --verbose "$ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION_FILE" fi if [[ -f "$FLAKE8_VERSION_FILE" ]]; then rm --verbose "$FLAKE8_VERSION_FILE" fi if [[ -f "$TESTINFRA_VERSION_FILE" ]]; then rm --verbose "$TESTINFRA_VERSION_FILE" fi exit } wrapper_upgrade_versions() { detemine_versions banner 'Upgrading versions' local CURRENT_PYTHON_VERSION="$PYTHON_VERSION" local CURRENT_ANSIBLE_VERSION="$ANSIBLE_VERSION" local CURRENT_DOCKER_LIB_VERSION="$DOCKER_LIB_VERSION" local CURRENT_MOLECULE_VERSION="$MOLECULE_VERSION" local CURRENT_YAMLLINT_VERSION="$YAMLLINT_VERSION" local CURRENT_ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION="$ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION" local CURRENT_FLAKE8_VERSION="$FLAKE8_VERSION" local CURRENT_TESTINFRA_VERSION="$TESTINFRA_VERSION" query_latest_python_version query_latest_package_version ANSIBLE_VERSION ansible query_latest_package_version DOCKER_LIB_VERSION docker query_latest_package_version MOLECULE_VERSION molecule query_latest_package_version YAMLLINT_VERSION yamllint query_latest_package_version ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION ansible-lint query_latest_package_version FLAKE8_VERSION flake8 query_latest_package_version TESTINFRA_VERSION testinfra echo '' echo 'New versions:' if [[ "$CURRENT_PYTHON_VERSION" == "$PYTHON_VERSION" ]]; then echo "Python: $CURRENT_PYTHON_VERSION (no change)" else echo "Python: $CURRENT_PYTHON_VERSION -> $PYTHON_VERSION" fi if [[ "$CURRENT_ANSIBLE_VERSION" == "$ANSIBLE_VERSION" ]]; then echo "Ansible: $CURRENT_ANSIBLE_VERSION (no change)" else echo "Ansible: $CURRENT_ANSIBLE_VERSION -> $ANSIBLE_VERSION" fi if [[ "$CURRENT_DOCKER_LIB_VERSION" == "$DOCKER_LIB_VERSION" ]]; then echo "Python Docker library: $CURRENT_DOCKER_LIB_VERSION (no change)" else echo "Python Docker library: $CURRENT_DOCKER_LIB_VERSION -> $DOCKER_LIB_VERSION" fi if [[ "$CURRENT_MOLECULE_VERSION" == "$MOLECULE_VERSION" ]]; then echo "Molecule: $CURRENT_MOLECULE_VERSION (no change)" else echo "Molecule: $CURRENT_MOLECULE_VERSION -> $MOLECULE_VERSION" fi if [[ "$CURRENT_YAMLLINT_VERSION" == "$YAMLLINT_VERSION" ]]; then echo "YamlLint: $CURRENT_YAMLLINT_VERSION (no change)" else echo "YamlLint: $CURRENT_YAMLLINT_VERSION -> $YAMLLINT_VERSION" fi if [[ "$CURRENT_ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION" == "$ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION" ]]; then echo "Ansible Lint: $CURRENT_ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION (no change)" else echo "Ansible Lint: $CURRENT_ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION -> $ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION" fi if [[ "$CURRENT_FLAKE8_VERSION" == "$FLAKE8_VERSION" ]]; then echo "Flake8: $CURRENT_FLAKE8_VERSION (no change)" else echo "Flake8: $CURRENT_FLAKE8_VERSION -> $FLAKE8_VERSION" fi if [[ "$CURRENT_TESTINFRA_VERSION" == "$TESTINFRA_VERSION" ]]; then echo "Testinfra: $CURRENT_TESTINFRA_VERSION (no change)" else echo "Testinfra: $CURRENT_TESTINFRA_VERSION -> $TESTINFRA_VERSION" fi echo '' wrapper_freeze } wrapper_help() { activate_virtualenv molecule --help echo " Molecule Wrapper Additional options: --ansible VERSION Use the specified version of Ansible --docker-lib VERSION Use the specified version of the Python Docker library --molecule VERSION Use the specified version of Molecule --python VERSION Use the specified version of Python --yamllint VERSION Use the specified version of YamlLint --ansible-lint VERSION Use the specified version of Ansible Lint --flake8 VERSION Use the specified version of Flake8 --testinfra VERSION Use the specified version of Testinfra --use-system-dependencies Use system dependencies Additional commands: wrapper-clean Removes all the wrapper virtual environments wrapper-freeze Freezes the dependency versions being used wrapper-unfreeze Un-freezes the dependency versions wrapper-upgrade Upgrades the Molecule Wrapper to the latest version wrapper-upgrade-versions Upgrades any frozen dependency versions wrapper-version Displays the current version of Molecule Wrapper " } query_package_versions() { local package_name="$1" local min_version="$2" if [[ ! -x "$(command -v curl)" ]]; then build_dependencies_present > /dev/null fi if [[ ! -x "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then build_dependencies_present > /dev/null fi if [[ ! -x "$(command -v curl)" ]]; then echo 'Error: curl is not installed.' >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ ! -x "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then echo 'Error: jq is not installed.' >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ ! -x "$(command -v sort)" ]]; then echo 'Error: sort is not installed.' >&2 exit 1 fi for i in $(curl --fail --silent --show-error \ --location "https://pypi.org/pypi/$package_name/json" \ | jq --raw-output ".releases | keys | .[], \"$min_version.\"" \ | grep --invert-match '[a-zA-Z]' \ | sort --version-sort --reverse) ; do if [[ "$i" == "$min_version." ]]; then break fi echo "$i" done } wrapper_options_ansible() { echo 'latest' query_package_versions 'ansible' '2.8' } wrapper_options_docker_lib() { echo 'latest' query_package_versions 'docker' '3.0' } wrapper_options_molecule() { echo 'latest' query_package_versions 'molecule' '3.0.6' } wrapper_options_python() { if [[ ! -x "$(command -v sort)" ]]; then echo 'Error: sort is not installed.' >&2 exit 1 fi pyenv_present > /dev/null local min_version='3.6' echo 'latest' for i in $( (echo "$min_version." && \ ~/.pyenv/plugins/python-build/bin/python-build --definitions) \ | grep --color=never '^[0-9]' \ | grep --invert-match '\-dev$' \ | sort --version-sort --reverse) ; do if [[ "$i" == "$min_version." ]]; then break fi echo "$i" done } wrapper_options_yamllint() { echo 'latest' query_package_versions 'yamllint' '1.24.2' } wrapper_options_ansible_lint() { echo 'latest' query_package_versions 'ansible_lint' '4.2.0' } wrapper_options_flake8() { echo 'latest' query_package_versions 'flake8' '3.8.3' } wrapper_options_testinfra() { echo 'latest' query_package_versions 'testinfra' '5.2.2' } wrapper_options_scenario() { ( cd molecule > /dev/null && for d in *; do if [ -d "$d" ]; then echo "$d" fi done ) } wrapper_virtualenv() { activate_virtualenv > /dev/null echo "$VIRTUAL_ENV" } parse_args() { set +e while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in --python=*) PYTHON_VERSION="${1#*=}" shift ;; --python) shift PYTHON_VERSION="$1" shift ;; --ansible=*) ANSIBLE_VERSION="${1#*=}" shift ;; --ansible) shift ANSIBLE_VERSION="$1" shift ;; --docker-lib=*) DOCKER_LIB_VERSION="${1#*=}" shift ;; --docker-lib) shift DOCKER_LIB_VERSION="$1" shift ;; --molecule=*) MOLECULE_VERSION="${1#*=}" shift ;; --molecule) shift MOLECULE_VERSION="$1" shift ;; --yamllint=*) YAMLLINT_VERSION="${1#*=}" shift ;; --yamllint) shift YAMLLINT_VERSION="$1" shift ;; --ansible-lint=*) ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION="${1#*=}" shift ;; --ansible-lint) shift ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION="$1" shift ;; --flake8=*) FLAKE8_VERSION="${1#*=}" shift ;; --flake8) shift FLAKE8_VERSION="$1" shift ;; --testinfra) shift TESTINFRA_VERSION="$1" shift ;; --testinfra=*) TESTINFRA_VERSION="${1#*=}" shift ;; --use-system-dependencies) USE_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCIES=true shift ;; --help) MOLECULE_CMD='wrapper-help' break ;; wrapper-*) MOLECULE_CMD="$1" shift ;; check|converge|create|dependency|destroy|idempotence|init|lint|list|login|matrix|prepare|side-effect|syntax|test|verify) if [[ "$MOLECULE_CMD" != '' ]]; then shift else MOLECULE_CMD="$1" shift for arg in "$@"; do POST_ARGS+=("$arg") done break fi ;; *) PRE_ARGS+=("$1") shift ;; esac done set -e } detemine_versions() { if [[ $USE_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCIES == false ]]; then USE_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCIES="$MOLECULEW_USE_SYSTEM" fi if [[ $PYTHON_VERSION == '' ]]; then PYTHON_VERSION="$MOLECULEW_PYTHON" fi if [[ $ANSIBLE_VERSION == '' ]]; then ANSIBLE_VERSION="$MOLECULEW_ANSIBLE" fi if [[ $DOCKER_LIB_VERSION == '' ]]; then DOCKER_LIB_VERSION="$MOLECULEW_DOCKER_LIB" fi if [[ $MOLECULE_VERSION == '' ]]; then MOLECULE_VERSION="$MOLECULEW_MOLECULE" fi if [[ $YAMLLINT_VERSION == '' ]]; then YAMLLINT_VERSION="$MOLECULEW_YAMLLINT" fi if [[ $ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION == '' ]]; then ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION="$MOLECULEW_ANSIBLE_LINT" fi if [[ $FLAKE8_VERSION == '' ]]; then FLAKE8_VERSION="$MOLECULEW_FLAKE8" fi if [[ $TESTINFRA_VERSION == '' ]]; then TESTINFRA_VERSION="$MOLECULEW_TESTINFRA" fi if [[ $USE_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCIES == true ]]; then if [[ $PYTHON_VERSION != '' ]]; then echo "Error: --python and --use-system-dependencies cannot be used together" >&2 exit 1 fi PYTHON_VERSION=system elif [[ $PYTHON_VERSION == '' ]] || [[ $PYTHON_VERSION == 'default' ]]; then if [[ -f $PYTHON_VERSION_FILE ]]; then PYTHON_VERSION=$(<"$PYTHON_VERSION_FILE") fi if [[ $PYTHON_VERSION == '' ]]; then query_latest_python_version fi elif [[ $PYTHON_VERSION == 'latest' ]]; then query_latest_python_version fi if [[ $ANSIBLE_VERSION == '' ]] || [[ $ANSIBLE_VERSION == 'default' ]]; then if [[ -f $ANSIBLE_VERSION_FILE ]]; then ANSIBLE_VERSION=$(<"$ANSIBLE_VERSION_FILE") fi if [[ $ANSIBLE_VERSION == '' ]]; then query_latest_package_version ANSIBLE_VERSION ansible fi elif [[ $ANSIBLE_VERSION == 'latest' ]]; then query_latest_package_version ANSIBLE_VERSION ansible fi if [[ $DOCKER_LIB_VERSION == '' ]] || [[ $DOCKER_LIB_VERSION == 'default' ]]; then if [[ -f $DOCKER_LIB_VERSION_FILE ]]; then DOCKER_LIB_VERSION=$(<"$DOCKER_LIB_VERSION_FILE") fi if [[ $DOCKER_LIB_VERSION == '' ]]; then query_latest_package_version DOCKER_LIB_VERSION docker fi elif [[ $DOCKER_LIB_VERSION == 'latest' ]]; then query_latest_package_version DOCKER_LIB_VERSION docker fi if [[ $MOLECULE_VERSION == '' ]] || [[ $MOLECULE_VERSION == 'default' ]]; then if [[ -f $MOLECULE_VERSION_FILE ]]; then MOLECULE_VERSION=$(<$MOLECULE_VERSION_FILE) fi if [[ $MOLECULE_VERSION == '' ]]; then query_latest_package_version MOLECULE_VERSION molecule fi elif [[ $MOLECULE_VERSION == 'latest' ]]; then query_latest_package_version MOLECULE_VERSION molecule fi if [[ $YAMLLINT_VERSION == '' ]] || [[ $YAMLLINT_VERSION == 'default' ]]; then if [[ -f $YAMLLINT_VERSION_FILE ]]; then YAMLLINT_VERSION=$(<$YAMLLINT_VERSION_FILE) fi if [[ $YAMLLINT_VERSION == '' ]]; then query_latest_package_version YAMLLINT_VERSION yamllint fi elif [[ $YAMLLINT_VERSION == 'latest' ]]; then query_latest_package_version YAMLLINT_VERSION yamllint fi if [[ $ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION == '' ]] || [[ $ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION == 'default' ]]; then if [[ -f $ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION_FILE ]]; then ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION=$(<$ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION_FILE) fi if [[ $ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION == '' ]]; then query_latest_package_version ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION ansible-lint fi elif [[ $ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION == 'latest' ]]; then query_latest_package_version ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION ansible-lint fi if [[ $FLAKE8_VERSION == '' ]] || [[ $FLAKE8_VERSION == 'default' ]]; then if [[ -f $FLAKE8_VERSION_FILE ]]; then FLAKE8_VERSION=$(<$FLAKE8_VERSION_FILE) fi if [[ $FLAKE8_VERSION == '' ]]; then query_latest_package_version FLAKE8_VERSION flake8 fi elif [[ $FLAKE8_VERSION == 'latest' ]]; then query_latest_package_version FLAKE8_VERSION flake8 fi if [[ $TESTINFRA_VERSION == '' ]] || [[ $TESTINFRA_VERSION == 'default' ]]; then if [[ -f $TESTINFRA_VERSION_FILE ]]; then TESTINFRA_VERSION=$(<$TESTINFRA_VERSION_FILE) fi if [[ $TESTINFRA_VERSION == '' ]]; then query_latest_package_version TESTINFRA_VERSION testinfra fi elif [[ $TESTINFRA_VERSION == 'latest' ]]; then query_latest_package_version TESTINFRA_VERSION testinfra fi } activate_virtualenv() { detemine_versions MOLECULE_WRAPPER_ENV="$HOME/.moleculew/ml-${MOLECULE_VERSION}_an-${ANSIBLE_VERSION}_py-${PYTHON_VERSION}_dk-${DOCKER_LIB_VERSION}_yl-${YAMLLINT_VERSION}_al-${ANSIBLE_LINT_VERSION}_f8-${FLAKE8_VERSION}_ti-${TESTINFRA_VERSION}" if [ ! -f "$MOLECULE_WRAPPER_ENV/bin/activate" ]; then build_dependencies_present docker_present python_present virtualenv_presant banner "Initializing virtualenv $MOLECULE_WRAPPER_ENV" virtualenv "--python=$PYTHON_EXE" "$MOLECULE_WRAPPER_ENV" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$MOLECULE_WRAPPER_ENV/bin/activate" echo '' install_ansible install_docker_lib install_molecule install_yamllint install_ansible_lint install_flake8 install_testinfra else # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$MOLECULE_WRAPPER_ENV/bin/activate" fi } parse_args "$@" case $MOLECULE_CMD in wrapper-clean) wrapper_clean ;; wrapper-freeze) wrapper_freeze ;; wrapper-help) wrapper_help ;; wrapper-install) activate_virtualenv ;; wrapper-options-ansible) wrapper_options_ansible ;; wrapper-options-docker-lib) wrapper_options_docker_lib ;; wrapper-options-molecule) wrapper_options_molecule ;; wrapper-options-python) wrapper_options_python ;; wrapper-options-yamllint) wrapper_options_yamllint ;; wrapper-options-ansible-lint) wrapper_options_ansible_lint ;; wrapper-options-flake8) wrapper_options_flake8 ;; wrapper-options-testinfra) wrapper_options_testinfra ;; wrapper-options-scenario) wrapper_options_scenario ;; wrapper-unfreeze) wrapper_unfreeze ;; wrapper-upgrade) wrapper_upgrade ;; wrapper-upgrade-versions) wrapper_upgrade_versions ;; wrapper-version) wrapper_version ;; wrapper-versions) wrapper_versions ;; wrapper-virtualenv) wrapper_virtualenv ;; wrapper-*) echo "Unsupported command: $1" >&2 exit 1 ;; *) activate_virtualenv # shellcheck disable=SC2086 exec molecule "${PRE_ARGS[@]}" $MOLECULE_CMD "${POST_ARGS[@]}" ;; esac