{{ file_header | default () }} [Unit] Description=Save podcast and videos with youtubedl. OnFailure=youtubedl_mail.service [Service] Type=oneshot {% if ytdl_enable_podcast_download is sameas true %} ExecStart=-{{ ytdl_bin_path }} --config-location "{{ ytdl_conf_dir }}/podcast.txt" {% endif %} {% if ytdl_enable_video_download is sameas true %} ExecStart=-{{ ytdl_bin_path }} --config-location "{{ ytdl_conf_dir }}/youtube.txt" {% endif %} Restart=on-failure RestartSec=10min # ExecStart=-/bin/xy : der - sorgt dafür das der Exit-Code ignoriert wird und die Unit nicht failed, wird heir verwendet weil ytdlp bei HTTP404 austeigt; siehe https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp#usage-and-options + https://serverfault.com/questions/680033/reset-ingnore-non-zero-exit-code-with-fleet-systemd