## ufw [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Oefenweb/ansible-ufw.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Oefenweb/ansible-ufw) [![Ansible Galaxy](http://img.shields.io/badge/ansible--galaxy-ufw-blue.svg)](https://galaxy.ansible.com/Oefenweb/ufw) Set up ufw in Debian-like systems. #### Requirements None #### Variables * `ufw_default_incoming_policy` [default: `deny`]: Default (incoming) policy * `ufw_default_outgoing_policy` [default: `allow`]: Default (outgoing) policy * `ufw_logging` [default: `off`]: Log level * `ufw_rules` [default: see `defaults/main.yml`]: Rules to apply * `ufw_etc_default_ipv6` [default: `true`]: Set to yes to apply rules to support IPv6 * `ufw_etc_default_default_input_policy` [default: `DROP`]: Set the default input policy to `ACCEPT`, `DROP`, or `REJECT`. Please note that if you change this you will most likely want to adjust your rules * `ufw_etc_default_default_output_policy` [default: `ACCEPT`]: Set the default output policy to `ACCEPT`, `DROP`, or `REJECT`. Please note that if you change this you will most likely want to adjust your rules * `ufw_etc_default_default_forward_policy` [default: `DROP`]: Set the default forward policy to `ACCEPT`, `DROP` or `REJECT`. Please note that if you change this you will most likely want to adjust your rules * `ufw_etc_default_default_application_policy` [default: `SKIP`]: Set the default application policy to `ACCEPT`, `DROP`, `REJECT` or `SKIP`. Please note that setting this to `ACCEPT` may be a security risk * `ufw_etc_default_manage_builtins` [default: `false`]: By default, ufw only touches its own chains. Set this to 'yes' to have ufw manage the built-in chains too. Warning: setting this to 'yes' will break non-ufw managed firewall rules * `ufw_etc_default_ipt_sysctl` [default: `/etc/ufw/sysctl.conf`]: IPT backend, only enable if using iptables backend * `ufw_etc_default_ipt_modules` [default: `[nf_conntrack_ftp, nf_nat_ftp, nf_conntrack_netbios_ns]`]: Extra connection tracking modules to load. Complete list can be found in `net/netfilter/Kconfig` of your kernel source ## Dependencies None #### Example ```yaml --- - hosts: all roles: - ufw ``` ##### Allow ssh ```yaml - hosts: all roles: - ufw vars: ufw_rules: - rule: allow to_port: 22 protocol: tcp comment: 'allow incoming connection on standard ssh port' ``` ##### Allow all traffic on eth1 ```yaml - hosts: all roles: - ufw vars: ufw_rules: - rule: allow interface: eth1 to_port: '' comment: 'allow all traffic on interface eth1' ``` ##### Allow snmp traffic from on eth0 ```yaml - hosts: all roles: - ufw vars: ufw_rules: - rule: allow interface: eth0 from_ip: to_port: 161 protocol: udp ``` #### License MIT #### Author Information Mischa ter Smitten (based on work of weareinteractive) #### Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ... Are [welcome](https://github.com/Oefenweb/ansible-ufw/issues)!