#!/bin/bash {{ file_header | default () }} # source functions if [[ -f "/usr/local/bin/functions.sh" ]]; then source /usr/local/bin/functions.sh else echo "[ERROR] Could not find: /usr/local/bin/functions.sh" exit 3 fi # set lock ## call function ## lock gets set and released if the script terminates set_lock abbruch_restic=0 # set counter for error sudo mount -t cifs -o credentials="/etc/restic/smb_password.txt",vers=3.0,uid=$UID {{ restic_repository }} {{ restic_mount }} # mount share mount_return_value=$? # schreib Exit Code in Variable if ( [ "$mount_return_value" -ne 0 ] ); then { echo "--------------------------------------------------" # Trenner logfile echo $(date +%d.%m.%Y-%T) # Datum für logfile echo "mount error" } >> /var/log/restic.log 2>&1; tail --lines=5 "/var/log/restic.log" | mail -s "Backup-Error - restic - $HOSTNAME" {{ empfaenger_mail }} exit 1 else { echo "--------------------------------------------------" # Trenner logfile echo $(date +%d.%m.%Y-%T) # Datum für logfile echo "mount successful" } >> /var/log/restic.log 2>&1; fi while [[ "$abbruch_restic" -le {{ restic_anzahl_versuche_backup }} ]] # Schleife für Abbruchbedingung; um die eckigen Klammern(Befehl "test") muss immer ein leerzeichen sein do { # ist keine Subshell sondern Grouping; https://askubuntu.com/questions/662190/write-the-output-of-multiple-sequential-commands-to-a-text-file echo "--------------------------------------------------" # Trenner logfile echo $(date +%d.%m.%Y-%T) # Datum für logfile restic -r {{ restic_mount }} --password-file /etc/restic/password.txt backup --exclude-file /etc/restic/exclude.txt {{ restic_folders_to_backup }} # execute Backup restic_return_value=$? # schreib Exit Code in Variable if ( [[ "$restic_return_value" -eq 0 ]] ); # Prüfung ob restic erfolgreich war(setze Abbruchbedingung), wenn nicht warte 1min und zähle die Abbruchbedingung hoch then abbruch_restic=99 else sleep {{ restic_wartezeit }} abbruch_restic=$(("$abbruch_restic" + 1)) fi echo $(date +%d.%m.%Y-%T) # Datum für logfile } >> /var/log/restic.log 2>&1; # leite die komplette Ausgabe in logfile um done sudo umount {{ restic_mount }} >> /var/log/restic.log 2>&1; # unmount if ( [[ "$restic_return_value" -ne 0 ]] ); then # sende eMail wenn Restic Fehler ungleich 0, also Fehler; #https://stackoverflow.com/a/45817972 tail --lines=50 "/var/log/restic.log" | mail -s "Backup-Error - restic - $HOSTNAME" {{ empfaenger_mail }} # schreibe die letzten 50 Zeilen aus dem Logfile in den Body der Mail fi