--- sudo: required dist: xenial language: python python: - "2.7" - "3.5" env: - ANSIBLE_VERSION=latest - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.9.9 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.9.8 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.9.7 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.9.6 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.9.5 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.9.4 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.9.3 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.9.2 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.9.1 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.9.0 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.8.12 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.8.11 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.8.10 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.8.9 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.8.8 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.8.7 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.8.6 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.8.5 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.8.4 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.8.3 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.8.2 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.8.1 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.8.0 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.18 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.17 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.16 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.15 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.14 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.13 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.12 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.11 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.10 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.9 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.8 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.7 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.6 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.5 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.4 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.3 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.2 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.1 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.7.0 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.20 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.19 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.18 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.17 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.16 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.15 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.14 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.13 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.12 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.11 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.10 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.9 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.8 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.7 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.6 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.5 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.4 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.3 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.2 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.1 - ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.6.0 branches: only: - master matrix: allow_failures: # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/56674 - env: ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.8.0 before_install: - sudo apt-get update -qq # Remove ufw - sudo apt-get remove --purge --yes ufw install: # Install Ansible. - if [ "$ANSIBLE_VERSION" = "latest" ]; then pip install ansible; else pip install ansible==$ANSIBLE_VERSION; fi - if [ "$ANSIBLE_VERSION" = "latest" ]; then pip install ansible-lint; fi script: # Check the role/playbook's syntax. - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test.yml --syntax-check # Run the role/playbook with ansible-playbook. - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test.yml -vvvv # Run the role/playbook again, checking to make sure it's idempotent. - > ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test.yml | grep -q 'changed=0.*failed=0' && (echo 'Idempotence test: pass' && exit 0) || (echo 'Idempotence test: fail' && exit 1) - if [ "$ANSIBLE_VERSION" = "latest" ]; then ansible-lint tests/test.yml; fi notifications: email: false webhooks: https://galaxy.ansible.com/api/v1/notifications/ slack: rooms: secure: "If2mqrqZs5q6yZ9bs9qq+pmgCEMCTv1Nk3vQjax9N+xFoIvnRi1v0drEekibKgns8eg0Mg/Tya7xxXokqFhs3wVY64r43v86HFLS2MVDTaMYAxK3kRd4x8R5INIAN1U7Dtsk8RQbIngzGJPZwOfmOtY1qQ5p3RLMM+6zEBQOO7U="