# ansible-pip An Ansible role for installing [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/). ## Role Variables - `pip_version` - pip version - `pip_get_pip_version` - get_pip.py version - `pip_executable` - the executable to run to check pip's version ## Testing Tests are done using [molecule](http://molecule.readthedocs.io/). To run the test suite, install molecule and its dependencies and run ` molecule test` from the folder containing molecule.yml. To add additional tests, add a [testinfra](http://testinfra.readthedocs.org/) python script in the [tests](./tests/) directory, or add a function to [test_pip.py](./tests/test_scala.py). Information about available Testinfra modules is available [here](http://testinfra.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules.html). ### Example ``` # Download molecule, dependencies $ pip install molecule # Change to the top-level project directory, which contains molecule.yml $ cd /path/to/ansible-pip # Ensure that molecule.yml is present $ ls CHANGELOG.md molecule.yml LICENSE playbook.retry README.md playbook.yml ansible.cfg tasks defaults templates handlers tests meta # We're in the right directory, so let's run tests! $ molecule test ```