# Ansible Role: GitLab [![CI](https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-role-gitlab/workflows/CI/badge.svg?event=push)](https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-role-gitlab/actions?query=workflow%3ACI) Installs GitLab, a Ruby-based front-end to Git, on any RedHat/CentOS or Debian/Ubuntu linux system. GitLab's default administrator account details are below; be sure to login immediately after installation and change these credentials! root 5iveL!fe ## Requirements None. ## Role Variables Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see `defaults/main.yml`): gitlab_domain: gitlab gitlab_external_url: "https://{{ gitlab_domain }}/" The domain and URL at which the GitLab instance will be accessible. This is set as the `external_url` configuration setting in `gitlab.rb`, and if you want to run GitLab on a different port (besides 80/443), you can specify the port here (e.g. `https://gitlab:8443/` for port 8443). gitlab_git_data_dir: "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data" The `gitlab_git_data_dir` is the location where all the Git repositories will be stored. You can use a shared drive or any path on the system. gitlab_backup_path: "/var/opt/gitlab/backups" The `gitlab_backup_path` is the location where Gitlab backups will be stored. gitlab_edition: "gitlab-ce" The edition of GitLab to install. Usually either `gitlab-ce` (Community Edition) or `gitlab-ee` (Enterprise Edition). gitlab_version: '' If you'd like to install a specific version, set the version here (e.g. `11.4.0-ce.0` for Debian/Ubuntu, or `11.4.0-ce.0.el7` for RedHat/CentOS). gitlab_config_template: "gitlab.rb.j2" The `gitlab.rb.j2` template packaged with this role is meant to be very generic and serve a variety of use cases. However, many people would like to have a much more customized version, and so you can override this role's default template with your own, adding any additional customizations you need. To do this: - Create a `templates` directory at the same level as your playbook. - Create a `templates\mygitlab.rb.j2` file (just choose a different name from the default template). - Set the variable like: `gitlab_config_template: mygitlab.rb.j2` (with the name of your custom template). ### SSL Configuration. gitlab_redirect_http_to_https: "true" gitlab_ssl_certificate: "/etc/gitlab/ssl/{{ gitlab_domain }}.crt" gitlab_ssl_certificate_key: "/etc/gitlab/ssl/{{ gitlab_domain }}.key" GitLab SSL configuration; tells GitLab to redirect normal http requests to https, and the path to the certificate and key (the default values will work for automatic self-signed certificate creation, if set to `true` in the variable below). # SSL Self-signed Certificate Configuration. gitlab_create_self_signed_cert: "true" gitlab_self_signed_cert_subj: "/C=US/ST=Missouri/L=Saint Louis/O=IT/CN={{ gitlab_domain }}" Whether to create a self-signed certificate for serving GitLab over a secure connection. Set `gitlab_self_signed_cert_subj` according to your locality and organization. # LDAP Configuration. gitlab_ldap_enabled: "false" gitlab_ldap_host: "example.com" gitlab_ldap_port: "389" gitlab_ldap_uid: "sAMAccountName" gitlab_ldap_method: "plain" gitlab_ldap_bind_dn: "CN=Username,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" gitlab_ldap_password: "password" gitlab_ldap_base: "DC=example,DC=com" GitLab LDAP configuration; if `gitlab_ldap_enabled` is `true`, the rest of the configuration will tell GitLab how to connect to an LDAP server for centralized authentication. gitlab_dependencies: - openssh-server - postfix - curl - openssl - tzdata Dependencies required by GitLab for certain functionality, like timezone support or email. You may change this list in your own playbook if, for example, you would like to install `exim` instead of `postfix`. gitlab_time_zone: "UTC" Gitlab timezone. gitlab_backup_keep_time: "604800" How long to keep local backups (useful if you don't want backups to fill up your drive!). gitlab_download_validate_certs: true Controls whether to validate certificates when downloading the GitLab installation repository install script. # Email configuration. gitlab_email_enabled: "false" gitlab_email_from: "gitlab@example.com" gitlab_email_display_name: "Gitlab" gitlab_email_reply_to: "gitlab@example.com" Gitlab system mail configuration. Disabled by default; set `gitlab_email_enabled` to `true` to enable, and make sure you enter valid from/reply-to values. # SMTP Configuration gitlab_smtp_enable: "false" gitlab_smtp_address: "smtp.server" gitlab_smtp_port: "465" gitlab_smtp_user_name: "smtp user" gitlab_smtp_password: "smtp password" gitlab_smtp_domain: "example.com" gitlab_smtp_authentication: "login" gitlab_smtp_enable_starttls_auto: "true" gitlab_smtp_tls: "false" gitlab_smtp_openssl_verify_mode: "none" gitlab_smtp_ca_path: "/etc/ssl/certs" gitlab_smtp_ca_file: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" Gitlab SMTP configuration; of `gitlab_smtp_enable` is `true`, the rest of the configuration will tell GitLab how to send mails using an smtp server. gitlab_nginx_listen_port: 8080 If you are running GitLab behind a reverse proxy, you may want to override the listen port to something else. gitlab_nginx_listen_https: "false" If you are running GitLab behind a reverse proxy, you may wish to terminate SSL at another proxy server or load balancer gitlab_nginx_ssl_verify_client: "" gitlab_nginx_ssl_client_certificate: "" If you want to enable [2-way SSL Client Authentication](https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/nginx.html#enable-2-way-ssl-client-authentication), set `gitlab_nginx_ssl_verify_client` and add a path to the client certificate in `gitlab_nginx_ssl_client_certificate`. gitlab_default_theme: 2 GitLab includes a number of themes, and you can set the default for all users with this variable. See [the included GitLab themes to choose a default](https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/blob/master/config/gitlab.yml.example#L79-L85). gitlab_extra_settings: - gitlab_rails: - key: "trusted_proxies" value: "['foo', 'bar']" - key: "env" type: "plain" value: | { "http_proxy" => "https://my_http_proxy.company.com:3128", "https_proxy" => "https://my_http_proxy.company.com:3128", "no_proxy" => "localhost,, company.com" } - unicorn: - key: "worker_processes" value: 5 - key: "pidfile" value: "/opt/gitlab/var/unicorn/unicorn.pid" Gitlab have many other settings ([see official documentation](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/blob/master/files/gitlab-config-template/gitlab.rb.template)), and you can add them with this special variable `gitlab_extra_settings` with the concerned setting and the `key` and `value` keywords. ## Dependencies None. ## Example Playbook - hosts: servers vars_files: - vars/main.yml roles: - { role: geerlingguy.gitlab } *Inside `vars/main.yml`*: gitlab_external_url: "https://gitlab.example.com/" ## License MIT / BSD ## Author Information This role was created in 2014 by [Jeff Geerling](http://jeffgeerling.com/), author of [Ansible for DevOps](http://ansiblefordevops.com/).