ancestor: null releases: 1.0.0: changes: bugfixes: - Allow unsetting existing environment vars via environment by specifying a null value ( - Mount - Handle remount with new options ( - Profile_tasks - result was a odict_items which is not subscriptable, so the slicing was failing ( - Revert "mount - Check if src exists before mounted (ansible/ansible#61752)". - Typecast results before use in profile_tasks callback ( - authorized_keys - Added FIDO2 security keys ( - authorized_keys - fix inconsistent return value for check mode ( - json callback - Fix host result to task references in the resultant JSON output for non-lockstep strategy plugins such as free ( - mount - fix issues with ismount module_util pathing for Ansible 2.9 (fixes - patch - fix FQCN usage for action plugin ( - selinux - add missing configuration keys for /etc/selinux/config ( - synchronize - fix FQCN usage for action plugin ( major_changes: - Bootstrap Collection ( minor_changes: - CI should use devel ( - Enable tests for at, patch and synchronize modules ( - Enabled tags in galaxy.yml ( - Migrate hacking/ to this collection, since the cgroup_perf_recap callback lives here. - Remove license key from galaxy.yml. - Remove sanity jobs from shippable ( - Removed ANSIBLE_METADATA from all the modules. - Revert "Enable at, patch and synchronize tests (". - Update EXAMPLES section in modules to use FQCN. - Update ( fragments: - 11-action-plugins-use-fqcn.yml - 12_migrate_cgroup_perf_recap_graph.yml - 14_mount_option.yml - 15_profile_tasks.yml - 17_authorized_keys.yml - 19_enable_tags.yml - 21-mount-module_util-routing-issue.yml - 23-selinux-doesnt-create-missing-config-keys.yml - 25_ansible_metadata.yml - 26_profile_tasks_doc.yml - 27_update_examples.yml - 33_mount.yml - 35_disable_tests.yml - 37-authorized_keys-inconsistent-check-mode-values.yml - 39_remove_license.yml - 43_remove_shippable.yml - 4_update_readme.yml - 5_enable_tests.yml - 65931-json-callback-non-lockstep-output.yml - 6_test_devel.yml - 7_env.yml - initial_commit.yaml modules: - description: Set and retrieve file ACL information. name: acl namespace: '' - description: Schedule the execution of a command or script file via the at command name: at namespace: '' - description: Adds or removes an SSH authorized key name: authorized_key namespace: '' - description: Control active and configured mount points name: mount namespace: '' - description: Apply patch files using the GNU patch tool name: patch namespace: '' - description: Toggles SELinux booleans name: seboolean namespace: '' - description: Change policy and state of SELinux name: selinux namespace: '' - description: A wrapper around rsync to make common tasks in your playbooks quick and easy name: synchronize namespace: '' - description: Manage entries in sysctl.conf. name: sysctl namespace: '' release_date: '2020-06-19' 1.1.0: changes: minor_changes: - firewalld - add firewalld module to ansible.posix collection fragments: - firewalld_migration.yml release_date: '2020-07-15' 1.1.1: changes: bugfixes: - Fix synchronize to work with renamed docker and buildah connection plugins. minor_changes: - skippy - fixed the deprecation warning (by date) for skippy callback plugin fragments: - 74_synchronize_docker.yml - skippy_deprecation.yml release_date: '2020-09-02' 1.2.0: changes: bugfixes: - at - add AIX support ( - synchronize - add ``community.docker.docker`` to the list of supported transports ( - synchronize - do not prepend PWD when path is in form user@server:path or server:path ( - synchronize - fix for private_key overriding in synchronize module. - sysctl - do not persist sysctl when value is invalid ( minor_changes: - firewalld - bring the ``target`` feature back ( - fix sanity test for various modules. - synchronize - add the ``ssh_connection_multiplexing`` option to allow SSH connection multiplexing ( release_summary: 'This is the minor release of the ``ansible.posix`` collection. This changelog contains all changes to the modules in this collection that have been added after the release of ``ansible.posix`` 1.1.0.' fragments: - 1.2.0.yml - 101-sysctl-dont-persist-when-invalid.yml - 118-synchronize_bugfix.yml - 120-synchronize_add_option.yml - 144_add_community_docker_connection_plugin_alias.yml - 82-private-key-override-fix.yml - 99-at_add_aix_support.yml - firewalld_zone_target.yml - misc_fix.yml release_date: '2021-03-08' 1.3.0: changes: bugfixes: - Synchronize module not recognizing remote ssh key ( - Synchronize not using quotes around arguments like --out-format ( - at - append line-separator to the end of the ``command`` ( - csh - define ``ECHO`` and ``COMMAND_SEP`` ( - firewalld - enable integration after migration ( - firewalld - ensure idempotency with firewalld 0.9.3 ( - firewalld - fix setting zone target to ``%%REJECT%%`` ( - mount - Handle ``boot`` option on Solaris correctly ( - synchronize - add ``community.podman.podman`` to the list of supported connection plugins ( - synchronize - complete podman support for synchronize module. - synchronize - properly quote rsync CLI parameters ( - synchronize - replace removed ``ansible_ssh_user`` by ``ansible_user`` everywhere; do the same for ``ansible_ssh_port`` and ``ansible_ssh_host`` ( - synchronize - use SSH args from SSH connection plugin ( - synchronize - use become_user when invoking rsync on remote with sudo ( - sysctl - modifying conditional check for docker to fix tests being skipped ( minor_changes: - acl - add new alias ``recurse`` for ``recursive`` parameter ( - added 2.11 branch to test matrix, added ignore-2.12.txt. - authorized_key - add ``no_log=False`` in ``argument_spec`` to clear false-positives of ``no-log-needed`` ( - authorized_key - add a list of valid key types ( - mount - Change behavior of ``boot`` option to set ``noauto`` on BSD nodes ( - mount - Change behavior of ``boot`` option to set ``noauto`` on Linux nodes ( - mount - add ``no_log=False`` in ``argument_spec`` to clear false-positives of ``no-log-needed`` ( - mount - returns ``backup_file`` value when a backup fstab is created. - synchronize - add ``delay_updates`` option ( - synchronize - fix typo ( release_summary: 'This is the minor release of the ``ansible.posix`` collection. This changelog contains all changes to the modules in this collection that have been added after the release of ``ansible.posix`` 1.2.0.' fragments: - 1.3.0.yml - 124_acl.yml - 126_mount_not_returning_backup_file.yml - 134_authorized_key.yml - 156-fix_no-log-needed_false_positives.yml - 159-fix-60-deprecated-ansible_ssh_user.yml - 167-synchronize-add_delay_option.yml - 169_add_lineseparator_to_command.yml - 175_synchronize.yml - 179_firewalld.yml - 181-update_codecov_sh_url.yml - 185_mount_at_boot.yml - 187-fix-synchronize-become-user.yml - 193_firewalld.yml - 196_boot_opt_for_linux.yml - 203_boot_opt_for_bsd.yml - 204_csh_shell.yml - 207-mount_tests.yml - 213_quote_cmd_args.yml - 214-add_firewalld_info_module.yml - 215_fix_REJECT_target_name.yml - 217-restructure_authrized_key_test.yml - 222_synchronize.yml - 226_sysctl_fix_integration_test.yml - 229_add_podman_connection_plugin_to_synchronize.yml - 230_complete_podman_support_for_synchronize.yml - 233-fix-wrong-firewalld-version-info.yml - 241-synchronize-shell-quoting.yml - firewalld_integ_test.yml - firewalld_test.yml - sanity_test_ignore_file.yml - synchronize.yml - test_matrix.yml release_date: '2021-08-11' 1.4.0: changes: bugfixes: - Fix for whitespace in source full path causing error ```code 23) at main.c(1330) [sender=3.2.3]``` ( - Include ``PSF-license.txt`` file for ``plugins/module_utils/``. - Use vendored version of ``distutils.version`` instead of the deprecated Python standard library to address PEP 632 ( - firewalld - Correct usage of queryForwardPort ( - firewalld - Refine the handling of exclusive options ( - mount - add a newline at the end of line in ``fstab`` ( - profile_tasks - Correctly calculate task execution time with serial execution ( - seboolean - add ``python3-libsemanage`` package dependency for RHEL8+ systems. minor_changes: - firewalld - Show warning message that variable type of ``masquerade`` and ``icmp_block_inversion`` will be changed from ``str`` to ``boolean`` in the future release ( - selinux - optionally update kernel boot params when disabling/re-enabling SELinux ( release_summary: 'This is the minor release of the ``ansible.posix`` collection. This changelog contains all changes to the modules in this collection that have been added after the release of ``ansible.posix`` 1.3.0.' fragments: - 1.4.0.yml - 211_fstab_append_newline.yml - 247_firewalld.yml - 254_variable_warnings.yml - 255_authorized_key_url.yml - 263_profile_tasks_with_serial.yml - 272-copy_ignore_txt.yml - 277_fix_integration_test_on_devel.yml - 282_fix_unit_test_for_synchronize.yml - 287_firewalld_requirements.yml - 288_mounts_options.yml - 297_firewalld_exclusive_options_handling.yml - 299_seboolean_python3.yml - 302_shippable_exit_code.yml - 304_pep632.yml - 346_copy_ignore_txt_for_devel.yml - 347_add_branch_213.yml - 349_follow_new_guidelines.yml - 353_ci_fix_unittest_for_synchronize.yml - disable_selinux_via_kernel_cmdline.yml - psf-license.yml - sanity_fixes.yml - shell_escape_full_path_for_rsync.yml release_date: '2022-05-23' 1.5.1: changes: bugfixes: - Removed contentious terminology to match reference documentation in profile_tasks. - firewall - Fixed to output a more complete missing library message. - synchronize - Fixed hosts involved in rsync require the same password minor_changes: - mount - Add ``absent_from_fstab`` state ( - mount - Add ``ephemeral`` value for the ``state`` parameter, that allows to mount a filesystem without altering the ``fstab`` file ( - r4e_rpm_ostree - new module for validating package state on RHEL for Edge - rhel_facts - new facts module to handle RHEL specific facts - rhel_rpm_ostree - new module to handle RHEL rpm-ostree specific package management functionality - rpm_ostree_upgrade - new module to automate rpm-ostree upgrades - rpm_ostree_upgrade - new module to manage upgrades for rpm-ostree based systems fragments: - 166_mount_absent_fstab.yml - 267_mount_ephemeral.yml - 366_update_version_number_for_galaxy.yml - 371_refactoring_ci_process_202206.yml - 373_firewall_fix_missing_library_message.yml - 375_update_azp_container.yml - 380_update_usage_profile_tasks.yml - 386_follow_ci_testing_rules.yml - 389_ci_add_stable_214.yml - 390_hosts_involved_same_password.yml - 393-rpm-ostree.yml - 393_rhel_for_edge.yml - 400-fix-boolean-values-in-docs.yml - 401_document_module_default_values.yml - 407_fix_firewalld_port_test.yml - 409_update_azp_matrix.yml release_date: '2023-01-20' 1.5.2: changes: bugfixes: - Fixed a bug where firewalld module fails to create/remove zones when the daemon is stopped - rhel_facts - Call exit_json with all keyword arguments minor_changes: - Add jsonl callback plugin to ansible.posix collection - firewalld - add `protocol` parameter release_summary: 'This is the minor release of the ``ansible.posix`` collection. This changelog contains all changes to the modules and plugins in this collection that have been added after the release of ``ansible.posix`` 1.5.1.' fragments: - 1.5.2.yml - 399_firewalld_create_remove_zone_when_offline.yml - 413-synchronize-seealso.yml - 417-add-protocol-parameter.yml - 419-fix-patch-doc.yml - 425-support_test-sanity-docker-devel.yml - 426-firewalld_info-doc-update.yml - 434-fix-rhel_facts-exit_json.yml - 535-add-jsonl-callback.yml release_date: '2023-04-07' 1.5.4: changes: bugfixes: - Fix sysctl integration test failing on newer versions of core. Previously NoneType was allowable, now it fails to convert to a str type. - Support new sanity test for the ansible-core devel branch CI test ( - firewall - Fix issue where adding an interface to a zone would fail when the daemon is offline - firewall - Fix issue where opening a specific port resulted in opening the whole protocol of the specified port - firewalld - Consider value of masquerade and icmp_block_inversion parameters when a boolean like value is passed minor_changes: - json and jsonl - Add the ``ANSIBLE_JSON_INDENT`` parameter - json and jsonl - Add the ``path`` attribute into the play and task output fragments: - 343-fix-profile_tasks-callback-documentation.yml - 402_firewall_fix_offline_interface_add.yml - 404_firewalld_masquerade_icmp_block_inversion_bugfixes.yml - 440-json-add-path-field.yaml - 441-json-add-indent-parameter.yaml - 445_ci_support_stable-215.yml - 448_support_new_sanity_test.yml - 451_firewall_fix_protocol_parameter.yml - 456_sysctl_fix_nonetype.yml release_date: '2023-05-10'