--- munin_node_bind_host: "*" munin_node_bind_port: "4949" munin_node_host_name: '' # Munin requires IPs be added as regular expressions. munin_node_allowed_ips: - '^127\.0\.0\.1$' - '^::1$' munin_node_allowed_cidrs: [] munin_node_denied_cidrs: [] # Source and destination of munin plugins. munin_plugin_src_path: /usr/share/munin/plugins/ munin_plugin_dest_path: /etc/munin/plugins/ # List of munin plugins to enable. munin_node_plugins: [] # - name: uptime # - name: if_eth0 # plugin: if_ # - name: ps_test # plugin: ps_ # List of munin plugins to install. munin_node_install_plugins: [] # - src: files/munin/redis_ # - remote_src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohitz/phpfpm-multi-munin-plugin/master/phpfpm-multi # Plugin configuration options (the key is the plugin heading, items within will # be options for the plugin). munin_node_config: { # "ps_test": { # "env.regex": "bash", # "env.name": "bash" # } } munin_node_remove_plugins: - name: meminfo munin_node_log: /var/log/munin/munin-node.log munin_node_pid: /var/run/munin/munin-node.pid