--- # Options: SMB2: Re-implementation of the SMB protocol. Used by Windows Vista and later versions of Windows. SMB2 has sub protocols available: # SMB2_02: The earliest SMB2 version. # SMB2_10: Windows 7 SMB2 version. (By default SMB2 selects the SMB2_10 variant.) # SMB2_22: Early Windows 8 SMB2 version. # SMB2_24: Windows 8 beta SMB2 version. # SMB3: The same as SMB2. Used by Windows 8. SMB3 has sub protocols available. SMB3 has sub protocols available: # SMB3_00: Windows 8 SMB3 version. (mostly the same as SMB2_24) # SMB3_02: Windows 8.1 SMB3 version. # SMB3_10: early Windows 10 technical preview SMB3 version. # SMB3_11: Windows 10 technical preview SMB3 version (maybe final). By default SMB3 selects the SMB3_11 variant. # Global SMB options smb_min_protocol: "SMB2_02" smb_client_min_protocol: "SMB2_02" smb_client_max_protocol: "SMB3_00" smb_log_level: "1" smb_server_string: "%h_server" smb_log_file: "/var/log/samba/log" smb_max_log_size: "1000" smb_logging: "syslog" smb_panic_action: "/usr/share/samba/panic-action_%d" smb_passdb_backend: "tdbsam" smb_obey_pam_restrictions: "no" smb_unix_password_sync: "no" smb_passwd_program: "/usr/bin/passwd_%u" smb_passwd_chat: '*Enter\snew\s*\spassword:*_%n\n_*Retype\snew\s*\spassword:*_%n\n_*password\supdated\ssuccessfully*_.' smb_pam_password_change: "yes" smb_guest_account: "nobody" smb_load_printers: "no" smb_unix_extensions: "yes" smb_wide_links: "no" smb_create_mask: "0777" smb_directory_mask: "0777" smb_map_to_guest: "Bad User" smb_use_sendfile: "yes" smb_aio_read_size: "16384" smb_aio_write_size: "16384" smb_local_master: "yes" smb_time_server: "no" smb_wins_support: "no" smb_acl_allow_execute_always: "yes" smb_allocation_roundup_size: "4096" smb_force_user: "root" smb_force_group: "users" # Global shadow_copy2 options smb_vfs_objects: "shadow_copy2" smb_shadow_snapdir: ".zfs/snapshot" smb_shadow_sort: "desc" smb_shadow_format: "_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S" smb_shadow_snapprefix: "^autosnap" smb_shadow_delimiter: "_" smb_shadow_localtime: "no"