keepass vars playbook jenkins java jenkins in inventory Co-authored-by: Michael Grote <> Reviewed-on: mg/ansible#80 Co-Authored-By: mg <> Co-Committed-By: mg <>
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67 lines
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# Variable setup.
- name: Include OS-Specific variables
include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
- name: Define jenkins_repo_url
jenkins_repo_url: "{{ __jenkins_repo_url }}"
when: jenkins_repo_url is not defined
- name: Define jenkins_repo_key_url
jenkins_repo_key_url: "{{ __jenkins_repo_key_url }}"
when: jenkins_repo_key_url is not defined
- name: Define jenkins_pkg_url
jenkins_pkg_url: "{{ __jenkins_pkg_url }}"
when: jenkins_pkg_url is not defined
# Setup/install tasks.
- include_tasks: setup-RedHat.yml
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- include_tasks: setup-Debian.yml
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
# Configure Jenkins init settings.
- include_tasks: settings.yml
# Make sure Jenkins starts, then configure Jenkins.
- name: Ensure Jenkins is started and runs on startup.
service: name=jenkins state=started enabled=yes
- name: Wait for Jenkins to start up before proceeding.
url: "http://{{ jenkins_hostname }}:{{ jenkins_http_port }}{{ jenkins_url_prefix }}/cli/"
method: GET
return_content: "yes"
timeout: 5
body_format: raw
follow_redirects: "no"
status_code: 200,403
register: result
until: (result.status == 403 or result.status == 200) and (result.content.find("Please wait while") == -1)
retries: "{{ jenkins_connection_retries }}"
delay: "{{ jenkins_connection_delay }}"
changed_when: false
check_mode: false
- name: Get the jenkins-cli jarfile from the Jenkins server.
url: "http://{{ jenkins_hostname }}:{{ jenkins_http_port }}{{ jenkins_url_prefix }}/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar"
dest: "{{ jenkins_jar_location }}"
register: jarfile_get
until: "'OK' in jarfile_get.msg or '304' in jarfile_get.msg or 'file already exists' in jarfile_get.msg"
retries: 5
delay: 10
check_mode: false
- name: Remove Jenkins security init scripts after first startup.
path: "{{ jenkins_home }}/init.groovy.d/basic-security.groovy"
state: absent
# Update Jenkins and install configured plugins.
- include_tasks: plugins.yml