mg 7d5c3fdf2d Monitoring: munin eingebaut (#4)
eiegnes playbook entfernt

apcupsd eingebaut

eigene rolle gelöscht

playbook munin entfernt

rolle munin master entfernt

rolle nur bei gruppe

playbook in master eingebunden



programme physical angepasst

firewall für munin angepasst



rollen hinzugefügt

playbook und muster rolle

munin in inventory

Co-authored-by: Michael Grote <>
Reviewed-on: mg/ansible#4
Co-Authored-By: mg <>
Co-Committed-By: mg <>
2021-02-26 14:16:03 +01:00

69 lines
1.7 KiB

# Example config-file for munin-node
log_level 4
log_file {{ munin_node_log }}
pid_file {{ munin_node_pid }}
background 1
setsid 1
user root
group root
# This is the timeout for the whole transaction.
# Units are in sec. Default is 15 min
# global_timeout 900
# This is the timeout for each plugin.
# Units are in sec. Default is 1 min
# timeout 60
# Regexps for files to ignore
ignore_file [\#~]$
ignore_file DEADJOE$
ignore_file \.bak$
ignore_file %$
ignore_file \.dpkg-(tmp|new|old|dist)$
ignore_file \.rpm(save|new)$
ignore_file \.pod$
# Set this if the client doesn't report the correct hostname when
# telnetting to localhost, port 4949
{% if munin_node_host_name %}
host_name {{ munin_node_host_name }}
{% endif %}
# A list of addresses that are allowed to connect. This must be a
# regular expression, since Net::Server does not understand CIDR-style
# network notation unless the perl module Net::CIDR is installed. You
# may repeat the allow line as many times as you'd like
{% for allowed_ip in munin_node_allowed_ips %}
allow {{ allowed_ip }}
{% endfor %}
# If you have installed the Net::CIDR perl module, you can use one or more
# cidr_allow and cidr_deny address/mask patterns. A connecting client must
# match any cidr_allow, and not match any cidr_deny. Note that a netmask
# *must* be provided, even if it's /32
# Example:
# cidr_allow
# cidr_allow
# cidr_deny
{% for allowed_cidr in munin_node_allowed_cidrs %}
cidr_allow {{ allowed_cidr }}
{% endfor %}
{% for denied_cidr in munin_node_denied_cidrs %}
cidr_deny {{ denied_cidr }}
{% endfor %}
# Which address to bind to;
host {{ munin_node_bind_host }}
# And which port
port {{ munin_node_bind_port }}