299 lines
12 KiB
299 lines
12 KiB
### mrlesmithjr.ansible-manage-lvm
- vgname: vg_docker
- /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_drive-scsi1
create: true
- lvname: docker
size: +100%FREE
create: true
filesystem: xfs
mount: true
mntp: /var/lib/docker
- vgname: vg_docker_volumes
- /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_drive-scsi2
create: true
- lvname: ociregistry
size: 10G
create: true
filesystem: xfs
mount: true
mntp: /mnt/oci-registry
- lvname: acng_cache
size: 10G
create: true
filesystem: xfs
mount: true
mntp: /mnt/acng_cache
manage_lvm: true
pvresize_to_max: true
### mgrote.restic
restic_folders_to_backup: "/ /var/lib/docker /mnt/oci-registry" # --one-file-system ist gesetzt, also werden weitere Dateisysteme nicht eingeschlossen, es sei denn sie werden hier explizit angegeben
### mgrote.docker-compose-inline
compose_owner: "docker-user"
compose_group: "docker-user"
compose_file_permissions: "644"
compose_dir_permissions: "755"
compose_dest_basedir: "/docker"
compose_src_basedir: "{{ inventory_dir }}/docker-compose"
- name: oxidized
state: present
- name: homer
state: present
- name: munin
state: present
- name: drone
state: present
- name: nextcloud
state: present
network: traefik
- name: httpd
state: present
- name: unifi-controller
state: present
- name: miniflux
state: present
network: traefik
- name: traefik
state: present
network: traefik
- name: navidrome
state: present
network: traefik
- name: watchtower
state: present
- name: blocky
state: present
- name: acng
state: present
- name: registry
state: present
network: traefik
- name: whoami
state: present
network: traefik
### oefenweb.ufw
- rule: allow
to_port: 22
protocol: tcp
comment: 'ssh'
- rule: allow
to_port: 4949
protocol: tcp
comment: 'munin'
# docker network inspect $(docker network ls -q)|grep -E "IPv(4|6)A" | grep -v \"\" | sort -h
- rule: allow
comment: 'docker networks'
- rule: allow
comment: 'docker networks'
### geerlingguy.pip
pip_package: python3-pip
- name: docker # für munin-plugin docker_
- name: fritzconnection # für munin fritzbox*
- name: lxml # für munin fritzbox*
- name: requests # für munin fritzbox*
### mgrote.apt_manage_packages
- libnet-dns-perl # für munin: dnsresponse_*
- libwww-curl-perl # für munin-plugin: unifi
- libjson-perl # für munin-plugin: unifi
- sshpass # fur munin mt_system_*
### mgrote.munin-node
munin_node_allowed_cidrs: [] # weil der munin-server aus einem anderen subnet zugreift
- name: timesync
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/systemd/timesync_status
- name: systemd_status
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/systemd/systemd_status
- name: systemd_mem
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/systemd/systemd_mem
config: |
env.all_services true
- name: lvm_
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/disk/lvm_
config: |
user root
- name: fail2ban
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/munin-plugins/raw/branch/master/extern/fail2ban
config: |
env.client /usr/bin/fail2ban-client
env.config_dir /etc/fail2ban
user root
- name: docker_containers
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/docker/docker_
config: |
user root
env.DOCKER_HOST unix://run/docker.sock
- name: docker_cpu
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/docker/docker_
- name: docker_memory
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/docker/docker_
- name: docker_network
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/docker/docker_
- name: docker_volumes
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/docker/docker_
- name: http_response
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/http/http_response
config: |
env.sites http://docker10.grote.lan:333 http://docker10.grote.lan:8888/nodes http://docker10.grote.lan:1234 https://nextcloud.mgrote.net http://docker10.grote.lan:3344 http://docker10.grote.lan:5000 https://miniflux.mgrote.net/ http://docker10.grote.lan:3001 http://docker10.grote.lan:8081 http://docker10.grote.lan:9999/acng-report.html https://auth.mgrote.net
env.max_time 20
env.short_label true
env.follow_redirect true
- name: mt_system_hex
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/router/mikrotik_system
config: |
user root
env.ssh_user munin
env.ssh_password {{ lookup('keepass', 'munin_user_hex', 'password') }}
- name: mt_system_crs305
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/router/mikrotik_system
config: |
user root
env.ssh_user munin
env.ssh_password {{ lookup('keepass', 'munin_user_crs305', 'password') }}
- name: mt_system_rb5009
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/router/mikrotik_system
config: |
user root
env.ssh_user munin
env.ssh_password {{ lookup('keepass', 'munin_user_rb5009', 'password') }}
- name: unifi
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/munin-plugins/raw/branch/master/extern/unifi
config: |
# User name to login to unifi controller API. Default is "ubnt". Ideally, this should
# point to a read-only account.
env.user munin
# Password to login to unifi controller API. Default is "ubnt"
env.pass {{ lookup('keepass', 'munin_user_unifi', 'password') }}
# URL of the API, with port if needed. No trailing slash.
env.api_url https://docker10.grote.lan:8443
# Verify SSL certificate name against host.
# Note: if using a default cloudkey certificate, this will fail unless you manually add it
# to the local keystore.
# Default is "yes"
env.ssl_verify_host no
# Verify Peer's SSL vertiicate.
# Note: if using a default cloudkey certificate, this will fail
# Default is "yes"
env.ssl_verify_peer no
# The human readable name of the unifi site - used for graph titles
env.name Unifi
# By default, Use standard munin well know categories -
env.force_category unifi
# Show device CPU utilization
env.enable_device_cpu yes
# Show device memory usage
env.enable_device_mem yes
# Show device load average (switches and APs only)
env.enable_device_load yes
# Show device uptime
env.enable_device_uptime yes
# Show number of clients connected to each device
env.enable_clients_device yes
# Show detailed graphs for each device (per device graphs)
env.enable_detail_clients_device yes
# Show number of clients connected to each network type
env.enable_clients_type yes
# Show detailed graphs for each client type (per type graphs)
env.enable_detail_clients_type yes
# Show unauthorized / authorized client list
# if you are not using the guest portal, this is useless
env.show_authorized_clients_type yes
# Show transfer statistics on switch ports; wirft Fehler wenn aktiv
env.enable_xfer_port no
# Show detailed graphs per switch port; wirft Fehler wenn aktiv
env.enable_detail_xfer_port no
# Hide ports that have no link (When set to no, unplugged ports will transfer 0, not be undefined); wirft Fehler wenn aktiv
env.hide_empty_xfer_port no
# Show transfer statistics per device; wirft Fehler wenn aktiv
env.enable_xfer_device no
# Show detailed graphs for each device; wirft Fehler wenn aktiv
env.enable_detail_xfer_device yes
# Show transfer statistics per named network; wirft Fehler wenn aktiv
env.enable_xfer_network no
# Show detailed graphs for each named network; wirft Fehler wenn aktiv
env.enable_detail_xfer_network no
# Show transfer statistics per radio; wirft Fehler wenn aktiv
env.enable_xfer_radio no
# Show detailed graphs for each radio; wirft Fehler wenn aktiv
env.enable_detail_xfer_radio no
- name: fritzbox_uptime.py
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-frododvr-fritzbox-munin/raw/branch/master/fritzbox_uptime.py
- name: fritzbox_traffic.py
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-frododvr-fritzbox-munin/raw/branch/master/fritzbox_traffic.py
- name: fritzbox_power.py
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-frododvr-fritzbox-munin/raw/branch/master/fritzbox_power_consumption.py
- name: fritzbox_memory.py
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-frododvr-fritzbox-munin/raw/branch/master/fritzbox_memory_usage.py
- name: fritzbox_helper.py
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-frododvr-fritzbox-munin/raw/branch/master/fritzbox_helper.py
- name: fritzbox_cpu.py
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-frododvr-fritzbox-munin/raw/branch/master/fritzbox_cpu_usage.py
- name: fritzbox_temp.py
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-frododvr-fritzbox-munin/raw/branch/master/fritzbox_cpu_temperature.py
- name: fritzbox_conn_uptime.py
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-frododvr-fritzbox-munin/raw/branch/master/fritzbox_connection_uptime.py
config: |
env.fritzbox_username munin
env.fritzbox_password {{ lookup('keepass', 'munin_user_fritzbox', 'password') }}
env.traffic_remove_max true # if you do not want the possible max values
- name: nextcloud_nextcloud.mgrote.net
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/nextcloud/nextcloud_
config: |
env.username munin
env.password {{ lookup('keepass', 'munin_user_nextcloud', 'password') }}
env.api_path /ocs/v2.php/apps/serverinfo/api/v1/info
env.scheme https
- name: dnsresponse_192.168.2.1
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/network/dns/dnsresponse_
- name: dnsresponse_192.168.2.43
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/network/dns/dnsresponse_
- name: dnsresponse_127.0.0.1
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/network/dns/dnsresponse_
config: |
env.site www.heise.de
env.times 20
- name: gitea_commit_time_diff
src: https://git.mgrote.net/mg/mirror-munin-contrib/raw/branch/master/plugins/git/gitea_commit_time_diff
config: |
env.url git.mgrote.net
env.repo oxidized-configs
env.user mg
env.git_ref HEAD
env.warning 1000
env.critical 2880
env.token {{ lookup('keepass', 'gitea_commit_time_diff_oxidized_token', 'password') }}