Michael Grote e36ff688e5
Some checks failed
ci/woodpecker/push/gitleaks Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/pr/gitleaks Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/push/ansible-lint Pipeline failed
ci/woodpecker/pr/ansible-lint Pipeline failed
2024-08-12 16:30:01 +02:00

12 lines
539 B

# The user that gets all the mails (UID < 1000, usually the admin)
root={{ munin_alerts_to }}
# The mail server (where the mail is sent to), both port 465 or 587 should be acceptable
# See also
mailhub={{ munin_mail_server }}:{{ munin_mail_port }}
# The full hostname. Must be correctly formed, fully qualified domain name or GMail will reject connection.
hostname={{ munin_servername }}
# Use implicit TLS (port 465). When using port 587, change UseSTARTTLS=Yes
UseTLS={{ munin_mail_tls }}