OBS studio Toggle and Mutex example

This example gives you eight toggle and eight "mutex" key bindings.

Use the top eight buttons (nearest the USB connector) to bind your scenes.
The light on these is mutually exclusive- the one you last pressed should light up.
This is the scene you should be broadcasting.

The bottom eight buttons will toggle on/off, emitting a slightly different keycode
for each state. This means they will always indicate the toggle state.
Bind these to Mute/Unmute audio by pressing the key once in Mute and once again in Unmute.

Keep OBS focussed when using these... to avoid weirdness!
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Phil Howard 2021-05-18 16:28:00 +01:00
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1 changed files with 133 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Philip Howard
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# This example gives you eight toggle and eight "mutex" key bindings for OBS studio
# Use the top eight buttons (nearest the USB connector) to bind your scenes.
# The light on these is mutually exclusive- the one you last pressed should light up,
# and this is the scene you should be broadcasting.
# The bottom eight buttons will toggle on/off, emitting a slightly different keycode
# for each state. This means they will *always* indicate the toggle state.
# Bind these to Mute/Unmute audio by pressing the key once in Mute and once again in Unmute.
# Keep OBS focussed when using these... to avoid weirdness!
# Drop the keybow2040.py file into your `lib` folder on your `CIRCUITPY` drive.
import math
import board
from keybow2040 import Keybow2040, number_to_xy, hsv_to_rgb
import usb_hid
from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard
from adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us import KeyboardLayoutUS
from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode
# Pick your keycodes here, these are chosen to - mostly - stay out of the way
# and use Numpad and regular numbers.
# Toggle keybinds (indicated by a Tuple with True) will send:
# * CONTROL + SHIFT + KEYCODE - when toggled on
# * CONTROL + ALT + KEYCODE - when toggled off
keycodes = [
(Keycode.KEYPAD_FIVE, True), # Bottom 1
(Keycode.KEYPAD_ONE, True), # Bottom 1
(Keycode.KEYPAD_SIX, True), # Bottom 2
(Keycode.KEYPAD_TWO, True), # Bottom 2
(Keycode.KEYPAD_SEVEN, True), # Bottom 3
(Keycode.KEYPAD_THREE, True), # Bottom 3
(Keycode.KEYPAD_EIGHT, True), # Bottom 4
(Keycode.KEYPAD_FOUR, True), # Bottom 4
# Set up the keyboard and layout
keyboard = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices)
layout = KeyboardLayoutUS(keyboard)
# Set up Keybow
i2c = board.I2C()
keybow = Keybow2040(i2c)
keys = keybow.keys
states = [False for _ in keys]
# Increment step to shift animation across keys.
step = 0
active = -1
for key in keys:
def press_handler(key):
global active
print("{} pressed".format(key.number))
binding = keycodes[key.number]
if binding is None:
if type(binding) is tuple:
binding, _ = binding
states[key.number] = not states[key.number]
if states[key.number]:
keyboard.press(Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.LEFT_SHIFT, binding)
keyboard.press(Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.LEFT_SHIFT, Keycode.LEFT_ALT, binding)
keyboard.press(Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.LEFT_SHIFT, binding)
active = key.number
def release_handler(key):
global active
print("{} released".format(key.number))
binding = keycodes[key.number]
if binding is None:
if type(binding) is tuple:
binding, _ = binding
if states[key.number]:
keyboard.release(Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.LEFT_SHIFT, binding)
keyboard.release(Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.LEFT_SHIFT, Keycode.LEFT_ALT, binding)
keyboard.release(Keycode.LEFT_CONTROL, Keycode.LEFT_SHIFT, binding)
def hold_handler(key):
while True:
# Always remember to call keybow.update() on every iteration of your loop!
step += 1
for i in range(16):
# Convert the key number to an x/y coordinate to calculate the hue
# in a matrix style-y.
x, y = number_to_xy(i)
# Calculate the hue.
hue = (x + y + (step / 20)) / 8
hue = hue - int(hue)
hue = hue - math.floor(hue)
# Convert the hue to RGB values.
r, g, b = hsv_to_rgb(hue, 1, 1)
# Display it on the key!
if i == active or states[i]:
keys[i].set_led(r, g, b)
keys[i].set_led(int(r / 10.0), int(g / 10.0), int(b / 10.0))