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Keybow 2040 CircuitPython

This CircuitPython library is for the RP2040-powered Keybow 2040 from Pimoroni, a 16-key mini mechanical keyboard with RGB backlit keys. Find out more about Keybow 2040 at the link below.

Learn more about Keybow 2040 at pimoroni.com

The library abstracts away most of the complexity of having to check pin states, and interact with the IS31FL3731 LED driver library, and exposes classes for individual keys and the whole Keybow (a collection of Key instances).

Keybow 2040 with backlit keys on marble background

Getting started quickly!

You'll need to grab the latest version of Adafruit's Keybow 2040-flavoured CircuitPython, from the link below.

Download the Adafruit CircuitPython binary for Keybow 2040

Unplug your Keybow 2040's USB-C cable, press and hold the button on the top edge of Keybow 2040 while plugging the USB-C cable back into your computer to mount it as a drive (it should show up as RPI-RP2 or something similar).

Drag and drop the adafruit-circuitpython-pimoroni_keybow2040-en_US-XXXXX.uf2 file that you downloaded onto the drive and it should reboot and load the CircuitPython firmware. The drive should now show up as CIRCUITPY.

The Adafruit IS31FL3731 LED driver library for CircuitPython is a prequisite for this Keybow 2040 library, so you'll need to download it from GitHub at the link below, and then drop the adafruit_is31fl3731 folder into the lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive.

Download the Adafruit IS31FL3731 CircuitPython library

Finally, drop the keybow2040.py file from this library into the lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive also, and you're all set!

Pick one of the examples (I'd suggest the reactive.press.py example to begin), copy the code, and save it in the code.py file on your CIRCUITPY drive using your favourite text editor. As soon as you save the code.py file, or make any other changes, then it should load up and run the code!


Imports and setup

All of your programs will need to start with the following:

import board
from keybow2040 import Keybow2040

i2c = board.I2C()
keybow = Keybow2040(i2c)

First, this imports the board module which contains all of the pin objects for the Keybow 2040 board, including board.I2C, a quick way to set up the I2C bus, which is needed for the IS31FL3731 LED driver library used in this Keybow 2040 library.

The Keybow2040() class, imported from the keybow2040 module, is instantiated and passed the i2c bus object. Instantiating this sets up all of the pins, keys, and LEDs, and provides access to all of the attributes and methods associated with it.

The Keybow class

The Keybow class exposes a number of handy attributes and methods. The main one you'll be interested in is the .keys attribute, which is a list of Key class instances, one for each key.

keys = keybow.keys

The indices of the keys in that list correspond to their position on the keypad, staring from the bottom left corner (when the USB connector is at the top), which is key 0, going upwards in columns, and ending at the top right corner, which is key 15.

More about the Key class later...

A super important method of the Keybow class is .update() method. It updates all of the keys, key states, and other attributes like the time of the last key press, and sleep state of the LEDs.

You need to call this method on your Keybow class at the very start of each iteration of your program's main loop, as follows:

while True:

An interlude on timing!

Another super important thing is not to include any time.sleep()s in your main loop! Doing so will ruin the latency and mean that you'll miss key press events. Just don't do it.

If you need introduce timed events, then you have to go about it in a slightly (!!) roundabout fashion, by using time.monotonic() a constantly incremented count of seconds elapsed, and use it to check the time elapsed since your last event, for example:

time_interval = 10

# An event just happened!

time_last_fired = time.monotonic()
time_elapsed = 0

# ... some iterations later

time_elapsed = time.monotonic() - time_last_fired

if time_elapsed > time_interval:
    # Fire your event again!

There's a handy keybow.time_of_last_press attribute that allows you to quickly check if a certain amount of time has elapsed since any key press, and that attribute gets updated every time keybow.update() is called.

Key presses

There are a few ways that you can go about detecting key presses, some global methods on the Keybow class instance, and some on the Key class instances themselves.

Keybow class methods for detecting presses and key states

keybow.get_states() will return a list of the state of all of the keys, in order, with a state of 0 being not pressed, and 1 being pressed. You can then loop through that list to do whatever you like.

keybow.get_pressed() will return a list of the key numbers (indices in the list of keys) that are currently pressed. If you only care about key presses, then this is an efficient way to do things, especially since you have all the key numbers in a list.

keybow.any_pressed() returns a Boolean (True/False) that tells you whether any keys are currently being pressed. Handy if you want to attach a behaviour to all of the keys, which this is effectively a proxy for.

keybow.none_pressed() is similar to .any_pressed(), in that it returns a Boolean also, but... you guessed it, it returns True if no keys are being pressed, and False if any keys are pressed.

Key class methods for detecting key presses

If we want to check whether key 0 is pressed, we can do so as follows:

keys = keybow.keys()

if keys[0].pressed:
    # Do something!

The .pressed attribute returns a Boolean that is True if the key is pressed and False if it is not pressed.

key.state is another way to check the state of a key. It will equal 1 if the key is pressed and 0 if it is not pressed.

If you want to attach an additional behaviour to your key, you can use key.held to check if a key is being key rather than being pressed and released quickly. It returns True if the key is held and False if it is not.

The default hold time (after which key.held is True) for all of the keys is 0.75 seconds, but you can change key.hold_time to adjust this to your liking, on a per key basis.

This means that we could extend the example above to be:

keys = keybow.keys()

if keys[0].pressed:
    # Do something!

if keys[0].held:
    # Do something else!


LEDs can be set either globally for all keys, using the Keybow class instance, or on a per-key basis, either through the Keybow class, or using a Key class instance.

To set all of the keys to the same colour, you can use the .set_all() method of the Keybow class, to which you pass three 0-255 integers for red, green, and blue. For example, to set all of the keys to magenta:

keybow.set_all(255, 0, 255)

To set an individal key through your Keybow class instance, you can do as follows, to set key 0 to white:

keybow.set_led(0, 255, 255, 255)

To set the colour on the key itself, you could do as follows, again to set key 0 to white:

keybow.keys[0].set_led(255, 255, 255)

A key retains its RGB value, even if it is turned off, so once a key has its colour set with key.rgb = (255, 0, 0) for example, you can turn it off using key.led_off() or even key.set_led(0, 0, 0) and then when you turn it back on with key.led_on(), then it will still be red when it comes back on.

As a convenience, and to avoid having to check key.lit, there is a key.toggle_led() method that will toggle the current state of the key's LED (on to off, and vice versa).

There's a handy hsv_to_rgb() function that can be imported from the keybow2040 module to convert an HSV colour (a tuple of floats from 0.0 to 1.0) to an RGB colour (a tuple of integers from 0 to 255), as follows:

from keybow2040 import hsv_to_rgb

h = 0.5  # Hue
s = 1.0  # Saturation
v = 1.0  # Value

r, g, b = hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)

Attaching functions to keys with decorators

There are three decorators that can be attached to functions to link that function to, i) a key press, ii) a key release, or iii) a key hold.

Here's an example of how you could attach a decorator to a function that lights up that key yellow when it is pressed, turns all of the LEDs on when held, and turns them all off when released:

import board
from keybow2040 import Keybow2040

i2c = board.I2C()
keybow = Keybow2040(i2c)
keys = keybow.keys

key = keys[0]
rgb = (255, 255, 0)
key.rgb = rgb

def press_handler(key):

def release_handler(key):
    keybow.set_all(0, 0, 0)

def hold_handler(key):

while True: