diff --git a/proxmox_count b/proxmox_count
index 1827949..d4a0b54 100644
--- a/proxmox_count
+++ b/proxmox_count
@@ -32,12 +32,16 @@ fi
 if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then
     # setze label
     echo total_vm.label total Virtual Machines
-    echo running_vm.label running Virtual Machines
-    echo stopped_vm.label stopped Virtual Machines
-    echo total_lxc.label total LXCs
-    echo running_lxc.label running LXCs
-    echo stopped_lxc.label stopped LXCs
     echo total_total.label total VMs and LXCs
+    echo running_vm.label running Virtual Machines
+    echo running_lxc.label running LXCs
+    echo stopped_vm.label stopped Virtual Machines
+    echo stopped_lxc.label stopped LXCs
+    echo total_lxc.label total LXCs
     # setze optionen
     echo 'graph_title ProxMox - Number of VMs and LXCs'
     echo 'graph_vlabel Count'