552 lines
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552 lines
19 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
=head1 NAME
docker_ - Docker wildcard-plugin to monitor a L<Docker|https://www.docker.com> host.
This wildcard plugin provides series C<containers>, C<images>, C<status>,
C<volumes>, C<cpu>, C<memory> and C<network> as separate graphs. It also
supports a C<multi> suffix that provides all of those as a multigraph.
- Copy this plugin in your munin plugins directory
- Install Python3 "docker" package
=over 2
If you want all the graphs as a multigraph, create a single multi symlink.
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/docker_ /etc/munin/plugins/docker_multi
Or choose a subset of those you want.
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/docker_ /etc/munin/plugins/docker_containers
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/docker_ /etc/munin/plugins/docker_cpu
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/docker_ /etc/munin/plugins/docker_images
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/docker_ /etc/munin/plugins/docker_memory
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/docker_ /etc/munin/plugins/docker_network
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/docker_ /etc/munin/plugins/docker_status
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/docker_ /etc/munin/plugins/docker_volumes
After the installation you need to restart your munin-node:
=over 2
systemctl restart munin-node
This plugin need to run as root, you need to create a file named docker placed in the
directory /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/ with the following config (you can also use
Docker environment variables here as described in
You can use the EXCLUDE_CONTAINER_NAME environment variable to specify a regular expression
which if matched will exclude the matching containers from the memory and cpu graphs.
For example
Would exclude all containers with the word "runner" in the name.
=over 2
group docker
env.DOCKER_HOST unix://run/docker.sock
You may need to pick a different group depending on the name schema of your
distribution. Or maybe use "user root", if nothing else works.
=head1 AUTHORS
This section has been reverse-engineered from git logs
Codimp <contact@lithio.fr>: original rewrite
Rowan Wookey <admin@rwky.net>: performance improvement
Olivier Mehani <shtrom@ssji.net>: Network support, ClientWrapper, general cleanup, multigraph
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf suggest multigraph
import os
import sys
import re
from functools import cached_property
except ImportError:
# If cached_property is not available,
# just use the property decorator, without caching
# This is for backward compatibility with Python<3.8
cached_property = property
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
def sorted_by_creation_date(func):
def sorted_func(*args, **kwargs):
return sorted(
func(*args, **kwargs),
lambda x: x.attrs['CreatedAt']
if 'CreatedAt' in x.attrs
else x.attrs['Created']
return sorted_func
def clean_fieldname(text):
if text == "root":
# "root" is a magic (forbidden) word
return "_root"
return re.sub(r"(^[^A-Za-z_]|[^A-Za-z0-9_])", "_", text)
class ClientWrapper:
A small wrapper for the docker client, to centralise some parsing logic,
and support caching.
In addition, when the exclude_re parameter is not None,
any container which name is matched by the RE will not be excluded from reports.
client = None
exclude = None
def __init__(self, client, exclude_re=None):
self.client = client
if exclude_re:
self.exclude = re.compile(exclude_re)
def api(self):
return self.client.api
def all_containers(self):
return [
c for c in self.client.containers.list(all=True)
if (c.status == 'running') and (not self.exclude or not self.exclude.search(c.name))
def intermediate_images(self):
return list(
def all_images(self):
return self.client.images.list(all=True)
def images(self):
images = self.client.images.list()
return list(
def dangling_images(self):
return self.client.images.list(filters={'dangling': True})
def volumes(self):
return self.client.volumes.list()
def container_summary(container, *args):
summary = container.name
attributes = container_attributes(container, *args)
if attributes:
summary += f' ({attributes})'
return summary
def container_attributes(container, *args):
attributes = container.image.tags
return ', '.join(attributes + list(args))
def print_containers_status(client):
running = []
unhealthy = []
paused = []
created = []
restarting = []
removing = []
exited = []
dead = []
for container in client.all_containers:
if container.status == 'running':
state = client.api.inspect_container(container.name)['State']
if state.get('Health', {}).get('Status') == 'unhealthy':
elif container.status == 'paused':
elif container.status == 'created':
elif container.status == 'restarting':
elif container.status == 'removing':
elif container.status == 'exited':
elif container.status == 'dead':
print('running.value', len(running))
print('running.extinfo', ', '.join(container_summary(c) for c in running))
print('unhealthy.value', len(unhealthy))
print('unhealthy.extinfo', ', '.join(container_summary(c) for c in unhealthy))
print('paused.value', len(paused))
print('paused.extinfo', ', '.join(container_summary(c) for c in paused))
print('created.value', len(created))
print('created.extinfo', ', '.join(container_summary(c) for c in created))
print('restarting.value', len(restarting))
print('restarting.extinfo', ', '.join(container_summary(c) for c in restarting))
print('removing.value', len(removing))
print('removing.extinfo', ', '.join(container_summary(c) for c in removing))
print('exited.value', len(exited))
print('exited.extinfo', ', '.join(container_summary(c) for c in exited))
print('dead.value', len(dead))
print('dead.extinfo', ', '.join(container_summary(c) for c in dead))
def image_summary(image):
attributes = image.tags
attributes.append(f"{round(image.attrs['Size']/1024**2, 2)} MiB")
return f"{image.short_id} ({', '.join(attributes)})"
def print_images_count(client):
images = client.images
intermediate = client.intermediate_images
dangling = client.dangling_images
print('intermediate_quantity.value', len(intermediate))
print('intermediate_quantity.extinfo', ', '.join(image_summary(i) for i in intermediate))
print('images_quantity.value', len(images))
print('images_quantity.extinfo', ', '.join(image_summary(i) for i in images))
print('dangling_quantity.value', len(dangling))
print('dangling_quantity.extinfo', ', '.join(image_summary(i) for i in dangling))
def get_container_stats(container, q):
def parallel_container_stats(client):
proc_list = []
stats = {}
for container in client.all_containers:
q = Queue()
p = Process(target=get_container_stats, args=(container, q))
proc_list.append({'proc': p, 'queue': q, 'container': container})
for proc in proc_list:
stats[proc['container']] = proc['queue'].get()
return stats.items()
def print_containers_cpu(client):
for container, stats in parallel_container_stats(client):
cpu_percent = 0.0
cpu_delta = (float(stats["cpu_stats"]["cpu_usage"]["total_usage"])
- float(stats["precpu_stats"]["cpu_usage"]["total_usage"]))
system_delta = (float(stats["cpu_stats"]["system_cpu_usage"])
- float(stats["precpu_stats"]["system_cpu_usage"]))
if system_delta > 0.0:
cpu_percent = cpu_delta / system_delta * 100.0 * os.cpu_count()
clean_container_name = clean_fieldname(container.name)
print(clean_container_name + '.value', cpu_percent)
print(clean_container_name + '.extinfo', container_attributes(container))
def print_containers_memory(client):
for container, stats in parallel_container_stats(client):
if 'total_rss' in stats['memory_stats']['stats']: # cgroupv1 only?
memory_usage = stats['memory_stats']['stats']['total_rss']
extinfo = 'Resident Set Size'
memory_usage = stats['memory_stats']['usage']
extinfo = 'Total memory usage'
clean_container_name = clean_fieldname(container.name)
print(clean_container_name + '.value', memory_usage)
print(clean_container_name + '.extinfo', container_attributes(container, extinfo))
def print_containers_network(client):
for container, stats in parallel_container_stats(client):
tx_bytes = 0
rx_bytes = 0
if "networks" in stats:
for data in stats['networks'].values():
tx_bytes += data['tx_bytes']
rx_bytes += data['rx_bytes']
clean_container_name = clean_fieldname(container.name)
print(clean_container_name + '_up.value', tx_bytes)
print(clean_container_name + '_down.value', rx_bytes)
print(clean_container_name + '_up.extinfo', container_attributes(container))
def volume_summary(volume):
summary = f"{volume.short_id}"
if volume.attrs['Labels']:
summary += f" ({', '.join(volume.attrs['Labels'])})"
return summary
def status(client, mode):
if mode == "config":
print("graph_title Docker status")
print("graph_vlabel containers")
print("graph_category virtualization")
print("graph_total All containers")
print("running.label RUNNING")
print("running.draw AREASTACK")
print("running.info Running containers can be manipulated with "
"`docker container [attach|kill|logs|pause|restart|stop] <NAME>` or "
"commands run in them with `docker container exec "
"[--detach|--interactive,--privileged,--tty] <NAME> <COMMAND>`"
print("unhealthy.label UNHEALTHY")
print("unhealthy.draw AREASTACK")
print("unhealthy.warning 1")
print("unhealthy.info Unhealthy containers can be restarted with "
"`docker container restart <NAME>`")
print("paused.label PAUSED")
print("paused.draw AREASTACK")
print("paused.info Paused containers can be resumed with "
"`docker container unpause <NAME>`")
print("created.label CREATED")
print("created.draw AREASTACK")
print("created.info New containers can be created with "
"`docker container create --name <NAME> <IMAGE_ID >` or "
"`docker container run --name <NAME> <IMAGE_ID> <COMMAND>`")
print("restarting.label RESTARTING")
print("restarting.draw AREASTACK")
print("restarting.info Containers can be restarted with "
"`docker container restart <NAME>`")
print("removing.label REMOVING")
print("removing.draw AREASTACK")
print("removing.info Containers can be removed with "
"`docker container rm <NAME>`")
print("exited.label EXITED")
print("exited.draw AREASTACK")
print("exited.info Exited containers can be started with "
"`docker container start [--attach] <NAME>`")
print("dead.label DEAD")
print("dead.draw AREASTACK")
print("dead.warning 1")
print("dead.info Dead containers can be started with "
"`docker container start <NAME>`")
def containers(client, mode):
if mode == "config":
print("graph_title Docker containers")
print("graph_vlabel containers")
print("graph_category virtualization")
print("containers_quantity.label Containers")
print('containers_quantity.value', len(client.all_containers))
def images(client, mode):
if mode == "config":
print("graph_title Docker images")
print("graph_vlabel images")
print("graph_category virtualization")
print("graph_total All images")
print("intermediate_quantity.label Intermediate images")
print("intermediate_quantity.draw AREASTACK")
print("intermediate_quantity.info All unused images can be deleted with "
"`docker image prune --all`")
print("images_quantity.label Images")
print("images_quantity.draw AREASTACK")
print("images_quantity.info Images can be used in containers with "
"`docker container create --name <NAME> <IMAGE_ID >` or "
"`docker container run --name <NAME> <IMAGE_ID> <COMMAND>`")
print("dangling_quantity.label Dangling images")
print("dangling_quantity.draw AREASTACK")
print("dangling_quantity.info Dangling images can be deleted with "
"`docker image prune`"
"or tagged with `docker image tag <IMAGE_ID> <NAME>`")
print("dangling_quantity.warning 10")
def volumes(client, mode):
if mode == "config":
print("graph_title Docker volumes")
print("graph_vlabel volumes")
print("graph_category virtualization")
print("volumes_quantity.label Volumes")
print("volumes_quantity.draw AREASTACK")
print("volumes_quantity.info Unused volumes can be deleted with "
"`docker volume prune`")
print('volumes_quantity.value', len(client.volumes))
print('volumes_quantity.extinfo', ', '.join(volume_summary(v) for v in client.volumes))
def cpu(client, mode):
if mode == "config":
graphlimit = str(os.cpu_count() * 100)
print("graph_title Docker containers CPU usage")
print("graph_args --base 1000 -r --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit " + graphlimit)
print("graph_scale no")
print("graph_period second")
print("graph_vlabel CPU usage (%)")
print("graph_category virtualization")
print("graph_info This graph shows docker container CPU usage.")
print("graph_total Total CPU usage")
for container in client.all_containers:
fieldname = clean_fieldname(container.name)
print("{}.label {}".format(fieldname, container.name))
print("{}.draw AREASTACK".format(fieldname))
print("{}.info {}".format(fieldname, container_attributes(container)))
def network(client, mode):
if mode == "config":
print("graph_title Docker containers network usage")
print("graph_args --base 1024 -l 0")
print("graph_vlabel bits in (-) / out (+) per ${graph_period}")
print("graph_category virtualization")
print("graph_info This graph shows docker container network usage.")
print("graph_total Total network usage")
for container in client.all_containers:
fieldname = clean_fieldname(container.name)
print("{}_down.label {}_received".format(fieldname, container.name))
print("{}_down.type DERIVE".format(fieldname))
print("{}_down.min 0".format(fieldname))
print("{}_down.graph no".format(fieldname))
print("{}_down.cdef {}_down,8,*".format(fieldname, fieldname))
print("{}_up.label {}".format(fieldname, container.name))
print("{}_up.draw LINESTACK1".format(fieldname))
print("{}_up.type DERIVE".format(fieldname))
print("{}_up.min 0".format(fieldname))
print("{}_up.negative {}_down".format(fieldname, fieldname))
print("{}_up.cdef {}_up,8,*".format(fieldname, fieldname))
print("{}_up.info {}".format(fieldname, container_attributes(container)))
def memory(client, mode):
if mode == "config":
print("graph_title Docker containers memory usage")
print("graph_args --base 1024 -l 0")
print("graph_vlabel Bytes")
print("graph_category virtualization")
print("graph_info This graph shows docker container memory usage.")
print("graph_total Total memory usage")
for container in client.all_containers:
fieldname = clean_fieldname(container.name)
print("{}.label {}".format(fieldname, container.name))
print("{}.draw AREASTACK".format(fieldname))
print("{}.info {}".format(fieldname, container_attributes(container)))
def main():
series = [
mode = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
mode = ""
wildcard = sys.argv[0].split("docker_")[1].split("_")[0]
import docker
client = docker.from_env()
if mode == "autoconf":
except Exception as e:
print(f'no ({e})')
if mode == "autoconf":
if mode == "suggest":
# The multigraph covers all other graphs,
# so we only need to suggest one
client = ClientWrapper(client,
if wildcard in series:
# dereference the function name by looking in the globals()
# this assumes that the function name matches the series name exactly
# if this were to change, a different approach would be needed,
# most likely using a Dict of series name string to callable
globals()[wildcard](client, mode)
elif wildcard == 'multi':
for s in series:
print(f'multigraph docker_{s}')
# ditto
globals()[s](client, mode)
print(f'unknown series ({wildcard})', file=sys.stderr)
if __name__ == '__main__':