These LEDs are called "addressable" because instead of using a wire per color, each LED contains a small microchip that understands a special protocol sent over a single wire. The chip passes on the remaining data to the next LED, allowing them to be chained together. In this way, you can easily control the color of the individual LEDs.
Some variants of the WS2812 may have their color components in a different physical or logical order. For example, the WS2812B-2020 has physically swapped red and green LEDs, which causes the wrong color to be displayed, because the default order of the bytes sent over the wire is defined as GRB.
In this case, you can change the byte order by defining `WS2812_BYTE_ORDER` as one of the following values:
Targeting boards where WS2812 support is offloaded to a 2nd MCU. Currently the driver is limited to AVR given the known consumers are ps2avrGB/BMC. To configure it, add this to your
Targeting STM32 boards where WS2812 support is offloaded to an SPI hardware device. The advantage is that the use of DMA offloads processing of the WS2812 protocol from the MCU. `RGB_DI_PIN` for this driver is the configured SPI MOSI pin. Due to the nature of repurposing SPI to drive the LEDs, the other SPI pins, MISO and SCK, **must** remain unused. To configure it, add this to your
WS2812_DRIVER = spi
Configure the hardware via your config.h:
#define WS2812_SPI SPID1 // default: SPID1
#define WS2812_SPI_MOSI_PAL_MODE 5 // Pin "alternate function", see the respective datasheet for the appropriate values for your MCU. default: 5
You must also turn on the SPI feature in your halconf.h and mcuconf.h
#### Testing Notes
While not an exhaustive list, the following table provides the scenarios that have been partially validated:
*Other supported ChibiOS boards and/or pins may function, it will be highly chip and configuration dependent.*
### PWM
Targeting STM32 boards where WS2812 support is offloaded to an PWM timer and DMA stream. The advantage is that the use of DMA offloads processing of the WS2812 protocol from the MCU. To configure it, add this to your
WS2812_DRIVER = pwm
Configure the hardware via your config.h:
#define WS2812_PWM_DRIVER PWMD2 // default: PWMD2
#define WS2812_PWM_CHANNEL 2 // default: 2
#define WS2812_PWM_PAL_MODE 2 // Pin "alternate function", see the respective datasheet for the appropriate values for your MCU. default: 2
#define WS2812_DMA_STREAM STM32_DMA1_STREAM2 // DMA Stream for TIMx_UP, see the respective reference manual for the appropriate values for your MCU.
#define WS2812_DMA_CHANNEL 2 // DMA Channel for TIMx_UP, see the respective reference manual for the appropriate values for your MCU.
#define WS2812_DMAMUX_ID STM32_DMAMUX1_TIM2_UP // DMAMUX configuration for TIMx_UP -- only required if your MCU has a DMAMUX peripheral, see the respective reference manual for the appropriate values for your MCU.