diff --git a/keyboards/butterstick/butterstick.c b/keyboards/butterstick/butterstick.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c00bbe5df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/butterstick/butterstick.c
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* Copyright 2019 Jeremy Bernhardt
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include "butterstick.h"
+// Optional override functions below.
+// You can leave any or all of these undefined.
+// These are only required if you want to perform custom actions.
+void matrix_init_kb(void) {
+  // put your keyboard start-up code here
+  // runs once when the firmware starts up
+  matrix_init_user();
+void matrix_scan_kb(void) {
+    for (uint8_t c = 0; c < MATRIX_COLS; c++)
+		for (uint8_t r = 0; r < MATRIX_ROWS; r++)
+		  if (matrix_is_on(r, c)) xprintf("r:%d c:%d \n", r, c);
+  matrix_scan_user();
+bool process_record_kb(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) {
+  // put your per-action keyboard code here
+  // runs for every action, just before processing by the firmware
+  return process_record_user(keycode, record);
+void led_set_kb(uint8_t usb_led) {
+  // put your keyboard LED indicator (ex: Caps Lock LED) toggling code here
+  led_set_user(usb_led);
diff --git a/keyboards/butterstick/butterstick.h b/keyboards/butterstick/butterstick.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f97488c3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/butterstick/butterstick.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "quantum.h"
+#define LAYOUT_butter( 										\
+    k09, k08, k07, k06, k05, k04, k03, k02, k01, k00,		\
+	k19, k18, k17, k16, k15, k14, k13, k12, k11, k10		\
+) { 														\
+	{ k00, k01, k02, k03, k04, k05, k06, k07, k08, k09},	\
+	{ k10, k11, k12, k13, k14, k15, k16, k17, k18, k19},	\
diff --git a/keyboards/butterstick/config.h b/keyboards/butterstick/config.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c104deb22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/butterstick/config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "config_common.h"
+/* USB Device descriptor parameter */
+#define VENDOR_ID       0xFEED
+#define PRODUCT_ID      0x1337
+#define DEVICE_VER      0x0001
+#define MANUFACTURER    g Heavy Industries
+#define PRODUCT         Butter Stick
+#define DESCRIPTION     Its a stick of butter
+#define VERSION 		"Paula Deen"
+#define FORCE_NKRO
+/* key matrix size */
+#define MATRIX_ROWS 2
+#define MATRIX_COLS 10
+#define MATRIX_ROW_PINS { F4, F5 }
+#define MATRIX_COL_PINS { B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, C6, C7}
+#define UNUSED_PINS
diff --git a/keyboards/butterstick/keymaps/default/keymap.c b/keyboards/butterstick/keymaps/default/keymap.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..faabbef793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/butterstick/keymaps/default/keymap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#include QMK_KEYBOARD_H
+#include "sten.h"
+ *  Key names are inherited from steno machines
+ *  .-----------------------------------------------------.
+ *	| LSU | LFT | LP | LH | ST1 | RF | RP | RL | RT | RD  |
+ *  |-----------------------------------------------------|
+ *	| LSD | LK  | LW | LR | ST2 | RR | RB | RG | RS | RZ  |
+ *  '-----------------------------------------------------'
+ */
+// Function prefixes
+#define MEDIA 	(LSD | LK  | LW | LR)	
+#define FUNCT 	(LSD | LK  | LP | LH)	
+#define MOVE	(LSU | LFT | LP | LH)	
+#define SYMB	(RD  | RZ)	
+#define NUMA    (LW  | LR)	
+#define NUMB    (RR  | RB)	
+// QMK Layer Numbers
+ #define BASE 0
+ #define GAME 1
+// Do not change QMK Layer 0! This is your main keyboard.
+// Make your QMK modifications to the later layers, to add 
+// keys/customize on the first layer modify processQwerty():
+const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
+  [BASE] = LAYOUT_butter(
+  ),
+  // I don't game don't roast me thanks
+  [GAME] = LAYOUT_butter(
+  	KC_Q,  KC_W,  KC_E,  KC_R,  KC_T, KC_Y, KC_U, KC_I,  KC_O, KC_ENT,
+  	KC_A,  KC_S,  KC_D,  KC_F,  KC_G, KC_H, KC_J, KC_K,  KC_L, TO(BASE)
+  )
+// Note: You can only use basic keycodes here!
+// P() is just a wrapper to make your life easier, any C code can be executed.
+// Only the longest matched chord is run!
+// http://docs.gboards.ca
+uint32_t processQwerty(bool lookup) {
+    P( LSD | RZ,   			 	SEND(KC_SPC));
+    // Dual chords
+    P( LP  | LH,    			CLICK_MOUSE(KC_MS_BTN2));
+    P( ST1 | RF,    			CLICK_MOUSE(KC_MS_BTN1));
+    P( LSU | LFT,               SEND(KC_ESC));
+	P( LSD | LK,				SEND(KC_LSFT));
+	P( RZ  | RS,				SEND(KC_LSFT));
+	P( ST2 | RR,				SEND(KC_SPC));
+    P( RP  | RL,    			SEND(KC_LGUI));
+    P( RT  | RD,    			SEND(KC_LCTL));
+    P( RL  | RT,    			SEND(KC_LALT));
+	P( RS  | RT  | RD  | RZ,	SEND(KC_ENT));
+    // Function Layer
+    P( FUNCT | RF,         SEND(KC_F1));
+    P( FUNCT | RP,         SEND(KC_F2));
+    P( FUNCT | RL,         SEND(KC_F3));
+    P( FUNCT | RT,         SEND(KC_F4));
+    P( FUNCT | RF | RR,    SEND(KC_F5));
+    P( FUNCT | RP | RB,    SEND(KC_F6));
+    P( FUNCT | RL | RG,    SEND(KC_F7));
+    P( FUNCT | RT | RS,    SEND(KC_F8));
+    P( FUNCT | RR,         SEND(KC_F9));
+    P( FUNCT | RB,         SEND(KC_F10));
+    P( FUNCT | RG,         SEND(KC_F11));
+    P( FUNCT | RS,         SEND(KC_F12));
+    // Movement Layer
+    P( MOVE | RF,     SEND(KC_LEFT));
+    P( MOVE | RP,     SEND(KC_DOWN));
+    P( MOVE | RL,     SEND(KC_UP));
+    P( MOVE | RT,     SEND(KC_RIGHT));
+    P( MOVE | ST1,    SEND(KC_PGUP));
+    P( MOVE | ST2,    SEND(KC_PGDN));
+    // Media Layer
+    P( MEDIA | RF,    SEND(KC_MPRV));
+    P( MEDIA | RP,    SEND(KC_MPLY));
+    P( MEDIA | RL,    SEND(KC_MPLY));
+    P( MEDIA | RT,    SEND(KC_MNXT));
+    P( MEDIA | RG,	  SEND(KC_VOLU));
+    P( MEDIA | RB,    SEND(KC_VOLD));
+    P( MEDIA | RS,    SEND(KC_MUTE));
+    // Number Row, Right
+    P( NUMB | LSU,    SEND(KC_1));
+    P( NUMB | LFT,    SEND(KC_2));
+    P( NUMB | LP,     SEND(KC_3));
+    P( NUMB | LH,     SEND(KC_4));
+    P( NUMB | ST1,    SEND(KC_5));
+    P( NUMB | RF,     SEND(KC_6));
+    P( NUMB | RP,     SEND(KC_7));
+    P( NUMB | RL,     SEND(KC_8));
+    P( NUMB | RT,     SEND(KC_9));
+    P( NUMB | RD,     SEND(KC_0));
+    // Number Row, Left
+    P( NUMA | LSU,    SEND(KC_1));
+    P( NUMA | LFT,    SEND(KC_2));
+    P( NUMA | LP,     SEND(KC_3));
+    P( NUMA | LH,     SEND(KC_4));
+    P( NUMA | ST1,    SEND(KC_5));
+    P( NUMA | RF,     SEND(KC_6));
+    P( NUMA | RP,     SEND(KC_7));
+    P( NUMA | RL,     SEND(KC_8));
+    P( NUMA | RT,     SEND(KC_9));
+    P( NUMA | RD,     SEND(KC_0));
+    // Symbols and Numbers
+    P( SYMB | LP | LW,      SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_9));       // (
+    P( SYMB | LH | LR,      SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_0));       // )
+    P( SYMB | ST1 | ST2,    SEND(KC_GRV));                    // `
+    P( SYMB | RR  | RF,    	SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_3));       // #
+    P( SYMB | LFT | LK,     SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_4));       // $
+    P( SYMB | LSU,          SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_1));       // !
+    P( SYMB | LSD,          SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_5));       // %
+    P( SYMB | LFT,          SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_2));       // @
+    P( SYMB | LK,           SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_6));       // ^
+    P( SYMB | LP,           SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_LBRC));    // {
+    P( SYMB | LW,           SEND(KC_LBRC));
+    P( SYMB | LH,           SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_RBRC));    // }
+    P( SYMB | LR,           SEND(KC_RBRC));
+    P( SYMB | ST1,          SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_BSLS));    // |
+    P( SYMB | ST2,          SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_GRV));     // ~
+    P( SYMB | RP | RB,      SEND(KC_QUOT));
+    P( SYMB | RP | RG,      SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_QUOT));    // "
+    P( SYMB | RF,           SEND(KC_KP_PLUS));
+    P( SYMB | RR,           SEND(KC_LSFT); SEND(KC_7));       // &
+    P( SYMB | RP,           SEND(KC_MINS));
+    P( SYMB | RB,           SEND(KC_EQL));
+    P( SYMB | RL,           SEND(KC_SLSH));
+    P( SYMB | RG,           SEND(KC_COMM));
+    P( SYMB | RT,           SEND(KC_PAST));
+    P( SYMB | RS,           SEND(KC_DOT));
+    // Letters
+    P( LSU | LSD,    SEND(KC_A));
+    P( LFT | LK,     SEND(KC_S));
+    P( LP  | LW,     SEND(KC_D));
+    P( LH  | LR,     SEND(KC_F));
+    P( ST1 | ST2,    SEND(KC_G));
+    P( RF  | RR,     SEND(KC_H));
+    P( RT  | RS,     SEND(KC_L));
+    P( RD  | RZ,     SEND(KC_SCLN));
+    P( RG  | RL,     SEND(KC_K));
+    P( RP  | RB,     SEND(KC_J));
+    P( LSU,          SEND(KC_Q));
+    P( LSD,          SEND(KC_Z));
+    P( LFT,          SEND(KC_W));
+    P( LK,           SEND(KC_X));
+    P( LP,           SEND(KC_E));
+    P( LW,           SEND(KC_C));
+    P( LH,           SEND(KC_R));
+    P( LR,           SEND(KC_V));
+    P( ST1,          SEND(KC_T));
+    P( ST2,          SEND(KC_B));
+    P( RF,          SEND(KC_Y));
+    P( RR,          SEND(KC_N));
+    P( RP,           SEND(KC_U));
+    P( RB,           SEND(KC_M));
+    P( RL,           SEND(KC_I));
+    P( RG,           SEND(KC_COMM));
+    P( RT,           SEND(KC_O));
+    P( RS,           SEND(KC_DOT));
+    P( RD,           SEND(KC_P));
+    P( RZ,           SEND(KC_SLSH));
+    return 0;
+// Don't fuck with this, thanks.
+size_t keymapsCount  = sizeof(keymaps)/sizeof(keymaps[0]);
diff --git a/keyboards/butterstick/keymaps/default/rules.mk b/keyboards/butterstick/keymaps/default/rules.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/keyboards/butterstick/readme.md b/keyboards/butterstick/readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8bae8ba5a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/butterstick/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Butter Stick
+![Butter Stick](https://i.redd.it/mvteaomko7s21.jpg)
+A chorded 20% keyboard packing full sized useage into  your pocket. More info on [gboards.ca](http://docs.gboards.ca/Meet-Butter-Stick)!
+Keyboard Maintainer: [Germ](https://github.com/germ)  
+Hardware Availability: [g Heavy Industries](https://www.gboards.ca/product/butter-stick-limited-edition)
+Make example for this keyboard (after setting up your build environment):
+    make butterstick:default
+See the [build environment setup](https://docs.qmk.fm/#/getting_started_build_tools) and the [make instructions](https://docs.qmk.fm/#/getting_started_make_guide) for more information. Brand new to QMK? Start with our [Complete Newbs Guide](https://docs.qmk.fm/#/newbs).
diff --git a/keyboards/butterstick/rules.mk b/keyboards/butterstick/rules.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68b117bf59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/butterstick/rules.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# MCU name
+MCU = atmega32u4
+F_CPU = 16000000
+F_USB = $(F_CPU)
+SRC += sten.c
+EXTRAFLAGS += -flto
+BOOTLOADER = atmel-dfu
+MOUSEKEY_ENABLE 	= yes		# Mouse keys(+4700)
+EXTRAKEY_ENABLE 	= yes       # Audio control and System control(+450)
+CONSOLE_ENABLE 		= yes       # Console for debug(+400)
+COMMAND_ENABLE 		= no		# Commands for debug and configuration
+NKRO_ENABLE 		= yes       # USB Nkey Rollover
+STENO_ENABLE		= yes 		# Needed for chording
diff --git a/keyboards/butterstick/sten.c b/keyboards/butterstick/sten.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a239e38842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/butterstick/sten.c
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+#include "sten.h"
+// Chord state
+uint32_t cChord 		= 0;		// Current Chord
+int		 chordIndex 	= 0;		// Keys in previousachord
+int32_t  chordState[32];			// Full Chord history
+#define  QWERBUF		24			// Size of chords to buffer for output
+bool	 repeatFlag 	= false;	// Should we repeat?
+uint32_t pChord 		= 0;		// Previous Chord
+int		 pChordIndex 	= 0;		// Keys in previousachord
+uint32_t pChordState[32];			// Previous chord sate 
+uint32_t stickyBits = 0;			// Or'd with every incoming press
+// Mode state
+enum MODE pMode;
+bool QWERSTENO = false;
+enum MODE cMode = QWERTY;
+enum MODE cMode = STENO;
+// Command State
+#define MAX_CMD_BUF   20
+uint8_t	 CMDLEN 	= 0;
+uint8_t	 CMDBUF[MAX_CMD_BUF];
+// Key Repeat state
+bool     inChord  		= false;
+bool	 repEngaged 	= false;
+uint16_t repTimer 		= 0;
+#define  REP_INIT_DELAY 750
+#define  REP_DELAY 		25
+// Mousekeys state
+bool	inMouse 		= false;
+int8_t	mousePress;
+// All processing done at chordUp goes through here
+// Note, this is a gutted version of the Georgi sten.h
+bool send_steno_chord_user(steno_mode_t mode, uint8_t chord[6]) { 
+	// Check for mousekeys, this is release
+	if (inMouse) {
+		inMouse = false;
+		mousekey_off(mousePress);
+		mousekey_send();
+	}
+	// handle command mode
+	if (cChord == (LSU | LSD | RD | RZ)) {
+		if (cMode != COMMAND) {   // Entering Command Mode
+			CMDLEN = 0;
+			pMode = cMode;
+			cMode = COMMAND;
+		} else {                  // Exiting Command Mode
+			cMode = pMode;
+			// Press all and release all
+			for (int i = 0; i < CMDLEN; i++) {
+				register_code(CMDBUF[i]);
+			}
+			clear_keyboard();
+		}
+		goto out;
+	}
+	// Handle Gaming Toggle,
+	if (cChord == (LSU | LSD | LFT | LK | RT | RS | RD | RZ) && keymapsCount > 1) {
+#ifndef NO_DEBUG
+		uprintf("Switching to QMK\n");
+		layer_on(1);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	// Do QWERTY and Momentary QWERTY
+	if (cMode == QWERTY || (cMode == COMMAND)) {
+		processChord(false);
+		goto out;
+	} 
+	cChord = 0;
+	inChord = false;
+	chordIndex = 0;
+	clear_keyboard();
+	repEngaged  = false;
+	for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+		chordState[i] = 0xFFFF;
+	return false;
+// Update Chord State 
+bool process_steno_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) { 
+	// Everything happens in here when steno keys come in.
+	// Bail on keyup
+	if (!record->event.pressed) return true;
+	// Update key repeat timers
+	repTimer = timer_read();
+	inChord  = true;
+	// Switch on the press adding to chord
+	bool pr = record->event.pressed;
+	switch (keycode) {
+			// Mods and stuff
+			case STN_ST1:			pr ? (cChord |= (ST1)): (cChord &= ~(ST1)); break;
+			case STN_ST2:			pr ? (cChord |= (ST2)): (cChord &= ~(ST2)); break;
+			case STN_ST3:			pr ? (cChord |= (ST3)): (cChord &= ~(ST3)); break;
+			case STN_ST4:			pr ? (cChord |= (ST4)): (cChord &= ~(ST4)); break;
+			case STN_FN:			pr ? (cChord |= (FN)) : (cChord &= ~(FN)); break;
+			case STN_PWR:			pr ? (cChord |= (PWR)): (cChord &= ~(PWR)); break;
+			case STN_N1...STN_N6:	pr ? (cChord |= (LNO)): (cChord &= ~(LNO)); break;
+			case STN_N7...STN_NC:	pr ? (cChord |= (RNO)): (cChord &= ~(RNO)); break;
+			// All the letter keys
+			case STN_S1:			pr ? (cChord |= (LSU)) : (cChord &= ~(LSU));  break;
+			case STN_S2:			pr ? (cChord |= (LSD)) : (cChord &= ~(LSD));  break;
+			case STN_TL:			pr ? (cChord |= (LFT)) : (cChord &= ~(LFT)); break;
+			case STN_KL:			pr ? (cChord |= (LK)) : (cChord &= ~(LK)); break;
+			case STN_PL:			pr ? (cChord |= (LP)) : (cChord &= ~(LP)); break;
+			case STN_WL:			pr ? (cChord |= (LW)) : (cChord &= ~(LW)); break;
+			case STN_HL:			pr ? (cChord |= (LH)) : (cChord &= ~(LH)); break;
+			case STN_RL:			pr ? (cChord |= (LR)) : (cChord &= ~(LR)); break;
+			case STN_A:				pr ? (cChord |= (LA)) : (cChord &= ~(LA)); break;
+			case STN_O:				pr ? (cChord |= (LO)) : (cChord &= ~(LO)); break;
+			case STN_E:				pr ? (cChord |= (RE)) : (cChord &= ~(RE)); break;
+			case STN_U:				pr ? (cChord |= (RU)) : (cChord &= ~(RU)); break;
+			case STN_FR:			pr ? (cChord |= (RF)) : (cChord &= ~(RF)); break;
+			case STN_RR:			pr ? (cChord |= (RR)) : (cChord &= ~(RR)); break;
+			case STN_PR:			pr ? (cChord |= (RP)) : (cChord &= ~(RP)); break;
+			case STN_BR:			pr ? (cChord |= (RB)) : (cChord &= ~(RB)); break;
+			case STN_LR:			pr ? (cChord |= (RL)) : (cChord &= ~(RL)); break;
+			case STN_GR:			pr ? (cChord |= (RG)) : (cChord &= ~(RG)); break;
+			case STN_TR:			pr ? (cChord |= (RT)) : (cChord &= ~(RT)); break;
+			case STN_SR:			pr ? (cChord |= (RS)) : (cChord &= ~(RS)); break;
+			case STN_DR:			pr ? (cChord |= (RD)) : (cChord &= ~(RD)); break;
+			case STN_ZR:			pr ? (cChord |= (RZ)) : (cChord &= ~(RZ)); break;
+	}
+	// Store previous state for fastQWER
+	if (pr) {
+		chordState[chordIndex] = cChord; 
+		chordIndex++;
+	}
+	return true; 
+void matrix_scan_user(void) {
+	// We abuse this for early sending of key
+	// Key repeat only on QWER/SYMB layers
+	if (cMode != QWERTY || !inChord) return;
+	// Check timers
+#ifndef NO_REPEAT
+	if (repEngaged && timer_elapsed(repTimer) > REP_DELAY) {
+		// Process Key for report
+		processChord(false);
+		// Send report to host
+		send_keyboard_report();
+		clear_keyboard();
+		repTimer = timer_read();
+	}
+	if (!repEngaged && timer_elapsed(repTimer) > REP_INIT_DELAY) {
+		repEngaged = true;
+	}
+// For Plover NKRO
+uint32_t processFakeSteno(bool lookup) { 
+	P( LSU,				SEND(KC_Q););
+	P( LSD,				SEND(KC_A););
+	P( LFT,				SEND(KC_W););
+	P( LP,				SEND(KC_E););
+	P( LH,				SEND(KC_R););
+	P( LK,				SEND(KC_S););
+	P( LW,				SEND(KC_D););
+	P( LR,				SEND(KC_F););
+	P( ST1,				SEND(KC_T););
+	P( ST2,				SEND(KC_G););
+	P( LA,				SEND(KC_C););
+	P( LO,				SEND(KC_V););
+	P( RE,				SEND(KC_N););
+	P( RU,				SEND(KC_M););
+	P( ST3,				SEND(KC_Y););
+	P( ST4,				SEND(KC_H););
+	P( RF,				SEND(KC_U););
+	P( RP,				SEND(KC_I););
+	P( RL,				SEND(KC_O););
+	P( RT,				SEND(KC_P););
+	P( RD,				SEND(KC_LBRC););
+	P( RR,				SEND(KC_J););
+	P( RB,				SEND(KC_K););
+	P( RG,				SEND(KC_L););
+	P( RS,				SEND(KC_SCLN););
+	P( RZ,				SEND(KC_COMM););
+	P( LNO,				SEND(KC_1););
+	P( RNO,				SEND(KC_1););
+	return 0;
+// Traverse the chord history to a given point
+// Returns the mask to use
+void processChord(bool useFakeSteno) {
+	// Save the clean chord state
+	uint32_t savedChord = cChord;
+	// Apply Stick Bits if needed
+	if (stickyBits != 0) {
+		cChord |= stickyBits;
+		for (int i = 0; i <= chordIndex; i++)
+			chordState[i] |= stickyBits;
+	}
+	// Strip FN
+	if (cChord & FN) cChord ^= FN;
+	// First we test if a whole chord was passsed
+	// If so we just run it handling repeat logic
+	if (useFakeSteno && processFakeSteno(true) == cChord) {
+		processFakeSteno(false);
+		return;
+	} else if (processQwerty(true) == cChord) {
+		processQwerty(false);
+		// Repeat logic
+		if (repeatFlag) {
+			restoreState();
+			repeatFlag = false;
+			processChord(false);
+		} else {
+			saveState(cChord);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// Iterate through chord picking out the individual 
+	// and longest chords
+	uint32_t bufChords[QWERBUF];
+	int 	 bufLen		= 0;
+	uint32_t mask		= 0;
+	// We iterate over it multiple times to catch the longest
+	// chord. Then that gets addded to the mask and re run.
+	while (savedChord != mask) {
+		uint32_t test  	 		= 0;
+		uint32_t longestChord	= 0;
+		for (int i = 0; i <= chordIndex; i++) {
+			cChord = chordState[i] & ~mask;
+			if (cChord == 0)
+				continue;
+			// Assume mid parse Sym is new chord
+			if (i != 0 && test != 0 && (cChord ^ test) == PWR) {
+				longestChord = test;
+				break;
+			}
+			// Lock SYM layer in once detected
+			if (mask & PWR)
+				cChord |= PWR;
+			// Testing for keycodes
+			if (useFakeSteno) {
+				test = processFakeSteno(true);
+			} else {
+				test = processQwerty(true);
+			}
+			if (test != 0) {
+				longestChord = test;
+			}
+		}
+		mask |= longestChord;
+		bufChords[bufLen] = longestChord;
+		bufLen++;
+		// That's a loop of sorts, halt processing
+		if (bufLen >= QWERBUF) {
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	// Now that the buffer is populated, we run it
+	for (int i = 0; i < bufLen ; i++) {
+		cChord = bufChords[i];
+		if (useFakeSteno) {
+			processFakeSteno(false);
+		} else {
+			processQwerty(false);
+		}
+	}
+	// Save state in case of repeat
+	if (!repeatFlag) {			
+		saveState(savedChord);
+	}
+	// Restore cChord for held repeat
+	cChord = savedChord;
+	return;
+void saveState(uint32_t cleanChord) {
+	pChord = cleanChord;
+	pChordIndex = chordIndex;
+	for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) 
+		pChordState[i] = chordState[i];
+void restoreState() {
+	cChord = pChord;
+	chordIndex = pChordIndex;
+	for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) 
+		chordState[i] = pChordState[i];
+// Macros for calling from keymap.c
+void SEND(uint8_t kc) {
+	// Send Keycode, Does not work for Quantum Codes
+	if (cMode == COMMAND && CMDLEN < MAX_CMD_BUF) {
+#ifndef NO_DEBUG
+		uprintf("CMD LEN: %d BUF: %d\n", CMDLEN, MAX_CMD_BUF);
+		CMDLEN++;
+	} 
+	if (cMode != COMMAND) register_code(kc);
+	return;
+void REPEAT(void) {
+	if (cMode != QWERTY)
+		return;
+	repeatFlag = true;
+	return;
+void SET_STICKY(uint32_t stick) {
+	stickyBits = stick;
+	return;
+void SWITCH_LAYER(int layer) {
+	if (keymapsCount >= layer) 
+		layer_on(layer);
+void CLICK_MOUSE(uint8_t kc) {
+	mousekey_on(kc);
+	mousekey_send();
+	// Store state for later use
+	inMouse = true;
+	mousePress = kc;
diff --git a/keyboards/butterstick/sten.h b/keyboards/butterstick/sten.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a9771d9a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/butterstick/sten.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// 2019, g Heavy Industries
+// Blessed mother of Christ, please keep this readable
+// and protect us from segfaults. For thine is the clock,
+// the slave and the master. Until we return from main.
+// Amen.
+#include QMK_KEYBOARD_H
+#include "mousekey.h"
+#include "keymap.h"
+#include "keymap_steno.h"
+#include "wait.h"
+extern size_t keymapsCount;			// Total keymaps
+extern uint32_t cChord;				// Current Chord
+// Function defs
+void 			processChord(bool useFakeSteno);
+uint32_t		processQwerty(bool lookup);
+uint32_t 		processFakeSteno(bool lookup);
+void 			saveState(uint32_t cChord);
+void 			restoreState(void);
+// Macros for use in keymap.c
+void 			SEND(uint8_t kc);
+void 			REPEAT(void);
+void 			SET_STICKY(uint32_t);
+void 			SWITCH_LAYER(int);
+void 			CLICK_MOUSE(uint8_t);
+// Keymap helper
+#define P(chord, act) if (cChord == (chord)) { if (!lookup) {act;} return chord;}
+// Shift to internal representation
+// i.e) S(teno)R(ight)F
+#define STN(n) (1L<<n)
+enum ORDER { 
+// Break it all out
+#define FN	STN(SFN)
+#define PWR	STN(SPWR)
+#define ST1 STN(SST1)
+#define ST2 STN(SST2)
+#define ST3 STN(SST3)
+#define ST4 STN(SST4)
+#define LNO STN(SNUML) 	// STN1-6
+#define RNO STN(SNUMR) 	// STN7-C
+#define RES1 STN(SRES1) // Use reserved for sticky state
+#define RES2 STN(SRES2)
+#define LSU STN(SLSU)
+#define LSD STN(SLSD)
+#define LFT STN(SLT)  	// (L)e(F)t (T), preprocessor conflict
+#define LK  STN(SLK)
+#define LP  STN(SLP)
+#define LW  STN(SLW)
+#define LH  STN(SLH)
+#define LR  STN(SLR)
+#define LA  STN(SLA)
+#define LO  STN(SLO)
+#define RE  STN(SRE)
+#define RU  STN(SRU)
+#define RF  STN(SRF)
+#define RR  STN(SRR)
+#define RP  STN(SRP)
+#define RB  STN(SRB)
+#define RL  STN(SRL)
+#define RG  STN(SRG)
+#define RT  STN(SRT)
+#define RS  STN(SRS)
+#define RD  STN(SRD)
+#define RZ  STN(SRZ)