diff --git a/data/mappings/info_rules.json b/data/mappings/info_rules.json
index d4eec37ba0..5cdae962a5 100644
--- a/data/mappings/info_rules.json
+++ b/data/mappings/info_rules.json
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
     "BOOTLOADER": {"info_key": "bootloader", "warn_duplicate": false},
     "BLUETOOTH": {"info_key": "bluetooth.driver"},
     "CAPS_WORD_ENABLE": {"info_key": "caps_word.enabled", "value_type": "bool"},
+    "ENCODER_ENABLE": {"info_key": "encoder.enabled", "value_type": "bool"},
     "FIRMWARE_FORMAT": {"info_key": "build.firmware_format"},
     "KEYBOARD_SHARED_EP": {"info_key": "usb.shared_endpoint.keyboard", "value_type": "bool"},
     "MOUSE_SHARED_EP": {"info_key": "usb.shared_endpoint.mouse", "value_type": "bool"},
diff --git a/data/schemas/keyboard.jsonschema b/data/schemas/keyboard.jsonschema
index 52a66cc132..8d9fc4754d 100644
--- a/data/schemas/keyboard.jsonschema
+++ b/data/schemas/keyboard.jsonschema
@@ -2,6 +2,26 @@
     "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema#",
     "$id": "qmk.keyboard.v1",
     "title": "Keyboard Information",
+    "definitions": {
+        "encoder_config": {
+            "type": "object",
+            "properties": {
+                "rotary": {
+                    "type": "array",
+                    "items": {
+                        "type": "object",
+                        "additionalProperties": false,
+                        "required": ["pin_a", "pin_b"],
+                        "properties": {
+                            "pin_a": {"$ref": "qmk.definitions.v1#/mcu_pin"},
+                            "pin_b": {"$ref": "qmk.definitions.v1#/mcu_pin"},
+                            "resolution": {"$ref": "qmk.definitions.v1#/unsigned_int"} 
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
     "type": "object",
     "properties": {
         "keyboard_name": {"$ref": "qmk.definitions.v1#/text_identifier"},
@@ -113,6 +133,12 @@
             "type": "array",
             "items": {"$ref": "qmk.definitions.v1#/filename"}
+        "encoder": {
+            "$ref": "#/definitions/encoder_config",
+            "properties": {
+                "enabled": {"type": "boolean"}
+            }
+        },
         "features": {"$ref": "qmk.definitions.v1#/boolean_array"},
         "indicators": {
             "type": "object",
@@ -363,6 +389,15 @@
+                "encoder": {
+                    "type": "object",
+                    "additionalProperties": false,
+                    "properties": {
+                        "right": {
+                            "$ref": "#/definitions/encoder_config"
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
                 "main": {
                     "type": "string",
                     "enum": ["eeprom", "left", "matrix_grid", "pin", "right"]
diff --git a/docs/reference_info_json.md b/docs/reference_info_json.md
index 90b28689d0..d2e9346ee3 100644
--- a/docs/reference_info_json.md
+++ b/docs/reference_info_json.md
@@ -187,3 +187,39 @@ Example:
 The device version is a BCD (binary coded decimal) value, in the format `MMmr`, so the below value would look like `0x0100` in the generated code. This also means the maximum valid values for each part are `99.9.9`, despite it being a hexadecimal value under the hood.
+### Encoders
+This section controls the basic [rotary encoder](feature_encoders.md) support.
+The following items can be set. Not every value is required.
+* `pin_a`
+  * __Required__. A pad definition
+* `pin_b`
+  * __Required__. B pad definition
+* `resolution`
+  * How many pulses the encoder registers between each detent
+    "encoder": {
+        "rotary": [
+            { "pin_a": "B5", "pin_b": "A2" }
+        ]
+    }
+    "encoder": {
+        "rotary": [
+            { "pin_a": "B5", "pin_b": "A2", "resolution": 4 }
+            { "pin_a": "B6", "pin_b": "A3", "resolution": 2 }
+        ]
+    }
diff --git a/lib/python/qmk/cli/generate/config_h.py b/lib/python/qmk/cli/generate/config_h.py
index 893892c479..9d50368aba 100755
--- a/lib/python/qmk/cli/generate/config_h.py
+++ b/lib/python/qmk/cli/generate/config_h.py
@@ -134,6 +134,29 @@ def generate_config_items(kb_info_json, config_h_lines):
             config_h_lines.append(f'#endif // {config_key}')
+def generate_encoder_config(encoder_json, config_h_lines, postfix=''):
+    """Generate the config.h lines for encoders."""
+    a_pads = []
+    b_pads = []
+    resolutions = []
+    for encoder in encoder_json.get("rotary", []):
+        a_pads.append(encoder["pin_a"])
+        b_pads.append(encoder["pin_b"])
+        resolutions.append(str(encoder.get("resolution", 4)))
+    config_h_lines.append(f'#ifndef ENCODERS_PAD_A{postfix}')
+    config_h_lines.append(f'#   define ENCODERS_PAD_A{postfix} {{ { ", ".join(a_pads) } }}')
+    config_h_lines.append(f'#endif // ENCODERS_PAD_A{postfix}')
+    config_h_lines.append(f'#ifndef ENCODERS_PAD_B{postfix}')
+    config_h_lines.append(f'#   define ENCODERS_PAD_B{postfix} {{ { ", ".join(b_pads) } }}')
+    config_h_lines.append(f'#endif // ENCODERS_PAD_B{postfix}')
+    config_h_lines.append(f'#ifndef ENCODER_RESOLUTIONS{postfix}')
+    config_h_lines.append(f'#   define ENCODER_RESOLUTIONS{postfix} {{ { ", ".join(resolutions) } }}')
+    config_h_lines.append(f'#endif // ENCODER_RESOLUTIONS{postfix}')
 def generate_split_config(kb_info_json, config_h_lines):
     """Generate the config.h lines for split boards."""
     if 'primary' in kb_info_json['split']:
@@ -173,6 +196,9 @@ def generate_split_config(kb_info_json, config_h_lines):
     if 'right' in kb_info_json['split'].get('matrix_pins', {}):
         config_h_lines.append(matrix_pins(kb_info_json['split']['matrix_pins']['right'], '_RIGHT'))
+    if 'right' in kb_info_json['split'].get('encoder', {}):
+        generate_encoder_config(kb_info_json['split']['encoder']['right'], config_h_lines, '_RIGHT')
 @cli.argument('-o', '--output', arg_only=True, type=normpath, help='File to write to')
 @cli.argument('-q', '--quiet', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help="Quiet mode, only output error messages")
@@ -198,6 +224,9 @@ def generate_config_h(cli):
     if 'matrix_pins' in kb_info_json:
+    if 'encoder' in kb_info_json:
+        generate_encoder_config(kb_info_json['encoder'], config_h_lines)
     if 'split' in kb_info_json:
         generate_split_config(kb_info_json, config_h_lines)
diff --git a/lib/python/qmk/info.py b/lib/python/qmk/info.py
index 23761d71b7..d308de9db8 100644
--- a/lib/python/qmk/info.py
+++ b/lib/python/qmk/info.py
@@ -218,6 +218,62 @@ def _extract_audio(info_data, config_c):
         info_data['audio'] = {'pins': audio_pins}
+def _extract_encoders_values(config_c, postfix=''):
+    """Common encoder extraction logic
+    """
+    a_pad = config_c.get(f'ENCODERS_PAD_A{postfix}', '').replace(' ', '')[1:-1]
+    b_pad = config_c.get(f'ENCODERS_PAD_B{postfix}', '').replace(' ', '')[1:-1]
+    resolutions = config_c.get(f'ENCODER_RESOLUTIONS{postfix}', '').replace(' ', '')[1:-1]
+    default_resolution = config_c.get('ENCODER_RESOLUTION', '4')
+    if a_pad and b_pad:
+        a_pad = list(filter(None, a_pad.split(',')))
+        b_pad = list(filter(None, b_pad.split(',')))
+        resolutions = list(filter(None, resolutions.split(',')))
+        resolutions += [default_resolution] * (len(a_pad) - len(resolutions))
+        encoders = []
+        for index in range(len(a_pad)):
+            encoders.append({'pin_a': a_pad[index], 'pin_b': b_pad[index], "resolution": int(resolutions[index])})
+        return encoders
+def _extract_encoders(info_data, config_c):
+    """Populate data about encoder pins
+    """
+    encoders = _extract_encoders_values(config_c)
+    if encoders:
+        if 'encoder' not in info_data:
+            info_data['encoder'] = {}
+        if 'rotary' in info_data['encoder']:
+            _log_warning(info_data, 'Encoder config is specified in both config.h and info.json (encoder.rotary) (Value: %s), the config.h value wins.' % info_data['encoder']['rotary'])
+        info_data['encoder']['rotary'] = encoders
+def _extract_split_encoders(info_data, config_c):
+    """Populate data about split encoder pins
+    """
+    encoders = _extract_encoders_values(config_c, '_RIGHT')
+    if encoders:
+        if 'split' not in info_data:
+            info_data['split'] = {}
+        if 'encoder' not in info_data['split']:
+            info_data['split']['encoder'] = {}
+        if 'right' not in info_data['split']['encoder']:
+            info_data['split']['encoder']['right'] = {}
+        if 'rotary' in info_data['split']['encoder']['right']:
+            _log_warning(info_data, 'Encoder config is specified in both config.h and info.json (encoder.rotary) (Value: %s), the config.h value wins.' % info_data['split']['encoder']['right']['rotary'])
+        info_data['split']['encoder']['right']['rotary'] = encoders
 def _extract_secure_unlock(info_data, config_c):
     """Populate data about the secure unlock sequence
@@ -506,6 +562,8 @@ def _extract_config_h(info_data, config_c):
     _extract_split_main(info_data, config_c)
     _extract_split_transport(info_data, config_c)
     _extract_split_right_pins(info_data, config_c)
+    _extract_encoders(info_data, config_c)
+    _extract_split_encoders(info_data, config_c)
     return info_data