diff --git a/converter/pc98_usb/Makefile b/converter/pc98_usb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..076371dbfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/pc98_usb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Target file name (without extension).
+TARGET = pc98_usb
+# Directory common source filess exist
+TOP_DIR = ../..
+# Directory keyboard dependent files exist
+# keyboard dependent files
+SRC =	keymap.c \
+	matrix.c \
+	led.c \
+	command_extra.c \
+	protocol/serial_soft.c
+CONFIG_H = config.h
+# MCU name, you MUST set this to match the board you are using
+# type "make clean" after changing this, so all files will be rebuilt
+#MCU = at90usb162       # Teensy 1.0
+MCU = atmega32u4       # Teensy 2.0
+#MCU = at90usb646       # Teensy++ 1.0
+#MCU = at90usb1286      # Teensy++ 2.0
+# Processor frequency.
+#   Normally the first thing your program should do is set the clock prescaler,
+#   so your program will run at the correct speed.  You should also set this
+#   variable to same clock speed.  The _delay_ms() macro uses this, and many
+#   examples use this variable to calculate timings.  Do not add a "UL" here.
+F_CPU = 16000000
+# LUFA specific
+# Target architecture (see library "Board Types" documentation).
+# Input clock frequency.
+#     This will define a symbol, F_USB, in all source code files equal to the
+#     input clock frequency (before any prescaling is performed) in Hz. This value may
+#     differ from F_CPU if prescaling is used on the latter, and is required as the
+#     raw input clock is fed directly to the PLL sections of the AVR for high speed
+#     clock generation for the USB and other AVR subsections. Do NOT tack on a 'UL'
+#     at the end, this will be done automatically to create a 32-bit value in your
+#     source code.
+#     If no clock division is performed on the input clock inside the AVR (via the
+#     CPU clock adjust registers or the clock division fuses), this will be equal to F_CPU.
+F_USB = $(F_CPU)
+# Interrupt driven control endpoint task
+# Build Options
+#   *Comment out* to disable the options.
+MOUSEKEY_ENABLE = yes	# Mouse keys
+EXTRAKEY_ENABLE = yes	# Audio control and System control
+CONSOLE_ENABLE = yes	# Console for debug
+#NKRO_ENABLE = yes	# USB Nkey Rollover
+# Boot Section Size in bytes
+#   Teensy halfKay   512
+#   Atmel DFU loader 4096
+#   LUFA bootloader  4096
+# Search Path
+include $(TOP_DIR)/protocol/lufa.mk
+include $(TOP_DIR)/protocol.mk
+include $(TOP_DIR)/common.mk
+include $(TOP_DIR)/rules.mk
diff --git a/converter/pc98_usb/README b/converter/pc98_usb/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d9547d508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/pc98_usb/README
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+PC98 to USB keyboard protocol converter
+Target MCU is ATMega32u4 but other USB capable AVR will also work.
+    8Pin mini DIN
+       ___ ___
+      /  |_|  \
+     / 8  7  6 \
+    | 5    4  3 |
+     \_ 2   1 _/
+       \_____/  
+     (receptacle)
+Wiring: You can change this with ediging config.h.
+    Pin mini DIN        MCU
+    ----------------------------------
+    1  ~RST             PD1
+    2   GND             GND
+    3  ~RDY             PD4
+    4   RXD             PD2
+    5  ~RTY             PD5
+    6   NC                 
+    7   NC                 
+    8   5V              VCC
+Singnal: Asynchronous, Positive logic, 19200baud, Least bit first
+Frame format: 1-Start bit(Lo), 8-Data bits, Odd-Parity, 1-Stop bit
+This converter uses software method for testing purpose. AVR UART engine will work better.
+Build Firmware
+Just use 'make'
+    $ cd pc98_usb
+    $ make
+Then, load the binary to MCU with your favorite programmer.
+Other PC98 converter projects and resource
+PC98 to USB
+PC98 to PS/2
+PC98 keyboard commands
diff --git a/converter/pc98_usb/command_extra.c b/converter/pc98_usb/command_extra.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50389467ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/pc98_usb/command_extra.c
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#include "stdbool.h"
+#include "stdint.h"
+#include "keycode.h"
+#include "serial.h"
+#include "print.h"
+#include "command.h"
+bool command_extra(uint8_t code)
+    switch (code) {
+        case KC_H:
+        case KC_SLASH: /* ? */
+            print("\n\n----- Sun converter Help -----\n");
+            print("UP:	Bell On\n");
+            print("DOWN:	Bell Off\n");
+            print("LEFT:	Click On\n");
+            print("RIGHT:	Click Off\n");
+            return false;
+        case KC_UP:
+            print("Bell On\n");
+            serial_send(0x02);
+            break;
+        case KC_DOWN:
+            print("Bell Off\n");
+            serial_send(0x03);
+            break;
+        case KC_LEFT:
+            print("Click On\n");
+            serial_send(0x0A);
+            break;
+        case KC_RIGHT:
+            print("Click Off\n");
+            serial_send(0x0B);
+            break;
+        case KC_NUMLOCK:
+            print("layout\n");
+            serial_send(0x0F);
+            break;
+        default:
+            return false;
+    }
+    return true;
diff --git a/converter/pc98_usb/config.h b/converter/pc98_usb/config.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ef2c6ac30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/pc98_usb/config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+Copyright 2012 Jun Wako <wakojun@gmail.com>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#ifndef CONFIG_H
+#define CONFIG_H
+#define VENDOR_ID       0xFEED
+#define PRODUCT_ID      0x9898
+#define DEVICE_VER      0x0100
+#define MANUFACTURER    t.m.k.
+#define PRODUCT         PC98 keyboard converter
+#define DESCRIPTION     converts PC98 keyboard protocol into USB
+/* matrix size */
+#define MATRIX_ROWS 16
+#define MATRIX_COLS 8
+/* key combination for command */
+#define IS_COMMAND() ( \
+    keyboard_report->mods == (MOD_BIT(KC_LALT) | MOD_BIT(KC_RALT)) || \
+    keyboard_report->mods == (MOD_BIT(KC_LGUI) | MOD_BIT(KC_RGUI)) || \
+    keyboard_report->mods == (MOD_BIT(KC_LSHIFT) | MOD_BIT(KC_RSHIFT)) \
+/* PC98 Serial(USART) configuration
+ *     asynchronous, positive logic, 19200baud, bit order: LSB first
+ *     1-start bit, 8-data bit, odd parity, 1-stop bit
+ */
+#define SERIAL_BAUD 19200
+/* PC98 Reset Port */
+#define PC98_RST_DDR    DDRD
+#define PC98_RST_PORT   PORTD
+#define PC98_RST_BIT    1
+/* PC98 Ready Port */
+#define PC98_RDY_DDR    DDRD
+#define PC98_RDY_PORT   PORTD
+#define PC98_RDY_BIT    4
+/* PC98 Retry Port */
+#define PC98_RTY_DDR    DDRD
+#define PC98_RTY_PORT   PORTD
+#define PC98_RTY_BIT    5
+/* RXD Port */
+#define SERIAL_RXD_BIT  2
+/* RXD Interupt */
+#define SERIAL_RXD_VECT INT2_vect
+#define SERIAL_RXD_INIT()  do { \
+    /* pin configuration: input with pull-up */ \
+    SERIAL_RXD_DDR &= ~(1<<SERIAL_RXD_BIT);     \
+    SERIAL_RXD_PORT |= (1<<SERIAL_RXD_BIT);     \
+    /* enable interrupt: INT2(falling edge) */  \
+    EICRA |= ((1<<ISC21)|(0<<ISC20));           \
+    EIMSK |= (1<<INT2);                         \
+} while (0)
+#define SERIAL_RXD_INT_EXIT() do {  \
+    /* clear interrupt  flag */     \
+    EIFR = (1<<INTF2);              \
+} while (0)
+/* TXD Port: Not used */
+#define SERIAL_TXD_BIT  3
+/* negative logic */
+#define SERIAL_TXD_ON()     do { SERIAL_TXD_PORT &= ~(1<<SERIAL_TXD_BIT); } while (0)
+#define SERIAL_TXD_OFF()    do { SERIAL_TXD_PORT |=  (1<<SERIAL_TXD_BIT); } while (0)
+#define SERIAL_TXD_INIT()   do { \
+    /* pin configuration: output */         \
+    /* idle */                              \
+    SERIAL_TXD_ON();                        \
+} while (0)
diff --git a/converter/pc98_usb/keymap.c b/converter/pc98_usb/keymap.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e2dd03d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/pc98_usb/keymap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+Copyright 2012 Jun Wako <wakojun@gmail.com>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+#include "keycode.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "keymap.h"
+/* PC-9801-98-S02   Raku Raku keyboard(Luckyboard) Normal Mode
+  ,---------------------------------------------------------------.
+  | 60| 61| 62| 63| 64| 65| 66| 67| 68| 69| 6A| 6B| 36| 37| 3F| 3E|
+  `---------------------------------------------------------------'
+  ,---------------------------------------------------------------.
+  |    00| 01| 02| 03| 04| 05|  58|  71| 06| 07| 08| 09| 0A|    0E|
+  |---------------------------------------------------------------|
+  |   0F| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14|    3A     | 15| 16| 17| 18| 19|   1C|
+  |---------------------------------------------------------------|
+  |  74| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24|  3B  |  3C  | 25| 26| 27| 28| 29|    |
+  |---------------------------------------------------------------|
+  | 70| 2A| 2B| 2C| 2D| 2E| 38|  3D   | 39| 2F| 30| 31| 32| 33| 70|
+  `---------------------------------------------------------------'
+          | 73|   51|   5B|   59|       34|   5A|   35| xx|
+          `-----------------------------------------------'
+  xx: 74 35 F4 B5
+#define KEYMAP( \
+    K60, K61, K62, K63, K64, K65, K66, K67, K68, K69, K6A, K6B, K36, K37, K3F, K3E, \
+      K00,  K01, K02, K03, K04, K05,  K58, K71,   K06, K07, K08, K09, K0A,    K0E,  \
+      K0F,  K10, K11, K12, K13, K14,     K3A,     K15, K16, K17, K18, K19,    K1C,  \
+      K74, K20, K21, K22, K23, K24,   K3B,  K3C,   K25, K26, K27, K28, K29,         \
+      K70,K2A, K2B, K2C, K2D, K2E, K38,  K3D,  K39, K2F, K30, K31, K32, K33,        \
+               K73,  K51, K5B, K59,        K34,        K5A,  K35                    \
+) { \
+    { KC_##K00, KC_##K01, KC_##K02, KC_##K03, KC_##K04, KC_##K05, KC_##K06, KC_##K07 }, \
+    { KC_##K08, KC_##K09, KC_##K0A, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_##K0E, KC_##K0F }, \
+    { KC_##K10, KC_##K11, KC_##K12, KC_##K13, KC_##K14, KC_##K15, KC_##K16, KC_##K17 }, \
+    { KC_##K18, KC_##K19, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_##K1C, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO    }, \
+    { KC_##K20, KC_##K21, KC_##K22, KC_##K23, KC_##K24, KC_##K25, KC_##K26, KC_##K27 }, \
+    { KC_##K28, KC_##K29, KC_##K2A, KC_##K2B, KC_##K2C, KC_##K2D, KC_##K2E, KC_##K2F }, \
+    { KC_##K30, KC_##K31, KC_##K32, KC_##K33, KC_##K34, KC_##K35, KC_##K36, KC_##K37 }, \
+    { KC_##K38, KC_##K39, KC_##K3A, KC_##K3B, KC_##K3C, KC_##K3D, KC_##K3E, KC_##K3F }, \
+    { KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO    }, \
+    { KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO    }, \
+    { KC_NO,    KC_##K51, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO    }, \
+    { KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_##K5A, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO    }, \
+    { KC_##K60, KC_##K61, KC_##K62, KC_##K63, KC_##K64, KC_##K65, KC_##K66, KC_##K67 }, \
+    { KC_##K68, KC_##K69, KC_##K6A, KC_##K6B, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO    }, \
+    { KC_##K70, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_##K73, KC_##K74, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO    }, \
+    { KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO    }  \
+// Assign Fn key(0-7) to a layer to which switch with the Fn key pressed.
+static const uint8_t PROGMEM fn_layer[] = {
+    2,              // Fn0
+    3,              // Fn1
+    4,              // Fn2
+    0,              // Fn3
+    0,              // Fn4
+    0,              // Fn5
+    0,              // Fn6
+    0               // Fn7
+// Assign Fn key(0-7) to a keycode sent when release Fn key without use of the layer.
+// See layer.c for details.
+static const uint8_t PROGMEM fn_keycode[] = {
+    KC_NO,          // Fn0
+    KC_SCLN,        // Fn1
+    KC_SLSH,        // Fn2
+    KC_NO,          // Fn3
+    KC_NO,          // Fn4
+    KC_NO,          // Fn5
+    KC_NO,          // Fn6
+    KC_NO           // Fn7
+static const uint8_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
+    /*
+  ,---------------------------------------------------------------.
+  | 60| 61| 62| 63| 64| 65| 66| 67| 68| 69| 6A| 6B| 36| 37| 3F| 3E|
+  `---------------------------------------------------------------'
+  ,---------------------------------------------------------------.
+  |    00| 01| 02| 03| 04| 05|  58|  71| 06| 07| 08| 09| 0A|    0E|
+  |---------------------------------------------------------------|
+  |   0F| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14|    3A     | 15| 16| 17| 18| 19|   1C|
+  |---------------------------------------------------------------|
+  |  74| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24|  MINS|   EQL| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29|    |
+  |---------------------------------------------------------------|
+  | 70| 2A| 2B| 2C| 2D| 2E| 38|  3D   | 39| 2F| 30| 31| 32| 33| 70|
+  `---------------------------------------------------------------'
+          | 73|   51|   5B|   59|       34|   5A|   35| xx|
+          `-----------------------------------------------'
+    */
+    KEYMAP(
+    PAUS,COPY,  F1,  F2,  F3,  F4,  F5,  F6,  F7,  F8,  F9, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14,
+      ESC,    1,   2,   3,   4,   5,    NO, NO,     6,   7,   8,   9,   0,   BSPC,
+      TAB,    Q,   W,   E,   R,   T,      UP,       Y,   U,   I,   O,   P,   ENT,
+      LCTL,  A,   S,   D,   F,   G,  MINS,  EQL,     H,   J,   K,   L,SCLN,
+      LSFT, Z,   X,   C,   V,   B, INS, DOWN,  DEL,   N,   M,COMM, DOT,SLSH,
+              LGUI, LALT, LCTL, LSFT,      SPC,      SPC,   RALT
+    ),
+uint8_t keymap_get_keycode(uint8_t layer, uint8_t row, uint8_t col)
+    return pgm_read_byte(&keymaps[(layer)][(row)][(col)]);
+uint8_t keymap_fn_layer(uint8_t index)
+    return pgm_read_byte(&fn_layer[index]);
+uint8_t keymap_fn_keycode(uint8_t index)
+    return pgm_read_byte(&fn_keycode[index]);
+#if 0
+/* PC-9801-98-S02   Raku Raku keyboard(Luckyboard) M-siki mode
+  ,---------------------------------------------------------------.
+  | 60| 61| 62| 63| 64| 65| 66| 67| 68| 69| 6A| 6B| 36| 37| 3F| 3E|
+  `---------------------------------------------------------------'
+  ,---------------------------------------------------------------.
+  |    00| 01| 02| 03| 04| 05| NUM|CAPS| 06| 07| 08| 09| 0A|    0E|
+  |---------------------------------------------------------------|
+  |   0F| 10| 25| 20| 23| 2B|    3A     | 2F| 15| 13| 11| 19|   1C|
+  |---------------------------------------------------------------|
+  |  74| 12| 16| 17| 1D| 18|  3B  |  3C  | 24| 1E| 14| 2E| 22|    |
+  |---------------------------------------------------------------|
+  | 70| xx| 2A| 2C| xx| xx| 38|  3D   | 39| 21| 29| 1F| xx| 2D| 70|
+  `---------------------------------------------------------------'
+          | 73|   51|   xx|   xx|       34|   xx|   35| xx|
+          `-----------------------------------------------'
+#define KEYMAP_M( \
+    K60, K61, K62, K63, K64, K65, K66, K67, K68, K69, K6A, K6B, K36, K37, K3F, K3E, \
+      K00,  K01, K02, K03, K04, K05,              K06, K07, K08, K09, K0A,    K0E,  \
+      K0F,  K10, K25, K23, K20, K2B,     K3A,     K2F, K15, K13, K11, K19,    K1C,  \
+      K74, K12, K16, K17, K1D, K18,   K3B,  K3C,   K24, K1E, K14, K2E, K22,         \
+      K70,     K2A, K2C,           K38,  K3D,  K39, K21, K29, K1F,      K2D,        \
+               K73,  K51,                  K34,              K35                    \
+) { \
+    { KC_##K00, KC_##K01, KC_##K02, KC_##K03, KC_##K04, KC_##K05, KC_##K06, KC_##K07 }, \
+    { KC_##K08, KC_##K09, KC_##K0A, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_##K0E, KC_##K0F }, \
+    { KC_##K10, KC_##K11, KC_##K12, KC_##K13, KC_##K14, KC_##K15, KC_##K16, KC_##K17 }, \
+    { KC_##K18, KC_##K19, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_##K1C, KC_##K1D, KC_##K1E, KC_##K1F }, \
+    { KC_##K20, KC_##K21, KC_##K22, KC_##K23, KC_##K24, KC_##K25, KC_NO,    KC_NO    }, \
+    { KC_NO,    KC_##K29, KC_##K2A, KC_##K2B, KC_##K2C, KC_##K2D, KC_##K2E, KC_##K2F }, \
+    { KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_##K34, KC_##K35, KC_##K36, KC_##K37 }, \
+    { KC_##K38, KC_##K39, KC_##K3A, KC_##K3B, KC_##K3C, KC_##K3D, KC_##K3E, KC_##K3F }, \
+    { KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO    }, \
+    { KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO    }, \
+    { KC_NO,    KC_##K51, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO    }, \
+    { KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO    }, \
+    { KC_##K60, KC_##K61, KC_##K62, KC_##K63, KC_##K64, KC_##K65, KC_##K66, KC_##K67 }, \
+    { KC_##K68, KC_##K69, KC_##K6A, KC_##K6B, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO    }, \
+    { KC_##K70, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_##K73, KC_##K74, KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO    }, \
+    { KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO,    KC_NO    }  \
diff --git a/converter/pc98_usb/led.c b/converter/pc98_usb/led.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48c3f1c2b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/pc98_usb/led.c
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Copyright 2012 Jun Wako <wakojun@gmail.com>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "stdint.h"
+#include "serial.h"
+#include "led.h"
+void led_set(uint8_t usb_led)
+    uint8_t sun_led = 0;
+    if (usb_led & (1<<USB_LED_NUM_LOCK))    sun_led |= (1<<0);
+    if (usb_led & (1<<USB_LED_COMPOSE))     sun_led |= (1<<1);
+    if (usb_led & (1<<USB_LED_SCROLL_LOCK)) sun_led |= (1<<2);
+    if (usb_led & (1<<USB_LED_CAPS_LOCK))   sun_led |= (1<<3);
+    serial_send(0x0E);
+    serial_send(sun_led);
diff --git a/converter/pc98_usb/matrix.c b/converter/pc98_usb/matrix.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f1e821c5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/pc98_usb/matrix.c
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+Copyright 2012 Jun Wako <wakojun@gmail.com>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <avr/io.h>
+#include <util/delay.h>
+#include "print.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "matrix.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "protocol/serial.h"
+ * Matrix Array usage:
+ *
+ * ROW: 16(4bits)
+ * COL:  8(3bits)
+ *
+ *    8bit wide
+ *   +---------+
+ *  0|00 ... 07|
+ *  1|08 ... 0F|
+ *  :|   ...   |
+ *  :|   ...   |
+ *  E|70 ... 77|
+ *  F|78 ... 7F|
+ *   +---------+
+ */
+static uint8_t matrix[MATRIX_ROWS];
+#define ROW(code)      ((code>>3)&0xF)
+#define COL(code)      (code&0x07)
+static bool is_modified = false;
+uint8_t matrix_rows(void)
+    return MATRIX_ROWS;
+uint8_t matrix_cols(void)
+    return MATRIX_COLS;
+void matrix_init(void)
+    print_enable = true;
+    debug_enable = true;
+    //debug_matrix = true;
+    PC98_RST_DDR |= (1<<PC98_RST_BIT);
+    PC98_RDY_DDR |= (1<<PC98_RDY_BIT);
+    PC98_RTY_DDR |= (1<<PC98_RTY_BIT);
+    PC98_RST_PORT |= (1<<PC98_RST_BIT);
+    PC98_RDY_PORT |= (1<<PC98_RDY_BIT);
+    PC98_RTY_PORT |= (1<<PC98_RTY_BIT);
+    DDRD |= 1<<7;
+    serial_init();
+    // PC98 reset
+    PC98_RST_PORT &= ~(1<<PC98_RST_BIT);
+    _delay_us(15);
+    PC98_RST_PORT |= (1<<PC98_RST_BIT);
+    _delay_us(13);
+    PC98_RDY_PORT |= (1<<PC98_RDY_BIT);
+    // PC98 ready
+    PC98_RDY_PORT &= ~(1<<PC98_RDY_BIT);
+    // initialize matrix state: all keys off
+    for (uint8_t i=0; i < MATRIX_ROWS; i++) matrix[i] = 0x00;
+    debug("init\n");
+    return;
+uint8_t matrix_scan(void)
+    is_modified = false;
+    uint16_t code;
+    PC98_RDY_PORT |= (1<<PC98_RDY_BIT);
+    _delay_us(30);
+    code = serial_recv2();
+    PC98_RDY_PORT &= ~(1<<PC98_RDY_BIT);
+    if (code == -1) return 0;
+    debug_hex(code); debug(" ");
+    if (code&0x80) {
+        // break code
+        if (matrix_is_on(ROW(code), COL(code))) {
+            matrix[ROW(code)] &= ~(1<<COL(code));
+            is_modified = true;
+        }
+    } else {
+        // make code
+        if (!matrix_is_on(ROW(code), COL(code))) {
+            matrix[ROW(code)] |=  (1<<COL(code));
+            is_modified = true;
+        }
+    }
+    return code;
+bool matrix_is_modified(void)
+    return is_modified;
+bool matrix_has_ghost(void)
+    return false;
+bool matrix_is_on(uint8_t row, uint8_t col)
+    return (matrix[row] & (1<<col));
+uint8_t matrix_get_row(uint8_t row)
+    return matrix[row];
+void matrix_print(void)
+    print("\nr/c 01234567\n");
+    for (uint8_t row = 0; row < matrix_rows(); row++) {
+        phex(row); print(": ");
+        pbin_reverse(matrix_get_row(row));
+        print("\n");
+    }
+uint8_t matrix_key_count(void)
+    uint8_t count = 0;
+    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MATRIX_ROWS; i++) {
+        count += bitpop(matrix[i]);
+    }
+    return count;
diff --git a/protocol/serial.h b/protocol/serial.h
index bd071bec92..96913c8675 100644
--- a/protocol/serial.h
+++ b/protocol/serial.h
 /* host role */
 void serial_init(void);
 uint8_t serial_recv(void);
+int16_t serial_recv2(void);
 void serial_send(uint8_t data);
diff --git a/protocol/serial_soft.c b/protocol/serial_soft.c
index beddc353c0..3c9c914ed6 100644
--- a/protocol/serial_soft.c
+++ b/protocol/serial_soft.c
@@ -48,8 +48,20 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
 #define WAIT_US     (1000000/SERIAL_BAUD)
+/* debug for signal timing, see debug pin with oscilloscope */
+    #define SERIAL_SOFT_DEBUG_INIT()    (DDRD |= 1<<7)
+    #define SERIAL_SOFT_DEBUG_TGL()     (PORTD ^= 1<<7)
+    #define SERIAL_SOFT_DEBUG_TGL()
 void serial_init(void)
@@ -60,6 +72,7 @@ static uint8_t rbuf[RBUF_SIZE];
 static uint8_t rbuf_head = 0;
 static uint8_t rbuf_tail = 0;
 uint8_t serial_recv(void)
     uint8_t data = 0;
@@ -72,6 +85,18 @@ uint8_t serial_recv(void)
     return data;
+int16_t serial_recv2(void)
+    uint8_t data = 0;
+    if (rbuf_head == rbuf_tail) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    data = rbuf[rbuf_tail];
+    rbuf_tail = (rbuf_tail + 1) % RBUF_SIZE;
+    return data;
 void serial_send(uint8_t data)
     /* signal state: IDLE: ON, START: OFF, STOP: ON, DATA0: OFF, DATA1: ON */
@@ -103,22 +128,36 @@ void serial_send(uint8_t data)
 /* detect edge of start bit */
     uint8_t data = 0;
     uint8_t mask = 0x80;
     uint8_t mask = 0x01;
+    uint8_t parity = 0;
+#elif defined(SERIAL_PARITY_EVEN)
+    uint8_t parity = 1;
     /* to center of start bit */
     do {
         /* to center of next bit */
         if (SERIAL_RXD_READ()) {
             data |= mask;
+#if defined(SERIAL_PARITY_EVEN) || defined(SERIAL_PARITY_ODD)
+            parity ^= 1;
         mask >>= 1;
@@ -126,14 +165,27 @@ ISR(SERIAL_RXD_VECT)
         mask <<= 1;
     } while (mask);
+#if defined(SERIAL_PARITY_EVEN) || defined(SERIAL_PARITY_ODD)
+    /* to center of parity bit */
+    _delay_us(WAIT_US);
+    if (SERIAL_RXD_READ()) { parity ^= 1; }
     /* to center of stop bit */
     uint8_t next = (rbuf_head + 1) % RBUF_SIZE;
+#if defined(SERIAL_PARITY_EVEN) || defined(SERIAL_PARITY_ODD)
+    if (parity && next != rbuf_tail) {
     if (next != rbuf_tail) {
         rbuf[rbuf_head] = data;
         rbuf_head = next;