diff --git a/ADB.txt b/ADB.txt
index 186015c9ed..63005b3dda 100644
--- a/ADB.txt
+++ b/ADB.txt
@@ -23,11 +23,24 @@ AVR ATtiny2131 ADB to PS/2 converter(Japanese)
-    Female socket from the front
+    ADB female socket from the front:
+    __________
+    |        | <--- top
+    | 4o  o3 |
+    |2o    o1|
+    |   ==   |
+    |________| <--- bottom
+      |    |   <--- 4pins
-      4o  o3
-     2o    o1
-        ==
+    ADB female socket from bottom:
+    ========== <--- front
+    |        |
+    |        |
+    |2o    o1|
+    |4o    o3|
+    ---------- <--- back
     1: Data
     2: Power SW(low when press Power key)
@@ -35,6 +48,7 @@ Pinouts
     4: GND
     ADB command is 1byte and consists of 4bit-address, 2bit-command