From 8897ab9b111b107cfcb08478ba0b4176432ea5b6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: r-pufky <>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2020 10:05:01 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] [Keymap] Add personal massdrop/ctrl:r-pufky keymap. (#10887)

* Add personal massdrop/ctrl:r-pufky keymap.

* Added personal keymap per:

* Update massdrop/ctrl:r-pufky per review.

* Trimmed config.h
* Remove
* Add copyright header to keymap.c
* Rename to

* Remove files/lines per review.

* Removed json layouts.
* Removed keymap_config line.
 .../massdrop/ctrl/keymaps/r-pufky/config.h    |  27 ++++
 .../massdrop/ctrl/keymaps/r-pufky/keymap.c    | 138 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../massdrop/ctrl/keymaps/r-pufky/   |  33 +++++
 3 files changed, 198 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 keyboards/massdrop/ctrl/keymaps/r-pufky/config.h
 create mode 100644 keyboards/massdrop/ctrl/keymaps/r-pufky/keymap.c
 create mode 100644 keyboards/massdrop/ctrl/keymaps/r-pufky/

diff --git a/keyboards/massdrop/ctrl/keymaps/r-pufky/config.h b/keyboards/massdrop/ctrl/keymaps/r-pufky/config.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd9c0ae2b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/massdrop/ctrl/keymaps/r-pufky/config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Copyright 2015 Jun Wako <>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+#pragma once
+#include "config_common.h"
+#define FORCE_NKRO
diff --git a/keyboards/massdrop/ctrl/keymaps/r-pufky/keymap.c b/keyboards/massdrop/ctrl/keymaps/r-pufky/keymap.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..718338a4ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/massdrop/ctrl/keymaps/r-pufky/keymap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+/* Copyright 2020 Robert Pufky <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include QMK_KEYBOARD_H
+enum ctrl_keycodes {
+    U_T_AUTO = SAFE_RANGE, // USB Extra Port Toggle Auto Detect / Always Active
+    U_T_AGCR,              // USB Toggle Automatic GCR control
+    DBG_TOG,               // DEBUG Toggle On / Off
+    DBG_MTRX,              // DEBUG Toggle Matrix Prints
+    DBG_KBD,               // DEBUG Toggle Keyboard Prints
+    DBG_MOU,               // DEBUG Toggle Mouse Prints
+    MD_BOOT,               // Restart into bootloader after hold timeout
+const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
+    [0] = LAYOUT(
+        KC_ESC,  KC_F1,   KC_F2,   KC_F3,   KC_F4,   KC_F5,   KC_F6,   KC_F7,   KC_F8,   KC_F9,   KC_F10,  KC_F11,  KC_F12,             KC_PSCR, KC_SLCK, KC_PAUS,
+        KC_GRV,  KC_1,    KC_2,    KC_3,    KC_4,    KC_5,    KC_6,    KC_7,    KC_8,    KC_9,    KC_0,    KC_MINS, KC_EQL,  KC_BSPC,   KC_INS,  KC_HOME, KC_PGUP,
+        KC_TAB,  KC_Q,    KC_W,    KC_E,    KC_R,    KC_T,    KC_Y,    KC_U,    KC_I,    KC_O,    KC_P,    KC_LBRC, KC_RBRC, KC_BSLS,   KC_DEL,  KC_END,  KC_PGDN,
+        KC_LCTL, KC_A,    KC_S,    KC_D,    KC_F,    KC_G,    KC_H,    KC_J,    KC_K,    KC_L,    KC_SCLN, KC_QUOT, KC_ENT,
+        KC_LSFT, KC_Z,    KC_X,    KC_C,    KC_V,    KC_B,    KC_N,    KC_M,    KC_COMM, KC_DOT,  KC_SLSH, KC_RSFT,                              KC_UP,
+        KC_NLCK, KC_LGUI, KC_LALT,                   KC_SPC,                             KC_RALT, MO(1),   KC_F24,  KC_RCTL,            KC_LEFT, KC_DOWN, KC_RGHT
+    ),
+    [1] = LAYOUT(
+        KC_EJCT, KC_F13,  KC_F14,  KC_F15,  KC_F16,  KC_F17,  KC_F18,  KC_F19,  KC_F20,  KC_F21,  KC_F22,  KC_F23,  KC_F24,             KC_MUTE, _______, _______,
+        _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______,   KC_MPLY, KC_MSTP, KC_VOLU,
+        _______, RGB_SPD, RGB_VAI, RGB_SPI, RGB_HUI, RGB_SAI, _______, U_T_AUTO,U_T_AGCR,_______, _______, _______, _______, _______,   KC_MPRV, KC_MNXT, KC_VOLD,
+        KC_CAPS, RGB_RMOD,RGB_VAD, RGB_MOD, RGB_HUD, RGB_SAD, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______,
+        _______, RGB_TOG, _______, _______, _______, MD_BOOT, NK_TOGG, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______,                              KC_BRIU,
+        _______, _______, _______,                   _______,                            _______, _______, _______, _______,            KC_MRWD, KC_BRID, KC_MFFD
+    ),
+// Runs just one time when the keyboard initializes.
+void matrix_init_user(void) {
+  //
+  //
+  rgblight_sethsv(HSV_BLUE);
+  // Disable underglow by default
+  rgb_matrix_set_flags(LED_FLAG_KEYLIGHT | LED_FLAG_MODIFIER);
+  rgb_matrix_set_color_all(0, 0, 0);
+// Runs constantly in the background, in a loop.
+void matrix_scan_user(void) {
+#define MODS_SHIFT  (get_mods() & MOD_MASK_SHIFT)
+#define MODS_CTRL   (get_mods() & MOD_MASK_CTRL)
+#define MODS_ALT    (get_mods() & MOD_MASK_ALT)
+bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) {
+    static uint32_t key_timer;
+    switch (keycode) {
+        case U_T_AUTO:
+            if (record->event.pressed && MODS_SHIFT && MODS_CTRL) {
+                TOGGLE_FLAG_AND_PRINT(usb_extra_manual, "USB extra port manual mode");
+            }
+            return false;
+        case U_T_AGCR:
+            if (record->event.pressed && MODS_SHIFT && MODS_CTRL) {
+                TOGGLE_FLAG_AND_PRINT(usb_gcr_auto, "USB GCR auto mode");
+            }
+            return false;
+        case DBG_TOG:
+            if (record->event.pressed) {
+                TOGGLE_FLAG_AND_PRINT(debug_enable, "Debug mode");
+            }
+            return false;
+        case DBG_MTRX:
+            if (record->event.pressed) {
+                TOGGLE_FLAG_AND_PRINT(debug_matrix, "Debug matrix");
+            }
+            return false;
+        case DBG_KBD:
+            if (record->event.pressed) {
+                TOGGLE_FLAG_AND_PRINT(debug_keyboard, "Debug keyboard");
+            }
+            return false;
+        case DBG_MOU:
+            if (record->event.pressed) {
+                TOGGLE_FLAG_AND_PRINT(debug_mouse, "Debug mouse");
+            }
+            return false;
+        case MD_BOOT:
+            if (record->event.pressed) {
+                key_timer = timer_read32();
+            } else {
+                if (timer_elapsed32(key_timer) >= 500) {
+                    reset_keyboard();
+                }
+            }
+            return false;
+        case RGB_TOG:
+            if (record->event.pressed) {
+              switch (rgb_matrix_get_flags()) {
+                case LED_FLAG_ALL: {
+                    rgb_matrix_set_flags(LED_FLAG_KEYLIGHT | LED_FLAG_MODIFIER);
+                    rgb_matrix_set_color_all(0, 0, 0);
+                  }
+                  break;
+                case LED_FLAG_KEYLIGHT | LED_FLAG_MODIFIER: {
+                    rgb_matrix_set_flags(LED_FLAG_UNDERGLOW);
+                    rgb_matrix_set_color_all(0, 0, 0);
+                  }
+                  break;
+                case LED_FLAG_UNDERGLOW: {
+                    rgb_matrix_set_flags(LED_FLAG_NONE);
+                    rgb_matrix_disable_noeeprom();
+                  }
+                  break;
+                default: {
+                    rgb_matrix_set_flags(LED_FLAG_ALL);
+                    rgb_matrix_enable_noeeprom();
+                  }
+                  break;
+              }
+            }
+            return false;
+        default:
+            return true; //Process all other keycodes normally
+    }
diff --git a/keyboards/massdrop/ctrl/keymaps/r-pufky/ b/keyboards/massdrop/ctrl/keymaps/r-pufky/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28c6f153d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboards/massdrop/ctrl/keymaps/r-pufky/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Massdrop Ctrl r-pufky
+Gaming QOL improvments; enabling useful keys for left hand & in-game overlay usage.
+## Layers
+### Typing Layer
+![Typing Layer](
+Layer optimized to enable useful keys for gaming without changing typing state, as well as specific
+in-game overlay keys.
+* Left Ctrl: Easier control key usage without always setting capslock.
+* Num Lock: Unique non visible character key for additional left-hand input options in game.
+* Fn: Enable layer 1, temporal.
+* F24: Unique non-visible F24 key; no windows function. Map to in-game overlays.
+### Function Layer
+![Function Layer](
+* Purple: Media keys. Note CD Eject on Escape, and OSX Prev/Next on Arrows.
+* Blue: Keyboard adminstration. Toggle NKRO (N Key Rollover) and enable bootloader.
+* Orange: RGB Controls.
+* Red: Danger can break things! USB autodetect (always on) and USB GCR Auto control. 
+* Capslock: Now requires the use of the function key.
+* F13-F14: Extended function keys.
+* Bright+/-: Monitor Brightness.
+## GCR
+GCR is the Global Current Register. Holds the value for current delivered to the LEDs, it's 165
+default and has range 0-255. This should be auto managed.