
1697 lines
84 KiB

#pragma once
#include "StringManager.h"
#define UNUSED_STR(x) (x)
namespace OpenLoco::StringIds
constexpr string_id empty = 0;
constexpr string_id empty_pop = 1;
constexpr string_id new_company = 2;
constexpr string_id train_number = 4;
constexpr string_id bus_number = 5;
constexpr string_id truck_number = 6;
constexpr string_id tram_number = 7;
constexpr string_id aircraft_number = 8;
constexpr string_id ship_number = 9;
constexpr string_id day_1st = 10;
constexpr string_id day_2nd = 11;
constexpr string_id day_3rd = 12;
constexpr string_id day_4th = 13;
constexpr string_id day_5th = 14;
constexpr string_id day_6th = 15;
constexpr string_id day_7th = 16;
constexpr string_id day_8th = 17;
constexpr string_id day_9th = 18;
constexpr string_id day_10th = 19;
constexpr string_id day_11th = 20;
constexpr string_id day_12th = 21;
constexpr string_id day_13th = 22;
constexpr string_id day_14th = 23;
constexpr string_id day_15th = 24;
constexpr string_id day_16th = 25;
constexpr string_id day_17th = 26;
constexpr string_id day_18th = 27;
constexpr string_id day_19th = 28;
constexpr string_id day_20th = 29;
constexpr string_id day_21st = 30;
constexpr string_id day_22nd = 31;
constexpr string_id day_23rd = 32;
constexpr string_id day_24th = 33;
constexpr string_id day_25th = 34;
constexpr string_id day_26th = 35;
constexpr string_id day_27th = 36;
constexpr string_id day_28th = 37;
constexpr string_id day_29th = 38;
constexpr string_id day_30th = 39;
constexpr string_id day_31st = 40;
constexpr string_id month_short_january = 41;
constexpr string_id month_short_february = 42;
constexpr string_id month_short_march = 43;
constexpr string_id month_short_april = 44;
constexpr string_id month_short_may = 45;
constexpr string_id month_short_june = 46;
constexpr string_id month_short_july = 47;
constexpr string_id month_short_august = 48;
constexpr string_id month_short_september = 49;
constexpr string_id month_short_october = 50;
constexpr string_id month_short_november = 51;
constexpr string_id month_short_december = 52;
constexpr string_id close_window_cross = 56;
constexpr string_id chosen_name_in_use = 57;
constexpr string_id too_many_names_in_use = 58;
constexpr string_id tooltip_close_window = 60;
constexpr string_id game_init_failure = 61;
constexpr string_id display_resolution_dropdown_format = 65;
constexpr string_id display_resolution_label_format = 66;
constexpr string_id menu_about = 67;
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_caption = 68;
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_69 = 69;
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_70 = 70;
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_71 = 71;
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_72 = 72;
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_73 = 73;
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_74 = 74;
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_75 = 75;
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_76 = 76;
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_77 = 77;
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_78 = UNUSED_STR(78);
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_79 = UNUSED_STR(79);
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_80 = UNUSED_STR(80);
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_81 = UNUSED_STR(81);
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_82 = UNUSED_STR(82);
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_83 = UNUSED_STR(83);
constexpr string_id about_locomotion_84 = UNUSED_STR(84);
constexpr string_id stringid = 85;
constexpr string_id arg2_stringid = 86;
constexpr string_id arg4_stringid = 87;
constexpr string_id arg6_stringid = 88;
constexpr string_id arg8_stringid = 89;
constexpr string_id arg10_stringid = 90;
constexpr string_id arg12_stringid = 91;
constexpr string_id arg14_stringid = 92;
constexpr string_id arg16_stringid = 93;
constexpr string_id arg18_stringid = 94;
constexpr string_id arg20_stringid = 95;
constexpr string_id dropdown = 96;
constexpr string_id error_cant_lower_land_here = 100;
constexpr string_id error_cant_raise_land_here = 101;
constexpr string_id menu_load_game = 103;
constexpr string_id menu_save_game = 104;
constexpr string_id menu_quit_scenario_editor = 105;
constexpr string_id menu_quit_game = 106;
constexpr string_id screenshot_filename_template = 107;
constexpr string_id menu_screenshot = 108;
constexpr string_id screenshot_saved_as = 109;
constexpr string_id screenshot_failed = 110;
constexpr string_id stringid_2 = 113;
constexpr string_id tooltip_left_hand_curve = 114;
constexpr string_id tooltip_right_hand_curve = 115;
constexpr string_id tooltip_left_hand_curve_small = 116;
constexpr string_id tooltip_right_hand_curve_small = 117;
constexpr string_id tooltip_left_hand_curve_very_small = 118;
constexpr string_id tooltip_right_hand_curve_very_small = 119;
constexpr string_id tooltip_left_hand_curve_large = 120;
constexpr string_id tooltip_right_hand_curve_large = 121;
constexpr string_id tooltip_straight = 122;
constexpr string_id tooltip_s_bend_left = 123;
constexpr string_id tooltip_s_bend_right = 124;
constexpr string_id tooltip_s_bend_left_dual_track = 125;
constexpr string_id tooltip_s_bend_right_dual_track = 126;
constexpr string_id tooltip_s_bend_to_single_track = 127;
constexpr string_id tooltip_turnaround = 128;
constexpr string_id tooltip_start_construction = 129;
constexpr string_id tooltip_construct = 130;
constexpr string_id tooltip_remove = 131;
constexpr string_id tooltip_steep_slope_down = 132;
constexpr string_id tooltip_slope_down = 133;
constexpr string_id tooltip_level = 134;
constexpr string_id tooltip_slope_up = 135;
constexpr string_id tooltip_steep_slope_up = 136;
constexpr string_id build_this = 137;
constexpr string_id build_cost = 138;
constexpr string_id cant_remove_signal = 141;
constexpr string_id menu_underground_view = 145;
constexpr string_id menu_hide_foreground_tracks_roads = 146;
constexpr string_id capt_signal = 158;
constexpr string_id capt_station = 159;
constexpr string_id capt_airport = 160;
constexpr string_id capt_ship_port = 161;
constexpr string_id cant_remove_airport = 164;
constexpr string_id cant_remove_ship_port = 165;
constexpr string_id cant_remove_station = 166;
constexpr string_id too_many_objects_in_game = 171;
constexpr string_id menu_rotate_clockwise = 172;
constexpr string_id menu_rotate_anti_clockwise = 173;
constexpr string_id title_load_game = 176;
constexpr string_id title_quit_game = 177;
constexpr string_id title_quit_game_alt = 178;
constexpr string_id title_quit_scenario_editor = 179;
constexpr string_id title_load_landscape = 180;
constexpr string_id prompt_save_before_loading = 181;
constexpr string_id prompt_save_before_quitting = 182;
constexpr string_id prompt_save_before_quitting_alt = 183;
constexpr string_id label_button_save = 184;
constexpr string_id label_button_dont_save = 185;
constexpr string_id label_button_cancel = 186;
constexpr string_id label_button_ok = 187;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_left = 188;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_right = 189;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_left_fast = 190;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_right_fast = 191;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_left_right = 192;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_up = 193;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_down = 194;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_up_fast = 195;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_down_fast = 196;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_up_down = 197;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_map = 198;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_vehicle_list = 199;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_new_vehicle_list = 200;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_list = 201;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_trees_list = 202;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_orders_list = 203;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_station_list = 204;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_town_list = 205;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_industry_list = 206;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_new_industry_list = 207;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_building_list = 208;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_walls_list = 209;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_ratings_list = 210;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_cargo_list = 211;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_message_list = 212;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_company_list = 213;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_scenario_list = 214;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scroll_credits_list = 215;
constexpr string_id increase_height_cost = 216;
constexpr string_id decrease_height_cost = 217;
constexpr string_id clear_land_cost = 219;
constexpr string_id error_cant_change_colour_scheme = 222;
constexpr string_id menu_zoom_in = 223;
constexpr string_id menu_zoom_out = 224;
constexpr string_id menu_towns = 225;
constexpr string_id menu_industries = 226;
constexpr string_id menu_airport = 227;
constexpr string_id menu_ship_port = 228;
constexpr string_id landscape_generation_options = 229;
constexpr string_id label_icons_none = 230;
constexpr string_id label_icons_rail = 231;
constexpr string_id label_icons_road = 232;
constexpr string_id label_icons_rail_road = 233;
constexpr string_id label_icons_air = 234;
constexpr string_id label_icons_rail_air = 235;
constexpr string_id label_icons_road_air = 236;
constexpr string_id label_icons_rail_road_air = 237;
constexpr string_id label_icons_water = 238;
constexpr string_id label_icons_rail_water = 239;
constexpr string_id label_icons_road_water = 240;
constexpr string_id label_icons_rail_road_water = 241;
constexpr string_id label_icons_air_water = 242;
constexpr string_id label_icons_rail_air_water = 243;
constexpr string_id label_icons_road_air_water = 244;
constexpr string_id label_icons_rail_road_air_water = 245;
constexpr string_id title_company = 246;
constexpr string_id title_company_details = 247;
constexpr string_id title_company_finances = 248;
constexpr string_id title_company_cargo_delivered = 249;
constexpr string_id title_company_colour_scheme = 250;
constexpr string_id title_company_challenge = 251;
constexpr string_id tooltip_change_direction = 252;
constexpr string_id tooltip_pass_signal_at_danger = 253;
constexpr string_id tooltip_remove_from_track = 254;
constexpr string_id tooltip_place_on_track = 255;
constexpr string_id tooltip_remove_from_airport = 256;
constexpr string_id tooltip_place_on_airport = 257;
constexpr string_id tooltip_remove_from_water = 258;
constexpr string_id tooltip_place_on_dock = 259;
constexpr string_id cant_start_string_id = 260;
constexpr string_id cant_select_manual_mode_string_id = 261;
constexpr string_id cant_stop_string_id = 262;
constexpr string_id velocity = 263;
constexpr string_id unlimited_speed = 264;
constexpr string_id stop = 265;
constexpr string_id start = 266;
constexpr string_id manual = 267;
constexpr string_id tooltip_select_track_to_upgrade = 268;
constexpr string_id tooltip_stop_start = 269;
constexpr string_id signal_black = 270;
constexpr string_id tab_track_road_construction = 271;
constexpr string_id tab_station_construction = 272;
constexpr string_id tab_signal_construction = 273;
constexpr string_id tab_electrification_construction = 274;
constexpr string_id tooltip_select_signal_type = 275;
constexpr string_id tooltip_signal_both_directions = 276;
constexpr string_id tooltip_signal_single_direction = 277;
constexpr string_id tooltip_bridge_stats = 278;
constexpr string_id tooltip_select_station_type = 279;
constexpr string_id station_name_ordinal = 280;
constexpr string_id station_town = 281;
constexpr string_id station_town_north = 282;
constexpr string_id station_town_south = 283;
constexpr string_id station_town_east = 284;
constexpr string_id station_town_west = 285;
constexpr string_id station_town_central = 286;
constexpr string_id station_town_transfer = 287;
constexpr string_id station_town_halt = 288;
constexpr string_id station_town_valley = 289;
constexpr string_id station_town_heights = 290;
constexpr string_id station_town_woods = 291;
constexpr string_id station_town_lakeside = 292;
constexpr string_id station_town_exchange = 293;
constexpr string_id station_town_airport = 294;
constexpr string_id station_town_oilfield = 295;
constexpr string_id station_town_mines = 296;
constexpr string_id station_town_docks = 297;
constexpr string_id station_town_annexe = 298;
constexpr string_id station_town_sidings = 299;
constexpr string_id station_town_branch = 300;
constexpr string_id station_upper_town = 301;
constexpr string_id station_lower_town = 302;
constexpr string_id station_town_heliport = 303;
constexpr string_id station_town_forest = 304;
constexpr string_id station_town_junction = 305;
constexpr string_id station_town_cross = 306;
constexpr string_id station_town_views = 307;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_1 = 308;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_2 = 309;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_3 = 310;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_4 = 311;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_5 = 312;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_6 = 313;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_7 = 314;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_8 = 315;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_9 = 316;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_10 = 317;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_11 = 318;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_12 = 319;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_13 = 320;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_14 = 321;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_15 = 322;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_16 = 323;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_17 = 324;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_18 = 325;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_19 = 326;
constexpr string_id station_town_ord_20 = 327;
constexpr string_id vehicle_details_weight = 328;
constexpr string_id vehicle_details_total_power_and_weight = 329;
constexpr string_id vehicle_details_max_speed_and_reliability = 330;
constexpr string_id vehicle_details_max_speed_and_rack_rail_and_reliability = 331;
constexpr string_id tooltip_sell_or_drag_vehicle = 332;
constexpr string_id tooltip_build_new_vehicle_for = 333;
constexpr string_id click_on_view_select_string_id_start = 334;
constexpr string_id incompatible_vehicle = 335;
constexpr string_id too_many_vehicles = 336;
constexpr string_id buffer_337 = 337;
constexpr string_id buffer_338 = 338;
constexpr string_id tooltip_stringid = 339;
constexpr string_id vehicle_details_tooltip_built = 340;
constexpr string_id vehicle_details_tooltip_value = 341;
constexpr string_id vehicle_details_tooltip_power = 342;
constexpr string_id vehicle_details_tooltip_weight = 343;
constexpr string_id vehicle_details_tooltip_max_speed = 344;
constexpr string_id vehicle_details_tooltip_speed_on_stringid = 345;
constexpr string_id vehicle_details_tooltip_reliability = 346;
constexpr string_id stringid_stringid = 347;
constexpr string_id single_section = 348;
constexpr string_id block_section = 349;
constexpr string_id all_connected_track = 350;
constexpr string_id upgrade_track_with_mods = 352;
constexpr string_id click_track_to_upgrade = 353;
constexpr string_id tooltip_select_track_mod = 354;
constexpr string_id move_main_view_to_show_this = 355;
constexpr string_id error_can_only_build_above_ground = 360;
constexpr string_id title_prompt_load_game = 362;
constexpr string_id title_prompt_load_landscape = 363;
constexpr string_id title_prompt_save_landscape = 364;
constexpr string_id title_prompt_save_game = 365;
constexpr string_id title_prompt_save_scenario = 366;
constexpr string_id format_openloco_saved_game = 367;
constexpr string_id format_openloco_scenario = 368;
constexpr string_id format_openloco_landscape = 369;
constexpr string_id error_game_save_failed = 370;
constexpr string_id menu_hide_foreground_scenery_buildings = 372;
constexpr string_id title_name_vehicle = 375;
constexpr string_id prompt_enter_new_vehicle_name = 376;
constexpr string_id cant_rename_this_vehicle = 377;
constexpr string_id title_station_name = 383;
constexpr string_id prompt_type_new_station_name = 384;
constexpr string_id error_cant_rename_station = 385;
constexpr string_id cant_reverse_train = 388;
constexpr string_id cant_sell_string_id = 390;
constexpr string_id quote_string_quote = 391;
constexpr string_id quote_string_quote2 = 392;
constexpr string_id string_station_platform = 393;
constexpr string_id string_station_building_bus_stop = 394;
constexpr string_id station_catchment = 395;
constexpr string_id menu_mute = 396;
constexpr string_id menu_play_music = 397;
constexpr string_id player_info_bankrupt = 398;
constexpr string_id dropdown_stringid = 421;
constexpr string_id dropdown_stringid_selected = 422;
constexpr string_id dropdown_company_select = 423;
constexpr string_id dropdown_stringptr = 424;
constexpr string_id menu_height_marks_on_tracks_roads = 426;
constexpr string_id menu_height_marks_on_land = 427;
constexpr string_id menu_one_way_direction_arrows = 428;
constexpr string_id menu_town_names_displayed = 429;
constexpr string_id menu_station_names_displayed = 430;
constexpr string_id accepts = 431;
constexpr string_id quantity_eigth = 432;
constexpr string_id quantity_quarter = 433;
constexpr string_id quantity_three_eigths = 434;
constexpr string_id quantity_half = 435;
constexpr string_id quantity_five_eigths = 436;
constexpr string_id quantity_three_quarters = 437;
constexpr string_id quantity_seven_eigths = 438;
constexpr string_id comma = 439;
constexpr string_id produces = 440;
constexpr string_id under_construction = 441;
constexpr string_id string_owned_by_string = 442;
constexpr string_id dropdown_without_checkmark = 443;
constexpr string_id dropdown_with_checkmark = 444;
constexpr string_id error_cant_remove_this = 445;
constexpr string_id title_build_walls = 446;
constexpr string_id title_plant_trees = 447;
constexpr string_id cant_plant_this_here = 449;
constexpr string_id outlined_wcolour2_stringid = 450;
constexpr string_id stringid_right_click_to_modify = 451;
constexpr string_id stringid_right_click_to_remove = 452;
constexpr string_id black_tiny_font = 453;
constexpr string_id red_stringid = 454;
constexpr string_id black_stringid = 455;
constexpr string_id black_stringid_stringid = 456;
constexpr string_id wcolour2_stringid = 457;
constexpr string_id white_stringid = 458;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_stopping = 459;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_waiting_at_signal = 460;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_at_velocity = 461;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_crashed = 462;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_stuck = 463;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_broken_down = 464;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_stopped = 465;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_loading = 466;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_unloading = 467;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_approaching = 468;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_landing = 469;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_taxiing = 470;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_taking_off = 471;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_heading_for = 472;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_no_position = 473;
constexpr string_id vehicle_status_travelling = 474;
constexpr string_id competitor_vehicle = 475;
constexpr string_id company_vehicle = 476;
constexpr string_id error_cant_lower_water_here = 477;
constexpr string_id error_cant_raise_water_here = 478;
constexpr string_id audio_device_none = 479;
constexpr string_id stringptr = 480;
constexpr string_id spinner_up = 486;
constexpr string_id spinner_down = 487;
constexpr string_id status_num_stations_singular = 520;
constexpr string_id status_num_stations_plural = 521;
constexpr string_id status_num_vehicles_singular = 527;
constexpr string_id status_num_vehicles_plural = 528;
constexpr string_id status_towns_singular = 555;
constexpr string_id status_towns_plural = 556;
constexpr string_id status_num_industries_singular = 562;
constexpr string_id status_num_industries_plural = 563;
constexpr string_id rotate_object_90 = 565;
constexpr string_id error_cant_change_land_type = 567;
constexpr string_id format_currency_income_green = 568;
constexpr string_id format_currency_expense_red_negative = 569;
constexpr string_id format_currency_income_in_company_colour = 570;
constexpr string_id format_currency_expense_in_company_colour_negative = 571;
constexpr string_id player_info_company_value = 572;
constexpr string_id player_info_company_value_negative = 573;
constexpr string_id tooltip_vehicle_tab_main = 574;
constexpr string_id tooltip_vehicle_tab_details = 575;
constexpr string_id tooltip_vehicle_tab_cargo = 576;
constexpr string_id tooltip_vehicle_tab_route = 577;
constexpr string_id tooltip_vehicle_tab_finance = 578;
constexpr string_id new_construction_position = 579;
constexpr string_id rotate_90 = 580;
constexpr string_id error_cant_build_this_here = 583;
constexpr string_id date_monthyear = 584;
constexpr string_id expenditure_income = 587;
constexpr string_id train_income = 588;
constexpr string_id train_running_costs = 589;
constexpr string_id bus_income = 590;
constexpr string_id bus_running_costs = 591;
constexpr string_id truck_income = 592;
constexpr string_id truck_running_costs = 593;
constexpr string_id tram_income = 594;
constexpr string_id tram_running_costs = 595;
constexpr string_id aircraft_income = 596;
constexpr string_id aircraft_running_costs = 597;
constexpr string_id ship_income = 598;
constexpr string_id ship_running_costs = 599;
constexpr string_id construction = 600;
constexpr string_id vehicle_purchases = 601;
constexpr string_id vehicle_disposals = 602;
constexpr string_id loan_interest = 603;
constexpr string_id miscellaneous = 604;
constexpr string_id uint16_raw = 605;
constexpr string_id plus_currency48 = 606;
constexpr string_id currency48 = 607;
constexpr string_id company_current_loan = 608;
constexpr string_id company_current_loan_value = 609;
constexpr string_id cant_borrow_any_more_money = 610;
constexpr string_id not_enough_cash_available = 611;
constexpr string_id cant_pay_back_loan = 612;
constexpr string_id title_menu_new_game = 613;
constexpr string_id title_menu_load_game = 614;
constexpr string_id title_menu_show_tutorial = 615;
constexpr string_id title_menu_exit_from_game = 616;
constexpr string_id town_size_hamlet = 617;
constexpr string_id town_size_village = 618;
constexpr string_id town_size_town = 619;
constexpr string_id town_size_city = 620;
constexpr string_id town_size_metropolis = 621;
constexpr string_id wcolour3_stringid_2 = 627; // identical to 628
constexpr string_id wcolour3_stringid = 628;
constexpr string_id wcolour3_stringid_stringid = 629;
constexpr string_id cash_bankrupt = 630;
constexpr string_id cash_positive = 631;
constexpr string_id cash_negative = 632;
constexpr string_id company_value = 633;
constexpr string_id profit_from_vehicles = 634;
constexpr string_id month_long_january = 635;
constexpr string_id month_long_february = 636;
constexpr string_id month_long_march = 637;
constexpr string_id month_long_april = 638;
constexpr string_id month_long_may = 639;
constexpr string_id month_long_june = 640;
constexpr string_id month_long_july = 641;
constexpr string_id month_long_august = 642;
constexpr string_id month_long_september = 643;
constexpr string_id month_long_october = 644;
constexpr string_id month_long_november = 645;
constexpr string_id month_long_december = 646;
constexpr string_id tooltip_daymonthyear_challenge = 647;
constexpr string_id select_scenario_for_new_game = 648;
constexpr string_id sound_quality = UNUSED_STR(650);
constexpr string_id sound_quality_low = UNUSED_STR(651);
constexpr string_id sound_quality_medium = UNUSED_STR(652);
constexpr string_id sound_quality_high = UNUSED_STR(653);
constexpr string_id options = 654;
constexpr string_id distance_and_speed = 656;
constexpr string_id heights = 657;
constexpr string_id imperial = 658;
constexpr string_id metric = 659;
constexpr string_id height_units = 660;
constexpr string_id height_real_values = 661;
constexpr string_id display_resolution = 662;
constexpr string_id landscape_smoothing = 663;
constexpr string_id landscape_smoothing_tip = 664;
constexpr string_id gridlines_on_landscape = 665;
constexpr string_id gridlines_on_landscape_tip = 666;
constexpr string_id tooltip_clear_area = 668;
constexpr string_id tooltip_decrease_clear_area = 669;
constexpr string_id tooltip_increase_clear_area = 670;
constexpr string_id tooltip_decrease_adjust_land_area = 671;
constexpr string_id tooltip_increase_adjust_land_area = 672;
constexpr string_id tooltip_decrease_adjust_water_area = 673;
constexpr string_id tooltip_increase_adjust_water_area = 674;
constexpr string_id title_adjust_land = 675;
constexpr string_id title_adjust_water = 676;
constexpr string_id tooltip_adjust_water_tool = 677;
constexpr string_id tooltip_adjust_land_tool = 678;
constexpr string_id clear_area = 679;
constexpr string_id menu_clear_area = 680;
constexpr string_id menu_adjust_land = 681;
constexpr string_id menu_adjust_water = 682;
constexpr string_id menu_plant_trees = 683;
constexpr string_id menu_build_walls = 684;
constexpr string_id title_vehicle_details = 685;
constexpr string_id title_vehicle_cargo = 686;
constexpr string_id title_vehicle_route = 687;
constexpr string_id company_details_trains_count = 689;
constexpr string_id company_details_buses_count = 690;
constexpr string_id company_details_trucks_count = 691;
constexpr string_id company_details_trams_count = 692;
constexpr string_id company_details_aircraft_count = 693;
constexpr string_id company_details_ships_count = 694;
constexpr string_id challenge_failed = 695;
constexpr string_id challenge_completed = 696;
constexpr string_id tooltip_performance_index = 697;
constexpr string_id tooltip_company_value = 698;
constexpr string_id challenge_progress = 699;
constexpr string_id challenge_time_left = 700;
constexpr string_id customise_keys = 701;
constexpr string_id keyboard_shortcuts = 702;
constexpr string_id reset_keys = 703;
constexpr string_id reset_keys_tip = 704;
constexpr string_id shortcut_close_topmost_window = 705;
constexpr string_id shortcut_close_all_floating_windows = 706;
constexpr string_id shortcut_cancel_construction_mode = 707;
constexpr string_id shortcut_pause_unpause_game = 708;
constexpr string_id shortcut_zoom_view_out = 709;
constexpr string_id shortcut_zoom_view_in = 710;
constexpr string_id shortcut_rotate_view = 711;
constexpr string_id shortcut_rotate_construction_object = 712;
constexpr string_id shortcut_toggle_underground_view = 713;
constexpr string_id shortcut_toggle_hide_foreground_tracks = 714;
constexpr string_id shortcut_toggle_hide_foreground_scenery = 715;
constexpr string_id shortcut_toggle_height_marks_on_land = 716;
constexpr string_id shortcut_toggle_height_marks_on_tracks = 717;
constexpr string_id shortcut_toggle_dir_arrows_on_tracks = 718;
constexpr string_id shortcut_adjust_land = 719;
constexpr string_id shortcut_adjust_water = 720;
constexpr string_id shortcut_plant_trees = 721;
constexpr string_id shortcut_bulldoze_area = 722;
constexpr string_id shortcut_build_tracks = 723;
constexpr string_id shortcut_build_roads = 724;
constexpr string_id shortcut_build_airports = 725;
constexpr string_id shortcut_build_ship_ports = 726;
constexpr string_id shortcut_build_new_vehicles = 727;
constexpr string_id shortcut_show_vehicles_list = 728;
constexpr string_id shortcut_show_stations_list = 729;
constexpr string_id shortcut_show_towns_list = 730;
constexpr string_id shortcut_show_industries_list = 731;
constexpr string_id shortcut_show_map = 732;
constexpr string_id shortcut_show_companies_list = 733;
constexpr string_id shortcut_show_company_information = 734;
constexpr string_id shortcut_show_finances = 735;
constexpr string_id shortcut_show_announcements_list = 736;
constexpr string_id shortcut_screenshot = 737;
constexpr string_id shortcut_toggle_last_announcement = 738;
constexpr string_id shortcut_send_message = 739;
constexpr string_id shortcut_key_base = 740;
constexpr string_id keyboard_shortcut_list_format = 996;
constexpr string_id keyboard_shortcut_modifier_shift = 997;
constexpr string_id keyboard_shortcut_modifier_ctrl = 998;
constexpr string_id change_keyboard_shortcut = 999;
constexpr string_id change_keyboard_shortcut_desc = 1000;
constexpr string_id keyboard_shortcut_list_tip = 1001;
constexpr string_id scroll_screen_edge = 1002;
constexpr string_id scroll_screen_edge_tip = 1003;
constexpr string_id customise_keys_tip = 1004;
constexpr string_id title_map = 1005;
constexpr string_id title_map_vehicles = 1006;
constexpr string_id title_map_industries = 1007;
constexpr string_id title_map_routes = 1008;
constexpr string_id title_map_companies = 1009;
constexpr string_id forced_software_buffer_mixing = UNUSED_STR(1010);
constexpr string_id forced_software_buffer_mixing_tip = UNUSED_STR(1011);
constexpr string_id tutorial_text = 1014;
constexpr string_id tutorial_control = 1015;
constexpr string_id loco_already_running = 1016;
constexpr string_id music_acknowledgements_btn = 1017;
constexpr string_id music_acknowledgements_caption = 1018;
constexpr string_id music_copyright = 1019;
constexpr string_id locomotion_title = 1020;
constexpr string_id locomotion_title_credit = 1021;
constexpr string_id long_dusty_road = 1022;
constexpr string_id long_dusty_road_credit = 1023;
constexpr string_id flying_high = 1024;
constexpr string_id flying_high_credit = 1025;
constexpr string_id gettin_on_the_gas = 1026;
constexpr string_id gettin_on_the_gas_credit = 1027;
constexpr string_id jumpin_the_rails = 1028;
constexpr string_id jumpin_the_rails_credit = 1029;
constexpr string_id smooth_running = 1030;
constexpr string_id smooth_running_credit = 1031;
constexpr string_id traffic_jam = 1032;
constexpr string_id traffic_jam_credit = 1033;
constexpr string_id never_stop_til_you_get_there = 1034;
constexpr string_id never_stop_til_you_get_there_credit = 1035;
constexpr string_id soaring_away = 1036;
constexpr string_id soaring_away_credit = 1037;
constexpr string_id techno_torture = 1038;
constexpr string_id techno_torture_credit = 1039;
constexpr string_id everlasting_high_rise = 1040;
constexpr string_id everlasting_high_rise_credit = 1041;
constexpr string_id solace = 1042;
constexpr string_id solace_credit = 1043;
constexpr string_id chrysanthemum = 1044;
constexpr string_id chrysanthemum_credit = 1045;
constexpr string_id eugenia = 1046;
constexpr string_id eugenia_credit = 1047;
constexpr string_id the_ragtime_dance = 1048;
constexpr string_id the_ragtime_dance_credit = 1049;
constexpr string_id easy_winners = 1050;
constexpr string_id easy_winners_credit = 1051;
constexpr string_id setting_off = 1052;
constexpr string_id setting_off_credit = 1053;
constexpr string_id a_travellers_seranade = 1054;
constexpr string_id a_travellers_seranade_credit = 1055;
constexpr string_id latino_trip = 1056;
constexpr string_id latino_trip_credit = 1057;
constexpr string_id a_good_head_of_steam = 1058;
constexpr string_id a_good_head_of_steam_credit = 1059;
constexpr string_id hop_to_the_bop = 1060;
constexpr string_id hop_to_the_bop_credit = 1061;
constexpr string_id the_city_lights = 1062;
constexpr string_id the_city_lights_credit = 1063;
constexpr string_id steamin_down_town = 1064;
constexpr string_id steamin_down_town_credit = 1065;
constexpr string_id bright_expectations = 1066;
constexpr string_id bright_expectations_credit = 1067;
constexpr string_id mo_station = 1068;
constexpr string_id mo_station_credit = 1069;
constexpr string_id far_out = 1070;
constexpr string_id far_out_credit = 1071;
constexpr string_id running_on_time = 1072;
constexpr string_id running_on_time_credit = 1073;
constexpr string_id get_me_to_gladstone_bay = 1074;
constexpr string_id get_me_to_gladstone_bay_credit = 1075;
constexpr string_id chuggin_along = 1076;
constexpr string_id chuggin_along_credit = 1077;
constexpr string_id dont_lose_your_rag = 1078;
constexpr string_id dont_lose_your_rag_credit = 1079;
constexpr string_id sandy_track_blues = 1080;
constexpr string_id sandy_track_blues_credit = 1081;
constexpr string_id error_unable_to_load_saved_game = 1082;
constexpr string_id error_file_contains_invalid_data = 1083;
constexpr string_id error_file_is_not_single_player_save = 1084;
constexpr string_id error_file_is_not_two_player_save = 1085;
constexpr string_id loading = 1088;
constexpr string_id installing_new_data = 1089;
constexpr string_id white = 1090;
constexpr string_id translucent = 1091;
constexpr string_id construction_marker = 1092;
constexpr string_id vehicles_min_scale = 1093;
constexpr string_id station_names_min_scale = 1094;
constexpr string_id full_scale = 1095;
constexpr string_id half_scale = 1096;
constexpr string_id quarter_scale = 1097;
constexpr string_id eighth_scale = 1098;
constexpr string_id vehicles_min_scale_tip = 1099;
constexpr string_id station_names_min_scale_tip = 1100;
constexpr string_id main_colour_scheme = 1101;
constexpr string_id colour_steam_locomotives = 1102;
constexpr string_id colour_diesel_locomotives = 1103;
constexpr string_id colour_electric_locomotives = 1104;
constexpr string_id colour_multiple_units = 1105;
constexpr string_id colour_passenger_vehicles = 1106;
constexpr string_id colour_freight_vehicles = 1107;
constexpr string_id colour_buses = 1108;
constexpr string_id colour_trucks = 1109;
constexpr string_id colour_aircraft = 1110;
constexpr string_id colour_ships = 1111;
constexpr string_id tooltip_company_headquarters_and_details = 1112;
constexpr string_id tooltip_company_owner_and_status = 1113;
constexpr string_id tooltip_company_finances = 1114;
constexpr string_id tooltip_cargo_delivered = 1115;
constexpr string_id tooltip_company_colour_scheme = 1116;
constexpr string_id tooltip_company_challenge_for_this_game = 1117;
constexpr string_id special_colour_schemes_used_for = 1118;
constexpr string_id tooltip_select_main_colour = 1119;
constexpr string_id tooltip_select_secondary_colour = 1120;
constexpr string_id tooltip_toggle_vehicle_colour_scheme = 1121;
constexpr string_id stringid_trains = 1122;
constexpr string_id stringid_buses = 1123;
constexpr string_id stringid_trucks = 1124;
constexpr string_id stringid_trams = 1125;
constexpr string_id stringid_aircraft = 1126;
constexpr string_id stringid_ships = 1127;
constexpr string_id stringid_all_stations = 1128;
constexpr string_id stringid_rail_stations = 1129;
constexpr string_id stringid_road_stations = 1130;
constexpr string_id stringid_airports = 1131;
constexpr string_id stringid_ship_ports = 1132;
constexpr string_id all_stations = 1133;
constexpr string_id rail_stations = 1134;
constexpr string_id road_stations = 1135;
constexpr string_id airports = 1136;
constexpr string_id ship_ports = 1137;
constexpr string_id vehicle_list_status_2pos = 1138;
constexpr string_id vehicle_list_status_3pos = 1139;
constexpr string_id vehicle_list_profit_pos = 1140;
constexpr string_id vehicle_list_profit_neg = 1141;
constexpr string_id vehicle_list_age_year = 1142;
constexpr string_id vehicle_list_age_years = 1143;
constexpr string_id vehicle_list_reliability = 1144;
constexpr string_id table_header_name = 1145;
constexpr string_id table_header_name_desc = 1146;
constexpr string_id table_header_monthly_profit = 1147;
constexpr string_id table_header_monthly_profit_desc = 1148;
constexpr string_id table_header_age = 1149;
constexpr string_id table_header_age_desc = 1150;
constexpr string_id table_header_reliability = 1151;
constexpr string_id table_header_reliability_desc = 1152;
constexpr string_id tooltip_sort_by_name = 1153;
constexpr string_id tooltip_sort_by_profit = 1154;
constexpr string_id tooltip_sort_by_age = 1155;
constexpr string_id tooltip_sort_by_reliability = 1156;
constexpr string_id vehicle_must_be_stopped = 1157;
constexpr string_id vehicle_has_crashed = 1158;
constexpr string_id vehicle_has_broken_down = 1159;
constexpr string_id vehicle_is_stuck = 1160;
constexpr string_id cant_place_string_id_here = 1163;
constexpr string_id cant_remove_string_id = 1164;
constexpr string_id cant_pass_signal_at_danger = 1165;
constexpr string_id cargo_from = 1170;
constexpr string_id cargo_empty = 1171;
constexpr string_id cargo_capacity_tooltip = 1172;
constexpr string_id cargo_capacity = 1173;
constexpr string_id cargo_capacity_plus = 1174;
constexpr string_id tab_map_overall = 1178;
constexpr string_id tab_map_vehicles = 1179;
constexpr string_id tab_map_industries = 1180;
constexpr string_id tab_map_routes = 1181;
constexpr string_id tab_map_ownership = 1182;
constexpr string_id cant_add_pop_5_string_id_string_id = 1184;
constexpr string_id cant_build_pop_5_string_id = 1185;
constexpr string_id select_new_vehicle = 1186;
constexpr string_id select_vehicle_to_add_to_string_id = 1187;
constexpr string_id tooltip_build_new_train_vehicles = 1188;
constexpr string_id tooltip_build_new_buses = 1189;
constexpr string_id tooltip_build_new_trucks = 1190;
constexpr string_id tooltip_build_new_trams = 1191;
constexpr string_id tooltip_build_new_aircraft = 1192;
constexpr string_id tooltip_build_new_ships = 1193;
constexpr string_id tooltip_trains = 1194;
constexpr string_id tooltip_buses = 1195;
constexpr string_id tooltip_trucks = 1194;
constexpr string_id tooltip_trams = 1195;
constexpr string_id tooltip_aircraft = 1194;
constexpr string_id tooltip_ships = 1195;
constexpr string_id tooltip_all_stations = 1200;
constexpr string_id tooltip_rail_stations = 1201;
constexpr string_id tooltip_road_stations = 1202;
constexpr string_id tooltip_airports = 1203;
constexpr string_id tooltip_ship_ports = 1204;
constexpr string_id tooltip_clear_land = 1205;
constexpr string_id tooltip_plant_trees = 1206;
constexpr string_id tooltip_adjust_land = 1207;
constexpr string_id tooltip_adjust_water = 1208;
constexpr string_id tooltip_build_walls = 1209;
constexpr string_id tooltip_object_colour = 1210;
constexpr string_id station_cargo = 1211;
constexpr string_id station_cargo_en_route_start = 1212;
constexpr string_id station_cargo_en_route_end = 1213;
constexpr string_id no_space_for_more_vehicle_orders = 1214;
constexpr string_id local_mode_button = 1216;
constexpr string_id express_mode_button = 1217;
constexpr string_id no_route_defined = 1218;
constexpr string_id orders_end = 1219;
constexpr string_id orders_stop_at = 1220;
constexpr string_id orders_route_through = 1221;
constexpr string_id orders_route_thought_waypoint = 1222;
constexpr string_id orders_unload_all = 1223;
constexpr string_id orders_wait_for_full_load_of = 1224;
constexpr string_id orders_unload_all2 = 1225;
constexpr string_id orders_wait_for_full_load_of2 = 1226;
constexpr string_id orders_current_order = 1227;
constexpr string_id orders_cant_insert = 1228;
constexpr string_id tooltip_route_insert_wait_full_cargo = 1232;
constexpr string_id tooltip_route_insert_force_unload = 1233;
constexpr string_id tooltip_route_skip_next_order = 1234;
constexpr string_id tooltip_route_delete_order = 1235;
constexpr string_id route_click_on_waypoint = 1236;
constexpr string_id tooltip_route_scrollview = 1237;
constexpr string_id tooltip_route_scrollview_copy = 1238;
constexpr string_id stringid_stringid_wcolour3_stringid = 1239;
constexpr string_id build_trains = 1240;
constexpr string_id build_buses = 1241;
constexpr string_id build_trucks = 1242;
constexpr string_id build_trams = 1243;
constexpr string_id build_aircraft = 1244;
constexpr string_id build_ships = 1245;
constexpr string_id road = 1247;
constexpr string_id no_vehicles_available = 1248;
constexpr string_id no_compatible_vehicles_available = 1249;
constexpr string_id buffer_1250 = 1250;
constexpr string_id stats_cost = 1251;
constexpr string_id stats_requires = 1252;
constexpr string_id stats_power = 1253;
constexpr string_id stats_weight = 1254;
constexpr string_id stats_max_speed = 1255;
constexpr string_id stats_designed = 1256;
constexpr string_id stats_capacity = 1257;
constexpr string_id stats_plus_string = 1258;
constexpr string_id stats_string_steep_slope = 1259;
constexpr string_id stats_velocity_on_string = 1260;
constexpr string_id stats_or_string = 1261;
constexpr string_id stats_running_cost = 1262;
constexpr string_id stats_refittable = 1263;
constexpr string_id num_trains_singular = 1264;
constexpr string_id num_buses_singular = 1265;
constexpr string_id num_trucks_singular = 1266;
constexpr string_id num_trams_singular = 1267;
constexpr string_id num_aircrafts_singular = 1268;
constexpr string_id num_ships_singular = 1269;
constexpr string_id num_trains_plural = 1270;
constexpr string_id num_buses_plural = 1271;
constexpr string_id num_trucks_plural = 1272;
constexpr string_id num_trams_plural = 1273;
constexpr string_id num_aircrafts_plural = 1274;
constexpr string_id num_ships_plural = 1275;
constexpr string_id train = 1276;
constexpr string_id bus = 1277;
constexpr string_id truck = 1278;
constexpr string_id tram = 1279;
constexpr string_id aircraft = 1280;
constexpr string_id ship = 1281;
constexpr string_id total_stringid = 1282;
constexpr string_id cargo_empty_2 = 1283;
constexpr string_id vehicle_list_tooltip_load = 1284;
constexpr string_id requires_an_extra_stringid = 1285;
constexpr string_id tooltip_vehicles_for = 1286;
constexpr string_id menu_sprite_stringid = 1287;
constexpr string_id menu_nosprite_stringid = 1288;
constexpr string_id menu_sprite_stringid_construction = 1289;
constexpr string_id title_towns = 1291;
constexpr string_id title_build_new_towns = 1292;
constexpr string_id title_build_new_buildings = 1293;
constexpr string_id title_build_new_misc_buildings = 1294;
constexpr string_id table_header_population = 1295;
constexpr string_id table_header_population_desc = 1296;
constexpr string_id tooltip_sort_population = 1297;
constexpr string_id int_32 = 1298;
constexpr string_id table_header_stations = 1299;
constexpr string_id table_header_stations_desc = 1300;
constexpr string_id tooltip_sort_stations = 1301;
constexpr string_id town_size_and_population = 1304;
constexpr string_id tooltip_sort_town_type = 1305;
constexpr string_id table_header_town_type = 1306;
constexpr string_id table_header_town_type_desc = 1307;
constexpr string_id title_town_name = 1308;
constexpr string_id prompt_type_new_town_name = 1309;
constexpr string_id status_town_population = 1310;
constexpr string_id error_cant_rename_town = 1311;
constexpr string_id new_station = 1312;
constexpr string_id new_station_buffer = 1313;
constexpr string_id catchment_area_accepts = 1314;
constexpr string_id catchment_area_produces = 1315;
constexpr string_id catchment_area_nothing = 1316;
constexpr string_id title_industries = 1318;
constexpr string_id title_fund_new_industries = 1319;
constexpr string_id title_build_new_industries = 1320;
constexpr string_id tooltip_town_list = 1321;
constexpr string_id tooltip_build_town = 1322;
constexpr string_id tooltip_build_buildings = 1323;
constexpr string_id tooltip_build_misc_buildings = 1324;
constexpr string_id tooltip_industries_list = 1325;
constexpr string_id tooltip_fund_new_industries = 1326;
constexpr string_id tooltip_build_new_industries = 1327;
constexpr string_id wcolour2_headquarters = 1354;
constexpr string_id window_owner = 1355;
constexpr string_id interest_per_year = 1356;
constexpr string_id population_graph_people = 1357;
constexpr string_id population_graph_year = 1358;
constexpr string_id title_town = 1359;
constexpr string_id title_town_population = 1360;
constexpr string_id title_town_local_authority = 1361;
constexpr string_id title_industry_monthly_production = 1362;
constexpr string_id title_statistics = 1363;
constexpr string_id title_station = 1364;
constexpr string_id demolish_this_industry = 1365;
constexpr string_id industry_under_construction = 1366;
constexpr string_id industry_producing = 1367;
constexpr string_id industry_produces = 1368;
constexpr string_id industry_produce = 1369;
constexpr string_id cargo_to_produce = 1370;
constexpr string_id industry_requires = 1371;
constexpr string_id industry_require = 1372;
constexpr string_id cargo_and = 1373;
constexpr string_id cargo_or = 1374;
constexpr string_id cargo_comma = 1375;
constexpr string_id sort_industry_status = 1376;
constexpr string_id sort_industry_production_transported = 1377;
constexpr string_id industry_table_header_status = 1378;
constexpr string_id industry_table_header_status_desc = 1379;
constexpr string_id industry_table_header_production = 1380;
constexpr string_id industry_table_header_production_desc = 1381;
constexpr string_id sort_industry_name = 1382;
constexpr string_id industry_table_header = 1383;
constexpr string_id industry_table_header_desc = 1384;
constexpr string_id no_industry_available = 1385;
constexpr string_id tooltip_town = 1386;
constexpr string_id tooltip_population_graph = 1387;
constexpr string_id tooltip_town_ratings_each_company = 1388;
constexpr string_id tooltip_industry = 1389;
constexpr string_id tooltip_production_graph = 1390;
constexpr string_id production_graph_label = 1391;
constexpr string_id demolish_this_town = 1392;
constexpr string_id cant_remove_town = 1393;
constexpr string_id tooltip_select_town_size = 1398;
constexpr string_id town_size_1 = 1399;
constexpr string_id town_size_2 = 1400;
constexpr string_id town_size_3 = 1401;
constexpr string_id town_size_4 = 1402;
constexpr string_id town_size_5 = 1403;
constexpr string_id town_size_6 = 1404;
constexpr string_id town_size_7 = 1405;
constexpr string_id town_size_8 = 1406;
constexpr string_id town_size_label = 1407;
constexpr string_id select_town_size = 1408;
constexpr string_id expand_this_town = 1409;
constexpr string_id plant_cluster_selected_tree = 1412;
constexpr string_id plant_cluster_random_tree = 1413;
constexpr string_id tooltip_statistics = 1414;
constexpr string_id received_cargo = 1415;
constexpr string_id produced_cargo = 1416;
constexpr string_id transported_cargo = 1417;
constexpr string_id production_transported_percent = 1418;
constexpr string_id industry_closing_down = 1419;
constexpr string_id error_reason_belongs_to = 1420;
constexpr string_id error_reason_stringid_belongs_to = 1421;
constexpr string_id error_reason_signal_belongs_to = 1422;
constexpr string_id station_cargo_rating_percent = 1423;
constexpr string_id news_date = 1424;
constexpr string_id title_messages = 1425;
constexpr string_id tooltip_recent_messages = 1426;
constexpr string_id tooltip_message_options = 1427;
constexpr string_id title_message_options = 1428;
constexpr string_id tiny_font_date = 1429;
constexpr string_id waiting_cargo_separator = 1430;
constexpr string_id waiting = 1431;
constexpr string_id nothing_waiting = 1432;
constexpr string_id table_header_status = 1433;
constexpr string_id table_header_status_desc = 1434;
constexpr string_id table_header_total_waiting = 1435;
constexpr string_id table_header_total_waiting_desc = 1436;
constexpr string_id table_header_accepts = 1437;
constexpr string_id table_header_accepts_desc = 1438;
constexpr string_id tooltip_sort_by_station_status = 1439;
constexpr string_id tooltip_sort_by_total_units_waiting = 1440;
constexpr string_id tooltip_sort_by_cargo_accepted = 1441;
constexpr string_id num_units = 1442;
constexpr string_id unit_separator = 1443;
constexpr string_id station_accepts = 1444;
constexpr string_id accepted_cargo_separator = 1445;
constexpr string_id cargo_nothing_accepted = 1446;
constexpr string_id tooltip_station = 1447;
constexpr string_id tooltip_station_cargo = 1448;
constexpr string_id tooltip_station_cargo_ratings = 1449;
constexpr string_id vehicle_too_long = 1452;
constexpr string_id tooltip_build_or_move_headquarters = 1453;
constexpr string_id tooltip_change_owner_name = 1454;
constexpr string_id not_yet_constructed = 1455;
constexpr string_id title_name_company = 1456;
constexpr string_id prompt_enter_new_company_name = 1457;
constexpr string_id cannot_rename_this_company = 1458;
constexpr string_id title_name_owner = 1459;
constexpr string_id prompt_enter_new_name_for_owner = 1460;
constexpr string_id cannot_change_owner_name = 1461;
constexpr string_id headquarters = 1462;
constexpr string_id stringid_headquarters = 1462;
constexpr string_id tooltip_select_company = 1465;
constexpr string_id display_options = 1486;
constexpr string_id sound_options = 1487;
constexpr string_id music_options = 1488;
constexpr string_id regional_options = 1489;
constexpr string_id control_options = 1490;
constexpr string_id miscellaneous_options = 1491;
constexpr string_id options_title_display = 1492;
constexpr string_id options_title_sound = 1493;
constexpr string_id options_title_music = 1494;
constexpr string_id options_title_regional = 1495;
constexpr string_id options_title_controls = 1496;
constexpr string_id options_title_miscellaneous = 1497;
constexpr string_id use_preferred_currency_always = 1498;
constexpr string_id use_preferred_currency_always_tip = 1499;
constexpr string_id use_preferred_currency_new_game = 1500;
constexpr string_id use_preferred_currency_new_game_tip = 1501;
constexpr string_id current_game_currency_tip = 1502;
constexpr string_id new_game_currency_tip = 1503;
constexpr string_id current_game_currency = 1504;
constexpr string_id new_game_currency = 1505;
constexpr string_id preferred_currency_buffer = 1506;
constexpr string_id company_major_news = 1507;
constexpr string_id competitor_major_news = 1508;
constexpr string_id company_minor_news = 1509;
constexpr string_id competitor_minor_news = 1510;
constexpr string_id general_news = 1511;
constexpr string_id advice = 1512;
constexpr string_id message_off = 1513;
constexpr string_id message_ticker = 1514;
constexpr string_id message_window = 1515;
constexpr string_id vehicle_monthly_running_cost = 1516;
constexpr string_id vehicle_monthly_profit = 1517;
constexpr string_id forbid_trains = 1518;
constexpr string_id forbid_buses = 1519;
constexpr string_id forbid_trucks = 1520;
constexpr string_id forbid_trams = 1521;
constexpr string_id forbid_aircraft = 1522;
constexpr string_id forbid_ships = 1523;
constexpr string_id title_airport = 1524;
constexpr string_id title_ship_port = 1525;
constexpr string_id refit_vehicle_tip = 1532;
constexpr string_id cant_refit_vehicle = 1533;
constexpr string_id currently_playing = 1535;
constexpr string_id music_controls_stop_tip = 1536;
constexpr string_id music_controls_play_tip = 1537;
constexpr string_id music_controls_next_tip = 1538;
constexpr string_id play_only_music_from_current_era = 1539;
constexpr string_id play_all_music = 1540;
constexpr string_id play_custom_music_selection = 1541;
constexpr string_id edit_music_selection = 1542;
constexpr string_id edit_music_selection_tip = 1543;
constexpr string_id music_selection_title = 1544;
constexpr string_id music_selection_tooltip = 1545;
constexpr string_id checkmark = 1546;
constexpr string_id volume = 1547;
constexpr string_id set_volume_tip = 1548;
constexpr string_id menu_music_options = 1549;
constexpr string_id company_face_selection_title = 1550;
constexpr string_id tooltip_company_face_selection = 1551;
constexpr string_id cant_select_face = 1553;
constexpr string_id airport = 1554;
constexpr string_id docks = 1555;
constexpr string_id company_details_started = 1556;
constexpr string_id company_details_performance = 1557;
constexpr string_id company_details_performance_decreasing = 1558;
constexpr string_id company_details_performance_increasing = 1559;
constexpr string_id owner_label = 1560;
constexpr string_id low = 1561;
constexpr string_id medium = 1562;
constexpr string_id high = 1563;
constexpr string_id company_details_intelligence = 1564;
constexpr string_id company_details_aggressiveness = 1565;
constexpr string_id company_details_competitiveness = 1566;
constexpr string_id title_multiplayer_toggle_tooltip = 1567;
constexpr string_id single_player_mode = 1568;
constexpr string_id two_player_mode_connected = 1569;
constexpr string_id scenario_group_beginner = 1570;
constexpr string_id scenario_group_easy = 1571;
constexpr string_id scenario_group_medium = 1572;
constexpr string_id scenario_group_challenging = 1573;
constexpr string_id scenario_group_expert = 1574;
constexpr string_id editor_step_object_selection = 1575;
constexpr string_id editor_step_landscape = 1576;
constexpr string_id editor_step_options = 1577;
constexpr string_id editor_step_save = 1578;
constexpr string_id editor_previous_step = 1579;
constexpr string_id editor_next_step = 1580;
constexpr string_id load_landscape = 1581;
constexpr string_id save_landscape = 1582;
constexpr string_id generating_landscape = 1583;
constexpr string_id error_cant_clear_entire_area = 1584;
constexpr string_id title_landscape_generation_options = 1585;
constexpr string_id title_landscape_generation_land = 1586;
constexpr string_id title_landscape_generation_forests = 1587;
constexpr string_id title_landscape_generation_towns = 1588;
constexpr string_id title_landscape_generation_industries = 1589;
constexpr string_id tooltip_landscape_generation_options = 1590;
constexpr string_id tooltip_landscape_generation_land = 1591;
constexpr string_id tooltip_landscape_generation_forests = 1592;
constexpr string_id tooltip_landscape_generation_towns = 1593;
constexpr string_id tooltip_landscape_generation_industries = 1594;
constexpr string_id music_none = 1595;
constexpr string_id music_chuggin_along = 1596;
constexpr string_id music_long_dusty_road = 1597;
constexpr string_id music_flying_high = 1598;
constexpr string_id music_gettin_on_the_gas = 1599;
constexpr string_id music_jumpin_the_rails = 1600;
constexpr string_id music_smooth_running = 1601;
constexpr string_id music_traffic_jam = 1602;
constexpr string_id music_never_stop_til_you_get_there = 1603;
constexpr string_id music_soaring_away = 1604;
constexpr string_id music_techno_torture = 1605;
constexpr string_id music_everlasting_high_rise = 1606;
constexpr string_id music_solace = 1607;
constexpr string_id music_chrysanthemum = 1608;
constexpr string_id music_eugenia = 1609;
constexpr string_id music_the_ragtime_dance = 1610;
constexpr string_id music_easy_winners = 1611;
constexpr string_id music_setting_off = 1612;
constexpr string_id music_a_travellers_seranade = 1613;
constexpr string_id music_latino_trip = 1614;
constexpr string_id music_a_good_head_of_steam = 1615;
constexpr string_id music_hop_to_the_bop = 1616;
constexpr string_id music_the_city_lights = 1617;
constexpr string_id music_steamin_down_town = 1618;
constexpr string_id music_bright_expectations = 1619;
constexpr string_id music_mo_station = 1620;
constexpr string_id music_far_out = 1621;
constexpr string_id music_running_on_time = 1622;
constexpr string_id music_get_me_to_gladstone_bay = 1623;
constexpr string_id music_sandy_track_blues = 1624;
constexpr string_id start_year_value = 1625;
constexpr string_id start_year = 1626;
constexpr string_id label_generate_random_landscape_when_game_starts = 1627;
constexpr string_id tooltip_generate_random_landscape_when_game_starts = 1628;
constexpr string_id button_generate_landscape = 1629;
constexpr string_id tooltip_generate_random_landscape = 1630;
constexpr string_id label_ok = 1631;
constexpr string_id title_generate_new_landscape = 1632;
constexpr string_id title_random_landscape_option = 1633;
constexpr string_id prompt_confirm_generate_landscape = 1634;
constexpr string_id prompt_confirm_random_landscape = 1635;
constexpr string_id sea_level = 1636;
constexpr string_id sea_level_units = 1637;
constexpr string_id number_of_forests = 1638;
constexpr string_id number_of_forests_value = 1639;
constexpr string_id min_forest_radius = 1640;
constexpr string_id min_forest_radius_blocks = 1641;
constexpr string_id max_forest_radius = 1642;
constexpr string_id max_forest_radius_blocks = 1643;
constexpr string_id min_forest_density = 1644;
constexpr string_id min_forest_density_percent = 1645;
constexpr string_id max_forest_density = 1646;
constexpr string_id max_forest_density_percent = 1647;
constexpr string_id number_random_trees = 1648;
constexpr string_id number_random_trees_value = 1649;
constexpr string_id min_altitude_for_trees = 1650;
constexpr string_id min_altitude_for_trees_height = 1651;
constexpr string_id max_altitude_for_trees = 1652;
constexpr string_id max_altitude_for_trees_height = 1653;
constexpr string_id min_land_height = 1654;
constexpr string_id min_land_height_units = 1655;
constexpr string_id topography_style = 1656;
constexpr string_id flat_land = 1657;
constexpr string_id small_hills = 1658;
constexpr string_id mountains = 1659;
constexpr string_id half_mountains_half_hills = 1660;
constexpr string_id half_mountains_half_flat = 1661;
constexpr string_id hill_density = 1662;
constexpr string_id hill_density_percent = 1663;
constexpr string_id number_of_towns = 1664;
constexpr string_id number_of_towns_value = 1665;
constexpr string_id max_town_size = 1666;
constexpr string_id industry_size_low = 1667;
constexpr string_id industry_size_medium = 1668;
constexpr string_id industry_size_high = 1669;
constexpr string_id number_of_industries = 1670;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scenario_options = 1674;
constexpr string_id tooltip_scenario_challenge = 1675;
constexpr string_id tooltip_company_options = 1676;
constexpr string_id tooltip_financial_options = 1677;
constexpr string_id title_scenario_options = 1678;
constexpr string_id title_scenario_challenge = 1679;
constexpr string_id title_company_options = 1680;
constexpr string_id title_financial_options = 1681;
constexpr string_id max_competing_companies = 1682;
constexpr string_id max_competing_companies_value = 1683;
constexpr string_id delay_before_competing_companies_start = 1684;
constexpr string_id delay_before_competing_companies_start_months = 1685;
constexpr string_id selection_of_competing_companies = 1686;
constexpr string_id preferred_intelligence = 1687;
constexpr string_id preferred_aggressiveness = 1688;
constexpr string_id preferred_competitiveness = 1689;
constexpr string_id preference_any = 1690;
constexpr string_id preference_low = 1691;
constexpr string_id preference_medium = 1692;
constexpr string_id preference_high = 1693;
constexpr string_id starting_loan = 1694;
constexpr string_id starting_loan_value = 1695;
constexpr string_id max_loan_size = 1696;
constexpr string_id max_loan_size_value = 1697;
constexpr string_id loan_interest_rate = 1698;
constexpr string_id loan_interest_rate_value = 1699;
constexpr string_id change = 1700;
constexpr string_id scenario_name_stringid = 1701;
constexpr string_id scenario_group = 1702;
constexpr string_id scenario_details = 1703;
constexpr string_id scenario_name_title = 1704;
constexpr string_id enter_name_for_scenario = 1705;
constexpr string_id scenario_details_title = 1706;
constexpr string_id enter_description_of_this_scenario = 1707;
constexpr string_id no_details_yet = 1708;
constexpr string_id unnamed = 1709;
constexpr string_id landscape_save_failed = 1710;
constexpr string_id scenario_save_failed = 1711;
constexpr string_id chat_send_message = 1716;
constexpr string_id chat_title = 1717;
constexpr string_id chat_instructions = 1718;
constexpr string_id buffer_1719 = 1719;
constexpr string_id object_selection_designed = 1723;
constexpr string_id object_selection_obsolete = 1724;
constexpr string_id object_selection_power = 1725;
constexpr string_id object_selection_weight = 1726;
constexpr string_id object_selection_max_speed = 1727;
constexpr string_id object_selection_capacity = 1728;
constexpr string_id land_distribution_everywhere = 1730;
constexpr string_id land_distribution_nowhere = 1731;
constexpr string_id land_distribution_far_from_water = 1732;
constexpr string_id land_distribution_near_water = 1733;
constexpr string_id land_distribution_on_mountains = 1734;
constexpr string_id land_distribution_far_from_mountains = 1735;
constexpr string_id land_distribution_in_small_random_areas = 1736;
constexpr string_id land_distribution_in_large_random_areas = 1737;
constexpr string_id land_distribution_around_cliffs = 1738;
constexpr string_id create_hills_right_up_to_edge_of_map = 1739;
constexpr string_id title_menu_scenario_editor = 1740;
constexpr string_id company_owner_name_transport = 1741;
constexpr string_id menu_map = 1742;
constexpr string_id dropdown_companies_list = 1743;
constexpr string_id dropdown_company_performance = 1744;
constexpr string_id title_company_list = 1745;
constexpr string_id title_company_performance = 1746;
constexpr string_id title_company_cargo_units = 1747;
constexpr string_id title_company_values = 1748;
constexpr string_id title_cargo_payment_rates = 1749;
constexpr string_id tab_compare_companies = 1750;
constexpr string_id tab_company_performance = 1751;
constexpr string_id tab_cargo_graphs = 1752;
constexpr string_id tab_company_values = 1753;
constexpr string_id tab_cargo_payment_rates = 1754;
constexpr string_id tooltip_sort_company_name = 1755;
constexpr string_id tooltip_sort_company_status = 1756;
constexpr string_id tooltip_sort_company_performance = 1757;
constexpr string_id tooltip_sort_company_value = 1758;
constexpr string_id table_header_company_name = 1759;
constexpr string_id table_header_company_name_desc = 1760;
constexpr string_id table_header_company_status = 1761;
constexpr string_id table_header_company_status_desc = 1762;
constexpr string_id table_header_company_performance = 1763;
constexpr string_id table_header_company_performance_desc = 1764;
constexpr string_id table_header_company_value = 1765;
constexpr string_id table_header_company_value_desc = 1766;
constexpr string_id table_item_company = 1767;
constexpr string_id performance_index = 1768;
constexpr string_id performance_index_decrease = 1769;
constexpr string_id performance_index_increase = 1770;
constexpr string_id company_value_currency = 1771;
constexpr string_id corporate_rating_platelayer = 1772;
constexpr string_id corporate_rating_engineer = 1773;
constexpr string_id corporate_rating_traffic_manager = 1774;
constexpr string_id corporate_rating_transport_coordinator = 1775;
constexpr string_id corporate_rating_route_supervisor = 1776;
constexpr string_id corporate_rating_director = 1777;
constexpr string_id corporate_rating_chief_executive = 1778;
constexpr string_id corporate_rating_chairman = 1779;
constexpr string_id corporate_rating_president = 1780;
constexpr string_id corporate_rating_tycoon = 1781;
constexpr string_id company_singular = 1782;
constexpr string_id companies_plural = 1783;
constexpr string_id rawdate_short = 1784;
constexpr string_id percentage_one_decimal_place = 1785;
constexpr string_id cargo_units_delivered = 1787;
constexpr string_id player_info_performance = 1788;
constexpr string_id player_info_performance_decrease = 1789;
constexpr string_id player_info_performance_increase = 1790;
constexpr string_id small_company_value_currency = 1791;
constexpr string_id small_black_string = 1792;
constexpr string_id small_white_string = 1793;
constexpr string_id currency_symbol = 1795;
constexpr string_id cargo_delivered_days = 1796;
constexpr string_id cargo_delivered_currency = 1797;
constexpr string_id cargo_deliver_graph_title = 1798;
constexpr string_id cargo_transit_time = 1799;
constexpr string_id toolbar_status_paused = 1800;
constexpr string_id map_key_towns = 1802;
constexpr string_id map_key_industries = 1803;
constexpr string_id map_key_roads = 1804;
constexpr string_id map_key_railways = 1805;
constexpr string_id map_key_stations = 1806;
constexpr string_id map_key_vegetation = 1807;
constexpr string_id map_routes_aircraft = 1808;
constexpr string_id map_routes_ships = 1809;
constexpr string_id tooltip_speed_pause = 1817;
constexpr string_id tooltip_speed_normal = 1818;
constexpr string_id tooltip_speed_fast_forward = 1819;
constexpr string_id tooltip_speed_extra_fast_forward = 1820;
constexpr string_id randomly_generated_landscape = 1821;
constexpr string_id challenge_start_date = 1822;
constexpr string_id challenge_competing_companies_none = 1823;
constexpr string_id challenge_competing_companies_up_to = 1824;
constexpr string_id competition_not_starting_for_month = 1825;
constexpr string_id competition_not_starting_for_months = 1826;
constexpr string_id sale_value_of_vehicle = 1827;
constexpr string_id last_income_na = 1828;
constexpr string_id last_income_on_date = 1829;
constexpr string_id transported_blocks_in_days = 1830;
constexpr string_id building_earliest_construction_year = 1831;
constexpr string_id building_latest_construction_year = 1832;
constexpr string_id local_authority_ratings_transport_companies = 1833;
constexpr string_id town_rating_appalling = 1834;
constexpr string_id town_rating_poor = 1835;
constexpr string_id town_rating_average = 1836;
constexpr string_id town_rating_good = 1837;
constexpr string_id town_rating_excellent = 1838;
constexpr string_id town_rating_company_percentage_rank = 1839;
constexpr string_id achieve_a_company_value_of = 1840;
constexpr string_id achieve_a_monthly_profit_from_vehicles_of = 1841;
constexpr string_id achieve_a_performance_index_of = 1842;
constexpr string_id deliver = 1843;
constexpr string_id and_be_the_top_performing_company = 1844;
constexpr string_id and_be_one_of_the_top_3_performing_companies = 1845;
constexpr string_id within_years = 1846;
constexpr string_id by_the_end_of = 1847;
constexpr string_id and_be_the_top_company = 1848;
constexpr string_id and_be_within_the_top_companies = 1849;
constexpr string_id with_a_time_limit = 1850;
constexpr string_id challenge_label = 1851;
constexpr string_id challenge_value = 1852;
constexpr string_id objective_achieve_a_certain_company_value = 1853;
constexpr string_id objective_achieve_a_certain_monthly_profit_from_vehicles = 1854;
constexpr string_id objective_achieve_a_certain_performance_index = 1855;
constexpr string_id objective_deliver_a_certain_amount_of_cargo = 1856;
constexpr string_id challenge_monetary_value = 1857;
constexpr string_id challenge_performance_index = 1858;
constexpr string_id challenge_delivered_cargo = 1859;
constexpr string_id time_limit_years_value = 1860;
constexpr string_id completed_by_name_in_years_months = 1861;
constexpr string_id success_you_completed_the_challenge_in_years_months = 1862;
constexpr string_id failed_you_failed_to_complete_the_challenge = 1863;
constexpr string_id beaten_by_other_player_completed_in_years_months = 1864;
constexpr string_id progress_towards_completing_challenge_percent = 1865;
constexpr string_id time_remaining_years_months = 1866;
constexpr string_id cargo_delivered = 1867;
constexpr string_id cargo_delivered_none = 1868;
constexpr string_id title_exit_game = 1869;
constexpr string_id allow_industries_to_close_down_during_game = 1871;
constexpr string_id allow_new_industries_to_start_up_during_game = 1872;
constexpr string_id forbid_competing_companies_from_using = 1875;
constexpr string_id forbid_player_companies_from_using = 1876;
constexpr string_id vehicle_list_tooltip_stops_at_stringid = 1877;
constexpr string_id vehicle_list_tooltip_comma_stringid = 1878;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_title = 1879;
constexpr string_id tutorial_2_title = 1880;
constexpr string_id tutorial_3_title = 1881;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_1 = 1882;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_2 = 1883;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_3 = 1884;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_4 = 1885;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_5 = 1886;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_6 = 1887;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_7 = 1888;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_8 = 1889;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_9 = 1890;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_10 = 1891;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_11 = 1892;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_12 = 1893;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_13 = 1894;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_14 = 1895;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_15 = 1896;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_16 = 1897;
constexpr string_id tutorial_1_string_17 = 1898;
constexpr string_id tutorial_2_string_1 = 1899;
constexpr string_id tutorial_2_string_2 = 1900;
constexpr string_id tutorial_2_string_3 = 1901;
constexpr string_id tutorial_2_string_4 = 1902;
constexpr string_id tutorial_2_string_5 = 1903;
constexpr string_id tutorial_2_string_6 = 1904;
constexpr string_id tutorial_2_string_7 = 1905;
constexpr string_id tutorial_2_string_8 = 1906;
constexpr string_id tutorial_2_string_9 = 1907;
constexpr string_id tutorial_2_string_10 = 1908;
constexpr string_id tutorial_2_string_11 = 1909;
constexpr string_id tutorial_3_string_1 = 1910;
constexpr string_id tutorial_3_string_2 = 1911;
constexpr string_id tutorial_3_string_3 = 1912;
constexpr string_id tutorial_3_string_4 = 1913;
constexpr string_id tutorial_3_string_5 = 1914;
constexpr string_id tutorial_3_string_6 = 1915;
constexpr string_id tutorial_3_string_7 = 1916;
constexpr string_id tutorial_3_string_8 = 1917;
constexpr string_id tutorial_3_string_9 = 1918;
constexpr string_id use_preferred_owner_name = 1919;
constexpr string_id use_preferred_owner_name_tip = 1920;
constexpr string_id wcolour2_preferred_owner_name = 1921;
constexpr string_id preferred_owner_name = 1922;
constexpr string_id enter_preferred_owner_name = 1923;
constexpr string_id tiny_power = 1924;
constexpr string_id tiny_brake = 1925;
constexpr string_id tooltip_route_move_order_up = 1926;
constexpr string_id tooltip_route_move_order_down = 1927;
constexpr string_id atari_inc_credits_btn = UNUSED_STR(1929);
constexpr string_id licenced_to_atari_inc = 1930;
constexpr string_id atari_inc_credits_caption = UNUSED_STR(1931);
constexpr string_id title_menu_chat_tooltip = 1933;
constexpr string_id the_other_player = 1934;
constexpr string_id error_the_other_player_has_exited_the_game = 1935;
// String ids 1943--1982 (some blank) were used in the Atari credits screen, but are now unused.
constexpr string_id title_cargo_distance_graphs = 1983;
constexpr string_id tab_cargo_distance_graphs = 1984;
constexpr string_id last_journey_average_speed = 1985;
constexpr string_id tab_speed_records = 1995;
constexpr string_id speed_records = 1995;
constexpr string_id title_speed_records = 1996;
constexpr string_id land_speed_record = 1997;
constexpr string_id air_speed_record = 1998;
constexpr string_id water_speed_record = 1999;
constexpr string_id record_date_achieved = 2000;
constexpr string_id window_browse_input_caret = 2003;
constexpr string_id window_browse_filename = 2004;
constexpr string_id window_browse_folder = 2005;
constexpr string_id window_browse_parent_folder_tooltip = 2006;
constexpr string_id window_browse_company = 2007;
constexpr string_id window_browse_date = 2008;
constexpr string_id window_browse_challenge_progress = 2009;
constexpr string_id window_browse_challenge_completed = 2010;
constexpr string_id window_browse_challenge_failed = 2011;
constexpr string_id replace_existing_file_prompt = 2012;
constexpr string_id replace_existing_file_button = 2013;
constexpr string_id delete_file_prompt = 2014;
constexpr string_id delete_file_button = 2015;
constexpr string_id error_invalid_filename = 2016;
constexpr string_id title_industry_name = 2017;
constexpr string_id prompt_enter_new_industry_name = 2018;
constexpr string_id error_cant_rename_industry = 2019;
constexpr string_id dropdown_bridge_stats = 2020;
constexpr string_id position_1st = 2023;
constexpr string_id position_2nd = 2024;
constexpr string_id position_3rd = 2025;
constexpr string_id position_4th = 2026;
constexpr string_id position_5th = 2027;
constexpr string_id position_6th = 2028;
constexpr string_id position_7th = 2029;
constexpr string_id position_8th = 2030;
constexpr string_id position_9th = 2031;
constexpr string_id position_10th = 2032;
constexpr string_id position_11th = 2033;
constexpr string_id position_12th = 2034;
constexpr string_id position_13th = 2035;
constexpr string_id position_14th = 2036;
constexpr string_id position_15th = 2037;
constexpr string_id buffer_2039 = 2039;
constexpr string_id buffer_2040 = 2040;
constexpr string_id buffer_2042 = 2042;
constexpr string_id buffer_2045 = 2045;
constexpr string_id error_unable_to_select_object = 2049;
constexpr string_id error_unable_to_deselect_object = 2050;
constexpr string_id title_object_selection = 2052;
constexpr string_id object_interface_styles = 2053;
constexpr string_id object_sounds = 2054;
constexpr string_id object_currency = 2055;
constexpr string_id object_animation_effects = 2056;
constexpr string_id object_cliffs = 2057;
constexpr string_id object_water = 2058;
constexpr string_id object_land = 2059;
constexpr string_id object_town_names = 2060;
constexpr string_id object_cargo = 2061;
constexpr string_id object_walls = 2062;
constexpr string_id object_signals = 2063;
constexpr string_id object_level_crossing = 2064;
constexpr string_id object_street_lights = 2065;
constexpr string_id object_tunnels = 2066;
constexpr string_id object_bridges = 2067;
constexpr string_id object_track_stations = 2068;
constexpr string_id object_track_extras = 2069;
constexpr string_id object_tracks = 2070;
constexpr string_id object_road_stations = 2071;
constexpr string_id object_road_extras = 2072;
constexpr string_id object_roads = 2073;
constexpr string_id object_airports = 2074;
constexpr string_id object_docks = 2075;
constexpr string_id object_vehicles = 2076;
constexpr string_id object_trees = 2077;
constexpr string_id object_snow = 2078;
constexpr string_id object_climate = 2079;
constexpr string_id object_map_generation_data = 2080;
constexpr string_id object_buildings = 2081;
constexpr string_id object_scaffolding = 2082;
constexpr string_id object_industries = 2083;
constexpr string_id object_world_region = 2084;
constexpr string_id object_company_owners = 2085;
constexpr string_id object_scenario_descriptions = 2086;
constexpr string_id tooltip_object_list = 2087;
constexpr string_id missing_object_data_id_x = 2088;
constexpr string_id export_plugin_objects = 2089;
constexpr string_id export_plugin_objects_tip = 2090;
constexpr string_id object_selection_advanced = 2093;
constexpr string_id object_selection_advanced_tooltip = 2094;
constexpr string_id object_currency_big_font = 2095;
constexpr string_id new_objects_installed_successfully = 2096;
constexpr string_id unit_mph = 2113;
constexpr string_id unit_kmh = 2114;
constexpr string_id unit_hour = 2115;
constexpr string_id unit_hours = 2116;
constexpr string_id unit_mins = 2117;
constexpr string_id unit_min = 2118;
constexpr string_id unit_secs = 2119;
constexpr string_id unit_units = 2120;
constexpr string_id unit_ft = 2121;
constexpr string_id unit_m = 2122;
constexpr string_id unit_hp = 2123;
constexpr string_id unit_kW = 2124;
constexpr string_id options_language = 2125;
constexpr string_id disable_vehicle_breakdowns = 2126;
constexpr string_id options_screen_mode = 2127;
constexpr string_id options_mode_windowed = 2128;
constexpr string_id options_mode_fullscreen = 2129;
constexpr string_id options_mode_fullscreen_window = 2130;
constexpr string_id default_audio_device_name = 2131;
constexpr string_id window_scale_factor = 2132;
constexpr string_id stepper_plus = 2133;
constexpr string_id stepper_minus = 2134;
constexpr string_id scale_formatted = 2135;
constexpr string_id zoom_to_cursor = 2136;
constexpr string_id zoom_to_cursor_tip = 2137;
constexpr string_id play_title_music = 2138;
constexpr string_id menu_quit_to_menu = 2139;
constexpr string_id menu_exit_openloco = 2140;
constexpr string_id disableAICompanies = 2141;
constexpr string_id disableAICompanies_tip = 2142;
constexpr string_id autosave_amount = 2143;
constexpr string_id autosave_frequency = 2144;
constexpr string_id autosave_never = 2145;
constexpr string_id autosave_every_month = 2146;
constexpr string_id autosave_every_x_months = 2147;
constexpr string_id generator = 2148;
constexpr string_id generator_original = 2149;
constexpr string_id generator_improved = 2150;
constexpr string_id dropdown_modify_vehicle = 2151;
constexpr string_id dropdown_clone_vehicle = 2152;
constexpr string_id cant_clone_vehicle = 2153;
constexpr string_id dropdown_viewport_move = 2154;
constexpr string_id dropdown_viewport_focus = 2155;
constexpr string_id option_cheat_menu_enable = 2156;
constexpr string_id tooltip_option_cheat_menu_enable = 2157;
constexpr string_id cheat_enable_sandbox_mode = 2158;
constexpr string_id cheat_allow_manual_driving = 2159;
constexpr string_id cheat_allow_building_while_paused = 2160;
constexpr string_id option_show_fps_counter = 2161;
constexpr string_id option_show_fps_counter_tooltip = 2162;
constexpr string_id option_uncap_fps = 2163;
constexpr string_id option_uncap_fps_tooltip = 2164;
constexpr string_id frame_hardware = 2165;
constexpr string_id frame_map_rendering = 2166;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector = 2167;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector_select_btn_tooltip = 2168;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector_element_type_surface = 2169;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector_element_type_track = 2170;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector_element_type_station = 2171;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector_element_type_signal = 2172;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector_element_type_building = 2173;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector_element_type_tree = 2174;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector_element_type_wall = 2175;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector_element_type_road = 2176;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector_element_type_industry = 2177;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector_entry_two_pos = 2178;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector_entry_three_pos = 2179;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector_x_coord = 2180;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector_y_coord = 2181;
constexpr string_id tile_inspector_coord = 2182;
constexpr string_id tile_element_data = 2183;
constexpr string_id cheats = 2184;
constexpr string_id financial_cheats = 2185;
constexpr string_id company_cheats = 2186;
constexpr string_id vehicle_cheats = 2187;
constexpr string_id town_cheats = 2188;
constexpr string_id cheat_clear_loan = 2189;
constexpr string_id cheat_clear = 2190;
constexpr string_id cheat_loan_value = 2191;
constexpr string_id cheat_select_target_company = 2192;
constexpr string_id cheat_select_cheat_to_apply = 2193;
constexpr string_id cheat_switch_to_company = 2194;
constexpr string_id cheat_acquire_company_assets = 2195;
constexpr string_id cheat_toggle_bankruptcy = 2196;
constexpr string_id cheat_toggle_jail_status = 2197;
constexpr string_id cheat_increase_funds = 2198;
constexpr string_id cheat_amount = 2199;
constexpr string_id cheat_add = 2200;
constexpr string_id cheat_set_vehicle_reliability = 2201;
constexpr string_id cheat_reliability_zero = 2202;
constexpr string_id cheat_reliability_hundred = 2203;
constexpr string_id cheat_set_ratings = 2204;
constexpr string_id cheat_ratings_min_10pct = 2205;
constexpr string_id cheat_ratings_plus_10pct = 2206;
constexpr string_id cheat_ratings_to_min = 2207;
constexpr string_id cheat_ratings_to_max = 2208;
constexpr string_id all_vehicles = 2209;
constexpr string_id stopping_at_station = 2210;
constexpr string_id transporting_cargo = 2211;
constexpr string_id carrying_cargoid_sprite = 2212;
constexpr string_id carrying_cargoid_sprite_selected = 2213;
constexpr string_id no_station_selected = 2214;
constexpr string_id no_cargo_selected = 2215;
constexpr string_id tooltip_open_station_window_to_filter = 2216;
constexpr string_id tooltip_select_cargo_type = 2217;