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2018-03-18 00:26:38 +01:00
#pragma once
#include "detail_types.h"
#include "detail_typeinfo.h"
#include "dukvalue.h"
#include <vector>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory> // for std::shared_ptr
namespace dukglue {
namespace types {
template<> \
struct DukType<TYPE> { \
typedef std::true_type IsValueType; \
template<typename FullT> \
static TYPE read(duk_context* ctx, duk_idx_t arg_idx) { \
if (DUK_IS_FUNC(ctx, arg_idx)) { \
return static_cast<TYPE>(DUK_GET_FUNC(ctx, arg_idx)); \
} else { \
duk_int_t type_idx = duk_get_type(ctx, arg_idx); \
duk_error(ctx, DUK_RET_TYPE_ERROR, "Argument %d: expected " #TYPE ", got %s", arg_idx, detail::get_type_name(type_idx)); \
} \
} \
template<typename FullT> \
static void push(duk_context* ctx, TYPE value) { \
} \
DUKGLUE_SIMPLE_VALUE_TYPE(bool, duk_is_boolean, 0 != duk_get_boolean, duk_push_boolean, value)
DUKGLUE_SIMPLE_VALUE_TYPE(uint8_t, duk_is_number, duk_get_uint, duk_push_uint, value)
DUKGLUE_SIMPLE_VALUE_TYPE(uint16_t, duk_is_number, duk_get_uint, duk_push_uint, value)
DUKGLUE_SIMPLE_VALUE_TYPE(uint32_t, duk_is_number, duk_get_uint, duk_push_uint, value)
DUKGLUE_SIMPLE_VALUE_TYPE(uint64_t, duk_is_number, duk_get_number, duk_push_number, value) // have to cast to double
DUKGLUE_SIMPLE_VALUE_TYPE(int8_t, duk_is_number, duk_get_int, duk_push_int, value)
DUKGLUE_SIMPLE_VALUE_TYPE(int16_t, duk_is_number, duk_get_int, duk_push_int, value)
DUKGLUE_SIMPLE_VALUE_TYPE(int32_t, duk_is_number, duk_get_int, duk_push_int, value)
DUKGLUE_SIMPLE_VALUE_TYPE(int64_t, duk_is_number, duk_get_number, duk_push_number, value) // have to cast to double
// signed char and unsigned char are surprisingly *both* different from char, at least in MSVC
DUKGLUE_SIMPLE_VALUE_TYPE(char, duk_is_number, duk_get_int, duk_push_int, value)
DUKGLUE_SIMPLE_VALUE_TYPE(float, duk_is_number, duk_get_number, duk_push_number, value)
DUKGLUE_SIMPLE_VALUE_TYPE(double, duk_is_number, duk_get_number, duk_push_number, value)
DUKGLUE_SIMPLE_VALUE_TYPE(std::string, duk_is_string, duk_get_string, duk_push_string, value.c_str())
// We have to do some magic for const char* to work correctly.
// We override the "bare type" and "storage type" to both be const char*.
// char* is a bit tricky because its "bare type" should still be const char*, to differentiate it from just char
struct Bare<char*> {
typedef const char* type;
struct Bare<const char*> {
typedef const char* type;
// the storage type should also be const char* - if we don't do this, it will end up as just "char"
struct ArgStorage<const char*> {
typedef const char* type;
struct DukType<const char*> {
typedef std::true_type IsValueType;
template<typename FullT>
static const char* read(duk_context* ctx, duk_idx_t arg_idx) {
if (duk_is_string(ctx, arg_idx)) {
return duk_get_string(ctx, arg_idx);
} else {
duk_int_t type_idx = duk_get_type(ctx, arg_idx);
duk_error(ctx, DUK_RET_TYPE_ERROR, "Argument %d: expected string, got %s", arg_idx, detail::get_type_name(type_idx));
template<typename FullT>
static void push(duk_context* ctx, const char* value) {
duk_push_string(ctx, value);
// DukValue
struct DukType<DukValue> {
typedef std::true_type IsValueType;
template <typename FullT>
static DukValue read(duk_context* ctx, duk_idx_t arg_idx) {
try {
return DukValue::copy_from_stack(ctx, arg_idx);
} catch (DukException& e) {
// only DukException can be thrown by DukValue::copy_from_stack
duk_error(ctx, DUK_ERR_ERROR, e.what());
template <typename FullT>
static void push(duk_context* ctx, const DukValue& value) {
if (value.context() == NULL) {
duk_error(ctx, DUK_ERR_ERROR, "DukValue is uninitialized");
if (value.context() != ctx) {
duk_error(ctx, DUK_ERR_ERROR, "DukValue comes from a different context");
try {
} catch (DukException& e) {
// only DukException can be thrown by DukValue::copy_from_stack
duk_error(ctx, DUK_ERR_ERROR, e.what());
// std::vector (as value)
template<typename T>
struct DukType< std::vector<T> > {
typedef std::true_type IsValueType;
template <typename FullT>
static std::vector<T> read(duk_context* ctx, duk_idx_t arg_idx) {
if (!duk_is_array(ctx, arg_idx)) {
duk_int_t type_idx = duk_get_type(ctx, arg_idx);
duk_error(ctx, DUK_ERR_TYPE_ERROR, "Argument %d: expected array, got %s", arg_idx, detail::get_type_name(type_idx));
duk_size_t len = duk_get_length(ctx, arg_idx);
const duk_idx_t elem_idx = duk_get_top(ctx);
std::vector<T> vec;
for (duk_size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
duk_get_prop_index(ctx, arg_idx, i);
vec.push_back(DukType< typename Bare<T>::type >::template read<T>(ctx, elem_idx));
return vec;
template <typename FullT>
static void push(duk_context* ctx, const std::vector<T>& value) {
duk_idx_t obj_idx = duk_push_array(ctx);
for (size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); i++) {
DukType< typename Bare<T>::type >::template push<T>(ctx, value[i]);
duk_put_prop_index(ctx, obj_idx, i);
// std::shared_ptr (as value)
template<typename T>
struct DukType< std::shared_ptr<T> > {
typedef std::true_type IsValueType;
static_assert(std::is_same<typename DukType<T>::IsValueType, std::false_type>::value, "Dukglue can only use std::shared_ptr to non-value types!");
template <typename FullT>
static std::shared_ptr<T> read(duk_context* ctx, duk_idx_t arg_idx) {
if (duk_is_null(ctx, arg_idx))
return nullptr;
if (!duk_is_object(ctx, arg_idx)) {
duk_int_t type_idx = duk_get_type(ctx, arg_idx);
duk_error(ctx, DUK_RET_TYPE_ERROR, "Argument %d: expected shared_ptr object, got ", arg_idx, detail::get_type_name(type_idx));
duk_get_prop_string(ctx, arg_idx, "\xFF" "type_info");
if (!duk_is_pointer(ctx, -1)) // missing type_info, must not be a native object
duk_error(ctx, DUK_RET_TYPE_ERROR, "Argument %d: expected shared_ptr object (missing type_info)", arg_idx);
// make sure this object can be safely returned as a T*
dukglue::detail::TypeInfo* info = static_cast<dukglue::detail::TypeInfo*>(duk_get_pointer(ctx, -1));
if (!info->can_cast<T>())
duk_error(ctx, DUK_RET_TYPE_ERROR, "Argument %d: wrong type of shared_ptr object", arg_idx);
duk_pop(ctx); // pop type_info
duk_get_prop_string(ctx, arg_idx, "\xFF" "shared_ptr");
if (!duk_is_pointer(ctx, -1))
duk_error(ctx, DUK_RET_TYPE_ERROR, "Argument %d: not a shared_ptr object (missing shared_ptr)", arg_idx);
void* ptr = duk_get_pointer(ctx, -1);
duk_pop(ctx); // pop pointer to shared_ptr
return *((std::shared_ptr<T>*) ptr);
static duk_ret_t shared_ptr_finalizer(duk_context* ctx)
duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 0, "\xFF" "shared_ptr");
std::shared_ptr<T>* ptr = (std::shared_ptr<T>*) duk_require_pointer(ctx, -1);
duk_pop(ctx); // pop shared_ptr ptr
if (ptr != NULL) {
delete ptr;
// for safety, set the pointer to undefined
// (finalizers can run multiple times)
duk_put_prop_string(ctx, 0, "\xFF" "shared_ptr");
return 0;
template <typename FullT>
static void push(duk_context* ctx, const std::shared_ptr<T>& value) {
dukglue::detail::ProtoManager::make_script_object(ctx, value.get());
// create + set shared_ptr
duk_push_pointer(ctx, new std::shared_ptr<T>(value));
duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, "\xFF" "shared_ptr");
// set shared_ptr finalizer
duk_push_c_function(ctx, &shared_ptr_finalizer, 1);
duk_set_finalizer(ctx, -2);
// std::function
/*template <typename RetT, typename... ArgTs>
struct DukType< std::function<RetT(ArgTs...)> > {
typedef std::true_type IsValueType;
template<typename FullT>
static std::function<RetT(ArgTs...)> read(duk_context* ctx, duk_idx_t arg_idx) {
DukValue callable = DukValue::copy_from_stack(ctx, -1, DUK_TYPE_MASK_OBJECT);
return [ctx, callable] (ArgTs... args) -> RetT {
dukglue_call<RetT>(ctx, callable, args...);
template<typename FullT>
static void push(duk_context* ctx, std::function<RetT(ArgTs...)> value) {
static_assert(false, "Pushing an std::function has not been implemented yet. Sorry!");