Implemented start of guest_path_finding

This commit is contained in:
Duncan Frost 2015-07-25 12:49:58 +01:00
parent ea130a6126
commit 481e286dd9
1 changed files with 141 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -6641,13 +6641,153 @@ static int guest_surface_path_finding(rct_peep* peep){
return peep_move_one_tile(randDirection, peep);
rct_map_element* get_banner_on_path(rct_map_element *path_element){
// This is an improved version of original.
// That only checked for one fence in the way.
if (map_element_is_last_for_tile(path_element))
return NULL;
rct_map_element *bannerElement = path_element + 1;
do {
// Path on top, so no banners
if (map_element_get_type(bannerElement) == MAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_PATH)
return NULL;
// Found a banner
if (map_element_get_type(bannerElement) == MAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_BANNER)
return bannerElement;
// Last element so there cant be any other banners
if (map_element_is_last_for_tile(bannerElement))
return NULL;
} while (bannerElement++);
return NULL;
/* rct2: 0x00694BAE */
static uint8 sub_694BAE(sint16 x, sint16 y, sint16 z, rct_map_element *map_element, uint8 chosen_direction){
uint32 eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi, ebp;
eax = x;
ecx = y;
edx = z;
edi = (int)map_element;
ebp = chosen_direction;
RCT2_CALLFUNC_X(0x00694BAE, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx, &esi, &edi, &ebp);
return eax & 0xFF;
/* rct2: 0x006949A4 */
static uint8 sub_6949A4(sint16 x, sint16 y, sint16 z, rct_map_element *map_element, uint8 chosen_direction){
uint32 eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi, ebp;
eax = x;
ecx = y;
edx = z;
edi = (int)map_element;
ebp = chosen_direction;
RCT2_CALLFUNC_X(0x006949A4, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx, &esi, &edi, &ebp);
return eax & 0xFF;
/* rct2: 0x00694C35 */
static int guest_path_finding(rct_peep* peep){
sint16 x, y, z;
if (peep->next_var_29 & 0x18){
return guest_surface_path_finding(peep);
x = peep->next_x;
y = peep->next_y;
z = peep->next_z;
bool found = false;
rct_map_element *mapElement = map_get_first_element_at(x / 32, y / 32);
if (z != mapElement->base_height)
if (map_element_get_type(mapElement) != MAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_PATH)
found = true;
} while (!map_element_is_last_for_tile(mapElement++));
if (!found){
return 1;
uint8 edges = mapElement->properties.path.edges;
rct_map_element *bannerElement = get_banner_on_path(mapElement);
if (bannerElement != NULL){
edges &= bannerElement->properties.banner.flags;
} while ((bannerElement = get_banner_on_path(bannerElement)) != NULL);
edges &= 0xF;
if (peep->var_2A == 0 &&
(peep->guest_heading_to_ride_id == 0xFF ||
peep->flags & PEEP_FLAGS_LEAVING_PARK)){
uint8 adjustedEdges = edges;
uint8 chosenDirection = 0;
for (; chosenDirection < 4; ++chosenDirection){
// If there is no path in that direction try another
if (!(adjustedEdges & (1 << chosenDirection)))
if (sub_694BAE(peep->next_x, peep->next_y, peep->next_z, mapElement, chosenDirection) == 6){
adjustedEdges &= ~(1 << chosenDirection);
if (adjustedEdges != 0)
edges = adjustedEdges;
if (edges == 0)
return guest_surface_path_finding(peep);
uint8 direction = peep->var_78 ^ (1 << 1);
if (!(edges & ~(1 << direction))){
edges &= ~(1 << direction);
direction = bitscanforward(edges);
// IF only one edge to choose from
if ((edges & ~(1 << direction)) == 0){
return peep_move_one_tile(direction, peep);
if (peep->var_2A == 0){
if (!peep_has_food(peep) &&
(scenario_rand()&0xFFFF) >= 2184){
uint8 adjustedEdges = edges;
uint8 chosenDirection = 0;
for (; chosenDirection < 4; ++chosenDirection){
// If there is no path in that direction try another
if (!(adjustedEdges & (1 << chosenDirection)))
uint8 al = sub_6949A4(peep->next_x, peep->next_y, peep->next_z, mapElement, chosenDirection);
if (al == 6 || al <= 1){
adjustedEdges &= ~(1 << chosenDirection);
if (adjustedEdges != 0)
edges = adjustedEdges;