Refactor list view so we can access it from ScWidget

This commit is contained in:
Ted John 2020-05-06 20:39:57 +01:00
parent faf59598e5
commit 5e427413a6
8 changed files with 706 additions and 584 deletions

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"intelliSenseMode": "msvc-x64",
"browse": {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 OpenRCT2 developers
* For a complete list of all authors, please refer to
* Interested in contributing? Visit
* OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.
# include "CustomListView.h"
# include "../interface/Window.h"
# include <openrct2/Context.h>
# include <openrct2/localisation/Localisation.h>
# include <openrct2/util/Util.h>
using namespace OpenRCT2::Scripting;
using namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows;
namespace OpenRCT2::Scripting
template<> ColumnSortOrder FromDuk(const DukValue& d)
if (d.type() == DukValue::Type::STRING)
auto s = d.as_string();
if (s == "ascending")
return ColumnSortOrder::Ascending;
if (s == "descending")
return ColumnSortOrder::Descending;
return ColumnSortOrder::None;
template<> std::optional<int32_t> FromDuk(const DukValue& d)
if (d.type() == DukValue::Type::NUMBER)
return d.as_int();
return std::nullopt;
template<> ListViewColumn FromDuk(const DukValue& d)
ListViewColumn result;
result.CanSort = AsOrDefault(d["canSort"], false);
result.SortOrder = FromDuk<ColumnSortOrder>(d["sortOrder"]);
result.Header = AsOrDefault(d["header"], "");
result.HeaderTooltip = AsOrDefault(d["headerTooltip"], "");
result.MinWidth = FromDuk<std::optional<int32_t>>(d["minWidth"]);
result.MaxWidth = FromDuk<std::optional<int32_t>>(d["maxWidth"]);
result.RatioWidth = FromDuk<std::optional<int32_t>>(d["ratioWidth"]);
if (d["width"].type() == DukValue::Type::NUMBER)
result.MinWidth = d["width"].as_int();
result.MaxWidth = result.MinWidth;
result.RatioWidth = std::nullopt;
else if (!result.RatioWidth)
result.RatioWidth = 1;
return result;
template<> ListViewItem FromDuk(const DukValue& d)
ListViewItem result;
if (d.type() == DukValue::Type::STRING)
result = ListViewItem(ProcessString(d));
else if (d.is_array())
std::vector<std::string> cells;
for (const auto& dukCell : d.as_array())
result = ListViewItem(std::move(cells));
return result;
} // namespace OpenRCT2::Scripting
void CustomListView::SetItems(const std::vector<ListViewItem>& items)
Items = items;
SortItems(0, ColumnSortOrder::None);
void CustomListView::SetItems(std::vector<ListViewItem>&& items)
Items = items;
SortItems(0, ColumnSortOrder::None);
bool CustomListView::SortItem(size_t indexA, size_t indexB, size_t column)
const auto& cellA = Items[indexA].Cells[column];
const auto& cellB = Items[indexB].Cells[column];
return strlogicalcmp(cellA.c_str(), cellB.c_str()) < 0;
void CustomListView::SortItems(size_t column)
auto sortOrder = ColumnSortOrder::Ascending;
if (CurrentSortColumn == column)
if (CurrentSortOrder == ColumnSortOrder::Ascending)
sortOrder = ColumnSortOrder::Descending;
else if (CurrentSortOrder == ColumnSortOrder::Descending)
sortOrder = ColumnSortOrder::None;
SortItems(column, sortOrder);
void CustomListView::SortItems(size_t column, ColumnSortOrder order)
// Reset the sorted index map
for (size_t i = 0; i < SortedItems.size(); i++)
SortedItems[i] = i;
if (order != ColumnSortOrder::None)
SortedItems.begin(), SortedItems.end(), [this, column](size_t a, size_t b) { return SortItem(a, b, column); });
if (order == ColumnSortOrder::Descending)
std::reverse(SortedItems.begin(), SortedItems.end());
CurrentSortOrder = order;
CurrentSortColumn = column;
Columns[column].SortOrder = order;
void CustomListView::Resize(const ScreenSize& size)
if (size == LastKnownSize)
LastKnownSize = size;
// Calculate the total of all ratios
int32_t totalRatio = 0;
for (size_t c = 0; c < Columns.size(); c++)
auto& column = Columns[c];
if (column.RatioWidth)
totalRatio += *column.RatioWidth;
// Calculate column widths
int32_t widthRemaining = size.width;
for (size_t c = 0; c < Columns.size(); c++)
auto& column = Columns[c];
if (c == Columns.size() - 1)
column.Width = widthRemaining;
column.Width = 0;
if (column.RatioWidth && *column.RatioWidth > 0)
column.Width = (size.width * *column.RatioWidth) / totalRatio;
if (column.MinWidth)
column.Width = std::max(column.Width, *column.MinWidth);
if (column.MaxWidth)
column.Width = std::min(column.Width, *column.MaxWidth);
widthRemaining -= column.Width;
ScreenSize CustomListView::GetSize()
LastHighlightedCell = HighlightedCell;
HighlightedCell = std::nullopt;
ColumnHeaderPressedCurrentState = false;
LastIsMouseDown = IsMouseDown;
IsMouseDown = false;
ScreenSize result;
result.width = 0;
result.height = static_cast<int32_t>(Items.size() * LIST_ROW_HEIGHT);
return result;
void CustomListView::MouseOver(const ScreenCoordsXY& pos, bool isMouseDown)
auto hitResult = GetItemIndexAt(pos);
if (hitResult)
HighlightedCell = hitResult;
if (HighlightedCell != LastHighlightedCell)
if (hitResult->Row != HEADER_ROW && OnHighlight.context() != nullptr && OnHighlight.is_function())
auto ctx = OnHighlight.context();
duk_push_int(ctx, static_cast<int32_t>(HighlightedCell->Row));
auto dukRow = DukValue::take_from_stack(ctx, -1);
duk_push_int(ctx, static_cast<int32_t>(HighlightedCell->Column));
auto dukColumn = DukValue::take_from_stack(ctx, -1);
auto& scriptEngine = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine();
scriptEngine.ExecutePluginCall(Owner, OnHighlight, { dukRow, dukColumn }, false);
// Update the header currently held down
if (isMouseDown)
if (hitResult && hitResult->Row == HEADER_ROW)
ColumnHeaderPressedCurrentState = (hitResult->Column == ColumnHeaderPressed);
IsMouseDown = true;
if (LastIsMouseDown)
IsMouseDown = false;
void CustomListView::MouseDown(const ScreenCoordsXY& pos)
auto hitResult = GetItemIndexAt(pos);
if (hitResult)
if (hitResult->Row != HEADER_ROW && OnClick.context() != nullptr && OnClick.is_function())
if (CanSelect)
SelectedCell = hitResult;
auto ctx = OnClick.context();
duk_push_int(ctx, static_cast<int32_t>(hitResult->Row));
auto dukRow = DukValue::take_from_stack(ctx, -1);
duk_push_int(ctx, static_cast<int32_t>(hitResult->Column));
auto dukColumn = DukValue::take_from_stack(ctx, -1);
auto& scriptEngine = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine();
scriptEngine.ExecutePluginCall(Owner, OnClick, { dukRow, dukColumn }, false);
if (hitResult && hitResult->Row == HEADER_ROW)
if (Columns[hitResult->Column].CanSort)
ColumnHeaderPressed = hitResult->Column;
ColumnHeaderPressedCurrentState = true;
IsMouseDown = true;
void CustomListView::MouseUp(const ScreenCoordsXY& pos)
auto hitResult = GetItemIndexAt(pos);
if (hitResult && hitResult->Row == HEADER_ROW)
if (hitResult->Column == ColumnHeaderPressed)
ColumnHeaderPressed = std::nullopt;
ColumnHeaderPressedCurrentState = false;
void CustomListView::Paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, const rct_scroll* scroll) const
auto paletteIndex = ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].mid_light;
gfx_fill_rect(dpi, dpi->x, dpi->y, dpi->x + dpi->width, dpi->y + dpi->height, paletteIndex);
int32_t y = ShowColumnHeaders ? LIST_ROW_HEIGHT + 1 : 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Items.size(); i++)
if (y > dpi->y + dpi->height)
// Past the scroll view area
if (y + LIST_ROW_HEIGHT >= dpi->y)
const auto& itemIndex = static_cast<int32_t>(SortedItems[i]);
const auto& item = Items[itemIndex];
// Background colour
auto isStriped = IsStriped && (i & 1);
auto isHighlighted = (HighlightedCell && itemIndex == HighlightedCell->Row);
auto isSelected = (SelectedCell && itemIndex == SelectedCell->Row);
if (isHighlighted)
gfx_filter_rect(dpi, dpi->x, y, dpi->x + dpi->width, y + (LIST_ROW_HEIGHT - 1), PALETTE_DARKEN_1);
else if (isSelected)
// gfx_fill_rect(dpi, dpi->x, y, dpi->x + dpi->width, y + LIST_ROW_HEIGHT - 1,
// ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].dark);
gfx_filter_rect(dpi, dpi->x, y, dpi->x + dpi->width, y + (LIST_ROW_HEIGHT - 1), PALETTE_DARKEN_2);
else if (isStriped)
dpi, dpi->x, y, dpi->x + dpi->width, y + (LIST_ROW_HEIGHT - 1),
ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].lighter | 0x1000000);
// Columns
if (Columns.size() == 0)
const auto& text = item.Cells[0];
if (!text.empty())
ScreenSize cellSize = { std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(), LIST_ROW_HEIGHT };
PaintCell(dpi, { 0, y }, cellSize, text.c_str(), isHighlighted);
int32_t x = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < Columns.size(); j++)
const auto& column = Columns[j];
if (item.Cells.size() > j)
const auto& text = item.Cells[j];
if (!text.empty())
ScreenSize cellSize = { column.Width, LIST_ROW_HEIGHT };
PaintCell(dpi, { x, y }, cellSize, text.c_str(), isHighlighted);
x += column.Width;
if (ShowColumnHeaders)
y = scroll->v_top;
auto bgColour = ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].mid_light;
gfx_fill_rect(dpi, dpi->x, y, dpi->x + dpi->width, y + 12, bgColour);
int32_t x = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < Columns.size(); j++)
const auto& column = Columns[j];
auto columnWidth = column.Width;
if (columnWidth != 0)
auto sortOrder = ColumnSortOrder::None;
if (CurrentSortColumn == j)
sortOrder = CurrentSortOrder;
bool isPressed = ColumnHeaderPressed == j && ColumnHeaderPressedCurrentState;
PaintHeading(w, dpi, { x, y }, { column.Width, LIST_ROW_HEIGHT }, column.Header, sortOrder, isPressed);
x += columnWidth;
void CustomListView::PaintHeading(
rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, const ScreenCoordsXY& pos, const ScreenSize& size, const std::string& text,
ColumnSortOrder sortOrder, bool isPressed) const
auto boxFlags = 0;
if (isPressed)
gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, pos.x, pos.y, pos.x + size.width - 1, pos.y + size.height - 1, w->colours[1], boxFlags);
if (!text.empty())
PaintCell(dpi, pos, size, text.c_str(), false);
if (sortOrder == ColumnSortOrder::Ascending)
auto ft = Formatter::Common();
gfx_draw_string_right(dpi, STR_BLACK_STRING, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, pos.x + size.width - 1, pos.y);
else if (sortOrder == ColumnSortOrder::Descending)
auto ft = Formatter::Common();
gfx_draw_string_right(dpi, STR_BLACK_STRING, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, pos.x + size.width - 1, pos.y);
void CustomListView::PaintCell(
rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, const ScreenCoordsXY& pos, const ScreenSize& size, const char* text, bool isHighlighted) const
rct_string_id stringId = isHighlighted ? STR_WINDOW_COLOUR_2_STRINGID : STR_BLACK_STRING;
auto ft = Formatter::Common();
ft.Add<const char*>(text);
gfx_draw_string_left_clipped(dpi, stringId, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, pos.x, pos.y, size.width);
std::optional<RowColumn> CustomListView::GetItemIndexAt(const ScreenCoordsXY& pos)
std::optional<RowColumn> result;
if (pos.x >= 0)
// Check if we pressed the header
if (ShowColumnHeaders && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < LIST_ROW_HEIGHT)
result = RowColumn();
result->Row = HEADER_ROW;
// Check what row we pressed
int32_t firstY = ShowColumnHeaders ? LIST_ROW_HEIGHT + 1 : 0;
int32_t row = (pos.y - firstY) / LIST_ROW_HEIGHT;
if (row >= 0 && row < static_cast<int32_t>(Items.size()))
result = RowColumn();
result->Row = static_cast<int32_t>(SortedItems[row]);
// Check what column we pressed if there are any
if (result && Columns.size() > 0)
bool found = false;
int32_t x = 0;
for (size_t c = 0; c < Columns.size(); c++)
const auto& column = Columns[c];
x += column.Width;
if (column.Width != 0)
if (pos.x < x)
result->Column = static_cast<int32_t>(c);
found = true;
if (!found)
// Past all columns
return std::nullopt;
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 OpenRCT2 developers
* For a complete list of all authors, please refer to
* Interested in contributing? Visit
* OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.
#pragma once
# include <cstdint>
# include <memory>
# include <openrct2/scripting/Duktape.hpp>
# include <openrct2/scripting/ScriptEngine.h>
# include <optional>
# include <string>
# include <vector>
namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
using namespace OpenRCT2::Scripting;
enum class ScrollbarType
enum class ColumnSortOrder
struct ListViewColumn
bool CanSort{};
ColumnSortOrder SortOrder;
std::string Header;
std::string HeaderTooltip;
std::optional<int32_t> RatioWidth{};
std::optional<int32_t> MinWidth{};
std::optional<int32_t> MaxWidth{};
int32_t Width{};
struct ListViewItem
std::vector<std::string> Cells;
ListViewItem() = default;
explicit ListViewItem(const std::string_view& text)
explicit ListViewItem(std::vector<std::string>&& cells)
: Cells(cells)
struct RowColumn
int32_t Row{};
int32_t Column{};
RowColumn() = default;
RowColumn(int32_t row, int32_t column)
: Row(row)
, Column(column)
bool operator==(const RowColumn& other) const
return Row == other.Row && Column == other.Column;
bool operator!=(const RowColumn& other) const
return !(*this == other);
class CustomListView
static constexpr int32_t HEADER_ROW = -1;
std::vector<ListViewItem> Items;
std::shared_ptr<Plugin> Owner;
std::vector<ListViewColumn> Columns;
std::vector<size_t> SortedItems;
std::optional<RowColumn> HighlightedCell;
std::optional<RowColumn> LastHighlightedCell;
std::optional<RowColumn> SelectedCell;
std::optional<size_t> ColumnHeaderPressed;
bool ColumnHeaderPressedCurrentState{};
bool ShowColumnHeaders{};
bool IsStriped{};
ScreenSize LastKnownSize;
ScrollbarType Scrollbars = ScrollbarType::Vertical;
ColumnSortOrder CurrentSortOrder{};
size_t CurrentSortColumn{};
bool LastIsMouseDown{};
bool IsMouseDown{};
bool CanSelect{};
DukValue OnClick;
DukValue OnHighlight;
void SetItems(const std::vector<ListViewItem>& items);
void SetItems(std::vector<ListViewItem>&& items);
bool SortItem(size_t indexA, size_t indexB, size_t column);
void SortItems(size_t column);
void SortItems(size_t column, ColumnSortOrder order);
void Resize(const ScreenSize& size);
ScreenSize GetSize();
void MouseOver(const ScreenCoordsXY& pos, bool isMouseDown);
void MouseDown(const ScreenCoordsXY& pos);
void MouseUp(const ScreenCoordsXY& pos);
void Paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, const rct_scroll* scroll) const;
void PaintHeading(
rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, const ScreenCoordsXY& pos, const ScreenSize& size, const std::string& text,
ColumnSortOrder sortOrder, bool isPressed) const;
void PaintCell(
rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, const ScreenCoordsXY& pos, const ScreenSize& size, const char* text,
bool isHighlighted) const;
std::optional<RowColumn> GetItemIndexAt(const ScreenCoordsXY& pos);
} // namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
class DukValue;
namespace OpenRCT2::Scripting
using namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows;
template<> ColumnSortOrder FromDuk(const DukValue& d);
template<> std::optional<int32_t> FromDuk(const DukValue& d);
template<> ListViewColumn FromDuk(const DukValue& d);
template<> ListViewItem FromDuk(const DukValue& d);
} // namespace OpenRCT2::Scripting

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
# include "../interface/Dropdown.h"
# include "CustomListView.h"
# include "ScUi.hpp"
# include "ScWindow.hpp"
@ -22,7 +23,6 @@
# include <openrct2/localisation/StringIds.h>
# include <openrct2/scripting/Plugin.h>
# include <openrct2/sprites.h>
# include <openrct2/util/Util.h>
# include <openrct2/world/Sprite.h>
# include <optional>
# include <string>
@ -31,125 +31,6 @@
using namespace OpenRCT2;
using namespace OpenRCT2::Scripting;
namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
enum class ScrollbarType
enum class ColumnSortOrder
struct ListViewColumn
bool CanSort{};
ColumnSortOrder SortOrder;
std::string Header;
std::string HeaderTooltip;
std::optional<int32_t> RatioWidth{};
std::optional<int32_t> MinWidth{};
std::optional<int32_t> MaxWidth{};
int32_t Width{};
struct ListViewItem
std::vector<std::string> Cells;
ListViewItem() = default;
explicit ListViewItem(const std::string_view& text)
explicit ListViewItem(std::vector<std::string>&& cells)
: Cells(cells)
} // namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
namespace OpenRCT2::Scripting
static std::string ProcessString(const DukValue& value)
if (value.type() == DukValue::Type::STRING)
return language_convert_string(value.as_string());
return {};
template<> ColumnSortOrder FromDuk(const DukValue& d)
if (d.type() == DukValue::Type::STRING)
auto s = d.as_string();
if (s == "ascending")
return ColumnSortOrder::Ascending;
if (s == "descending")
return ColumnSortOrder::Descending;
return ColumnSortOrder::None;
template<> std::optional<int32_t> FromDuk(const DukValue& d)
if (d.type() == DukValue::Type::NUMBER)
return d.as_int();
return std::nullopt;
template<> ListViewColumn FromDuk(const DukValue& d)
ListViewColumn result;
result.CanSort = AsOrDefault(d["canSort"], false);
result.SortOrder = FromDuk<ColumnSortOrder>(d["sortOrder"]);
result.Header = AsOrDefault(d["header"], "");
result.HeaderTooltip = AsOrDefault(d["headerTooltip"], "");
result.MinWidth = FromDuk<std::optional<int32_t>>(d["minWidth"]);
result.MaxWidth = FromDuk<std::optional<int32_t>>(d["maxWidth"]);
result.RatioWidth = FromDuk<std::optional<int32_t>>(d["ratioWidth"]);
if (d["width"].type() == DukValue::Type::NUMBER)
result.MinWidth = d["width"].as_int();
result.MaxWidth = result.MinWidth;
result.RatioWidth = std::nullopt;
else if (!result.RatioWidth)
result.RatioWidth = 1;
return result;
template<> ListViewItem FromDuk(const DukValue& d)
ListViewItem result;
if (d.type() == DukValue::Type::STRING)
result = ListViewItem(ProcessString(d));
else if (d.is_array())
std::vector<std::string> cells;
for (const auto& dukCell : d.as_array())
result = ListViewItem(std::move(cells));
return result;
} // namespace OpenRCT2::Scripting
namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
@ -448,462 +329,6 @@ namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
struct RowColumn
int32_t Row{};
int32_t Column{};
RowColumn() = default;
RowColumn(int32_t row, int32_t column)
: Row(row)
, Column(column)
bool operator==(const RowColumn& other) const
return Row == other.Row && Column == other.Column;
bool operator!=(const RowColumn& other) const
return !(*this == other);
class CustomListViewInfo
static constexpr int32_t HEADER_ROW = -1;
std::vector<ListViewItem> Items;
std::shared_ptr<Plugin> Owner;
std::vector<ListViewColumn> Columns;
std::vector<size_t> SortedItems;
std::optional<RowColumn> HighlightedCell;
std::optional<RowColumn> LastHighlightedCell;
std::optional<RowColumn> SelectedCell;
std::optional<size_t> ColumnHeaderPressed;
bool ColumnHeaderPressedCurrentState{};
bool ShowColumnHeaders{};
bool IsStriped{};
ScreenSize LastKnownSize;
ScrollbarType Scrollbars = ScrollbarType::Vertical;
ColumnSortOrder CurrentSortOrder{};
size_t CurrentSortColumn{};
bool LastIsMouseDown{};
bool IsMouseDown{};
bool CanSelect{};
DukValue OnClick;
DukValue OnHighlight;
void SetItems(const std::vector<ListViewItem>& items)
Items = items;
SortItems(0, ColumnSortOrder::None);
void SetItems(std::vector<ListViewItem>&& items)
Items = items;
SortItems(0, ColumnSortOrder::None);
bool SortItem(size_t indexA, size_t indexB, size_t column)
const auto& cellA = Items[indexA].Cells[column];
const auto& cellB = Items[indexB].Cells[column];
return strlogicalcmp(cellA.c_str(), cellB.c_str()) < 0;
void SortItems(size_t column)
auto sortOrder = ColumnSortOrder::Ascending;
if (CurrentSortColumn == column)
if (CurrentSortOrder == ColumnSortOrder::Ascending)
sortOrder = ColumnSortOrder::Descending;
else if (CurrentSortOrder == ColumnSortOrder::Descending)
sortOrder = ColumnSortOrder::None;
SortItems(column, sortOrder);
void SortItems(size_t column, ColumnSortOrder order)
// Reset the sorted index map
for (size_t i = 0; i < SortedItems.size(); i++)
SortedItems[i] = i;
if (order != ColumnSortOrder::None)
std::sort(SortedItems.begin(), SortedItems.end(), [this, column](size_t a, size_t b) {
return SortItem(a, b, column);
if (order == ColumnSortOrder::Descending)
std::reverse(SortedItems.begin(), SortedItems.end());
CurrentSortOrder = order;
CurrentSortColumn = column;
Columns[column].SortOrder = order;
void Resize(const ScreenSize& size)
if (size == LastKnownSize)
LastKnownSize = size;
// Calculate the total of all ratios
int32_t totalRatio = 0;
for (size_t c = 0; c < Columns.size(); c++)
auto& column = Columns[c];
if (column.RatioWidth)
totalRatio += *column.RatioWidth;
// Calculate column widths
int32_t widthRemaining = size.width;
for (size_t c = 0; c < Columns.size(); c++)
auto& column = Columns[c];
if (c == Columns.size() - 1)
column.Width = widthRemaining;
column.Width = 0;
if (column.RatioWidth && *column.RatioWidth > 0)
column.Width = (size.width * *column.RatioWidth) / totalRatio;
if (column.MinWidth)
column.Width = std::max(column.Width, *column.MinWidth);
if (column.MaxWidth)
column.Width = std::min(column.Width, *column.MaxWidth);
widthRemaining -= column.Width;
ScreenSize GetSize()
LastHighlightedCell = HighlightedCell;
HighlightedCell = std::nullopt;
ColumnHeaderPressedCurrentState = false;
LastIsMouseDown = IsMouseDown;
IsMouseDown = false;
ScreenSize result;
result.width = 0;
result.height = static_cast<int32_t>(Items.size() * LIST_ROW_HEIGHT);
return result;
void MouseOver(const ScreenCoordsXY& pos, bool isMouseDown)
auto hitResult = GetItemIndexAt(pos);
if (hitResult)
HighlightedCell = hitResult;
if (HighlightedCell != LastHighlightedCell)
if (hitResult->Row != HEADER_ROW && OnHighlight.context() != nullptr && OnHighlight.is_function())
auto ctx = OnHighlight.context();
duk_push_int(ctx, static_cast<int32_t>(HighlightedCell->Row));
auto dukRow = DukValue::take_from_stack(ctx, -1);
duk_push_int(ctx, static_cast<int32_t>(HighlightedCell->Column));
auto dukColumn = DukValue::take_from_stack(ctx, -1);
auto& scriptEngine = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine();
scriptEngine.ExecutePluginCall(Owner, OnHighlight, { dukRow, dukColumn }, false);
// Update the header currently held down
if (isMouseDown)
if (hitResult && hitResult->Row == HEADER_ROW)
ColumnHeaderPressedCurrentState = (hitResult->Column == ColumnHeaderPressed);
IsMouseDown = true;
if (LastIsMouseDown)
IsMouseDown = false;
void MouseDown(const ScreenCoordsXY& pos)
auto hitResult = GetItemIndexAt(pos);
if (hitResult)
if (hitResult->Row != HEADER_ROW && OnClick.context() != nullptr && OnClick.is_function())
if (CanSelect)
SelectedCell = hitResult;
auto ctx = OnClick.context();
duk_push_int(ctx, static_cast<int32_t>(hitResult->Row));
auto dukRow = DukValue::take_from_stack(ctx, -1);
duk_push_int(ctx, static_cast<int32_t>(hitResult->Column));
auto dukColumn = DukValue::take_from_stack(ctx, -1);
auto& scriptEngine = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine();
scriptEngine.ExecutePluginCall(Owner, OnClick, { dukRow, dukColumn }, false);
if (hitResult && hitResult->Row == HEADER_ROW)
if (Columns[hitResult->Column].CanSort)
ColumnHeaderPressed = hitResult->Column;
ColumnHeaderPressedCurrentState = true;
IsMouseDown = true;
void MouseUp(const ScreenCoordsXY& pos)
auto hitResult = GetItemIndexAt(pos);
if (hitResult && hitResult->Row == HEADER_ROW)
if (hitResult->Column == ColumnHeaderPressed)
ColumnHeaderPressed = std::nullopt;
ColumnHeaderPressedCurrentState = false;
void Paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, const rct_scroll* scroll) const
auto paletteIndex = ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].mid_light;
gfx_fill_rect(dpi, dpi->x, dpi->y, dpi->x + dpi->width, dpi->y + dpi->height, paletteIndex);
int32_t y = ShowColumnHeaders ? LIST_ROW_HEIGHT + 1 : 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Items.size(); i++)
if (y > dpi->y + dpi->height)
// Past the scroll view area
if (y + LIST_ROW_HEIGHT >= dpi->y)
const auto& itemIndex = SortedItems[i];
const auto& item = Items[itemIndex];
// Background colour
auto isStriped = IsStriped && (i & 1);
auto isHighlighted = (HighlightedCell && itemIndex == HighlightedCell->Row);
auto isSelected = (SelectedCell && itemIndex == SelectedCell->Row);
if (isHighlighted)
gfx_filter_rect(dpi, dpi->x, y, dpi->x + dpi->width, y + (LIST_ROW_HEIGHT - 1), PALETTE_DARKEN_1);
else if (isSelected)
// gfx_fill_rect(dpi, dpi->x, y, dpi->x + dpi->width, y + LIST_ROW_HEIGHT - 1,
// ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].dark);
gfx_filter_rect(dpi, dpi->x, y, dpi->x + dpi->width, y + (LIST_ROW_HEIGHT - 1), PALETTE_DARKEN_2);
else if (isStriped)
dpi, dpi->x, y, dpi->x + dpi->width, y + (LIST_ROW_HEIGHT - 1),
ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].lighter | 0x1000000);
// Columns
if (Columns.size() == 0)
const auto& text = item.Cells[0];
if (!text.empty())
ScreenSize cellSize = { std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(), LIST_ROW_HEIGHT };
PaintCell(dpi, { 0, y }, cellSize, text.c_str(), isHighlighted);
int32_t x = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < Columns.size(); j++)
const auto& column = Columns[j];
if (item.Cells.size() > j)
const auto& text = item.Cells[j];
if (!text.empty())
ScreenSize cellSize = { column.Width, LIST_ROW_HEIGHT };
PaintCell(dpi, { x, y }, cellSize, text.c_str(), isHighlighted);
x += column.Width;
if (ShowColumnHeaders)
y = scroll->v_top;
auto bgColour = ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].mid_light;
gfx_fill_rect(dpi, dpi->x, y, dpi->x + dpi->width, y + 12, bgColour);
int32_t x = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < Columns.size(); j++)
const auto& column = Columns[j];
auto columnWidth = column.Width;
if (columnWidth != 0)
auto sortOrder = ColumnSortOrder::None;
if (CurrentSortColumn == j)
sortOrder = CurrentSortOrder;
bool isPressed = ColumnHeaderPressed == j && ColumnHeaderPressedCurrentState;
PaintHeading(w, dpi, { x, y }, { column.Width, LIST_ROW_HEIGHT }, column.Header, sortOrder, isPressed);
x += columnWidth;
void PaintHeading(
rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, const ScreenCoordsXY& pos, const ScreenSize& size, const std::string& text,
ColumnSortOrder sortOrder, bool isPressed) const
auto boxFlags = 0;
if (isPressed)
gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, pos.x, pos.y, pos.x + size.width - 1, pos.y + size.height - 1, w->colours[1], boxFlags);
if (!text.empty())
PaintCell(dpi, pos, size, text.c_str(), false);
if (sortOrder == ColumnSortOrder::Ascending)
auto ft = Formatter::Common();
gfx_draw_string_right(dpi, STR_BLACK_STRING, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, pos.x + size.width - 1, pos.y);
else if (sortOrder == ColumnSortOrder::Descending)
auto ft = Formatter::Common();
gfx_draw_string_right(dpi, STR_BLACK_STRING, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, pos.x + size.width - 1, pos.y);
void PaintCell(
rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, const ScreenCoordsXY& pos, const ScreenSize& size, const char* text,
bool isHighlighted) const
rct_string_id stringId = isHighlighted ? STR_WINDOW_COLOUR_2_STRINGID : STR_BLACK_STRING;
auto ft = Formatter::Common();
ft.Add<const char*>(text);
gfx_draw_string_left_clipped(dpi, stringId, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, pos.x, pos.y, size.width);
std::optional<RowColumn> GetItemIndexAt(const ScreenCoordsXY& pos)
std::optional<RowColumn> result;
if (pos.x >= 0)
// Check if we pressed the header
if (ShowColumnHeaders && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < LIST_ROW_HEIGHT)
result = RowColumn();
result->Row = HEADER_ROW;
// Check what row we pressed
int32_t firstY = ShowColumnHeaders ? LIST_ROW_HEIGHT + 1 : 0;
int32_t row = (pos.y - firstY) / LIST_ROW_HEIGHT;
if (row >= 0 && row < static_cast<int32_t>(Items.size()))
result = RowColumn();
result->Row = static_cast<int32_t>(SortedItems[row]);
// Check what column we pressed if there are any
if (result && Columns.size() > 0)
bool found = false;
int32_t x = 0;
for (size_t c = 0; c < Columns.size(); c++)
const auto& column = Columns[c];
x += column.Width;
if (column.Width != 0)
if (pos.x < x)
result->Column = static_cast<int32_t>(c);
found = true;
if (!found)
// Past all columns
return std::nullopt;
return result;
class CustomWindowInfo
@ -911,7 +336,7 @@ namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
CustomWindowDesc Desc;
std::vector<rct_widget> Widgets;
std::vector<size_t> WidgetIndexMap;
std::vector<CustomListViewInfo> ListViews;
std::vector<CustomListView> ListViews;
CustomWindowInfo(std::shared_ptr<Plugin> owner, const CustomWindowDesc& desc)
: Owner(owner)
@ -1179,7 +604,7 @@ namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
static void window_custom_scrollgetsize(rct_window* w, int32_t scrollIndex, int32_t* width, int32_t* height)
auto& info = GetInfo(w);
if (scrollIndex < info.ListViews.size())
if (scrollIndex < static_cast<int32_t>(info.ListViews.size()))
auto size = info.ListViews[scrollIndex].GetSize();
*width = size.width;
@ -1190,7 +615,7 @@ namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
static void window_custom_scrollmousedown(rct_window* w, int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords)
auto& info = GetInfo(w);
if (scrollIndex < info.ListViews.size())
if (scrollIndex < static_cast<int32_t>(info.ListViews.size()))
@ -1199,7 +624,7 @@ namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
static void window_custom_scrollmousedrag(rct_window* w, int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords)
auto& info = GetInfo(w);
if (scrollIndex < info.ListViews.size())
if (scrollIndex < static_cast<int32_t>(info.ListViews.size()))
info.ListViews[scrollIndex].MouseOver(screenCoords, true);
@ -1208,7 +633,7 @@ namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
static void window_custom_scrollmouseover(rct_window* w, int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords)
auto& info = GetInfo(w);
if (scrollIndex < info.ListViews.size())
if (scrollIndex < static_cast<int32_t>(info.ListViews.size()))
info.ListViews[scrollIndex].MouseOver(screenCoords, false);
@ -1305,7 +730,7 @@ namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
static void window_custom_scrollpaint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, int32_t scrollIndex)
const auto& info = GetInfo(w);
if (scrollIndex < info.ListViews.size())
if (scrollIndex < static_cast<int32_t>(info.ListViews.size()))
info.ListViews[scrollIndex].Paint(w, dpi, &w->scrolls[scrollIndex]);
@ -1421,6 +846,10 @@ namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
widget.string = const_cast<utf8*>(desc.Items[desc.SelectedIndex].c_str());
widget.string = const_cast<utf8*>("");
@ -1556,7 +985,7 @@ namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
if (widgetDesc.Type == "listview")
CustomListViewInfo listView;
CustomListView listView;
listView.Columns = widgetDesc.ListViewColumns;
listView.ShowColumnHeaders = widgetDesc.ShowColumnHeaders;
@ -1673,6 +1102,20 @@ namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
return std::nullopt;
CustomListView* GetCustomListView(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex)
if (w->custom_info != nullptr)
auto& customInfo = GetInfo(w);
auto scrollIndex = window_get_scroll_data_index(w, widgetIndex);
if (scrollIndex < static_cast<int32_t>(info.ListViews.size()))
return &customInfo.ListViews[scrollIndex];
return nullptr;
} // namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows

View File

@ -18,11 +18,14 @@
namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows
class CustomListView;
std::string GetWindowTitle(rct_window* w);
void UpdateWindowTitle(rct_window* w, const std::string_view& value);
void UpdateWidgetText(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widget, const std::string_view& string_view);
rct_window* FindCustomWindowByClassification(const std::string_view& classification);
std::optional<rct_widgetindex> FindWidgetIndexByName(rct_window* w, const std::string_view& name);
CustomListView* GetCustomListView(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex);
} // namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
# include "../interface/Widget.h"
# include "../interface/Window.h"
# include "CustomListView.h"
# include "CustomWindow.h"
# include "ScViewport.hpp"
@ -351,10 +352,31 @@ namespace OpenRCT2::Scripting
bool isStriped_get() const
auto listView = GetListView();
if (listView != nullptr)
return listView->IsStriped;
return false;
void isStriped_set(bool value)
auto listView = GetListView();
if (listView != nullptr)
listView->IsStriped = value;
CustomListView* GetListView() const
auto w = GetWindow();
if (w != nullptr)
return GetCustomListView(w, _widgetIndex);
return nullptr;

View File

@ -190,6 +190,8 @@ namespace OpenRCT2::Scripting
std::string ProcessString(const DukValue& value);
template<typename T> DukValue ToDuk(duk_context* ctx, const T& value) = delete;
template<typename T> T FromDuk(const DukValue& s) = delete;

View File

@ -1136,6 +1136,13 @@ std::string OpenRCT2::Scripting::Stringify(const DukValue& val)
return ExpressionStringifier::StringifyExpression(val);
std::string OpenRCT2::Scripting::ProcessString(const DukValue& value)
if (value.type() == DukValue::Type::STRING)
return language_convert_string(value.as_string());
return {};
bool OpenRCT2::Scripting::IsGameStateMutable()
// Allow single player to alter game state anywhere