Copy RCT2 peep fields to RCT1, most are the same

This commit is contained in:
Ted John 2016-09-07 21:15:19 +01:00
parent b850e98511
commit 5fa756fef4
1 changed files with 140 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -211,7 +211,146 @@ typedef struct rct1_peep {
sint16 x; // 0x0E
sint16 y; // 0x10
sint16 z; // 0x12
uint8 pad_14[0xEC];
// Width from center of sprite to edge
uint8 sprite_width; // 0x14
// Height from center of sprite to top
uint8 sprite_height_positive; // 0x15
sint16 sprite_left; // 0x16
sint16 sprite_top; // 0x18
sint16 sprite_right; // 0x1A
sint16 sprite_bottom; // 0x1C
uint8 sprite_direction; // 0x1E
uint8 pad_1F[3];
rct_string_id name_string_idx; // 0x22
uint16 next_x; // 0x24
uint16 next_y; // 0x26
uint8 next_z; // 0x28
uint8 next_var_29; // 0x29
uint8 outside_of_park; // 0x2A
uint8 state; // 0x2B
uint8 sub_state; // 0x2C
uint8 sprite_type; // 0x2D
uint8 type; // 0x2E
uint8 staff_type; // 0x2F
uint8 no_of_rides; // 0x2F
uint8 tshirt_colour; // 0x30
uint8 trousers_colour; // 0x31
uint16 destination_x; // 0x32 Location that the peep is trying to get to
uint16 destination_y; // 0x34
uint8 destination_tolerence; // 0x36 How close to destination before next action/state 0 = exact
uint8 var_37;
uint8 energy; // 0x38
uint8 energy_growth_rate; // 0x39
uint8 happiness; // 0x3A
uint8 happiness_growth_rate; // 0x3B
uint8 nausea; // 0x3C
uint8 nausea_growth_rate; // 0x3D
uint8 hunger; // 0x3E
uint8 thirst; // 0x3F
uint8 bathroom; // 0x40
uint8 var_41;
uint8 var_42;
uint8 intensity; // 0x43 The max intensity is stored in the first 4 bits, and the min intensity in the second 4 bits
uint8 nausea_tolerance; // 0x44
uint8 window_invalidate_flags; // 0x45
money16 paid_on_drink; // 0x46
uint8 ride_types_been_on[16]; // 0x48
uint32 item_extra_flags; // 0x58
uint8 photo2_ride_ref; // 0x5C
uint8 photo3_ride_ref; // 0x5D
uint8 photo4_ride_ref; // 0x5E
uint8 pad_5F[0x09]; // 0x5F
uint8 current_ride; // 0x68
uint8 current_ride_station; // 0x69
uint8 current_train; // 0x6A
uint8 current_car; // 0x6B
uint8 current_seat; // 0x6C
uint16 time_to_sitdown; //0x6B
uint8 time_to_stand; //0x6B
uint8 standing_flags; //0x6C
// Normally 0, 1 for carrying sliding board on spiral slide ride, 2 for carrying lawn mower
uint8 special_sprite; // 0x6D
uint8 action_sprite_type; // 0x6E
// Seems to be used like a local variable, as it's always set before calling sub_693BAB, which reads this again
uint8 next_action_sprite_type; // 0x6F
uint8 action_sprite_image_offset; // 0x70
uint8 action; // 0x71
uint8 action_frame; // 0x72
uint8 var_73;
union {
uint16 var_74; // time getting to ride to fix
uint16 next_in_queue; // 0x74
uint8 var_76;
uint8 pad_77;
uint8 maze_last_edge; // 0x78
uint8 direction; //Direction ?
uint8 var_79;
uint16 time_in_queue; // 0x7A
uint8 rides_been_on[32]; // 0x7C
// 255 bit bitmap of every ride the peep has been on see
// window_peep_rides_update for how to use.
uint32 id; // 0x9C
money32 cash_in_pocket; // 0xA0
money32 cash_spent; // 0xA4
sint32 time_in_park; // 0xA8
sint8 var_AC; // 0xAC
uint8 previous_ride; // 0xAD
uint16 previous_ride_time_out; // 0xAE
rct_peep_thought thoughts[PEEP_MAX_THOUGHTS]; // 0xB0
uint8 pad_C4;
union {
uint8 staff_id; // 0xC5
uint8 guest_heading_to_ride_id; // 0xC5
union {
uint8 staff_orders; // 0xC6
uint8 peep_is_lost_countdown; // 0xC6
uint8 photo1_ride_ref; // 0xC7
uint32 peep_flags; // 0xC8
rct_xyzd8 pathfind_goal; // 0xCC
rct_xyzd8 pathfind_history[4]; // 0xD0
uint8 no_action_frame_no; // 0xE0
// 0x3F Litter Count split into lots of 3 with time, 0xC0 Time since last recalc
uint8 litter_count; // 0xE1
uint8 time_on_ride; // 0xE2
uint8 var_E2; // 0xE2
// 0x3F Sick Count split into lots of 3 with time, 0xC0 Time since last recalc
uint8 disgusting_count; // 0xE3
money16 paid_to_enter; // 0xE4
money16 paid_on_rides; // 0xE6
money16 paid_on_food; // 0xE8
money16 paid_on_souvenirs; // 0xEA
uint8 no_of_food; // 0xEC
uint8 no_of_drinks; // 0xED
uint8 no_of_souvenirs; // 0xEE
uint8 var_EF;
uint8 voucher_type; // 0xF0
uint8 voucher_arguments; // 0xF1 ride_id or string_offset_id
uint8 var_F2;
uint8 var_F3;
uint8 var_F4;
uint8 days_in_queue; // 0xF5
uint8 balloon_colour; // 0xF6
uint8 umbrella_colour; // 0xF7
uint8 hat_colour; // 0xF8
uint8 favourite_ride; // 0xF9
uint8 favourite_ride_rating; // 0xFA
uint8 pad_FB;
uint32 item_standard_flags; // 0xFC
} rct1_peep;
assert_struct_size(rct1_peep, 0x100);