From a227fc33c03121767bea287ee3ab968387c67ec3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: IntelOrca Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 19:48:10 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] update changelog --- distribution/changelog.txt | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/distribution/changelog.txt b/distribution/changelog.txt index 05a2e2953b..f3ac178d18 100644 --- a/distribution/changelog.txt +++ b/distribution/changelog.txt @@ -1,21 +1,49 @@ 0.0.4 (not yet released) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +- Feature: Full native OSX .app support. - Feature: Add displaying of frames per second (FPS). - Feature: Changing the number of trains no longer requires retesting. - Feature: Add SI units as a new measurement system for distance / speed. - Feature: Update alternative font selection mechanism for all platforms. - Feature: Allow enabling / disabling of different notifications. -- Feature: Improved tile inspector. +- Feature: Add more columns and information to tile inspector. +- Feature: Add ability to remove and reorder elements in tile inspector. - Feature: Integrate RCT1 style scenario select with optional unlock progression. +- Feature: Add graphics scaling and filtering. +- Feature: Add cheat: permanent marketing. +- Feature: Closed rides show number of guests currently on the ride in tooltip and on the ride window customer page. +- Feature: Scrolling the mouse wheel over any land tool preview box will increment or decrement the tool size. +- Feature: Additional property views added to the ride list window. +- Feature: Improved overall view centring for rides and shops. +- Feature: Add permission and group management in multiplayer. +- Feature: Add player windows with viewport and trace in multiplayer. +- Feature: Add ability to start a new scenario when starting a new server. +- Feature: Compress game data that is downloaded when connecting to a server. +- Change: Server IP addresses are no longer shown in the server list. +- Change: Theme format changed from INI to JSON (INI format no longer supported). +- Change: Sound controls re-worked to control sound effects and ride music separately. +- Change: Use native line endings in config.ini. +- Change: Remove default audio device from audio device dropdown in Linux. +- Technical: lodepng dropped in return for libpng. +- Technical: SDL2 upgraded from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4. +- Technical: argparse dropped in return for bespoke command line parsing implementation. +- Improve: performance of rendering, particularly for highly populated parks. +- Improve: performance of loading parks. - Fix: Dated autosave files are not created on OSX and Linux. - Fix: Title sequence directories are not deleted when title sequence is deleted on OSX and Linux. +- Fix: Tile not highlighted when placing staff members. +- Fix: Various de-synchronisation issues in multiplayer. +- Fix: Cheats not supported in multiplayer. - Fix: [#1333] Rides never become safe again after a crash. -- Fix: [#2126] Ferris Wheels set to "backward rotation" stop working (original bug) -- Fix: [#2449] Turning off Day/Night Circle while it is night doesn't reset back to day -- Fix: [#2650] Server did not validate actions send from clients (caused error box and desynchronisation) +- Fix: [#2126] Ferris Wheels set to "backward rotation" stop working (original bug). +- Fix: [#2449] Turning off Day/Night Circle while it is night doesn't reset back to day. +- Fix: [#2650] Server did not validate actions send from clients (caused error box and desynchronisation). - Fix: [#2651] Ride was not removed when multiplayer client aborted ride construction. -- Fix: [#2654] Free transport rides can prevent guests from properly leaving the park +- Fix: [#2654] Free transport rides can prevent guests from properly leaving the park. +- Fix: [#2693] Multiplayer chat caret does not show true position. - Fix: [#2704] OSX Command Key not read for keyboard shortcuts. +- Fix: [#2925] Screenshots don't show night filters. +- Fix: [#2941] Enter does not work on input box when on the title screen. - Fix: [#2958] Unable to import RCT1 parks in the scenario editor using the load landscape dialog. (2015-12-04)