fix water rendering

This commit is contained in:
camthesaxman 2017-05-14 11:56:15 -05:00 committed by Michał Janiszewski
parent c9b5ec4172
commit c301e83a64
1 changed files with 97 additions and 87 deletions

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@ -21,11 +21,6 @@ extern "C"
#include "drawing.h"
// This will have -1 (0xffffffff) for (val <= 0), 0 otherwise, so it can act as a mask
// This is expected to generate
// sar eax, 0x1f (arithmetic shift right by 31)
#define less_or_equal_zero_mask(val) (((val - 1) >> (sizeof(val) * 8 - 1)))
template<sint32 image_type, sint32 zoom_level>
static void FASTCALL DrawRLESprite2(const uint8* RESTRICT source_bits_pointer,
uint8* RESTRICT dest_bits_pointer,
@ -36,104 +31,119 @@ static void FASTCALL DrawRLESprite2(const uint8* RESTRICT source_bits_pointer,
sint32 source_x_start,
sint32 width)
// The distance between two samples in the source image.
// We draw the image at 1 / (2^zoom_level) scale.
sint32 zoom_amount = 1 << zoom_level;
sint32 zoom_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF << zoom_level;
uint8* next_dest_pointer = dest_bits_pointer;
// Width of one screen line in the dest buffer
sint32 line_width = (dpi->width >> zoom_level) + dpi->pitch;
const sint32 source_y_start_mask = less_or_equal_zero_mask(source_y_start + 1);
source_y_start += zoom_amount & source_y_start_mask;
next_dest_pointer += line_width & source_y_start_mask;
height -= zoom_amount & source_y_start_mask;
// Move up to the first line of the image if source_y_start is negative. Why does this even occur?
if (source_y_start < 0)
source_y_start += zoom_amount;
height -= zoom_amount;
dest_bits_pointer += line_width;
// For every line in the image
for (sint32 i = 0; i < height; i += zoom_amount) {
//For every line in the image
for (sint32 i = 0; i < height; i += zoom_amount)
sint32 y = source_y_start + i;
uint8 i2 = i >> zoom_level;
// The first part of the source pointer is a list of offsets to different lines
// This will move the pointer to the correct source line.
const uint8 *next_source_pointer = source_bits_pointer + ((uint16*)source_bits_pointer)[y];
uint8* loop_dest_pointer = next_dest_pointer + line_width * i2;
//The first part of the source pointer is a list of offsets to different lines
//This will move the pointer to the correct source line.
const uint8 *lineData = source_bits_pointer + ((uint16*)source_bits_pointer)[y];
uint8* loop_dest_pointer = dest_bits_pointer + line_width * (i >> zoom_level);
uint8 last_data_line = 0;
uint8 isEndOfLine = 0;
// For every data section in the line
while (!last_data_line) {
const uint8* source_pointer = next_source_pointer;
uint8* dest_pointer = loop_dest_pointer;
// For every data chunk in the line
while (!isEndOfLine)
const uint8* copySrc = lineData;
//uint8* copyDest = loop_dest_pointer;
sint32 no_pixels = *source_pointer++;
// gap_size is the number of non drawn pixels you require to
// jump over on your destination
uint8 gap_size = *source_pointer++;
// The last bit in no_pixels tells you if you have reached the end of a line
last_data_line = no_pixels & 0x80;
// Clear the last data line bit so we have just the no_pixels
no_pixels &= 0x7f;
// Have our next source pointer point to the next data section
next_source_pointer = source_pointer + no_pixels;
// Read chunk metadata
uint8 dataSize = *copySrc++;
uint8 firstPixelX = *copySrc++;
// Calculates the start point of the image
sint32 x_start = gap_size - source_x_start;
const sint32 x_diff = x_start & ~zoom_mask;
const sint32 x_mask = ~less_or_equal_zero_mask(x_diff);
isEndOfLine = dataSize & 0x80; // If the last bit in dataSize is set, then this is the last line
dataSize &= 0x7F; // The rest of the bits are the actual size
no_pixels -= x_diff;
x_start += ~zoom_mask & x_mask;
source_pointer += (x_start&~zoom_mask) & x_mask;
//Have our next source pointer point to the next data section
lineData = copySrc + dataSize;
// This will have -1 (0xffffffff) for (x_start <= 0), 0 otherwise
sint32 sign = less_or_equal_zero_mask(x_start);
sint32 x_start = firstPixelX - source_x_start;
sint32 numPixels = dataSize;
dest_pointer += (x_start >> zoom_level) & ~sign;
// If the start is negative we require to remove part of the image.
// This is done by moving the image pointer to the correct position.
source_pointer -= x_start & sign;
// The no_pixels will be reduced in this operation
no_pixels += x_start & sign;
// Reset the start position to zero as we have taken into account all moves
x_start &= ~sign;
sint32 x_end = x_start + no_pixels;
// If the end position is further out than the whole image
// end position then we need to shorten the line again
const sint32 pixels_till_end = x_end - width;
// Shorten the line
no_pixels -= pixels_till_end & ~(less_or_equal_zero_mask(pixels_till_end));
// Finally after all those checks, copy the image onto the drawing surface
// If the image type is not a basic one we require to mix the pixels
if (image_type & IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP) {//In the .exe these are all unraveled loops
for (; no_pixels > 0; no_pixels -= zoom_amount, source_pointer += zoom_amount, dest_pointer++) {
uint8 al = *source_pointer;
uint8 ah = *dest_pointer;
if (image_type & IMAGE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT)
al = palette_pointer[(((uint16)al << 8) | ah) - 0x100];
al = palette_pointer[al];
*dest_pointer = al;
} else if (image_type & IMAGE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT) {//In the .exe these are all unraveled loops
// Doesn't use source pointer ??? mix with background only?
// Not Tested
for (; no_pixels > 0; no_pixels -= zoom_amount, dest_pointer++) {
uint8 pixel = *dest_pointer;
pixel = palette_pointer[pixel];
*dest_pointer = pixel;
} else
if (x_start > 0)
if (zoom_amount == 1) {
no_pixels &= ~less_or_equal_zero_mask(no_pixels);
memcpy(dest_pointer, source_pointer, no_pixels);
} else {
for (; no_pixels > 0; no_pixels -= zoom_amount, source_pointer += zoom_amount, dest_pointer++) {
*dest_pointer = *source_pointer;
int mod = x_start & (zoom_amount - 1); // x_start modulo zoom_amount
// If x_start is not a multiple of zoom_amount, round it up to a multiple
if (mod != 0)
int offset = zoom_amount - mod;
x_start += offset;
copySrc += offset;
numPixels -= offset;
else if (x_start < 0)
// Clamp x_start to zero if negative
int offset = 0 - x_start;
x_start = 0;
copySrc += offset;
numPixels -= offset;
//If the end position is further out than the whole image
//end position then we need to shorten the line again
if (x_start + numPixels > width)
numPixels = width - x_start;
uint8 *copyDest = loop_dest_pointer + (x_start >> zoom_level);
//Finally after all those checks, copy the image onto the drawing surface
//If the image type is not a basic one we require to mix the pixels
if (image_type & IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP) // palette controlled images
for (int j = 0; j < numPixels; j += zoom_amount, copySrc += zoom_amount, copyDest++)
if (image_type & IMAGE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT)
uint16 color = ((*copySrc << 8) | *copyDest) - 0x100;
*copyDest = palette_pointer[color];
*copyDest = palette_pointer[*copySrc];
else if (image_type & IMAGE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT) // single alpha blended color (used for glass)
for (int j = 0; j < numPixels; j += zoom_amount, copyDest++)
uint8 pixel = *copyDest;
pixel = palette_pointer[pixel];
*copyDest = pixel;
else // standard opaque image
if (zoom_level == 0)
// Since we're sampling each pixel at this zoom level, just do a straight memcpy
if (numPixels > 0)
memcpy(copyDest, copySrc, numPixels);
for (int j = 0; j < numPixels; j += zoom_amount, copySrc += zoom_amount, copyDest++)
*copyDest = *copySrc;