Integrate scrolling text position offsets

This commit is contained in:
Michał Janiszewski 2016-07-30 13:18:47 +02:00
parent 2e319c4dd6
commit e6575f09ea
1 changed files with 193 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ assert_struct_size(rct_draw_scroll_text, 0xA12);
rct_draw_scroll_text *gDrawScrollTextList = RCT2_ADDRESS(RCT2_ADDRESS_DRAW_SCROLL_LIST, rct_draw_scroll_text);
uint8 *gCharacterBitmaps = RCT2_ADDRESS(RCT2_ADDRESS_CHARACTER_BITMAP, uint8);
void scrolling_text_set_bitmap_for_sprite(utf8 *text, int scroll, uint8 *bitmap, sint16 *scrollPositionOffsets);
void scrolling_text_set_bitmap_for_ttf(utf8 *text, int scroll, uint8 *bitmap, sint16 *scrollPositionOffsets);
void scrolling_text_set_bitmap_for_sprite(utf8 *text, int scroll, uint8 *bitmap, const sint16 *scrollPositionOffsets);
void scrolling_text_set_bitmap_for_ttf(utf8 *text, int scroll, uint8 *bitmap, const sint16 *scrollPositionOffsets);
void scrolling_text_initialise_bitmaps()
@ -130,6 +130,194 @@ static void scrolling_text_format(utf8 *dst, rct_draw_scroll_text *scrollText)
extern bool TempForScrollText;
static const sint16 _scrollpos0[] = {
803, 804, 741, 742, 679, 680, 617, 618, 555, 556, 493, 494, 431, 432, 369, 370, 307, 308, 245, 246, 183, 184,
121, 122,
static const sint16 _scrollpos1[] = {
69, 70, 135, 136, 201, 202, 267, 268, 333, 334, 399, 400, 465, 466, 531, 532, 597, 598, 663, 664, 729, 730, 795,
796, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos2[] = {
76, 77, 142, 143, 208, 209, 274, 275, 340, 341, 406, 407, 472, 473, 538, 539, 604, 605, 670, 671, 672, 609, 610,
547, 548,
485, 486, 423, 424, 361, 362, 299, 300, 237, 238, 175, 176, 113, 114, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos3[] = {
16, 81, 82, 147, 212, 213, 278, 343, 344, 409, 410, 475, 476, 541, 542, 607, 608, 673, 674, 739, 740, 805, 806,
871, 872, 937, 938, 939, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1071, 1072, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos4[] = {
1103, 1104, 1041, 1042, 1043, 980, 981, 982, 919, 920, 857, 858, 795, 796, 733, 734, 671, 672, 609, 610, 547,
548, 485, 486, 423, 424, 361, 298, 299, 236, 173, 174, 111, 48, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos5[] = {
772, 773, 710, 711, 648, 649, 586, 587, 524, 525, 462, 463, 400, 401, 338, 339, 276, 277, 214, 215, 152, 153,
90, 91, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos6[] = {
100, 101, 166, 167, 232, 233, 298, 299, 364, 365, 430, 431, 496, 497, 562, 563, 628, 629, 694, 695, 760, 761,
826, 827, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos7[] = {
712, 713, 650, 651, 588, 589, 526, 527, 464, 465, 402, 403, 340, 341, 278, 279, 216, 217, 154, 155, 92, 93, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos8[] = {
164, 165, 230, 231, 296, 297, 362, 363, 428, 429, 494, 495, 560, 561, 626, 627, 692, 693, 758, 759, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos9[] = {
587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 528, 529, 466, 467, 468, 405, 406, 343, 280, 281, 218, 219, 156, 93, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos10[] = {
98, 163, 228, 229, 294, 295, 360, 425, 426, 491, 492, 493, 558, 559, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos11[] = {
654, 591, 592, 529, 530, 467, 468, 405, 406, 343, 344, 281, 282, 219, 220, 157, 158, 95, 96, 33, 34, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos12[] = {
97, 162, 163, 228, 229, 294, 295, 360, 361, 426, 427, 492, 493, 558, 559, 624, 625, 690, 691, 756, 757, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos13[] = {
716, 653, 654, 591, 592, 529, 530, 467, 468, 405, 406, 343, 344, 281, 282, 219, 220, 157, 158, 95, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos14[] = {
97, 162, 163, 228, 229, 294, 295, 360, 361, 426, 427, 492, 493, 558, 559, 624, 625, 690, 691, 756, 757, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos15[] = {
650, 651, 588, 589, 526, 527, 464, 465, 402, 403, 340, 341, 278, 279, 216, 217, 154, 155, 92, 93, 30, 31, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos16[] = {
33, 34, 99, 100, 165, 166, 231, 232, 297, 298, 363, 364, 429, 430, 495, 496, 561, 562, 627, 628, 693, 694, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos17[] = {
710, 711, 648, 649, 586, 587, 524, 525, 462, 463, 400, 401, 338, 339, 276, 277, 214, 215, 152, 153, 90, 91, 28,
29, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos18[] = {
34, 35, 100, 101, 166, 167, 232, 233, 298, 299, 364, 365, 430, 431, 496, 497, 562, 563, 628, 629, 694, 695, 760,
761, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos19[] = {
77, 78, 143, 144, 209, 210, 275, 276, 341, 342, 407, 408, 473, 474, 539, 540, 605, 606, 671, 672, 673, 610, 611,
548, 549, 486, 487, 424, 425, 362, 363, 300, 301, 238, 239, 176, 177, 114, 115, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos20[] = {
76, 205, 270, 335, 400, 465, 466, 531, 532, 597, 598, 599, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673,
674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 615, 616, 617, 554, 555, 492, 493, 430, 367, 304, 241, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos21[] = {
76, 77, 142, 143, 208, 209, 274, 275, 340, 341, 406, 407, 472, 473, 538, 539, 604, 605, 670, 671, 672, 609, 610,
547, 548, 485, 486, 423, 424, 361, 362, 299, 300, 237, 238, 175, 176, 113, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos22[] = {
80, 81, 146, 147, 212, 213, 278, 279, 344, 345, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422,
359, 360, 297, 298, 235, 236, 173, 174, 111, 112, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos23[] = {
79, 144, 145, 210, 275, 340, 341, 342, 407, 408, 409, 410, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484,
421, 422, 423, 424, 361, 362, 363, 300, 237, 238, 175, 112, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos24[] = {
584, 585, 522, 523, 460, 461, 398, 399, 336, 337, 274, 275, 212, 213, 150, 151, 88, 89, 26, 27, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos25[] = {
36, 37, 102, 103, 168, 169, 234, 235, 300, 301, 366, 367, 432, 433, 498, 499, 564, 565, 630, 631, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos26[] = {
836, 837, 774, 775, 712, 713, 650, 651, 588, 589, 526, 527, 464, 465, 402, 403, 340, 341, 278, 279, 216, 217,
154, 155, 92, 93, 30, 31, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos27[] = {
32, 33, 98, 99, 164, 165, 230, 231, 296, 297, 362, 363, 428, 429, 494, 495, 560, 561, 626, 627, 692, 693, 758,
759, 824, 825, 890, 891, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos28[] = {
838, 839, 776, 777, 714, 715, 652, 653, 590, 591, 528, 529, 466, 467, 404, 405, 342, 343, 280, 281, 218, 219,
156, 157, 94, 95, 32, 33, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos29[] = {
30, 31, 96, 97, 162, 163, 228, 229, 294, 295, 360, 361, 426, 427, 492, 493, 558, 559, 624, 625, 690, 691, 756,
757, 822, 823, 888, 889, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos30[] = {
1922, 1923, 1860, 1861, 1798, 1799, 1736, 1737, 1674, 1675, 1612, 1613, 1550, 1551, 1488, 1489, 1426, 1427,
1364, 1365, 1302, 1303, 1240, 1241, 1178, 1179, 1116, 1117, 1054, 1055, 992, 993, 930, 931, 868, 869, 806,
807, 744, 745, 682, 683, 620, 621, 558, 559, 496, 497, 434, 435, 372, 373, 310, 311, 248, 249, 186, 187, 124,
125, 62, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos31[] = {
1, 66, 67, 132, 133, 198, 199, 264, 265, 330, 331, 396, 397, 462, 463, 528, 529, 594, 595, 660, 661, 726, 727,
792, 793, 858, 859, 924, 925, 990, 991, 1056, 1057, 1122, 1123, 1188, 1189, 1254, 1255, 1320,
1321, 1386, 1387, 1452, 1453, 1518, 1519, 1584, 1585, 1650, 1651, 1716, 1717, 1782, 1783, 1848, 1849, 1914,
1915, 1980, 1981, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos32[] = {
12, 77, 78, 143, 144, 209, 210, 275, 276, 341, 342, 407, 408, 473, 474, 539, 540, 605, 606, 671, 672, 737, 738,
803, 804, 869, 870, 935, 936, 1001, 1002, 1067, 1068, 1133, 1134, 1199, 1200, 1265, 1266, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos33[] = {
1292, 1293, 1230, 1231, 1168, 1169, 1106, 1107, 1044, 1045, 982, 983, 920, 921, 858, 859, 796, 797, 734, 735,
672, 673, 610, 611, 548, 549, 486, 487, 424, 425, 362, 363, 300, 301, 238, 239, 176, 177, 114, 115, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos34[] = {
898, 899, 836, 837, 774, 775, 712, 713, 650, 651, 588, 589, 526, 527, 464, 465, 402, 403, 340, 341, 278, 279,
216, 217, 154, 155, 92, 93, 30, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos35[] = {
33, 34, 99, 100, 165, 166, 231, 232, 297, 298, 363, 364, 429, 430, 495, 496, 561, 562, 627, 628, 693, 694, 759,
760, 825, 826, 891, 892, 957, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos36[] = {
4, 69, 134, 199, 200, 265, 330, 331, 396, 397, 462, 463, 528, 529, 594, 595, 660, 661, 662, 727, 728, 729, 794,
795, 796, 797, 798, -1
static const sint16 _scrollpos37[] = {
864, 801, 802, 803, 804, 741, 742, 743, 680, 681, 682, 619, 620, 557, 558, 495, 496, 433, 434, 371, 372, 309,
246, 247, 184, 121, 58, -1
static const sint16* _scrollPositions[38] = {
* rct2: 0x006C42D9
@ -170,7 +358,7 @@ int scrolling_text_setup(rct_string_id stringId, uint16 scroll, uint16 scrolling
utf8 scrollString[256];
scrolling_text_format(scrollString, scrollText);
sint16* scrollingModePositions = RCT2_ADDRESS(RCT2_ADDRESS_SCROLLING_MODE_POSITIONS, sint16*)[scrollingMode];
const sint16* scrollingModePositions = _scrollPositions[scrollingMode];
memset(scrollText->bitmap, 0, 320 * 8);
if (gUseTrueTypeFont) {
@ -184,7 +372,7 @@ int scrolling_text_setup(rct_string_id stringId, uint16 scroll, uint16 scrolling
return imageId;
void scrolling_text_set_bitmap_for_sprite(utf8 *text, int scroll, uint8 *bitmap, sint16 *scrollPositionOffsets)
void scrolling_text_set_bitmap_for_sprite(utf8 *text, int scroll, uint8 *bitmap, const sint16 *scrollPositionOffsets)
uint8 characterColour = scrolling_text_get_colour(gCommonFormatArgs[7]);
@ -233,7 +421,7 @@ void scrolling_text_set_bitmap_for_sprite(utf8 *text, int scroll, uint8 *bitmap,
void scrolling_text_set_bitmap_for_ttf(utf8 *text, int scroll, uint8 *bitmap, sint16 *scrollPositionOffsets)
void scrolling_text_set_bitmap_for_ttf(utf8 *text, int scroll, uint8 *bitmap, const sint16 *scrollPositionOffsets)
TTFFontDescriptor *fontDesc = ttf_get_font_from_sprite_base(FONT_SPRITE_BASE_TINY);
if (fontDesc->font == NULL) {