#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # Ensure we are in root directory if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then basedir="$(perl -MCwd=abs_path -le 'print abs_path readlink(shift);' `dirname $0`/..)" else basedir="$(readlink -f `dirname $0`/..)" fi cd $basedir/bin # Scan objects first so that does not happen within a test echo -e "\033[0;36mBuilding OpenRCT2 repository indexes...\033[0m" ./openrct2-cli scan-objects if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" || "$OSTYPE" == "msys" ]]; then # Now run all the tests echo -e "\033[0;36mRunning OpenRCT2 tests...\033[0m" ./tests --gtest_output=xml:../artifacts/test-results.xml "$@" else echo -e "\033[0;36mRunning OpenRCT2 tests...\033[0m" ctest -j 2 --output-on-failure --output-junit ../artifacts/test-results.xml "$@" fi