#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e if [[ "$#" -ne 4 && "$#" -ne 5 ]]; then echo 'Upload an OpenRCT2 build to openrct2.org.' echo '' echo 'Usage: upload-build []' echo 'Flavours: windows-portable-x86, windows-portable-x64' echo ' windows-installer-x86, windows-installer-x64' echo ' windows-symbols-x86, windows-symbols-x64' echo ' macos' echo ' linux-i686, linux-x86_64' echo ' android-arm, android-x86' echo '' echo 'Environment variable ''OPENRCT2_ORG_TOKEN'' must be set.' exit 1 fi path=$1 flavour=$2 version=$3 sha1=$4 branch=$5 if [ -n "$branch" ]; then versionextra=-$branch-${sha1::7} fi filename=OpenRCT2-$version$versionextra-$flavour echo -e "\033[0;36mUploading to openrct2.org as '$filename'..." if [ -z "$OPENRCT2_ORG_TOKEN" ]; then echo -e "\033[0;31mOPENRCT2_ORG_TOKEN not set" exit 1 fi # Use HTTP1.1 as a workaround for curl bug: # https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/7329 # https://github.com/curl/curl/issues/10591 curl --include -m 300 --connect-timeout 5 -o - \ --http1.1 \ --form "key=$OPENRCT2_ORG_TOKEN" \ --form "fileName=$filename" \ --form "version=$version" \ --form "gitHash=$sha1" \ --form "gitBranch=$branch" \ --form "file=@$path" \ "https://openrct2.org/altapi/?command=push-build"