/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2024 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include "NetworkBase.h" #include "../Context.h" #include "../Game.h" #include "../GameState.h" #include "../GameStateSnapshots.h" #include "../OpenRCT2.h" #include "../PlatformEnvironment.h" #include "../actions/LoadOrQuitAction.h" #include "../actions/NetworkModifyGroupAction.h" #include "../actions/PeepPickupAction.h" #include "../core/File.h" #include "../core/Guard.hpp" #include "../core/Json.hpp" #include "../entity/EntityList.h" #include "../entity/EntityRegistry.h" #include "../entity/EntityTweener.h" #include "../localisation/Formatter.h" #include "../localisation/Formatting.h" #include "../park/ParkFile.h" #include "../platform/Platform.h" #include "../scenario/Scenario.h" #include "../scripting/ScriptEngine.h" #include "../ui/UiContext.h" #include "../ui/WindowManager.h" #include "../util/SawyerCoding.h" #include "../world/Location.hpp" #include "network.h" #include #include #include using namespace OpenRCT2; // This string specifies which version of network stream current build uses. // It is used for making sure only compatible builds get connected, even within // single OpenRCT2 version. #define NETWORK_STREAM_VERSION "0" #define NETWORK_STREAM_ID OPENRCT2_VERSION "-" NETWORK_STREAM_VERSION static Peep* _pickup_peep = nullptr; static int32_t _pickup_peep_old_x = LOCATION_NULL; #ifndef DISABLE_NETWORK // General chunk size is 63 KiB, this can not be any larger because the packet size is encoded // with uint16_t and needs some spare room for other data in the packet. static constexpr uint32_t CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 63; // If data is sent fast enough it would halt the entire server, process only a maximum amount. // This limit is per connection, the current value was determined by tests with fuzzing. static constexpr uint32_t MaxPacketsPerUpdate = 100; # include "../Cheats.h" # include "../ParkImporter.h" # include "../Version.h" # include "../actions/GameAction.h" # include "../config/Config.h" # include "../core/Console.hpp" # include "../core/FileStream.h" # include "../core/MemoryStream.h" # include "../core/Path.hpp" # include "../core/String.hpp" # include "../interface/Chat.h" # include "../interface/Window.h" # include "../localisation/Date.h" # include "../localisation/Localisation.h" # include "../object/ObjectManager.h" # include "../object/ObjectRepository.h" # include "../scenario/Scenario.h" # include "../util/Util.h" # include "../world/Park.h" # include "NetworkAction.h" # include "NetworkConnection.h" # include "NetworkGroup.h" # include "NetworkKey.h" # include "NetworkPacket.h" # include "NetworkPlayer.h" # include "NetworkServerAdvertiser.h" # include "NetworkUser.h" # include "Socket.h" # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include using namespace OpenRCT2; static void NetworkChatShowConnectedMessage(); static void NetworkChatShowServerGreeting(); static u8string NetworkGetKeysDirectory(); static u8string NetworkGetPrivateKeyPath(u8string_view playerName); static u8string NetworkGetPublicKeyPath(u8string_view playerName, u8string_view hash); NetworkBase::NetworkBase(OpenRCT2::IContext& context) : OpenRCT2::System(context) { mode = NETWORK_MODE_NONE; status = NETWORK_STATUS_NONE; last_ping_sent_time = 0; _actionId = 0; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::Auth] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_AUTH; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::Map] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_MAP; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::Chat] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_CHAT; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::GameAction] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_GAME_ACTION; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::Tick] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_TICK; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::PlayerList] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_PLAYERLIST; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::PlayerInfo] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_PLAYERINFO; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::Ping] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_PING; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::PingList] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_PINGLIST; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::DisconnectMessage] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_SETDISCONNECTMSG; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::ShowError] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_SHOWERROR; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::GroupList] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_GROUPLIST; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::Event] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_EVENT; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::GameInfo] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_GAMEINFO; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::Token] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_TOKEN; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::ObjectsList] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_OBJECTS_LIST; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::ScriptsHeader] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_SCRIPTS_HEADER; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::ScriptsData] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_SCRIPTS_DATA; client_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::GameState] = &NetworkBase::Client_Handle_GAMESTATE; server_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::Auth] = &NetworkBase::ServerHandleAuth; server_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::Chat] = &NetworkBase::ServerHandleChat; server_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::GameAction] = &NetworkBase::ServerHandleGameAction; server_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::Ping] = &NetworkBase::ServerHandlePing; server_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::GameInfo] = &NetworkBase::ServerHandleGameInfo; server_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::Token] = &NetworkBase::ServerHandleToken; server_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::MapRequest] = &NetworkBase::ServerHandleMapRequest; server_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::RequestGameState] = &NetworkBase::ServerHandleRequestGamestate; server_command_handlers[NetworkCommand::Heartbeat] = &NetworkBase::ServerHandleHeartbeat; _chat_log_fs << std::unitbuf; _server_log_fs << std::unitbuf; } bool NetworkBase::Init() { status = NETWORK_STATUS_READY; ServerName.clear(); ServerDescription.clear(); ServerGreeting.clear(); ServerProviderName.clear(); ServerProviderEmail.clear(); ServerProviderWebsite.clear(); return true; } void NetworkBase::Reconnect() { if (status != NETWORK_STATUS_NONE) { Close(); } if (_requireClose) { _requireReconnect = true; return; } BeginClient(_host, _port); } void NetworkBase::Close() { if (status != NETWORK_STATUS_NONE) { // HACK Because Close() is closed all over the place, it sometimes gets called inside an Update // call. This then causes disposed data to be accessed. Therefore, save closing until the // end of the update loop. if (_closeLock) { _requireClose = true; return; } CloseChatLog(); CloseServerLog(); CloseConnection(); client_connection_list.clear(); GameActions::ClearQueue(); GameActions::ResumeQueue(); player_list.clear(); group_list.clear(); _serverTickData.clear(); _pendingPlayerLists.clear(); _pendingPlayerInfo.clear(); # ifdef ENABLE_SCRIPTING auto& scriptEngine = GetContext().GetScriptEngine(); scriptEngine.RemoveNetworkPlugins(); # endif GfxInvalidateScreen(); _requireClose = false; } } void NetworkBase::DecayCooldown(NetworkPlayer* player) { if (player == nullptr) return; // No valid connection yet. for (auto it = std::begin(player->CooldownTime); it != std::end(player->CooldownTime);) { it->second -= _currentDeltaTime; if (it->second <= 0) it = player->CooldownTime.erase(it); else it++; } } void NetworkBase::CloseConnection() { if (mode == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) { _serverConnection.reset(); } else if (mode == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { _listenSocket.reset(); _advertiser.reset(); } mode = NETWORK_MODE_NONE; status = NETWORK_STATUS_NONE; _lastConnectStatus = SocketStatus::Closed; } bool NetworkBase::BeginClient(const std::string& host, uint16_t port) { if (GetMode() != NETWORK_MODE_NONE) { return false; } Close(); if (!Init()) return false; mode = NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT; LOG_INFO("Connecting to %s:%u", host.c_str(), port); _host = host; _port = port; _serverConnection = std::make_unique(); _serverConnection->Socket = CreateTcpSocket(); _serverConnection->Socket->ConnectAsync(host, port); _serverState.gamestateSnapshotsEnabled = false; status = NETWORK_STATUS_CONNECTING; _lastConnectStatus = SocketStatus::Closed; _clientMapLoaded = false; _serverTickData.clear(); BeginChatLog(); BeginServerLog(); // We need to wait for the map load before we execute any actions. // If the client has the title screen running then there's a potential // risk of tick collision with the server map and title screen map. GameActions::SuspendQueue(); auto keyPath = NetworkGetPrivateKeyPath(gConfigNetwork.PlayerName); if (!File::Exists(keyPath)) { Console::WriteLine("Generating key... This may take a while"); Console::WriteLine("Need to collect enough entropy from the system"); _key.Generate(); Console::WriteLine("Key generated, saving private bits as %s", keyPath.c_str()); const auto keysDirectory = NetworkGetKeysDirectory(); if (!Path::CreateDirectory(keysDirectory)) { LOG_ERROR("Unable to create directory %s.", keysDirectory.c_str()); return false; } try { auto fs = FileStream(keyPath, FILE_MODE_WRITE); _key.SavePrivate(&fs); } catch (const std::exception&) { LOG_ERROR("Unable to save private key at %s.", keyPath.c_str()); return false; } const std::string hash = _key.PublicKeyHash(); const utf8* publicKeyHash = hash.c_str(); keyPath = NetworkGetPublicKeyPath(gConfigNetwork.PlayerName, publicKeyHash); Console::WriteLine("Key generated, saving public bits as %s", keyPath.c_str()); try { auto fs = FileStream(keyPath, FILE_MODE_WRITE); _key.SavePublic(&fs); } catch (const std::exception&) { LOG_ERROR("Unable to save public key at %s.", keyPath.c_str()); return false; } } else { // LoadPrivate returns validity of loaded key bool ok = false; try { LOG_VERBOSE("Loading key from %s", keyPath.c_str()); auto fs = FileStream(keyPath, FILE_MODE_OPEN); ok = _key.LoadPrivate(&fs); } catch (const std::exception&) { LOG_ERROR("Unable to read private key from %s.", keyPath.c_str()); return false; } // Don't store private key in memory when it's not in use. _key.Unload(); return ok; } return true; } bool NetworkBase::BeginServer(uint16_t port, const std::string& address) { Close(); if (!Init()) return false; mode = NETWORK_MODE_SERVER; _userManager.Load(); LOG_VERBOSE("Begin listening for clients"); _listenSocket = CreateTcpSocket(); try { _listenSocket->Listen(address, port); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { Console::Error::WriteLine(ex.what()); Close(); return false; } ServerName = gConfigNetwork.ServerName; ServerDescription = gConfigNetwork.ServerDescription; ServerGreeting = gConfigNetwork.ServerGreeting; ServerProviderName = gConfigNetwork.ProviderName; ServerProviderEmail = gConfigNetwork.ProviderEmail; ServerProviderWebsite = gConfigNetwork.ProviderWebsite; IsServerPlayerInvisible = gOpenRCT2Headless; CheatsReset(); LoadGroups(); BeginChatLog(); BeginServerLog(); NetworkPlayer* player = AddPlayer(gConfigNetwork.PlayerName, ""); player->Flags |= NETWORK_PLAYER_FLAG_ISSERVER; player->Group = 0; player_id = player->Id; if (NetworkGetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { // Add SERVER to users.json and save. NetworkUser* networkUser = _userManager.GetOrAddUser(player->KeyHash); networkUser->GroupId = player->Group; networkUser->Name = player->Name; _userManager.Save(); } auto* szAddress = address.empty() ? "*" : address.c_str(); Console::WriteLine("Listening for clients on %s:%hu", szAddress, port); NetworkChatShowConnectedMessage(); NetworkChatShowServerGreeting(); status = NETWORK_STATUS_CONNECTED; listening_port = port; _serverState.gamestateSnapshotsEnabled = gConfigNetwork.DesyncDebugging; _advertiser = CreateServerAdvertiser(listening_port); GameLoadScripts(); GameNotifyMapChanged(); return true; } int32_t NetworkBase::GetMode() const noexcept { return mode; } int32_t NetworkBase::GetStatus() const noexcept { return status; } NetworkAuth NetworkBase::GetAuthStatus() { if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) { return _serverConnection->AuthStatus; } if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { return NetworkAuth::Ok; } return NetworkAuth::None; } uint32_t NetworkBase::GetServerTick() const noexcept { return _serverState.tick; } uint8_t NetworkBase::GetPlayerID() const noexcept { return player_id; } NetworkConnection* NetworkBase::GetPlayerConnection(uint8_t id) const { auto player = GetPlayerByID(id); if (player != nullptr) { auto clientIt = std::find_if( client_connection_list.begin(), client_connection_list.end(), [player](const auto& conn) -> bool { return conn->Player == player; }); return clientIt != client_connection_list.end() ? clientIt->get() : nullptr; } return nullptr; } void NetworkBase::Update() { _closeLock = true; // Update is not necessarily called per game tick, maintain our own delta time uint32_t ticks = Platform::GetTicks(); _currentDeltaTime = std::max(ticks - _lastUpdateTime, 1); _lastUpdateTime = ticks; switch (GetMode()) { case NETWORK_MODE_SERVER: UpdateServer(); break; case NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT: UpdateClient(); break; } // If the Close() was called during the update, close it for real _closeLock = false; if (_requireClose) { Close(); if (_requireReconnect) { Reconnect(); } } } void NetworkBase::Flush() { if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) { _serverConnection->SendQueuedPackets(); } else { for (auto& it : client_connection_list) { it->SendQueuedPackets(); } } } void NetworkBase::UpdateServer() { for (auto& connection : client_connection_list) { // This can be called multiple times before the connection is removed. if (!connection->IsValid()) continue; if (!ProcessConnection(*connection)) { connection->Disconnect(); } else { DecayCooldown(connection->Player); } } uint32_t ticks = Platform::GetTicks(); if (ticks > last_ping_sent_time + 3000) { ServerSendPing(); ServerSendPingList(); } if (_advertiser != nullptr) { _advertiser->Update(); } std::unique_ptr tcpSocket = _listenSocket->Accept(); if (tcpSocket != nullptr) { AddClient(std::move(tcpSocket)); } } void NetworkBase::UpdateClient() { assert(_serverConnection != nullptr); switch (status) { case NETWORK_STATUS_CONNECTING: { switch (_serverConnection->Socket->GetStatus()) { case SocketStatus::Resolving: { if (_lastConnectStatus != SocketStatus::Resolving) { _lastConnectStatus = SocketStatus::Resolving; char str_resolving[256]; FormatStringLegacy(str_resolving, 256, STR_MULTIPLAYER_RESOLVING, nullptr); auto intent = Intent(WindowClass::NetworkStatus); intent.PutExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_MESSAGE, std::string{ str_resolving }); intent.PutExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_CALLBACK, []() -> void { ::GetContext()->GetNetwork().Close(); }); ContextOpenIntent(&intent); } break; } case SocketStatus::Connecting: { if (_lastConnectStatus != SocketStatus::Connecting) { _lastConnectStatus = SocketStatus::Connecting; char str_connecting[256]; FormatStringLegacy(str_connecting, 256, STR_MULTIPLAYER_CONNECTING, nullptr); auto intent = Intent(WindowClass::NetworkStatus); intent.PutExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_MESSAGE, std::string{ str_connecting }); intent.PutExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_CALLBACK, []() -> void { ::GetContext()->GetNetwork().Close(); }); ContextOpenIntent(&intent); server_connect_time = Platform::GetTicks(); } break; } case SocketStatus::Connected: { status = NETWORK_STATUS_CONNECTED; _serverConnection->ResetLastPacketTime(); Client_Send_TOKEN(); char str_authenticating[256]; FormatStringLegacy(str_authenticating, 256, STR_MULTIPLAYER_AUTHENTICATING, nullptr); auto intent = Intent(WindowClass::NetworkStatus); intent.PutExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_MESSAGE, std::string{ str_authenticating }); intent.PutExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_CALLBACK, []() -> void { ::GetContext()->GetNetwork().Close(); }); ContextOpenIntent(&intent); break; } default: { const char* error = _serverConnection->Socket->GetError(); if (error != nullptr) { Console::Error::WriteLine(error); } Close(); ContextForceCloseWindowByClass(WindowClass::NetworkStatus); ContextShowError(STR_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_TO_SERVER, STR_NONE, {}); break; } } break; } case NETWORK_STATUS_CONNECTED: { if (!ProcessConnection(*_serverConnection)) { // Do not show disconnect message window when password window closed/canceled if (_serverConnection->AuthStatus == NetworkAuth::RequirePassword) { ContextForceCloseWindowByClass(WindowClass::NetworkStatus); } else { char str_disconnected[256]; if (_serverConnection->GetLastDisconnectReason()) { const char* disconnect_reason = _serverConnection->GetLastDisconnectReason(); FormatStringLegacy(str_disconnected, 256, STR_MULTIPLAYER_DISCONNECTED_WITH_REASON, &disconnect_reason); } else { FormatStringLegacy(str_disconnected, 256, STR_MULTIPLAYER_DISCONNECTED_NO_REASON, nullptr); } auto intent = Intent(WindowClass::NetworkStatus); intent.PutExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_MESSAGE, std::string{ str_disconnected }); ContextOpenIntent(&intent); } WindowCloseByClass(WindowClass::Multiplayer); Close(); } else { uint32_t ticks = Platform::GetTicks(); if (ticks - _lastSentHeartbeat >= 3000) { Client_Send_HEARTBEAT(*_serverConnection); _lastSentHeartbeat = ticks; } } break; } } } auto NetworkBase::GetPlayerIteratorByID(uint8_t id) const { return std::find_if(player_list.begin(), player_list.end(), [id](std::unique_ptr const& player) { return player->Id == id; }); } NetworkPlayer* NetworkBase::GetPlayerByID(uint8_t id) const { auto it = GetPlayerIteratorByID(id); if (it != player_list.end()) { return it->get(); } return nullptr; } auto NetworkBase::GetGroupIteratorByID(uint8_t id) const { return std::find_if( group_list.begin(), group_list.end(), [id](std::unique_ptr const& group) { return group->Id == id; }); } NetworkGroup* NetworkBase::GetGroupByID(uint8_t id) const { auto it = GetGroupIteratorByID(id); if (it != group_list.end()) { return it->get(); } return nullptr; } int32_t NetworkBase::GetTotalNumPlayers() const noexcept { return static_cast(player_list.size()); } int32_t NetworkBase::GetNumVisiblePlayers() const noexcept { if (IsServerPlayerInvisible) return static_cast(player_list.size() - 1); return static_cast(player_list.size()); } const char* NetworkBase::FormatChat(NetworkPlayer* fromplayer, const char* text) { static std::string formatted; formatted.clear(); formatted += "{OUTLINE}"; if (fromplayer != nullptr) { formatted += "{BABYBLUE}"; formatted += fromplayer->Name; formatted += ": "; } formatted += "{WHITE}"; formatted += text; return formatted.c_str(); } void NetworkBase::SendPacketToClients(const NetworkPacket& packet, bool front, bool gameCmd) const { for (auto& client_connection : client_connection_list) { if (gameCmd) { // If marked as game command we can not send the packet to connections that are not fully connected. // Sending the packet would cause the client to store a command that is behind the tick where he starts, // which would be essentially never executed. The clients do not require commands before the server has not sent the // map data. if (client_connection->Player == nullptr) { continue; } } client_connection->QueuePacket(packet, front); } } bool NetworkBase::CheckSRAND(uint32_t tick, uint32_t srand0) { // We have to wait for the map to be loaded first, ticks may match current loaded map. if (!_clientMapLoaded) return true; auto itTickData = _serverTickData.find(tick); if (itTickData == std::end(_serverTickData)) return true; const ServerTickData storedTick = itTickData->second; _serverTickData.erase(itTickData); if (storedTick.srand0 != srand0) { LOG_INFO("Srand0 mismatch, client = %08X, server = %08X", srand0, storedTick.srand0); return false; } if (!storedTick.spriteHash.empty()) { EntitiesChecksum checksum = GetAllEntitiesChecksum(); std::string clientSpriteHash = checksum.ToString(); if (clientSpriteHash != storedTick.spriteHash) { LOG_INFO("Sprite hash mismatch, client = %s, server = %s", clientSpriteHash.c_str(), storedTick.spriteHash.c_str()); return false; } } return true; } bool NetworkBase::IsDesynchronised() const noexcept { return _serverState.state == NetworkServerStatus::Desynced; } bool NetworkBase::CheckDesynchronizaton() { const auto currentTicks = GetGameState().CurrentTicks; // Check synchronisation if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT && _serverState.state != NetworkServerStatus::Desynced && !CheckSRAND(currentTicks, ScenarioRandState().s0)) { _serverState.state = NetworkServerStatus::Desynced; _serverState.desyncTick = currentTicks; char str_desync[256]; FormatStringLegacy(str_desync, 256, STR_MULTIPLAYER_DESYNC, nullptr); auto intent = Intent(WindowClass::NetworkStatus); intent.PutExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_MESSAGE, std::string{ str_desync }); ContextOpenIntent(&intent); if (!gConfigNetwork.StayConnected) { Close(); } return true; } return false; } void NetworkBase::RequestStateSnapshot() { LOG_INFO("Requesting game state for tick %u", _serverState.desyncTick); Client_Send_RequestGameState(_serverState.desyncTick); } NetworkServerState NetworkBase::GetServerState() const noexcept { return _serverState; } void NetworkBase::KickPlayer(int32_t playerId) { for (auto& client_connection : client_connection_list) { if (client_connection->Player->Id == playerId) { // Disconnect the client gracefully client_connection->SetLastDisconnectReason(STR_MULTIPLAYER_KICKED); char str_disconnect_msg[256]; FormatStringLegacy(str_disconnect_msg, 256, STR_MULTIPLAYER_KICKED_REASON, nullptr); ServerSendSetDisconnectMsg(*client_connection, str_disconnect_msg); client_connection->Disconnect(); break; } } } void NetworkBase::SetPassword(u8string_view password) { _password = password; } void NetworkBase::ServerClientDisconnected() { if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) { _serverConnection->Disconnect(); } } std::string NetworkBase::GenerateAdvertiseKey() { // Generate a string of 16 random hex characters (64-integer key as a hex formatted string) static char hexChars[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', }; char key[17]; for (int32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int32_t hexCharIndex = UtilRand() % std::size(hexChars); key[i] = hexChars[hexCharIndex]; } key[std::size(key) - 1] = 0; return key; } std::string NetworkBase::GetMasterServerUrl() { if (gConfigNetwork.MasterServerUrl.empty()) { return OPENRCT2_MASTER_SERVER_URL; } return gConfigNetwork.MasterServerUrl; } NetworkGroup* NetworkBase::AddGroup() { NetworkGroup* addedgroup = nullptr; int32_t newid = -1; // Find first unused group id for (int32_t id = 0; id < 255; id++) { if (std::find_if( group_list.begin(), group_list.end(), [&id](std::unique_ptr const& group) { return group->Id == id; }) == group_list.end()) { newid = id; break; } } if (newid != -1) { auto group = std::make_unique(); group->Id = newid; group->SetName("Group #" + std::to_string(newid)); addedgroup = group.get(); group_list.push_back(std::move(group)); } return addedgroup; } void NetworkBase::RemoveGroup(uint8_t id) { auto group = GetGroupIteratorByID(id); if (group != group_list.end()) { group_list.erase(group); } if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { _userManager.UnsetUsersOfGroup(id); _userManager.Save(); } } uint8_t NetworkBase::GetGroupIDByHash(const std::string& keyhash) { const NetworkUser* networkUser = _userManager.GetUserByHash(keyhash); uint8_t groupId = GetDefaultGroup(); if (networkUser != nullptr && networkUser->GroupId.has_value()) { const uint8_t assignedGroup = *networkUser->GroupId; if (GetGroupByID(assignedGroup) != nullptr) { groupId = assignedGroup; } else { LOG_WARNING( "User %s is assigned to non-existent group %u. Assigning to default group (%u)", keyhash.c_str(), assignedGroup, groupId); } } return groupId; } uint8_t NetworkBase::GetDefaultGroup() const noexcept { return default_group; } void NetworkBase::SetDefaultGroup(uint8_t id) { if (GetGroupByID(id) != nullptr) { default_group = id; } } void NetworkBase::SaveGroups() { if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { auto env = GetContext().GetPlatformEnvironment(); auto path = Path::Combine(env->GetDirectoryPath(DIRBASE::USER), u8"groups.json"); json_t jsonGroups = json_t::array(); for (auto& group : group_list) { jsonGroups.push_back(group->ToJson()); } json_t jsonGroupsCfg = { { "default_group", default_group }, { "groups", jsonGroups }, }; try { Json::WriteToFile(path, jsonGroupsCfg); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { LOG_ERROR("Unable to save %s: %s", path.c_str(), ex.what()); } } } void NetworkBase::SetupDefaultGroups() { // Admin group auto admin = std::make_unique(); admin->SetName("Admin"); admin->ActionsAllowed.fill(0xFF); admin->Id = 0; group_list.push_back(std::move(admin)); // Spectator group auto spectator = std::make_unique(); spectator->SetName("Spectator"); spectator->ToggleActionPermission(NetworkPermission::Chat); spectator->Id = 1; group_list.push_back(std::move(spectator)); // User group auto user = std::make_unique(); user->SetName("User"); user->ActionsAllowed.fill(0xFF); user->ToggleActionPermission(NetworkPermission::KickPlayer); user->ToggleActionPermission(NetworkPermission::ModifyGroups); user->ToggleActionPermission(NetworkPermission::SetPlayerGroup); user->ToggleActionPermission(NetworkPermission::Cheat); user->ToggleActionPermission(NetworkPermission::PasswordlessLogin); user->ToggleActionPermission(NetworkPermission::ModifyTile); user->ToggleActionPermission(NetworkPermission::EditScenarioOptions); user->Id = 2; group_list.push_back(std::move(user)); SetDefaultGroup(1); } void NetworkBase::LoadGroups() { group_list.clear(); auto env = GetContext().GetPlatformEnvironment(); auto path = Path::Combine(env->GetDirectoryPath(DIRBASE::USER), u8"groups.json"); json_t jsonGroupConfig; if (File::Exists(path)) { try { jsonGroupConfig = Json::ReadFromFile(path); } catch (const std::exception& e) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to read %s as JSON. Setting default groups. %s", path.c_str(), e.what()); } } if (!jsonGroupConfig.is_object()) { SetupDefaultGroups(); } else { json_t jsonGroups = jsonGroupConfig["groups"]; if (jsonGroups.is_array()) { for (auto& jsonGroup : jsonGroups) { group_list.emplace_back(std::make_unique(NetworkGroup::FromJson(jsonGroup))); } } default_group = Json::GetNumber(jsonGroupConfig["default_group"]); if (GetGroupByID(default_group) == nullptr) { default_group = 0; } } // Host group should always contain all permissions. group_list.at(0)->ActionsAllowed.fill(0xFF); } std::string NetworkBase::BeginLog(const std::string& directory, const std::string& midName, const std::string& filenameFormat) { utf8 filename[256]; time_t timer; time(&timer); auto tmInfo = localtime(&timer); if (strftime(filename, sizeof(filename), filenameFormat.c_str(), tmInfo) == 0) { throw std::runtime_error("strftime failed"); } auto directoryMidName = Path::Combine(directory, midName); Path::CreateDirectory(directoryMidName); return Path::Combine(directoryMidName, filename); } void NetworkBase::AppendLog(std::ostream& fs, std::string_view s) { if (fs.fail()) { LOG_ERROR("bad ostream failed to append log"); return; } try { utf8 buffer[1024]; time_t timer; time(&timer); auto tmInfo = localtime(&timer); if (strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "[%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S] ", tmInfo) != 0) { String::Append(buffer, sizeof(buffer), std::string(s).c_str()); String::Append(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PLATFORM_NEWLINE); fs.write(buffer, strlen(buffer)); } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { LOG_ERROR("%s", ex.what()); } } void NetworkBase::BeginChatLog() { auto env = GetContext().GetPlatformEnvironment(); auto directory = env->GetDirectoryPath(DIRBASE::USER, DIRID::LOG_CHAT); _chatLogPath = BeginLog(directory, "", _chatLogFilenameFormat); _chat_log_fs.open(fs::u8path(_chatLogPath), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); } void NetworkBase::AppendChatLog(std::string_view s) { if (gConfigNetwork.LogChat && _chat_log_fs.is_open()) { AppendLog(_chat_log_fs, s); } } void NetworkBase::CloseChatLog() { _chat_log_fs.close(); } void NetworkBase::BeginServerLog() { auto env = GetContext().GetPlatformEnvironment(); auto directory = env->GetDirectoryPath(DIRBASE::USER, DIRID::LOG_SERVER); _serverLogPath = BeginLog(directory, ServerName, _serverLogFilenameFormat); _server_log_fs.open(fs::u8path(_serverLogPath), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // Log server start event utf8 logMessage[256]; if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) { FormatStringLegacy(logMessage, sizeof(logMessage), STR_LOG_CLIENT_STARTED, nullptr); } else if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { FormatStringLegacy(logMessage, sizeof(logMessage), STR_LOG_SERVER_STARTED, nullptr); } else { logMessage[0] = '\0'; Guard::Assert(false, "Unknown network mode!"); } AppendServerLog(logMessage); } void NetworkBase::AppendServerLog(const std::string& s) { if (gConfigNetwork.LogServerActions && _server_log_fs.is_open()) { AppendLog(_server_log_fs, s); } } void NetworkBase::CloseServerLog() { // Log server stopped event char logMessage[256]; if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) { FormatStringLegacy(logMessage, sizeof(logMessage), STR_LOG_CLIENT_STOPPED, nullptr); } else if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { FormatStringLegacy(logMessage, sizeof(logMessage), STR_LOG_SERVER_STOPPED, nullptr); } else { logMessage[0] = '\0'; Guard::Assert(false, "Unknown network mode!"); } AppendServerLog(logMessage); _server_log_fs.close(); } void NetworkBase::Client_Send_RequestGameState(uint32_t tick) { if (_serverState.gamestateSnapshotsEnabled == false) { LOG_VERBOSE("Server does not store a gamestate history"); return; } LOG_VERBOSE("Requesting gamestate from server for tick %u", tick); NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::RequestGameState); packet << tick; _serverConnection->QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } void NetworkBase::Client_Send_TOKEN() { LOG_VERBOSE("requesting token"); NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::Token); _serverConnection->AuthStatus = NetworkAuth::Requested; _serverConnection->QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } void NetworkBase::Client_Send_AUTH( const std::string& name, const std::string& password, const std::string& pubkey, const std::vector& signature) { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::Auth); packet.WriteString(NetworkGetVersion()); packet.WriteString(name); packet.WriteString(password); packet.WriteString(pubkey); assert(signature.size() <= static_cast(UINT32_MAX)); packet << static_cast(signature.size()); packet.Write(signature.data(), signature.size()); _serverConnection->AuthStatus = NetworkAuth::Requested; _serverConnection->QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } void NetworkBase::Client_Send_MAPREQUEST(const std::vector& objects) { LOG_VERBOSE("client requests %u objects", uint32_t(objects.size())); NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::MapRequest); packet << static_cast(objects.size()); for (const auto& object : objects) { std::string name(object.GetName()); LOG_VERBOSE("client requests object %s", name.c_str()); if (object.Generation == ObjectGeneration::DAT) { packet << static_cast(0); packet.Write(&object.Entry, sizeof(RCTObjectEntry)); } else { packet << static_cast(1); packet.WriteString(name); } } _serverConnection->QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } void NetworkBase::ServerSendToken(NetworkConnection& connection) { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::Token); packet << static_cast(connection.Challenge.size()); packet.Write(connection.Challenge.data(), connection.Challenge.size()); connection.QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } void NetworkBase::ServerSendObjectsList( NetworkConnection& connection, const std::vector& objects) const { LOG_VERBOSE("Server sends objects list with %u items", objects.size()); if (objects.empty()) { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::ObjectsList); packet << static_cast(0) << static_cast(objects.size()); connection.QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < objects.size(); ++i) { const auto* object = objects[i]; NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::ObjectsList); packet << static_cast(i) << static_cast(objects.size()); if (object->Identifier.empty()) { // DAT LOG_VERBOSE("Object %.8s (checksum %x)", object->ObjectEntry.name, object->ObjectEntry.checksum); packet << static_cast(0); packet.Write(&object->ObjectEntry, sizeof(RCTObjectEntry)); } else { // JSON LOG_VERBOSE("Object %s", object->Identifier.c_str()); packet << static_cast(1); packet.WriteString(object->Identifier); } connection.QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } } } void NetworkBase::ServerSendScripts(NetworkConnection& connection) { # ifdef ENABLE_SCRIPTING using namespace OpenRCT2::Scripting; auto& scriptEngine = GetContext().GetScriptEngine(); // Get remote plugin list. const auto remotePlugins = scriptEngine.GetRemotePlugins(); LOG_VERBOSE("Server sends %zu scripts", remotePlugins.size()); // Build the data contents for each plugin. MemoryStream pluginData; for (auto& plugin : remotePlugins) { const auto& code = plugin->GetCode(); const auto codeSize = static_cast(code.size()); pluginData.WriteValue(codeSize); pluginData.WriteArray(code.c_str(), code.size()); } // Send the header packet. NetworkPacket packetScriptHeader(NetworkCommand::ScriptsHeader); packetScriptHeader << static_cast(remotePlugins.size()); packetScriptHeader << static_cast(pluginData.GetLength()); connection.QueuePacket(std::move(packetScriptHeader)); // Segment the plugin data into chunks and send them. const uint8_t* pluginDataBuffer = static_cast(pluginData.GetData()); uint32_t dataOffset = 0; while (dataOffset < pluginData.GetLength()) { const uint32_t chunkSize = std::min(pluginData.GetLength() - dataOffset, CHUNK_SIZE); NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::ScriptsData); packet << chunkSize; packet.Write(pluginDataBuffer + dataOffset, chunkSize); connection.QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); dataOffset += chunkSize; } Guard::Assert(dataOffset == pluginData.GetLength()); # else NetworkPacket packetScriptHeader(NetworkCommand::ScriptsHeader); packetScriptHeader << static_cast(0U); packetScriptHeader << static_cast(0U); # endif } void NetworkBase::Client_Send_HEARTBEAT(NetworkConnection& connection) const { LOG_VERBOSE("Sending heartbeat"); NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::Heartbeat); connection.QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } NetworkStats NetworkBase::GetStats() const { NetworkStats stats = {}; if (mode == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) { stats = _serverConnection->Stats; } else { for (auto& connection : client_connection_list) { for (size_t n = 0; n < EnumValue(NetworkStatisticsGroup::Max); n++) { stats.bytesReceived[n] += connection->Stats.bytesReceived[n]; stats.bytesSent[n] += connection->Stats.bytesSent[n]; } } } return stats; } void NetworkBase::ServerSendAuth(NetworkConnection& connection) { uint8_t new_playerid = 0; if (connection.Player != nullptr) { new_playerid = connection.Player->Id; } NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::Auth); packet << static_cast(connection.AuthStatus) << new_playerid; if (connection.AuthStatus == NetworkAuth::BadVersion) { packet.WriteString(NetworkGetVersion()); } connection.QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); if (connection.AuthStatus != NetworkAuth::Ok && connection.AuthStatus != NetworkAuth::RequirePassword) { connection.Disconnect(); } } void NetworkBase::ServerSendMap(NetworkConnection* connection) { std::vector objects; if (connection != nullptr) { objects = connection->RequestedObjects; } else { // This will send all custom objects to connected clients // TODO: fix it so custom objects negotiation is performed even in this case. auto& context = GetContext(); auto& objManager = context.GetObjectManager(); objects = objManager.GetPackableObjects(); } auto header = SaveForNetwork(objects); if (header.empty()) { if (connection != nullptr) { connection->SetLastDisconnectReason(STR_MULTIPLAYER_CONNECTION_CLOSED); connection->Disconnect(); } return; } size_t chunksize = CHUNK_SIZE; for (size_t i = 0; i < header.size(); i += chunksize) { size_t datasize = std::min(chunksize, header.size() - i); NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::Map); packet << static_cast(header.size()) << static_cast(i); packet.Write(&header[i], datasize); if (connection != nullptr) { connection->QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } else { SendPacketToClients(packet); } } } std::vector NetworkBase::SaveForNetwork(const std::vector& objects) const { std::vector result; auto ms = OpenRCT2::MemoryStream(); if (SaveMap(&ms, objects)) { result.resize(ms.GetLength()); std::memcpy(result.data(), ms.GetData(), result.size()); } else { LOG_WARNING("Failed to export map."); } return result; } void NetworkBase::Client_Send_CHAT(const char* text) { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::Chat); packet.WriteString(text); _serverConnection->QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } void NetworkBase::ServerSendChat(const char* text, const std::vector& playerIds) { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::Chat); packet.WriteString(text); if (playerIds.empty()) { // Empty players / default value means send to all players SendPacketToClients(packet); } else { for (auto playerId : playerIds) { auto conn = GetPlayerConnection(playerId); if (conn != nullptr) { conn->QueuePacket(packet); } } } } void NetworkBase::Client_Send_GAME_ACTION(const GameAction* action) { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::GameAction); uint32_t networkId = 0; networkId = ++_actionId; // I know its ugly, want basic functionality for now. const_cast(action)->SetNetworkId(networkId); if (action->GetCallback()) { _gameActionCallbacks.insert(std::make_pair(networkId, action->GetCallback())); } DataSerialiser stream(true); action->Serialise(stream); packet << GetGameState().CurrentTicks << action->GetType() << stream; _serverConnection->QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } void NetworkBase::ServerSendGameAction(const GameAction* action) { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::GameAction); DataSerialiser stream(true); action->Serialise(stream); packet << GetGameState().CurrentTicks << action->GetType() << stream; SendPacketToClients(packet); } void NetworkBase::ServerSendTick() { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::Tick); packet << GetGameState().CurrentTicks << ScenarioRandState().s0; uint32_t flags = 0; // Simple counter which limits how often a sprite checksum gets sent. // This can get somewhat expensive, so we don't want to push it every tick in release, // but debug version can check more often. static int32_t checksum_counter = 0; checksum_counter++; if (checksum_counter >= 100) { checksum_counter = 0; flags |= NETWORK_TICK_FLAG_CHECKSUMS; } // Send flags always, so we can understand packet structure on the other end, // and allow for some expansion. packet << flags; if (flags & NETWORK_TICK_FLAG_CHECKSUMS) { EntitiesChecksum checksum = GetAllEntitiesChecksum(); packet.WriteString(checksum.ToString()); } SendPacketToClients(packet); } void NetworkBase::ServerSendPlayerInfo(int32_t playerId) { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::PlayerInfo); packet << GetGameState().CurrentTicks; auto* player = GetPlayerByID(playerId); if (player == nullptr) return; player->Write(packet); SendPacketToClients(packet); } void NetworkBase::ServerSendPlayerList() { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::PlayerList); packet << GetGameState().CurrentTicks << static_cast(player_list.size()); for (auto& player : player_list) { player->Write(packet); } SendPacketToClients(packet); } void NetworkBase::Client_Send_PING() { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::Ping); _serverConnection->QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } void NetworkBase::ServerSendPing() { last_ping_sent_time = Platform::GetTicks(); NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::Ping); for (auto& client_connection : client_connection_list) { client_connection->PingTime = Platform::GetTicks(); } SendPacketToClients(packet, true); } void NetworkBase::ServerSendPingList() { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::PingList); packet << static_cast(player_list.size()); for (auto& player : player_list) { packet << player->Id << player->Ping; } SendPacketToClients(packet); } void NetworkBase::ServerSendSetDisconnectMsg(NetworkConnection& connection, const char* msg) { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::DisconnectMessage); packet.WriteString(msg); connection.QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } json_t NetworkBase::GetServerInfoAsJson() const { json_t jsonObj = { { "name", gConfigNetwork.ServerName }, { "requiresPassword", _password.size() > 0 }, { "version", NetworkGetVersion() }, { "players", GetNumVisiblePlayers() }, { "maxPlayers", gConfigNetwork.Maxplayers }, { "description", gConfigNetwork.ServerDescription }, { "greeting", gConfigNetwork.ServerGreeting }, { "dedicated", gOpenRCT2Headless }, }; return jsonObj; } void NetworkBase::ServerSendGameInfo(NetworkConnection& connection) { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::GameInfo); # ifndef DISABLE_HTTP json_t jsonObj = GetServerInfoAsJson(); // Provider details json_t jsonProvider = { { "name", gConfigNetwork.ProviderName }, { "email", gConfigNetwork.ProviderEmail }, { "website", gConfigNetwork.ProviderWebsite }, }; jsonObj["provider"] = jsonProvider; packet.WriteString(jsonObj.dump()); packet << _serverState.gamestateSnapshotsEnabled; packet << IsServerPlayerInvisible; # endif connection.QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } void NetworkBase::ServerSendShowError(NetworkConnection& connection, StringId title, StringId message) { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::ShowError); packet << title << message; connection.QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } void NetworkBase::ServerSendGroupList(NetworkConnection& connection) { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::GroupList); packet << static_cast(group_list.size()) << default_group; for (auto& group : group_list) { group->Write(packet); } connection.QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } void NetworkBase::ServerSendEventPlayerJoined(const char* playerName) { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::Event); packet << static_cast(SERVER_EVENT_PLAYER_JOINED); packet.WriteString(playerName); SendPacketToClients(packet); } void NetworkBase::ServerSendEventPlayerDisconnected(const char* playerName, const char* reason) { NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::Event); packet << static_cast(SERVER_EVENT_PLAYER_DISCONNECTED); packet.WriteString(playerName); packet.WriteString(reason); SendPacketToClients(packet); } bool NetworkBase::ProcessConnection(NetworkConnection& connection) { NetworkReadPacket packetStatus; uint32_t countProcessed = 0; do { countProcessed++; packetStatus = connection.ReadPacket(); switch (packetStatus) { case NetworkReadPacket::Disconnected: // closed connection or network error if (!connection.GetLastDisconnectReason()) { connection.SetLastDisconnectReason(STR_MULTIPLAYER_CONNECTION_CLOSED); } return false; case NetworkReadPacket::Success: // done reading in packet ProcessPacket(connection, connection.InboundPacket); if (!connection.IsValid()) { return false; } break; case NetworkReadPacket::MoreData: // more data required to be read break; case NetworkReadPacket::NoData: // could not read anything from socket break; } } while (packetStatus == NetworkReadPacket::Success && countProcessed < MaxPacketsPerUpdate); if (!connection.ReceivedPacketRecently()) { if (!connection.GetLastDisconnectReason()) { connection.SetLastDisconnectReason(STR_MULTIPLAYER_NO_DATA); } return false; } return true; } void NetworkBase::ProcessPacket(NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { const auto& handlerList = GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER ? server_command_handlers : client_command_handlers; auto it = handlerList.find(packet.GetCommand()); if (it != handlerList.end()) { auto commandHandler = it->second; if (connection.AuthStatus == NetworkAuth::Ok || !packet.CommandRequiresAuth()) { try { (this->*commandHandler)(connection, packet); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { LOG_VERBOSE("Exception during packet processing: %s", ex.what()); } } } packet.Clear(); } // This is called at the end of each game tick, this where things should be processed that affects the game state. void NetworkBase::ProcessPending() { if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { ProcessDisconnectedClients(); } else if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) { ProcessPlayerInfo(); } ProcessPlayerList(); } static bool ProcessPlayerAuthenticatePluginHooks( const NetworkConnection& connection, std::string_view name, std::string_view publicKeyHash) { # ifdef ENABLE_SCRIPTING using namespace OpenRCT2::Scripting; auto& hookEngine = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine().GetHookEngine(); if (hookEngine.HasSubscriptions(OpenRCT2::Scripting::HOOK_TYPE::NETWORK_AUTHENTICATE)) { auto ctx = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine().GetContext(); // Create event args object DukObject eObj(ctx); eObj.Set("name", name); eObj.Set("publicKeyHash", publicKeyHash); eObj.Set("ipAddress", connection.Socket->GetIpAddress()); eObj.Set("cancel", false); auto e = eObj.Take(); // Call the subscriptions hookEngine.Call(OpenRCT2::Scripting::HOOK_TYPE::NETWORK_AUTHENTICATE, e, false); // Check if any hook has cancelled the join if (AsOrDefault(e["cancel"], false)) { return false; } } # endif return true; } static void ProcessPlayerJoinedPluginHooks(uint8_t playerId) { # ifdef ENABLE_SCRIPTING using namespace OpenRCT2::Scripting; auto& hookEngine = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine().GetHookEngine(); if (hookEngine.HasSubscriptions(OpenRCT2::Scripting::HOOK_TYPE::NETWORK_JOIN)) { auto ctx = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine().GetContext(); // Create event args object DukObject eObj(ctx); eObj.Set("player", playerId); auto e = eObj.Take(); // Call the subscriptions hookEngine.Call(OpenRCT2::Scripting::HOOK_TYPE::NETWORK_JOIN, e, false); } # endif } static void ProcessPlayerLeftPluginHooks(uint8_t playerId) { # ifdef ENABLE_SCRIPTING using namespace OpenRCT2::Scripting; auto& hookEngine = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine().GetHookEngine(); if (hookEngine.HasSubscriptions(OpenRCT2::Scripting::HOOK_TYPE::NETWORK_LEAVE)) { auto ctx = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine().GetContext(); // Create event args object DukObject eObj(ctx); eObj.Set("player", playerId); auto e = eObj.Take(); // Call the subscriptions hookEngine.Call(OpenRCT2::Scripting::HOOK_TYPE::NETWORK_LEAVE, e, false); } # endif } void NetworkBase::ProcessPlayerList() { if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { // Avoid sending multiple times the player list, we mark the list invalidated on modifications // and then send at the end of the tick the final player list. if (_playerListInvalidated) { _playerListInvalidated = false; ServerSendPlayerList(); } } else { // As client we have to keep things in order so the update is tick bound. // Commands/Actions reference players and so this list needs to be in sync with those. auto itPending = _pendingPlayerLists.begin(); while (itPending != _pendingPlayerLists.end()) { if (itPending->first > GetGameState().CurrentTicks) break; // List of active players found in the list. std::vector activePlayerIds; std::vector newPlayers; std::vector removedPlayers; for (const auto& pendingPlayer : itPending->second.players) { activePlayerIds.push_back(pendingPlayer.Id); auto* player = GetPlayerByID(pendingPlayer.Id); if (player == nullptr) { // Add new player. player = AddPlayer("", ""); if (player != nullptr) { *player = pendingPlayer; if (player->Flags & NETWORK_PLAYER_FLAG_ISSERVER) { _serverConnection->Player = player; } newPlayers.push_back(player->Id); } } else { // Update. *player = pendingPlayer; } } // Remove any players that are not in newly received list for (const auto& player : player_list) { if (std::find(activePlayerIds.begin(), activePlayerIds.end(), player->Id) == activePlayerIds.end()) { removedPlayers.push_back(player->Id); } } // Run player removed hooks (must be before players removed from list) for (auto playerId : removedPlayers) { ProcessPlayerLeftPluginHooks(playerId); } // Run player joined hooks (must be after players added to list) for (auto playerId : newPlayers) { ProcessPlayerJoinedPluginHooks(playerId); } // Now actually remove removed players from player list player_list.erase( std::remove_if( player_list.begin(), player_list.end(), [&removedPlayers](const std::unique_ptr& player) { return std::find(removedPlayers.begin(), removedPlayers.end(), player->Id) != removedPlayers.end(); }), player_list.end()); _pendingPlayerLists.erase(itPending); itPending = _pendingPlayerLists.begin(); } } } void NetworkBase::ProcessPlayerInfo() { const auto currentTicks = GetGameState().CurrentTicks; auto range = _pendingPlayerInfo.equal_range(currentTicks); for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; it++) { auto* player = GetPlayerByID(it->second.Id); if (player != nullptr) { const NetworkPlayer& networkedInfo = it->second; player->Flags = networkedInfo.Flags; player->Group = networkedInfo.Group; player->LastAction = networkedInfo.LastAction; player->LastActionCoord = networkedInfo.LastActionCoord; player->MoneySpent = networkedInfo.MoneySpent; player->CommandsRan = networkedInfo.CommandsRan; } } _pendingPlayerInfo.erase(currentTicks); } void NetworkBase::ProcessDisconnectedClients() { for (auto it = client_connection_list.begin(); it != client_connection_list.end();) { auto& connection = *it; if (!connection->ShouldDisconnect) { it++; continue; } // Make sure to send all remaining packets out before disconnecting. connection->SendQueuedPackets(); connection->Socket->Disconnect(); ServerClientDisconnected(connection); RemovePlayer(connection); it = client_connection_list.erase(it); } } void NetworkBase::AddClient(std::unique_ptr&& socket) { // Log connection info. char addr[128]; snprintf(addr, sizeof(addr), "Client joined from %s", socket->GetHostName()); AppendServerLog(addr); // Store connection auto connection = std::make_unique(); connection->Socket = std::move(socket); client_connection_list.push_back(std::move(connection)); } void NetworkBase::ServerClientDisconnected(std::unique_ptr& connection) { NetworkPlayer* connection_player = connection->Player; if (connection_player == nullptr) return; char text[256]; const char* has_disconnected_args[2] = { connection_player->Name.c_str(), connection->GetLastDisconnectReason(), }; if (has_disconnected_args[1] != nullptr) { FormatStringLegacy(text, 256, STR_MULTIPLAYER_PLAYER_HAS_DISCONNECTED_WITH_REASON, has_disconnected_args); } else { FormatStringLegacy(text, 256, STR_MULTIPLAYER_PLAYER_HAS_DISCONNECTED_NO_REASON, &(has_disconnected_args[0])); } ChatAddHistory(text); Peep* pickup_peep = NetworkGetPickupPeep(connection_player->Id); if (pickup_peep != nullptr) { PeepPickupAction pickupAction{ PeepPickupType::Cancel, pickup_peep->Id, { NetworkGetPickupPeepOldX(connection_player->Id), 0, 0 }, NetworkGetCurrentPlayerId() }; auto res = GameActions::Execute(&pickupAction); } ServerSendEventPlayerDisconnected( const_cast(connection_player->Name.c_str()), connection->GetLastDisconnectReason()); // Log player disconnected event AppendServerLog(text); ProcessPlayerLeftPluginHooks(connection_player->Id); } void NetworkBase::RemovePlayer(std::unique_ptr& connection) { NetworkPlayer* connection_player = connection->Player; if (connection_player == nullptr) return; player_list.erase( std::remove_if( player_list.begin(), player_list.end(), [connection_player](std::unique_ptr& player) { return player.get() == connection_player; }), player_list.end()); // Send new player list. _playerListInvalidated = true; } NetworkPlayer* NetworkBase::AddPlayer(const std::string& name, const std::string& keyhash) { NetworkPlayer* addedplayer = nullptr; int32_t newid = -1; if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { // Find first unused player id for (int32_t id = 0; id < 255; id++) { if (std::find_if( player_list.begin(), player_list.end(), [&id](std::unique_ptr const& player) { return player->Id == id; }) == player_list.end()) { newid = id; break; } } } else { newid = 0; } if (newid != -1) { std::unique_ptr player; if (GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { // Load keys host may have added manually _userManager.Load(); // Check if the key is registered const NetworkUser* networkUser = _userManager.GetUserByHash(keyhash); player = std::make_unique(); player->Id = newid; player->KeyHash = keyhash; if (networkUser == nullptr) { player->Group = GetDefaultGroup(); if (!name.empty()) { player->SetName(MakePlayerNameUnique(String::Trim(name))); } } else { player->Group = networkUser->GroupId.has_value() ? *networkUser->GroupId : GetDefaultGroup(); player->SetName(networkUser->Name); } // Send new player list. _playerListInvalidated = true; } else { player = std::make_unique(); player->Id = newid; player->Group = GetDefaultGroup(); player->SetName(String::Trim(std::string(name))); } addedplayer = player.get(); player_list.push_back(std::move(player)); } return addedplayer; } std::string NetworkBase::MakePlayerNameUnique(const std::string& name) { // Note: Player names are case-insensitive std::string new_name = name.substr(0, 31); int32_t counter = 1; bool unique; do { unique = true; // Check if there is already a player with this name in the server for (const auto& player : player_list) { if (String::IEquals(player->Name, new_name)) { unique = false; break; } } if (unique) { // Check if there is already a registered player with this name if (_userManager.GetUserByName(new_name) != nullptr) { unique = false; } } if (!unique) { // Increment name counter counter++; new_name = name.substr(0, 31) + " #" + std::to_string(counter); } } while (!unique); return new_name; } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_TOKEN(NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { auto keyPath = NetworkGetPrivateKeyPath(gConfigNetwork.PlayerName); if (!File::Exists(keyPath)) { LOG_ERROR("Key file (%s) was not found. Restart client to re-generate it.", keyPath.c_str()); return; } try { auto fs = FileStream(keyPath, FILE_MODE_OPEN); if (!_key.LoadPrivate(&fs)) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load private key."); } } catch (const std::exception&) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to load key %s", keyPath.c_str()); connection.SetLastDisconnectReason(STR_MULTIPLAYER_VERIFICATION_FAILURE); connection.Disconnect(); return; } uint32_t challenge_size; packet >> challenge_size; const char* challenge = reinterpret_cast(packet.Read(challenge_size)); std::vector signature; const std::string pubkey = _key.PublicKeyString(); _challenge.resize(challenge_size); std::memcpy(_challenge.data(), challenge, challenge_size); bool ok = _key.Sign(_challenge.data(), _challenge.size(), signature); if (!ok) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to sign server's challenge."); connection.SetLastDisconnectReason(STR_MULTIPLAYER_VERIFICATION_FAILURE); connection.Disconnect(); return; } // Don't keep private key in memory. There's no need and it may get leaked // when process dump gets collected at some point in future. _key.Unload(); Client_Send_AUTH(gConfigNetwork.PlayerName, gCustomPassword, pubkey, signature); } void NetworkBase::ServerHandleRequestGamestate(NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { uint32_t tick; packet >> tick; if (_serverState.gamestateSnapshotsEnabled == false) { // Ignore this if this is off. return; } IGameStateSnapshots* snapshots = GetContext().GetGameStateSnapshots(); const GameStateSnapshot_t* snapshot = snapshots->GetLinkedSnapshot(tick); if (snapshot != nullptr) { MemoryStream snapshotMemory; DataSerialiser ds(true, snapshotMemory); snapshots->SerialiseSnapshot(const_cast(*snapshot), ds); uint32_t bytesSent = 0; uint32_t length = static_cast(snapshotMemory.GetLength()); while (bytesSent < length) { uint32_t dataSize = CHUNK_SIZE; if (bytesSent + dataSize > snapshotMemory.GetLength()) { dataSize = snapshotMemory.GetLength() - bytesSent; } NetworkPacket packetGameStateChunk(NetworkCommand::GameState); packetGameStateChunk << tick << length << bytesSent << dataSize; packetGameStateChunk.Write(static_cast(snapshotMemory.GetData()) + bytesSent, dataSize); connection.QueuePacket(std::move(packetGameStateChunk)); bytesSent += dataSize; } } } void NetworkBase::ServerHandleHeartbeat(NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { LOG_VERBOSE("Client %s heartbeat", connection.Socket->GetHostName()); connection.ResetLastPacketTime(); } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_AUTH(NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { uint32_t auth_status; packet >> auth_status >> const_cast(player_id); connection.AuthStatus = static_cast(auth_status); switch (connection.AuthStatus) { case NetworkAuth::Ok: Client_Send_GAMEINFO(); break; case NetworkAuth::BadName: connection.SetLastDisconnectReason(STR_MULTIPLAYER_BAD_PLAYER_NAME); connection.Disconnect(); break; case NetworkAuth::BadVersion: { auto version = std::string(packet.ReadString()); auto versionp = version.c_str(); connection.SetLastDisconnectReason(STR_MULTIPLAYER_INCORRECT_SOFTWARE_VERSION, &versionp); connection.Disconnect(); break; } case NetworkAuth::BadPassword: connection.SetLastDisconnectReason(STR_MULTIPLAYER_BAD_PASSWORD); connection.Disconnect(); break; case NetworkAuth::VerificationFailure: connection.SetLastDisconnectReason(STR_MULTIPLAYER_VERIFICATION_FAILURE); connection.Disconnect(); break; case NetworkAuth::Full: connection.SetLastDisconnectReason(STR_MULTIPLAYER_SERVER_FULL); connection.Disconnect(); break; case NetworkAuth::RequirePassword: ContextOpenWindowView(WV_NETWORK_PASSWORD); break; case NetworkAuth::UnknownKeyDisallowed: connection.SetLastDisconnectReason(STR_MULTIPLAYER_UNKNOWN_KEY_DISALLOWED); connection.Disconnect(); break; default: connection.SetLastDisconnectReason(STR_MULTIPLAYER_RECEIVED_INVALID_DATA); connection.Disconnect(); break; } } void NetworkBase::ServerClientJoined(std::string_view name, const std::string& keyhash, NetworkConnection& connection) { auto player = AddPlayer(std::string(name), keyhash); connection.Player = player; if (player != nullptr) { char text[256]; const char* player_name = static_cast(player->Name.c_str()); FormatStringLegacy(text, 256, STR_MULTIPLAYER_PLAYER_HAS_JOINED_THE_GAME, &player_name); ChatAddHistory(text); auto& context = GetContext(); auto& objManager = context.GetObjectManager(); auto objects = objManager.GetPackableObjects(); ServerSendObjectsList(connection, objects); ServerSendScripts(connection); // Log player joining event std::string playerNameHash = player->Name + " (" + keyhash + ")"; player_name = static_cast(playerNameHash.c_str()); FormatStringLegacy(text, 256, STR_MULTIPLAYER_PLAYER_HAS_JOINED_THE_GAME, &player_name); AppendServerLog(text); ProcessPlayerJoinedPluginHooks(player->Id); } } void NetworkBase::ServerHandleToken(NetworkConnection& connection, [[maybe_unused]] NetworkPacket& packet) { uint8_t token_size = 10 + (rand() & 0x7f); connection.Challenge.resize(token_size); for (int32_t i = 0; i < token_size; i++) { connection.Challenge[i] = static_cast(rand() & 0xff); } ServerSendToken(connection); } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_OBJECTS_LIST(NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { auto& repo = GetContext().GetObjectRepository(); uint32_t index = 0; uint32_t totalObjects = 0; packet >> index >> totalObjects; static constexpr uint32_t OBJECT_START_INDEX = 0; if (index == OBJECT_START_INDEX) { _missingObjects.clear(); } if (totalObjects > 0) { char objectListMsg[256]; const uint32_t args[] = { index + 1, totalObjects, }; FormatStringLegacy(objectListMsg, 256, STR_MULTIPLAYER_RECEIVING_OBJECTS_LIST, &args); auto intent = Intent(WindowClass::NetworkStatus); intent.PutExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_MESSAGE, std::string{ objectListMsg }); intent.PutExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_CALLBACK, []() -> void { ::GetContext()->GetNetwork().Close(); }); ContextOpenIntent(&intent); uint8_t objectType{}; packet >> objectType; if (objectType == 0) { // DAT auto entry = reinterpret_cast(packet.Read(sizeof(RCTObjectEntry))); if (entry != nullptr) { const auto* object = repo.FindObject(entry); if (object == nullptr) { auto objectName = std::string(entry->GetName()); LOG_VERBOSE("Requesting object %s with checksum %x from server", objectName.c_str(), entry->checksum); _missingObjects.push_back(ObjectEntryDescriptor(*entry)); } else if (object->ObjectEntry.checksum != entry->checksum || object->ObjectEntry.flags != entry->flags) { auto objectName = std::string(entry->GetName()); LOG_WARNING( "Object %s has different checksum/flags (%x/%x) than server (%x/%x).", objectName.c_str(), object->ObjectEntry.checksum, object->ObjectEntry.flags, entry->checksum, entry->flags); } } } else { // JSON auto identifier = packet.ReadString(); if (!identifier.empty()) { const auto* object = repo.FindObject(identifier); if (object == nullptr) { auto objectName = std::string(identifier); LOG_VERBOSE("Requesting object %s from server", objectName.c_str()); _missingObjects.push_back(ObjectEntryDescriptor(objectName)); } } } } if (index + 1 >= totalObjects) { LOG_VERBOSE("client received object list, it has %u entries", totalObjects); Client_Send_MAPREQUEST(_missingObjects); _missingObjects.clear(); } } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_SCRIPTS_HEADER(NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { uint32_t numScripts{}; uint32_t dataSize{}; packet >> numScripts >> dataSize; # ifdef ENABLE_SCRIPTING _serverScriptsData.data.Clear(); _serverScriptsData.pluginCount = numScripts; _serverScriptsData.dataSize = dataSize; # else if (numScripts > 0) { connection.SetLastDisconnectReason("The client requires plugin support."); Close(); } # endif } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_SCRIPTS_DATA(NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { # ifdef ENABLE_SCRIPTING uint32_t dataSize{}; packet >> dataSize; Guard::Assert(dataSize > 0); const auto* data = packet.Read(dataSize); Guard::Assert(data != nullptr); auto& scriptsData = _serverScriptsData.data; scriptsData.Write(data, dataSize); if (scriptsData.GetLength() == _serverScriptsData.dataSize) { auto& scriptEngine = GetContext().GetScriptEngine(); scriptsData.SetPosition(0); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _serverScriptsData.pluginCount; ++i) { const auto codeSize = scriptsData.ReadValue(); const auto scriptData = scriptsData.ReadArray(codeSize); auto code = std::string_view(reinterpret_cast(scriptData.get()), codeSize); scriptEngine.AddNetworkPlugin(code); } Guard::Assert(scriptsData.GetPosition() == scriptsData.GetLength()); // Empty the current buffer. _serverScriptsData = {}; } # else connection.SetLastDisconnectReason("The client requires plugin support."); Close(); # endif } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_GAMESTATE(NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { uint32_t tick; uint32_t totalSize; uint32_t offset; uint32_t dataSize; packet >> tick >> totalSize >> offset >> dataSize; if (offset == 0) { // Reset _serverGameState = MemoryStream(); } _serverGameState.SetPosition(offset); const uint8_t* data = packet.Read(dataSize); _serverGameState.Write(data, dataSize); LOG_VERBOSE( "Received Game State %.02f%%", (static_cast(_serverGameState.GetLength()) / static_cast(totalSize)) * 100.0f); if (_serverGameState.GetLength() == totalSize) { _serverGameState.SetPosition(0); DataSerialiser ds(false, _serverGameState); IGameStateSnapshots* snapshots = GetContext().GetGameStateSnapshots(); GameStateSnapshot_t& serverSnapshot = snapshots->CreateSnapshot(); snapshots->SerialiseSnapshot(serverSnapshot, ds); const GameStateSnapshot_t* desyncSnapshot = snapshots->GetLinkedSnapshot(tick); if (desyncSnapshot != nullptr) { GameStateCompareData cmpData = snapshots->Compare(serverSnapshot, *desyncSnapshot); std::string outputPath = GetContext().GetPlatformEnvironment()->GetDirectoryPath(DIRBASE::USER, DIRID::LOG_DESYNCS); Path::CreateDirectory(outputPath); char uniqueFileName[128] = {}; snprintf( uniqueFileName, sizeof(uniqueFileName), "desync_%llu_%u.txt", static_cast(Platform::GetDatetimeNowUTC()), tick); std::string outputFile = Path::Combine(outputPath, uniqueFileName); if (snapshots->LogCompareDataToFile(outputFile, cmpData)) { LOG_INFO("Wrote desync report to '%s'", outputFile.c_str()); auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(uniqueFileName); char str_desync[1024]; FormatStringLegacy(str_desync, sizeof(str_desync), STR_DESYNC_REPORT, ft.Data()); auto intent = Intent(WindowClass::NetworkStatus); intent.PutExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_MESSAGE, std::string{ str_desync }); ContextOpenIntent(&intent); } } } } void NetworkBase::ServerHandleMapRequest(NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { uint32_t size; packet >> size; LOG_VERBOSE("Client requested %u objects", size); auto& repo = GetContext().GetObjectRepository(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { uint8_t generation{}; packet >> generation; std::string objectName; const ObjectRepositoryItem* item{}; if (generation == static_cast(ObjectGeneration::DAT)) { const auto* entry = reinterpret_cast(packet.Read(sizeof(RCTObjectEntry))); objectName = std::string(entry->GetName()); LOG_VERBOSE("Client requested object %s", objectName.c_str()); item = repo.FindObject(entry); } else { objectName = std::string(packet.ReadString()); LOG_VERBOSE("Client requested object %s", objectName.c_str()); item = repo.FindObject(objectName); } if (item == nullptr) { LOG_WARNING("Client tried getting non-existent object %s from us.", objectName.c_str()); } else { connection.RequestedObjects.push_back(item); } } auto player_name = connection.Player->Name.c_str(); ServerSendMap(&connection); ServerSendEventPlayerJoined(player_name); ServerSendGroupList(connection); } void NetworkBase::ServerHandleAuth(NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { if (connection.AuthStatus != NetworkAuth::Ok) { auto* hostName = connection.Socket->GetHostName(); auto gameversion = packet.ReadString(); auto name = packet.ReadString(); auto password = packet.ReadString(); auto pubkey = packet.ReadString(); uint32_t sigsize; packet >> sigsize; if (pubkey.empty()) { connection.AuthStatus = NetworkAuth::VerificationFailure; } else { try { // RSA technically supports keys up to 65536 bits, so this is the // maximum signature size for now. constexpr auto MaxRSASignatureSizeInBytes = 8192; if (sigsize == 0 || sigsize > MaxRSASignatureSizeInBytes) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid signature size"); } std::vector signature; signature.resize(sigsize); const uint8_t* signatureData = packet.Read(sigsize); if (signatureData == nullptr) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read packet."); } std::memcpy(signature.data(), signatureData, sigsize); auto ms = MemoryStream(pubkey.data(), pubkey.size()); if (!connection.Key.LoadPublic(&ms)) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load public key."); } bool verified = connection.Key.Verify(connection.Challenge.data(), connection.Challenge.size(), signature); const std::string hash = connection.Key.PublicKeyHash(); if (verified) { LOG_VERBOSE("Connection %s: Signature verification ok. Hash %s", hostName, hash.c_str()); if (gConfigNetwork.KnownKeysOnly && _userManager.GetUserByHash(hash) == nullptr) { LOG_VERBOSE("Connection %s: Hash %s, not known", hostName, hash.c_str()); connection.AuthStatus = NetworkAuth::UnknownKeyDisallowed; } else { connection.AuthStatus = NetworkAuth::Verified; } } else { connection.AuthStatus = NetworkAuth::VerificationFailure; LOG_VERBOSE("Connection %s: Signature verification failed!", hostName); } } catch (const std::exception&) { connection.AuthStatus = NetworkAuth::VerificationFailure; LOG_VERBOSE("Connection %s: Signature verification failed, invalid data!", hostName); } } bool passwordless = false; if (connection.AuthStatus == NetworkAuth::Verified) { const NetworkGroup* group = GetGroupByID(GetGroupIDByHash(connection.Key.PublicKeyHash())); if (group != nullptr) { passwordless = group->CanPerformAction(NetworkPermission::PasswordlessLogin); } } if (gameversion != NetworkGetVersion()) { connection.AuthStatus = NetworkAuth::BadVersion; LOG_INFO("Connection %s: Bad version.", hostName); } else if (name.empty()) { connection.AuthStatus = NetworkAuth::BadName; LOG_INFO("Connection %s: Bad name.", connection.Socket->GetHostName()); } else if (!passwordless) { if (password.empty() && !_password.empty()) { connection.AuthStatus = NetworkAuth::RequirePassword; LOG_INFO("Connection %s: Requires password.", hostName); } else if (!password.empty() && _password != password) { connection.AuthStatus = NetworkAuth::BadPassword; LOG_INFO("Connection %s: Bad password.", hostName); } } if (GetNumVisiblePlayers() >= gConfigNetwork.Maxplayers) { connection.AuthStatus = NetworkAuth::Full; LOG_INFO("Connection %s: Server is full.", hostName); } else if (connection.AuthStatus == NetworkAuth::Verified) { const std::string hash = connection.Key.PublicKeyHash(); if (ProcessPlayerAuthenticatePluginHooks(connection, name, hash)) { connection.AuthStatus = NetworkAuth::Ok; ServerClientJoined(name, hash, connection); } else { connection.AuthStatus = NetworkAuth::VerificationFailure; LOG_INFO("Connection %s: Denied by plugin.", hostName); } } ServerSendAuth(connection); } } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_MAP([[maybe_unused]] NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { uint32_t size, offset; packet >> size >> offset; int32_t chunksize = static_cast(packet.Header.Size - packet.BytesRead); if (chunksize <= 0) { return; } if (offset == 0) { // Start of a new map load, clear the queue now as we have to buffer them // until the map is fully loaded. GameActions::ClearQueue(); GameActions::SuspendQueue(); _serverTickData.clear(); _clientMapLoaded = false; } if (size > chunk_buffer.size()) { chunk_buffer.resize(size); } char str_downloading_map[256]; uint32_t downloading_map_args[2] = { (offset + chunksize) / 1024, size / 1024, }; FormatStringLegacy(str_downloading_map, 256, STR_MULTIPLAYER_DOWNLOADING_MAP, downloading_map_args); auto intent = Intent(WindowClass::NetworkStatus); intent.PutExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_MESSAGE, std::string{ str_downloading_map }); intent.PutExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_CALLBACK, []() -> void { ::GetContext()->GetNetwork().Close(); }); ContextOpenIntent(&intent); std::memcpy(&chunk_buffer[offset], const_cast(static_cast(packet.Read(chunksize))), chunksize); if (offset + chunksize == size) { // Allow queue processing of game actions again. GameActions::ResumeQueue(); ContextForceCloseWindowByClass(WindowClass::NetworkStatus); GameUnloadScripts(); GameNotifyMapChange(); bool has_to_free = false; uint8_t* data = &chunk_buffer[0]; size_t data_size = size; auto ms = MemoryStream(data, data_size); if (LoadMap(&ms)) { GameLoadInit(); GameLoadScripts(); GameNotifyMapChanged(); _serverState.tick = GetGameState().CurrentTicks; // WindowNetworkStatusOpen("Loaded new map from network"); _serverState.state = NetworkServerStatus::Ok; _clientMapLoaded = true; gFirstTimeSaving = true; // Notify user he is now online and which shortcut key enables chat NetworkChatShowConnectedMessage(); // Fix invalid vehicle sprite sizes, thus preventing visual corruption of sprites FixInvalidVehicleSpriteSizes(); // NOTE: Game actions are normally processed before processing the player list. // Given that during map load game actions are buffered we have to process the // player list first to have valid players for the queued game actions. ProcessPlayerList(); } else { // Something went wrong, game is not loaded. Return to main screen. auto loadOrQuitAction = LoadOrQuitAction(LoadOrQuitModes::OpenSavePrompt, PromptMode::SaveBeforeQuit); GameActions::Execute(&loadOrQuitAction); } if (has_to_free) { free(data); } } } bool NetworkBase::LoadMap(IStream* stream) { bool result = false; try { auto& context = GetContext(); auto& objManager = context.GetObjectManager(); auto importer = ParkImporter::CreateParkFile(context.GetObjectRepository()); auto loadResult = importer->LoadFromStream(stream, false); objManager.LoadObjects(loadResult.RequiredObjects); // TODO: Have a separate GameState and exchange once loaded. auto& gameState = GetGameState(); importer->Import(gameState); EntityTweener::Get().Reset(); MapAnimationAutoCreate(); gLastAutoSaveUpdate = AUTOSAVE_PAUSE; result = true; } catch (const std::exception& e) { Console::Error::WriteLine("Unable to read map from server: %s", e.what()); } return result; } bool NetworkBase::SaveMap(IStream* stream, const std::vector& objects) const { bool result = false; PrepareMapForSave(); try { auto exporter = std::make_unique(); exporter->ExportObjectsList = objects; auto& gameState = GetGameState(); exporter->Export(gameState, *stream); result = true; } catch (const std::exception& e) { Console::Error::WriteLine("Unable to serialise map: %s", e.what()); } return result; } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_CHAT([[maybe_unused]] NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { auto text = packet.ReadString(); if (!text.empty()) { ChatAddHistory(std::string(text)); } } static bool ProcessChatMessagePluginHooks(uint8_t playerId, std::string& text) { # ifdef ENABLE_SCRIPTING auto& hookEngine = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine().GetHookEngine(); if (hookEngine.HasSubscriptions(OpenRCT2::Scripting::HOOK_TYPE::NETWORK_CHAT)) { auto ctx = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine().GetContext(); // Create event args object auto objIdx = duk_push_object(ctx); duk_push_number(ctx, playerId); duk_put_prop_string(ctx, objIdx, "player"); duk_push_string(ctx, text.c_str()); duk_put_prop_string(ctx, objIdx, "message"); auto e = DukValue::take_from_stack(ctx); // Call the subscriptions hookEngine.Call(OpenRCT2::Scripting::HOOK_TYPE::NETWORK_CHAT, e, false); // Update text from object if subscriptions changed it if (e["message"].type() != DukValue::Type::STRING) { // Subscription set text to non-string, do not relay message return false; } text = e["message"].as_string(); if (text.empty()) { // Subscription set text to empty string, do not relay message return false; } } # endif return true; } void NetworkBase::ServerHandleChat(NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { auto szText = packet.ReadString(); if (szText.empty()) return; if (connection.Player != nullptr) { NetworkGroup* group = GetGroupByID(connection.Player->Group); if (group == nullptr || !group->CanPerformAction(NetworkPermission::Chat)) { return; } } std::string text(szText); if (connection.Player != nullptr) { if (!ProcessChatMessagePluginHooks(connection.Player->Id, text)) { // Message not to be relayed return; } } const char* formatted = FormatChat(connection.Player, text.c_str()); ChatAddHistory(formatted); ServerSendChat(formatted); } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_GAME_ACTION([[maybe_unused]] NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { uint32_t tick; GameCommand actionType; packet >> tick >> actionType; MemoryStream stream; const size_t size = packet.Header.Size - packet.BytesRead; stream.WriteArray(packet.Read(size), size); stream.SetPosition(0); DataSerialiser ds(false, stream); GameAction::Ptr action = GameActions::Create(actionType); if (action == nullptr) { LOG_ERROR("Received unregistered game action type: 0x%08X", actionType); return; } action->Serialise(ds); if (player_id == action->GetPlayer().id) { // Only execute callbacks that belong to us, // clients can have identical network ids assigned. auto itr = _gameActionCallbacks.find(action->GetNetworkId()); if (itr != _gameActionCallbacks.end()) { action->SetCallback(itr->second); _gameActionCallbacks.erase(itr); } } GameActions::Enqueue(std::move(action), tick); } void NetworkBase::ServerHandleGameAction(NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { uint32_t tick; GameCommand actionType; NetworkPlayer* player = connection.Player; if (player == nullptr) { return; } packet >> tick >> actionType; // Don't let clients send pause or quit if (actionType == GameCommand::TogglePause || actionType == GameCommand::LoadOrQuit) { return; } if (actionType != GameCommand::Custom) { // Check if player's group permission allows command to run NetworkGroup* group = GetGroupByID(connection.Player->Group); if (group == nullptr || group->CanPerformCommand(actionType) == false) { ServerSendShowError(connection, STR_CANT_DO_THIS, STR_PERMISSION_DENIED); return; } } // Create and enqueue the action. GameAction::Ptr ga = GameActions::Create(actionType); if (ga == nullptr) { LOG_ERROR( "Received unregistered game action type: 0x%08X from player: (%d) %s", actionType, connection.Player->Id, connection.Player->Name.c_str()); return; } // Player who is hosting is not affected by cooldowns. if ((player->Flags & NETWORK_PLAYER_FLAG_ISSERVER) == 0) { auto cooldownIt = player->CooldownTime.find(actionType); if (cooldownIt != std::end(player->CooldownTime)) { if (cooldownIt->second > 0) { ServerSendShowError(connection, STR_CANT_DO_THIS, STR_NETWORK_ACTION_RATE_LIMIT_MESSAGE); return; } } uint32_t cooldownTime = ga->GetCooldownTime(); if (cooldownTime > 0) { player->CooldownTime[actionType] = cooldownTime; } } DataSerialiser stream(false); const size_t size = packet.Header.Size - packet.BytesRead; stream.GetStream().WriteArray(packet.Read(size), size); stream.GetStream().SetPosition(0); ga->Serialise(stream); // Set player to sender, should be 0 if sent from client. ga->SetPlayer(NetworkPlayerId_t{ connection.Player->Id }); GameActions::Enqueue(std::move(ga), tick); } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_TICK([[maybe_unused]] NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { uint32_t srand0; uint32_t flags; uint32_t serverTick; packet >> serverTick >> srand0 >> flags; ServerTickData tickData; tickData.srand0 = srand0; tickData.tick = serverTick; if (flags & NETWORK_TICK_FLAG_CHECKSUMS) { auto text = packet.ReadString(); if (!text.empty()) { tickData.spriteHash = text; } } // Don't let the history grow too much. while (_serverTickData.size() >= 100) { _serverTickData.erase(_serverTickData.begin()); } _serverState.tick = serverTick; _serverTickData.emplace(serverTick, tickData); } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_PLAYERINFO([[maybe_unused]] NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { uint32_t tick; packet >> tick; NetworkPlayer playerInfo; playerInfo.Read(packet); _pendingPlayerInfo.emplace(tick, playerInfo); } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_PLAYERLIST([[maybe_unused]] NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { uint32_t tick; uint8_t size; packet >> tick >> size; auto& pending = _pendingPlayerLists[tick]; pending.players.clear(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { NetworkPlayer tempplayer; tempplayer.Read(packet); pending.players.push_back(std::move(tempplayer)); } } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_PING([[maybe_unused]] NetworkConnection& connection, [[maybe_unused]] NetworkPacket& packet) { Client_Send_PING(); } void NetworkBase::ServerHandlePing(NetworkConnection& connection, [[maybe_unused]] NetworkPacket& packet) { int32_t ping = Platform::GetTicks() - connection.PingTime; if (ping < 0) { ping = 0; } if (connection.Player != nullptr) { connection.Player->Ping = ping; WindowInvalidateByNumber(WindowClass::Player, connection.Player->Id); } } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_PINGLIST([[maybe_unused]] NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { uint8_t size; packet >> size; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { uint8_t id; uint16_t ping; packet >> id >> ping; NetworkPlayer* player = GetPlayerByID(id); if (player != nullptr) { player->Ping = ping; } } WindowInvalidateByClass(WindowClass::Player); } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_SETDISCONNECTMSG(NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { auto disconnectmsg = packet.ReadString(); if (!disconnectmsg.empty()) { connection.SetLastDisconnectReason(disconnectmsg); } } void NetworkBase::ServerHandleGameInfo(NetworkConnection& connection, [[maybe_unused]] NetworkPacket& packet) { ServerSendGameInfo(connection); } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_SHOWERROR([[maybe_unused]] NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { StringId title, message; packet >> title >> message; ContextShowError(title, message, {}); } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_GROUPLIST([[maybe_unused]] NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { group_list.clear(); uint8_t size; packet >> size >> default_group; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { NetworkGroup group; group.Read(packet); auto newgroup = std::make_unique(group); group_list.push_back(std::move(newgroup)); } } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_EVENT([[maybe_unused]] NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { uint16_t eventType; packet >> eventType; switch (eventType) { case SERVER_EVENT_PLAYER_JOINED: { auto playerName = packet.ReadString(); auto message = FormatStringID(STR_MULTIPLAYER_PLAYER_HAS_JOINED_THE_GAME, playerName); ChatAddHistory(message); break; } case SERVER_EVENT_PLAYER_DISCONNECTED: { auto playerName = packet.ReadString(); auto reason = packet.ReadString(); std::string message; if (reason.empty()) { message = FormatStringID(STR_MULTIPLAYER_PLAYER_HAS_DISCONNECTED_NO_REASON, playerName); } else { message = FormatStringID(STR_MULTIPLAYER_PLAYER_HAS_DISCONNECTED_WITH_REASON, playerName, reason); } ChatAddHistory(message); break; } } } void NetworkBase::Client_Send_GAMEINFO() { LOG_VERBOSE("requesting gameinfo"); NetworkPacket packet(NetworkCommand::GameInfo); _serverConnection->QueuePacket(std::move(packet)); } void NetworkBase::Client_Handle_GAMEINFO([[maybe_unused]] NetworkConnection& connection, NetworkPacket& packet) { auto jsonString = packet.ReadString(); packet >> _serverState.gamestateSnapshotsEnabled; packet >> IsServerPlayerInvisible; json_t jsonData = Json::FromString(jsonString); if (jsonData.is_object()) { ServerName = Json::GetString(jsonData["name"]); ServerDescription = Json::GetString(jsonData["description"]); ServerGreeting = Json::GetString(jsonData["greeting"]); json_t jsonProvider = jsonData["provider"]; if (jsonProvider.is_object()) { ServerProviderName = Json::GetString(jsonProvider["name"]); ServerProviderEmail = Json::GetString(jsonProvider["email"]); ServerProviderWebsite = Json::GetString(jsonProvider["website"]); } } NetworkChatShowServerGreeting(); } void NetworkReconnect() { OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().Reconnect(); } void NetworkShutdownClient() { OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().ServerClientDisconnected(); } int32_t NetworkBeginClient(const std::string& host, int32_t port) { return OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().BeginClient(host, port); } int32_t NetworkBeginServer(int32_t port, const std::string& address) { return OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().BeginServer(port, address); } void NetworkUpdate() { OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().Update(); } void NetworkProcessPending() { OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().ProcessPending(); } void NetworkFlush() { OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().Flush(); } int32_t NetworkGetMode() { return OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().GetMode(); } int32_t NetworkGetStatus() { return OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().GetStatus(); } bool NetworkIsDesynchronised() { return OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().IsDesynchronised(); } bool NetworkCheckDesynchronisation() { return OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().CheckDesynchronizaton(); } void NetworkRequestGamestateSnapshot() { return OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().RequestStateSnapshot(); } void NetworkSendTick() { OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().ServerSendTick(); } NetworkAuth NetworkGetAuthstatus() { return OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().GetAuthStatus(); } uint32_t NetworkGetServerTick() { return OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().GetServerTick(); } uint8_t NetworkGetCurrentPlayerId() { return OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().GetPlayerID(); } int32_t NetworkGetNumPlayers() { return OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().GetTotalNumPlayers(); } int32_t NetworkGetNumVisiblePlayers() { return OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().GetNumVisiblePlayers(); } const char* NetworkGetPlayerName(uint32_t index) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(index, network.player_list); return static_cast(network.player_list[index]->Name.c_str()); } uint32_t NetworkGetPlayerFlags(uint32_t index) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(index, network.player_list); return network.player_list[index]->Flags; } int32_t NetworkGetPlayerPing(uint32_t index) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(index, network.player_list); return network.player_list[index]->Ping; } int32_t NetworkGetPlayerID(uint32_t index) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(index, network.player_list); return network.player_list[index]->Id; } money64 NetworkGetPlayerMoneySpent(uint32_t index) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(index, network.player_list); return network.player_list[index]->MoneySpent; } std::string NetworkGetPlayerIPAddress(uint32_t id) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); auto conn = network.GetPlayerConnection(id); if (conn != nullptr && conn->Socket != nullptr) { return conn->Socket->GetIpAddress(); } return {}; } std::string NetworkGetPlayerPublicKeyHash(uint32_t id) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); auto player = network.GetPlayerByID(id); if (player != nullptr) { return player->KeyHash; } return {}; } void NetworkIncrementPlayerNumCommands(uint32_t playerIndex) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(playerIndex, network.player_list); network.player_list[playerIndex]->IncrementNumCommands(); } void NetworkAddPlayerMoneySpent(uint32_t index, money64 cost) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(index, network.player_list); network.player_list[index]->AddMoneySpent(cost); } int32_t NetworkGetPlayerLastAction(uint32_t index, int32_t time) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(index, network.player_list); if (time && Platform::GetTicks() > network.player_list[index]->LastActionTime + time) { return -999; } return network.player_list[index]->LastAction; } void NetworkSetPlayerLastAction(uint32_t index, GameCommand command) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(index, network.player_list); network.player_list[index]->LastAction = static_cast(NetworkActions::FindCommand(command)); network.player_list[index]->LastActionTime = Platform::GetTicks(); } CoordsXYZ NetworkGetPlayerLastActionCoord(uint32_t index) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(index, OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().player_list); return network.player_list[index]->LastActionCoord; } void NetworkSetPlayerLastActionCoord(uint32_t index, const CoordsXYZ& coord) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(index, network.player_list); if (index < network.player_list.size()) { network.player_list[index]->LastActionCoord = coord; } } uint32_t NetworkGetPlayerCommandsRan(uint32_t index) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(index, OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().player_list); return network.player_list[index]->CommandsRan; } int32_t NetworkGetPlayerIndex(uint32_t id) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); auto it = network.GetPlayerIteratorByID(id); if (it == network.player_list.end()) { return -1; } return static_cast(network.GetPlayerIteratorByID(id) - network.player_list.begin()); } uint8_t NetworkGetPlayerGroup(uint32_t index) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(index, network.player_list); return network.player_list[index]->Group; } void NetworkSetPlayerGroup(uint32_t index, uint32_t groupindex) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(index, network.player_list); Guard::IndexInRange(groupindex, network.group_list); network.player_list[index]->Group = network.group_list[groupindex]->Id; } int32_t NetworkGetGroupIndex(uint8_t id) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); auto it = network.GetGroupIteratorByID(id); if (it == network.group_list.end()) { return -1; } return static_cast(network.GetGroupIteratorByID(id) - network.group_list.begin()); } uint8_t NetworkGetGroupID(uint32_t index) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(index, network.group_list); return network.group_list[index]->Id; } int32_t NetworkGetNumGroups() { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); return static_cast(network.group_list.size()); } const char* NetworkGetGroupName(uint32_t index) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); return network.group_list[index]->GetName().c_str(); } void NetworkChatShowConnectedMessage() { auto windowManager = GetContext()->GetUiContext()->GetWindowManager(); std::string s = windowManager->GetKeyboardShortcutString("interface.misc.multiplayer_chat"); const char* sptr = s.c_str(); utf8 buffer[256]; FormatStringLegacy(buffer, sizeof(buffer), STR_MULTIPLAYER_CONNECTED_CHAT_HINT, &sptr); NetworkPlayer server; server.Name = "Server"; const char* formatted = NetworkBase::FormatChat(&server, buffer); ChatAddHistory(formatted); } // Display server greeting if one exists void NetworkChatShowServerGreeting() { const auto& greeting = NetworkGetServerGreeting(); if (!greeting.empty()) { thread_local std::string greeting_formatted; greeting_formatted.assign("{OUTLINE}{GREEN}"); greeting_formatted += greeting; ChatAddHistory(greeting_formatted); } } GameActions::Result NetworkSetPlayerGroup( NetworkPlayerId_t actionPlayerId, NetworkPlayerId_t playerId, uint8_t groupId, bool isExecuting) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); NetworkPlayer* player = network.GetPlayerByID(playerId); NetworkGroup* fromgroup = network.GetGroupByID(actionPlayerId); if (player == nullptr) { return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::InvalidParameters, STR_CANT_DO_THIS, STR_NONE); } if (network.GetGroupByID(groupId) == nullptr) { return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::InvalidParameters, STR_CANT_DO_THIS, STR_NONE); } if (player->Flags & NETWORK_PLAYER_FLAG_ISSERVER) { return GameActions::Result( GameActions::Status::InvalidParameters, STR_CANT_CHANGE_GROUP_THAT_THE_HOST_BELONGS_TO, STR_NONE); } if (groupId == 0 && fromgroup != nullptr && fromgroup->Id != 0) { return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::InvalidParameters, STR_CANT_SET_TO_THIS_GROUP, STR_NONE); } if (isExecuting) { player->Group = groupId; if (NetworkGetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { // Add or update saved user NetworkUserManager& userManager = network._userManager; NetworkUser* networkUser = userManager.GetOrAddUser(player->KeyHash); networkUser->GroupId = groupId; networkUser->Name = player->Name; userManager.Save(); } WindowInvalidateByNumber(WindowClass::Player, playerId); // Log set player group event NetworkPlayer* game_command_player = network.GetPlayerByID(actionPlayerId); NetworkGroup* new_player_group = network.GetGroupByID(groupId); char log_msg[256]; const char* args[3] = { player->Name.c_str(), new_player_group->GetName().c_str(), game_command_player->Name.c_str(), }; FormatStringLegacy(log_msg, 256, STR_LOG_SET_PLAYER_GROUP, args); NetworkAppendServerLog(log_msg); } return GameActions::Result(); } GameActions::Result NetworkModifyGroups( NetworkPlayerId_t actionPlayerId, ModifyGroupType type, uint8_t groupId, const std::string& name, uint32_t permissionIndex, PermissionState permissionState, bool isExecuting) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); switch (type) { case ModifyGroupType::AddGroup: { if (isExecuting) { NetworkGroup* newgroup = network.AddGroup(); if (newgroup == nullptr) { return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::Unknown, STR_CANT_DO_THIS, STR_NONE); } } } break; case ModifyGroupType::RemoveGroup: { if (groupId == 0) { return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::Disallowed, STR_THIS_GROUP_CANNOT_BE_MODIFIED, STR_NONE); } for (const auto& it : network.player_list) { if ((it.get())->Group == groupId) { return GameActions::Result( GameActions::Status::Disallowed, STR_CANT_REMOVE_GROUP_THAT_PLAYERS_BELONG_TO, STR_NONE); } } if (isExecuting) { network.RemoveGroup(groupId); } } break; case ModifyGroupType::SetPermissions: { if (groupId == 0) { // can't change admin group permissions return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::Disallowed, STR_THIS_GROUP_CANNOT_BE_MODIFIED, STR_NONE); } NetworkGroup* mygroup = nullptr; NetworkPlayer* player = network.GetPlayerByID(actionPlayerId); auto networkPermission = static_cast(permissionIndex); if (player != nullptr && permissionState == PermissionState::Toggle) { mygroup = network.GetGroupByID(player->Group); if (mygroup == nullptr || !mygroup->CanPerformAction(networkPermission)) { return GameActions::Result( GameActions::Status::Disallowed, STR_CANT_MODIFY_PERMISSION_THAT_YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_YOURSELF, STR_NONE); } } if (isExecuting) { NetworkGroup* group = network.GetGroupByID(groupId); if (group != nullptr) { if (permissionState != PermissionState::Toggle) { if (mygroup != nullptr) { if (permissionState == PermissionState::SetAll) { group->ActionsAllowed = mygroup->ActionsAllowed; } else { group->ActionsAllowed.fill(0x00); } } } else { group->ToggleActionPermission(networkPermission); } } } } break; case ModifyGroupType::SetName: { NetworkGroup* group = network.GetGroupByID(groupId); if (group == nullptr) { return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::InvalidParameters, STR_CANT_RENAME_GROUP, STR_NONE); } const char* oldName = group->GetName().c_str(); if (strcmp(oldName, name.c_str()) == 0) { return GameActions::Result(); } if (name.empty()) { return GameActions::Result( GameActions::Status::InvalidParameters, STR_CANT_RENAME_GROUP, STR_INVALID_GROUP_NAME); } if (isExecuting) { if (group != nullptr) { group->SetName(name); } } } break; case ModifyGroupType::SetDefault: { if (groupId == 0) { return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::Disallowed, STR_CANT_SET_TO_THIS_GROUP, STR_NONE); } if (isExecuting) { network.SetDefaultGroup(groupId); } } break; default: LOG_ERROR("Invalid Modify Group Type: %u", static_cast(type)); return GameActions::Result( GameActions::Status::InvalidParameters, STR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, STR_ERR_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE); } network.SaveGroups(); return GameActions::Result(); } GameActions::Result NetworkKickPlayer(NetworkPlayerId_t playerId, bool isExecuting) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); NetworkPlayer* player = network.GetPlayerByID(playerId); if (player == nullptr) { // Player might be already removed by the PLAYERLIST command, need to refactor non-game commands executing too // early. return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::InvalidParameters, STR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, STR_ERR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); } if (player->Flags & NETWORK_PLAYER_FLAG_ISSERVER) { return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::Disallowed, STR_CANT_KICK_THE_HOST, STR_NONE); } if (isExecuting) { if (network.GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { network.KickPlayer(playerId); NetworkUserManager& networkUserManager = network._userManager; networkUserManager.Load(); networkUserManager.RemoveUser(player->KeyHash); networkUserManager.Save(); } } return GameActions::Result(); } uint8_t NetworkGetDefaultGroup() { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); return network.GetDefaultGroup(); } int32_t NetworkGetNumActions() { return static_cast(NetworkActions::Actions.size()); } StringId NetworkGetActionNameStringID(uint32_t index) { if (index < NetworkActions::Actions.size()) { return NetworkActions::Actions[index].Name; } return STR_NONE; } int32_t NetworkCanPerformAction(uint32_t groupindex, NetworkPermission index) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(groupindex, network.group_list); return network.group_list[groupindex]->CanPerformAction(index); } int32_t NetworkCanPerformCommand(uint32_t groupindex, int32_t index) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); Guard::IndexInRange(groupindex, network.group_list); return network.group_list[groupindex]->CanPerformCommand(static_cast(index)); // TODO } void NetworkSetPickupPeep(uint8_t playerid, Peep* peep) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); if (network.GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_NONE) { _pickup_peep = peep; } else { NetworkPlayer* player = network.GetPlayerByID(playerid); if (player != nullptr) { player->PickupPeep = peep; } } } Peep* NetworkGetPickupPeep(uint8_t playerid) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); if (network.GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_NONE) { return _pickup_peep; } NetworkPlayer* player = network.GetPlayerByID(playerid); if (player != nullptr) { return player->PickupPeep; } return nullptr; } void NetworkSetPickupPeepOldX(uint8_t playerid, int32_t x) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); if (network.GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_NONE) { _pickup_peep_old_x = x; } else { NetworkPlayer* player = network.GetPlayerByID(playerid); if (player != nullptr) { player->PickupPeepOldX = x; } } } int32_t NetworkGetPickupPeepOldX(uint8_t playerid) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); if (network.GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_NONE) { return _pickup_peep_old_x; } NetworkPlayer* player = network.GetPlayerByID(playerid); if (player != nullptr) { return player->PickupPeepOldX; } return -1; } bool NetworkIsServerPlayerInvisible() { return OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork().IsServerPlayerInvisible; } int32_t NetworkGetCurrentPlayerGroupIndex() { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); NetworkPlayer* player = network.GetPlayerByID(network.GetPlayerID()); if (player != nullptr) { return NetworkGetGroupIndex(player->Group); } return -1; } void NetworkSendChat(const char* text, const std::vector& playerIds) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); if (network.GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) { network.Client_Send_CHAT(text); } else if (network.GetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { std::string message = text; if (ProcessChatMessagePluginHooks(network.GetPlayerID(), message)) { auto player = network.GetPlayerByID(network.GetPlayerID()); if (player != nullptr) { auto formatted = network.FormatChat(player, message.c_str()); if (playerIds.empty() || std::find(playerIds.begin(), playerIds.end(), network.GetPlayerID()) != playerIds.end()) { // Server is one of the recipients ChatAddHistory(formatted); } network.ServerSendChat(formatted, playerIds); } } } } void NetworkSendGameAction(const GameAction* action) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); switch (network.GetMode()) { case NETWORK_MODE_SERVER: network.ServerSendGameAction(action); break; case NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT: network.Client_Send_GAME_ACTION(action); break; } } void NetworkSendPassword(const std::string& password) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); const auto keyPath = NetworkGetPrivateKeyPath(gConfigNetwork.PlayerName); if (!File::Exists(keyPath)) { LOG_ERROR("Private key %s missing! Restart the game to generate it.", keyPath.c_str()); return; } try { auto fs = FileStream(keyPath, FILE_MODE_OPEN); network._key.LoadPrivate(&fs); } catch (const std::exception&) { LOG_ERROR("Error reading private key from %s.", keyPath.c_str()); return; } const std::string pubkey = network._key.PublicKeyString(); std::vector signature; network._key.Sign(network._challenge.data(), network._challenge.size(), signature); // Don't keep private key in memory. There's no need and it may get leaked // when process dump gets collected at some point in future. network._key.Unload(); network.Client_Send_AUTH(gConfigNetwork.PlayerName, password, pubkey, signature); } void NetworkSetPassword(const char* password) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); network.SetPassword(password); } void NetworkAppendChatLog(std::string_view text) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); network.AppendChatLog(text); } void NetworkAppendServerLog(const utf8* text) { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); network.AppendServerLog(text); } static u8string NetworkGetKeysDirectory() { auto env = GetContext()->GetPlatformEnvironment(); return Path::Combine(env->GetDirectoryPath(DIRBASE::USER), u8"keys"); } static u8string NetworkGetPrivateKeyPath(u8string_view playerName) { return Path::Combine(NetworkGetKeysDirectory(), u8string(playerName) + u8".privkey"); } static u8string NetworkGetPublicKeyPath(u8string_view playerName, u8string_view hash) { const auto filename = u8string(playerName) + u8"-" + u8string(hash) + u8".pubkey"; return Path::Combine(NetworkGetKeysDirectory(), filename); } u8string NetworkGetServerName() { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); return network.ServerName; } u8string NetworkGetServerDescription() { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); return network.ServerDescription; } u8string NetworkGetServerGreeting() { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); return network.ServerGreeting; } u8string NetworkGetServerProviderName() { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); return network.ServerProviderName; } u8string NetworkGetServerProviderEmail() { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); return network.ServerProviderEmail; } u8string NetworkGetServerProviderWebsite() { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); return network.ServerProviderWebsite; } std::string NetworkGetVersion() { return NETWORK_STREAM_ID; } NetworkStats NetworkGetStats() { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); return network.GetStats(); } NetworkServerState NetworkGetServerState() { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); return network.GetServerState(); } bool NetworkGamestateSnapshotsEnabled() { return NetworkGetServerState().gamestateSnapshotsEnabled; } json_t NetworkGetServerInfoAsJson() { auto& network = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetNetwork(); return network.GetServerInfoAsJson(); } #else int32_t NetworkGetMode() { return NETWORK_MODE_NONE; } int32_t NetworkGetStatus() { return NETWORK_STATUS_NONE; } NetworkAuth NetworkGetAuthstatus() { return NetworkAuth::None; } uint32_t NetworkGetServerTick() { return GetGameState().CurrentTicks; } void NetworkFlush() { } void NetworkSendTick() { } bool NetworkIsDesynchronised() { return false; } bool NetworkGamestateSnapshotsEnabled() { return false; } bool NetworkCheckDesynchronisation() { return false; } void NetworkRequestGamestateSnapshot() { } void NetworkSendGameAction(const GameAction* action) { } void NetworkUpdate() { } void NetworkProcessPending() { } int32_t NetworkBeginClient(const std::string& host, int32_t port) { return 1; } int32_t NetworkBeginServer(int32_t port, const std::string& address) { return 1; } int32_t NetworkGetNumPlayers() { return 1; } int32_t NetworkGetNumVisiblePlayers() { return 1; } const char* NetworkGetPlayerName(uint32_t index) { return "local (OpenRCT2 compiled without MP)"; } uint32_t NetworkGetPlayerFlags(uint32_t index) { return 0; } int32_t NetworkGetPlayerPing(uint32_t index) { return 0; } int32_t NetworkGetPlayerID(uint32_t index) { return 0; } money64 NetworkGetPlayerMoneySpent(uint32_t index) { return 0.00_GBP; } std::string NetworkGetPlayerIPAddress(uint32_t id) { return {}; } std::string NetworkGetPlayerPublicKeyHash(uint32_t id) { return {}; } void NetworkIncrementPlayerNumCommands(uint32_t playerIndex) { } void NetworkAddPlayerMoneySpent(uint32_t index, money64 cost) { } int32_t NetworkGetPlayerLastAction(uint32_t index, int32_t time) { return -999; } void NetworkSetPlayerLastAction(uint32_t index, GameCommand command) { } CoordsXYZ NetworkGetPlayerLastActionCoord(uint32_t index) { return { 0, 0, 0 }; } void NetworkSetPlayerLastActionCoord(uint32_t index, const CoordsXYZ& coord) { } uint32_t NetworkGetPlayerCommandsRan(uint32_t index) { return 0; } int32_t NetworkGetPlayerIndex(uint32_t id) { return -1; } uint8_t NetworkGetPlayerGroup(uint32_t index) { return 0; } void NetworkSetPlayerGroup(uint32_t index, uint32_t groupindex) { } int32_t NetworkGetGroupIndex(uint8_t id) { return -1; } uint8_t NetworkGetGroupID(uint32_t index) { return 0; } int32_t NetworkGetNumGroups() { return 0; } const char* NetworkGetGroupName(uint32_t index) { return ""; }; GameActions::Result NetworkSetPlayerGroup( NetworkPlayerId_t actionPlayerId, NetworkPlayerId_t playerId, uint8_t groupId, bool isExecuting) { return GameActions::Result(); } GameActions::Result NetworkModifyGroups( NetworkPlayerId_t actionPlayerId, ModifyGroupType type, uint8_t groupId, const std::string& name, uint32_t permissionIndex, PermissionState permissionState, bool isExecuting) { return GameActions::Result(); } GameActions::Result NetworkKickPlayer(NetworkPlayerId_t playerId, bool isExecuting) { return GameActions::Result(); } uint8_t NetworkGetDefaultGroup() { return 0; } int32_t NetworkGetNumActions() { return 0; } StringId NetworkGetActionNameStringID(uint32_t index) { return -1; } int32_t NetworkCanPerformAction(uint32_t groupindex, NetworkPermission index) { return 0; } int32_t NetworkCanPerformCommand(uint32_t groupindex, int32_t index) { return 0; } void NetworkSetPickupPeep(uint8_t playerid, Peep* peep) { _pickup_peep = peep; } Peep* NetworkGetPickupPeep(uint8_t playerid) { return _pickup_peep; } void NetworkSetPickupPeepOldX(uint8_t playerid, int32_t x) { _pickup_peep_old_x = x; } int32_t NetworkGetPickupPeepOldX(uint8_t playerid) { return _pickup_peep_old_x; } void NetworkSendChat(const char* text, const std::vector& playerIds) { } void NetworkSendPassword(const std::string& password) { } void NetworkReconnect() { } void NetworkShutdownClient() { } void NetworkSetPassword(const char* password) { } uint8_t NetworkGetCurrentPlayerId() { return 0; } int32_t NetworkGetCurrentPlayerGroupIndex() { return 0; } bool NetworkIsServerPlayerInvisible() { return false; } void NetworkAppendChatLog(std::string_view) { } void NetworkAppendServerLog(const utf8* text) { } u8string NetworkGetServerName() { return u8string(); } u8string NetworkGetServerDescription() { return u8string(); } u8string NetworkGetServerGreeting() { return u8string(); } u8string NetworkGetServerProviderName() { return u8string(); } u8string NetworkGetServerProviderEmail() { return u8string(); } u8string NetworkGetServerProviderWebsite() { return u8string(); } std::string NetworkGetVersion() { return "Multiplayer disabled"; } NetworkStats NetworkGetStats() { return NetworkStats{}; } NetworkServerState NetworkGetServerState() { return NetworkServerState{}; } json_t NetworkGetServerInfoAsJson() { return {}; } #endif /* DISABLE_NETWORK */