/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2023 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static constexpr uint16_t MapColour2(uint8_t colourA, uint8_t colourB) { return (colourA << 8) | colourB; } static constexpr uint16_t MapColour(uint8_t colour) { return MapColour2(colour, colour); } static constexpr uint16_t MapColourUnowned(uint16_t colour) { return MapColour2((colour & 0xFF00) >> 8, PALETTE_INDEX_10); } constexpr int32_t MAP_WINDOW_MAP_SIZE = MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL * 2; static constexpr const StringId WINDOW_TITLE = STR_MAP_LABEL; static constexpr const int32_t WH = 259; static constexpr const int32_t WW = 245; // Some functions manipulate coordinates on the map. These are the coordinates of the pixels in the // minimap. In order to distinguish those from actual coordinates, we use a separate name. using MapCoordsXY = TileCoordsXY; enum { PAGE_PEEPS, PAGE_RIDES }; enum WindowMapWidgetIdx { WIDX_BACKGROUND, WIDX_TITLE, WIDX_CLOSE, WIDX_RESIZE, WIDX_PEOPLE_TAB, WIDX_RIDES_TAB, WIDX_MAP, WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y, WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y_UP, WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y_DOWN, WIDX_MAP_SIZE_LINK, WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X, WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X_UP, WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X_DOWN, WIDX_SET_LAND_RIGHTS, WIDX_BUILD_PARK_ENTRANCE, WIDX_PEOPLE_STARTING_POSITION, WIDX_LAND_TOOL, WIDX_LAND_TOOL_SMALLER, WIDX_LAND_TOOL_LARGER, WIDX_LAND_OWNED_CHECKBOX, WIDX_CONSTRUCTION_RIGHTS_OWNED_CHECKBOX, WIDX_LAND_SALE_CHECKBOX, WIDX_CONSTRUCTION_RIGHTS_SALE_CHECKBOX, WIDX_ROTATE_90, WIDX_MAP_GENERATOR }; validate_global_widx(WC_MAP, WIDX_ROTATE_90); // clang-format off static Widget window_map_widgets[] = { WINDOW_SHIM(WINDOW_TITLE, WW, WH), MakeWidget ({ 0, 43}, {245, 215}, WindowWidgetType::Resize, WindowColour::Secondary ), MakeRemapWidget ({ 3, 17}, { 31, 27}, WindowWidgetType::ColourBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, SPR_TAB, STR_SHOW_PEOPLE_ON_MAP_TIP ), MakeRemapWidget ({ 34, 17}, { 31, 27}, WindowWidgetType::ColourBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, SPR_TAB, STR_SHOW_RIDES_STALLS_ON_MAP_TIP ), MakeWidget ({ 3, 46}, {239, 180}, WindowWidgetType::Scroll, WindowColour::Secondary, SCROLL_BOTH ), MakeSpinnerWidgets({102, 229}, { 50, 12}, WindowWidgetType::Spinner, WindowColour::Secondary, STR_COMMA16 ), // NB: 3 widgets MakeWidget ({153, 230}, { 20, 12}, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, ImageId(SPR_G2_LINK_CHAIN), STR_MAINTAIN_SQUARE_MAP_TOOLTIP ), MakeSpinnerWidgets({174, 229}, { 50, 12}, WindowWidgetType::Spinner, WindowColour::Secondary, STR_POP16_COMMA16 ), // NB: 3 widgets MakeWidget ({ 4, 1}, { 24, 24}, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, ImageId(SPR_BUY_LAND_RIGHTS), STR_SELECT_PARK_OWNED_LAND_TIP ), MakeWidget ({ 4, 1}, { 24, 24}, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, ImageId(SPR_PARK_ENTRANCE), STR_BUILD_PARK_ENTRANCE_TIP ), MakeWidget ({ 28, 1}, { 24, 24}, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, 0xFFFFFFFF, STR_SET_STARTING_POSITIONS_TIP ), MakeWidget ({ 4, 17}, { 44, 32}, WindowWidgetType::ImgBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, ImageId(SPR_LAND_TOOL_SIZE_0) ), MakeRemapWidget ({ 5, 18}, { 16, 16}, WindowWidgetType::TrnBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, SPR_LAND_TOOL_DECREASE, STR_ADJUST_SMALLER_LAND_TIP ), MakeRemapWidget ({ 31, 32}, { 16, 16}, WindowWidgetType::TrnBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, SPR_LAND_TOOL_INCREASE, STR_ADJUST_LARGER_LAND_TIP ), MakeWidget ({ 58, 197}, {184, 12}, WindowWidgetType::Checkbox, WindowColour::Secondary, STR_LAND_OWNED, STR_SET_LAND_TO_BE_OWNED_TIP ), MakeWidget ({ 58, 197}, {184, 12}, WindowWidgetType::Checkbox, WindowColour::Secondary, STR_CONSTRUCTION_RIGHTS_OWNED, STR_SET_CONSTRUCTION_RIGHTS_TO_BE_OWNED_TIP ), MakeWidget ({ 58, 197}, {184, 12}, WindowWidgetType::Checkbox, WindowColour::Secondary, STR_LAND_SALE, STR_SET_LAND_TO_BE_AVAILABLE_TIP ), MakeWidget ({ 58, 197}, {174, 12}, WindowWidgetType::Checkbox, WindowColour::Secondary, STR_CONSTRUCTION_RIGHTS_SALE, STR_SET_CONSTRUCTION_RIGHTS_TO_BE_AVAILABLE_TIP), MakeWidget ({218, 45}, { 24, 24}, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, ImageId(SPR_ROTATE_ARROW), STR_ROTATE_OBJECTS_90 ), MakeWidget ({110, 189}, {131, 14}, WindowWidgetType::Button, WindowColour::Secondary, STR_MAPGEN_WINDOW_TITLE, STR_MAP_GENERATOR_TIP ), WIDGETS_END, }; // used in transforming viewport view coordinates to minimap coordinates // rct2: 0x00981BBC static constexpr const ScreenCoordsXY MiniMapOffsets[] = { { MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL - 8, 0 }, { 2 * MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL - 8, MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL }, { MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL - 8, 2 * MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL }, { 0 - 8, MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL }, }; // clang-format on class MapWindow final : public Window { uint8_t _rotation; public: MapWindow() { _mapImageData.resize(MAP_WINDOW_MAP_SIZE * MAP_WINDOW_MAP_SIZE); } void OnOpen() override { widgets = window_map_widgets; hold_down_widgets = (1uLL << WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y_UP) | (1uLL << WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y_DOWN) | (1uLL << WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X_UP) | (1uLL << WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X_DOWN) | (1uLL << WIDX_LAND_TOOL_LARGER) | (1uLL << WIDX_LAND_TOOL_SMALLER); InitScrollWidgets(); _rotation = GetCurrentRotation(); InitMap(); gWindowSceneryRotation = 0; CentreMapOnViewPoint(); FootpathSelectDefault(); _mapWidthAndHeightLinked = gMapSize.x == gMapSize.y; // Reset land rights tool size _landRightsToolSize = 1; } void OnClose() override { _mapImageData.clear(); _mapImageData.shrink_to_fit(); if ((input_test_flag(INPUT_FLAG_TOOL_ACTIVE)) && gCurrentToolWidget.window_classification == classification && gCurrentToolWidget.window_number == number) { ToolCancel(); } } void OnResize() override { flags |= WF_RESIZABLE; min_width = 245; max_width = 800; min_height = 259; max_height = 560; } void OnMouseUp(WidgetIndex widgetIndex) override { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_CLOSE: Close(); break; case WIDX_SET_LAND_RIGHTS: Invalidate(); if (ToolSet(*this, widgetIndex, Tool::UpArrow)) break; _activeTool = 2; // Prevent mountain tool size. _landRightsToolSize = std::max(MINIMUM_TOOL_SIZE, _landRightsToolSize); ShowGridlines(); ShowLandRights(); ShowConstructionRights(); break; case WIDX_LAND_OWNED_CHECKBOX: _activeTool ^= 2; if (_activeTool & 2) _activeTool &= 0xF2; Invalidate(); break; case WIDX_LAND_SALE_CHECKBOX: _activeTool ^= 8; if (_activeTool & 8) _activeTool &= 0xF8; Invalidate(); break; case WIDX_CONSTRUCTION_RIGHTS_OWNED_CHECKBOX: _activeTool ^= 1; if (_activeTool & 1) _activeTool &= 0xF1; Invalidate(); break; case WIDX_CONSTRUCTION_RIGHTS_SALE_CHECKBOX: _activeTool ^= 4; if (_activeTool & 4) _activeTool &= 0xF4; Invalidate(); break; case WIDX_BUILD_PARK_ENTRANCE: Invalidate(); if (ToolSet(*this, widgetIndex, Tool::UpArrow)) break; gParkEntranceGhostExists = false; input_set_flag(INPUT_FLAG_6, true); ShowGridlines(); ShowLandRights(); ShowConstructionRights(); break; case WIDX_ROTATE_90: gWindowSceneryRotation = (gWindowSceneryRotation + 1) & 3; break; case WIDX_PEOPLE_STARTING_POSITION: if (ToolSet(*this, widgetIndex, Tool::UpArrow)) break; ShowGridlines(); ShowLandRights(); ShowConstructionRights(); break; case WIDX_LAND_TOOL: InputLandSize(); break; case WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y: case WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X: InputMapSize(widgetIndex); break; case WIDX_MAP_SIZE_LINK: _mapWidthAndHeightLinked = !_mapWidthAndHeightLinked; break; case WIDX_MAP_GENERATOR: ContextOpenWindow(WindowClass::Mapgen); break; default: if (widgetIndex >= WIDX_PEOPLE_TAB && widgetIndex <= WIDX_RIDES_TAB) { widgetIndex -= WIDX_PEOPLE_TAB; if (widgetIndex == selected_tab) break; selected_tab = widgetIndex; list_information_type = 0; } } } void OnMouseDown(WidgetIndex widgetIndex) override { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y_UP: _resizeDirection = ResizeDirection::Y; IncreaseMapSize(); break; case WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y_DOWN: _resizeDirection = ResizeDirection::Y; DecreaseMapSize(); break; case WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X_UP: _resizeDirection = ResizeDirection::X; IncreaseMapSize(); break; case WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X_DOWN: _resizeDirection = ResizeDirection::X; DecreaseMapSize(); break; case WIDX_LAND_TOOL_SMALLER: // Decrement land rights tool size _landRightsToolSize = std::max(MINIMUM_TOOL_SIZE, _landRightsToolSize - 1); Invalidate(); break; case WIDX_LAND_TOOL_LARGER: // Increment land rights tool size _landRightsToolSize = std::min(MAXIMUM_TOOL_SIZE, _landRightsToolSize + 1); Invalidate(); break; } } void OnUpdate() override { if (GetCurrentRotation() != _rotation) { _rotation = GetCurrentRotation(); InitMap(); CentreMapOnViewPoint(); } for (int32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) SetMapPixels(); Invalidate(); // Update tab animations list_information_type++; switch (selected_tab) { case PAGE_PEEPS: if (list_information_type >= 32) { list_information_type = 0; } break; case PAGE_RIDES: if (list_information_type >= 64) { list_information_type = 0; } break; } } void OnToolUpdate(WidgetIndex widgetIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) override { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_SET_LAND_RIGHTS: SetLandRightsToolUpdate(screenCoords); break; case WIDX_BUILD_PARK_ENTRANCE: PlaceParkEntranceToolUpdate(screenCoords); break; case WIDX_PEOPLE_STARTING_POSITION: SetPeepSpawnToolUpdate(screenCoords); break; } } void OnToolDown(WidgetIndex widgetIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) override { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_BUILD_PARK_ENTRANCE: PlaceParkEntranceToolDown(screenCoords); break; case WIDX_PEOPLE_STARTING_POSITION: SetPeepSpawnToolDown(screenCoords); break; } } void OnToolDrag(WidgetIndex widgetIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) override { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_SET_LAND_RIGHTS: if (gMapSelectFlags & MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE) { auto landSetRightsAction = LandSetRightsAction( { gMapSelectPositionA.x, gMapSelectPositionA.y, gMapSelectPositionB.x, gMapSelectPositionB.y }, LandSetRightSetting::SetOwnershipWithChecks, _activeTool << 4); GameActions::Execute(&landSetRightsAction); } break; } } void OnToolAbort(WidgetIndex widgetIndex) override { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_SET_LAND_RIGHTS: Invalidate(); HideGridlines(); HideLandRights(); HideConstructionRights(); break; case WIDX_BUILD_PARK_ENTRANCE: ParkEntranceRemoveGhost(); Invalidate(); HideGridlines(); HideLandRights(); HideConstructionRights(); break; case WIDX_PEOPLE_STARTING_POSITION: Invalidate(); HideGridlines(); HideLandRights(); HideConstructionRights(); break; } } void SetLandRightsToolUpdate(const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) { MapInvalidateSelectionRect(); gMapSelectFlags &= ~MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE; auto mapCoords = ScreenGetMapXY(screenCoords, nullptr); if (!mapCoords.has_value()) return; gMapSelectFlags |= MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE; gMapSelectType = MAP_SELECT_TYPE_FULL; int32_t landRightsToolSize = _landRightsToolSize; if (landRightsToolSize == 0) landRightsToolSize = 1; int32_t size = (landRightsToolSize * 32) - 32; int32_t radius = (landRightsToolSize * 16) - 16; mapCoords->x = (mapCoords->x - radius) & 0xFFE0; mapCoords->y = (mapCoords->y - radius) & 0xFFE0; gMapSelectPositionA = *mapCoords; gMapSelectPositionB.x = mapCoords->x + size; gMapSelectPositionB.y = mapCoords->y + size; MapInvalidateSelectionRect(); } CoordsXYZD PlaceParkEntranceGetMapPosition(const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) { CoordsXYZD parkEntranceMapPosition{ 0, 0, 0, INVALID_DIRECTION }; const CoordsXY mapCoords = ViewportInteractionGetTileStartAtCursor(screenCoords); parkEntranceMapPosition = { mapCoords.x, mapCoords.y, 0, INVALID_DIRECTION }; if (parkEntranceMapPosition.IsNull()) return parkEntranceMapPosition; auto surfaceElement = MapGetSurfaceElementAt(mapCoords); if (surfaceElement == nullptr) { parkEntranceMapPosition.SetNull(); return parkEntranceMapPosition; } parkEntranceMapPosition.z = surfaceElement->GetWaterHeight(); if (parkEntranceMapPosition.z == 0) { parkEntranceMapPosition.z = surfaceElement->GetBaseZ(); if ((surfaceElement->GetSlope() & TILE_ELEMENT_SLOPE_ALL_CORNERS_UP) != 0) { parkEntranceMapPosition.z += 16; if (surfaceElement->GetSlope() & TILE_ELEMENT_SLOPE_DOUBLE_HEIGHT) { parkEntranceMapPosition.z += 16; } } } parkEntranceMapPosition.direction = (gWindowSceneryRotation - GetCurrentRotation()) & 3; return parkEntranceMapPosition; } void PlaceParkEntranceToolUpdate(const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) { MapInvalidateSelectionRect(); MapInvalidateMapSelectionTiles(); gMapSelectFlags &= ~MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE; gMapSelectFlags &= ~MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE_ARROW; gMapSelectFlags &= ~MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE_CONSTRUCT; CoordsXYZD parkEntrancePosition = PlaceParkEntranceGetMapPosition(screenCoords); if (parkEntrancePosition.IsNull()) { ParkEntranceRemoveGhost(); return; } int32_t sideDirection = (parkEntrancePosition.direction + 1) & 3; gMapSelectionTiles.clear(); gMapSelectionTiles.push_back({ parkEntrancePosition.x, parkEntrancePosition.y }); gMapSelectionTiles.push_back({ parkEntrancePosition.x + CoordsDirectionDelta[sideDirection].x, parkEntrancePosition.y + CoordsDirectionDelta[sideDirection].y }); gMapSelectionTiles.push_back({ parkEntrancePosition.x - CoordsDirectionDelta[sideDirection].x, parkEntrancePosition.y - CoordsDirectionDelta[sideDirection].y }); gMapSelectArrowPosition = parkEntrancePosition; gMapSelectArrowDirection = parkEntrancePosition.direction; gMapSelectFlags |= MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE_CONSTRUCT | MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE_ARROW; MapInvalidateMapSelectionTiles(); if (gParkEntranceGhostExists && parkEntrancePosition == gParkEntranceGhostPosition) { return; } ParkEntranceRemoveGhost(); auto gameAction = ParkEntrancePlaceAction(parkEntrancePosition, gFootpathSelectedId); gameAction.SetFlags(GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_GHOST); auto result = GameActions::Execute(&gameAction); if (result.Error == GameActions::Status::Ok) { gParkEntranceGhostPosition = parkEntrancePosition; gParkEntranceGhostExists = true; } } void PlaceParkEntranceToolDown(const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) { ParkEntranceRemoveGhost(); CoordsXYZD parkEntrancePosition = PlaceParkEntranceGetMapPosition(screenCoords); if (!parkEntrancePosition.IsNull()) { auto gameAction = ParkEntrancePlaceAction(parkEntrancePosition, gFootpathSelectedId); auto result = GameActions::Execute(&gameAction); if (result.Error == GameActions::Status::Ok) { OpenRCT2::Audio::Play3D(OpenRCT2::Audio::SoundId::PlaceItem, result.Position); } } } void SetPeepSpawnToolUpdate(const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) { int32_t direction; TileElement* tileElement; MapInvalidateSelectionRect(); gMapSelectFlags &= ~MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE; gMapSelectFlags &= ~MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE_ARROW; auto mapCoords = FootpathBridgeGetInfoFromPos(screenCoords, &direction, &tileElement); if (mapCoords.IsNull()) return; int32_t mapZ = tileElement->GetBaseZ(); if (tileElement->GetType() == TileElementType::Surface) { if ((tileElement->AsSurface()->GetSlope() & TILE_ELEMENT_SLOPE_ALL_CORNERS_UP) != 0) mapZ += 16; if (tileElement->AsSurface()->GetSlope() & TILE_ELEMENT_SLOPE_DOUBLE_HEIGHT) mapZ += 16; } gMapSelectFlags |= MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE; gMapSelectFlags |= MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE_ARROW; gMapSelectType = MAP_SELECT_TYPE_FULL; gMapSelectPositionA = mapCoords; gMapSelectPositionB = mapCoords; gMapSelectArrowPosition = CoordsXYZ{ mapCoords, mapZ }; gMapSelectArrowDirection = DirectionReverse(direction); MapInvalidateSelectionRect(); } void SetPeepSpawnToolDown(const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) { // Verify footpath exists at location, and retrieve coordinates TileElement* tileElement; int32_t direction; auto mapCoords = FootpathGetCoordinatesFromPos(screenCoords, &direction, &tileElement); if (mapCoords.IsNull()) return; int32_t mapZ = tileElement->GetBaseZ(); auto gameAction = PeepSpawnPlaceAction({ mapCoords, mapZ, static_cast(direction) }); auto result = GameActions::Execute(&gameAction); if (result.Error == GameActions::Status::Ok) { OpenRCT2::Audio::Play3D(OpenRCT2::Audio::SoundId::PlaceItem, result.Position); } } void OnTextInput(WidgetIndex widgetIndex, std::string_view text) override { if (text.empty()) return; switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_LAND_TOOL: { char* end; std::string textStr = std::string(text); int32_t size = strtol(textStr.c_str(), &end, 10); if (*end == '\0') { size = std::clamp(size, MINIMUM_TOOL_SIZE, MAXIMUM_TOOL_SIZE); _landRightsToolSize = size; Invalidate(); } break; } case WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y: case WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X: { char* end; std::string textStr = std::string(text); int32_t size = strtol(textStr.c_str(), &end, 10); if (*end == '\0') { // The practical size is 2 lower than the technical size size += 2; size = std::clamp(size, MINIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL, MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL); TileCoordsXY newMapSize = gMapSize; if (_resizeDirection != ResizeDirection::X) newMapSize.y = size; if (_resizeDirection != ResizeDirection::Y) newMapSize.x = size; auto mapChangeSizeAction = MapChangeSizeAction(newMapSize); GameActions::Execute(&mapChangeSizeAction); Invalidate(); } break; } } } ScreenSize OnScrollGetSize(int32_t scrollIndex) override { return ScreenSize(MAP_WINDOW_MAP_SIZE, MAP_WINDOW_MAP_SIZE); } void OnScrollMouseDown(int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) override { CoordsXY c = ScreenToMap(screenCoords); auto mapCoords = CoordsXY{ std::clamp(c.x, 0, MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_BIG - 1), std::clamp(c.y, 0, MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_BIG - 1) }; auto mapZ = TileElementHeight(mapCoords); rct_window* mainWindow = WindowGetMain(); if (mainWindow != nullptr) { WindowScrollToLocation(*mainWindow, { mapCoords, mapZ }); } if (LandToolIsActive()) { // Set land terrain int32_t landToolSize = std::max(1, gLandToolSize); int32_t size = (landToolSize * 32) - 32; int32_t radius = (landToolSize * 16) - 16; mapCoords = (mapCoords - CoordsXY{ radius, radius }).ToTileStart(); MapInvalidateSelectionRect(); gMapSelectFlags |= MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE; gMapSelectType = MAP_SELECT_TYPE_FULL; gMapSelectPositionA = mapCoords; gMapSelectPositionB = mapCoords + CoordsXY{ size, size }; MapInvalidateSelectionRect(); auto surfaceSetStyleAction = SurfaceSetStyleAction( { gMapSelectPositionA.x, gMapSelectPositionA.y, gMapSelectPositionB.x, gMapSelectPositionB.y }, gLandToolTerrainSurface, gLandToolTerrainEdge); GameActions::Execute(&surfaceSetStyleAction); } else if (WidgetIsActiveTool(*this, WIDX_SET_LAND_RIGHTS)) { // Set land rights int32_t landRightsToolSize = std::max(1, _landRightsToolSize); int32_t size = (landRightsToolSize * 32) - 32; int32_t radius = (landRightsToolSize * 16) - 16; mapCoords = (mapCoords - CoordsXY{ radius, radius }).ToTileStart(); MapInvalidateSelectionRect(); gMapSelectFlags |= MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE; gMapSelectType = MAP_SELECT_TYPE_FULL; gMapSelectPositionA = mapCoords; gMapSelectPositionB = mapCoords + CoordsXY{ size, size }; MapInvalidateSelectionRect(); auto landSetRightsAction = LandSetRightsAction( { gMapSelectPositionA.x, gMapSelectPositionA.y, gMapSelectPositionB.x, gMapSelectPositionB.y }, LandSetRightSetting::SetOwnershipWithChecks, _activeTool << 4); GameActions::Execute(&landSetRightsAction); } } void OnScrollMouseDrag(int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) override { OnScrollMouseDown(scrollIndex, screenCoords); } void OnScrollDraw(int32_t scrollIndex, rct_drawpixelinfo& dpi) override { GfxClear(&dpi, PALETTE_INDEX_10); rct_g1_element g1temp = {}; g1temp.offset = _mapImageData.data(); g1temp.width = MAP_WINDOW_MAP_SIZE; g1temp.height = MAP_WINDOW_MAP_SIZE; g1temp.x_offset = -8; g1temp.y_offset = -8; GfxSetG1Element(SPR_TEMP, &g1temp); drawing_engine_invalidate_image(SPR_TEMP); GfxDrawSprite(&dpi, ImageId(SPR_TEMP), { 0, 0 }); if (selected_tab == PAGE_PEEPS) { PaintPeepOverlay(&dpi); } else { PaintTrainOverlay(&dpi); } PaintHudRectangle(&dpi); } void OnPrepareDraw() override { // Set the pressed widgets pressed_widgets = 0; SetWidgetPressed(WIDX_MAP_SIZE_LINK, _mapWidthAndHeightLinked); pressed_widgets |= (1uLL << (WIDX_PEOPLE_TAB + selected_tab)); pressed_widgets |= (1uLL << WIDX_LAND_TOOL); if (_activeTool & (1 << 3)) pressed_widgets |= (1uLL << WIDX_LAND_SALE_CHECKBOX); if (_activeTool & (1 << 2)) pressed_widgets |= (1uLL << WIDX_CONSTRUCTION_RIGHTS_SALE_CHECKBOX); if (_activeTool & (1 << 1)) pressed_widgets |= (1uLL << WIDX_LAND_OWNED_CHECKBOX); if (_activeTool & (1 << 0)) pressed_widgets |= (1uLL << WIDX_CONSTRUCTION_RIGHTS_OWNED_CHECKBOX); // Set disabled widgets SetWidgetDisabled(WIDX_MAP_SIZE_LINK, gMapSize.x != gMapSize.y); // Resize widgets to window size ResizeFrameWithPage(); widgets[WIDX_MAP].right = width - 4; if ((gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_SCENARIO_EDITOR) || gCheatsSandboxMode) widgets[WIDX_MAP].bottom = height - 1 - 72; else if (selected_tab == PAGE_RIDES) widgets[WIDX_MAP].bottom = height - 1 - (4 * LIST_ROW_HEIGHT + 4); else widgets[WIDX_MAP].bottom = height - 1 - 14; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y].top = height - 15; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y].bottom = height - 4; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y_UP].top = height - 14; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y_UP].bottom = height - 5; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y_DOWN].top = height - 14; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y_DOWN].bottom = height - 5; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_LINK].top = height - 15; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_LINK].bottom = height - 4; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X].top = height - 15; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X].bottom = height - 4; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X_UP].top = height - 14; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X_UP].bottom = height - 5; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X_DOWN].top = height - 14; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X_DOWN].bottom = height - 5; widgets[WIDX_SET_LAND_RIGHTS].top = height - 70; widgets[WIDX_SET_LAND_RIGHTS].bottom = height - 70 + 23; widgets[WIDX_BUILD_PARK_ENTRANCE].top = height - 46; widgets[WIDX_BUILD_PARK_ENTRANCE].bottom = height - 46 + 23; widgets[WIDX_ROTATE_90].top = height - 46; widgets[WIDX_ROTATE_90].bottom = height - 46 + 23; widgets[WIDX_PEOPLE_STARTING_POSITION].top = height - 46; widgets[WIDX_PEOPLE_STARTING_POSITION].bottom = height - 46 + 23; widgets[WIDX_LAND_TOOL].top = height - 42; widgets[WIDX_LAND_TOOL].bottom = height - 42 + 30; widgets[WIDX_LAND_TOOL_SMALLER].top = height - 41; widgets[WIDX_LAND_TOOL_SMALLER].bottom = height - 41 + 15; widgets[WIDX_LAND_TOOL_LARGER].top = height - 27; widgets[WIDX_LAND_TOOL_LARGER].bottom = height - 27 + 15; widgets[WIDX_MAP_GENERATOR].top = height - 69; widgets[WIDX_MAP_GENERATOR].bottom = height - 69 + 13; // Land tool mode (4 checkboxes) int checkboxY = height - 55; for (int32_t i = WIDX_LAND_OWNED_CHECKBOX; i <= WIDX_CONSTRUCTION_RIGHTS_SALE_CHECKBOX; i++) { widgets[i].top = checkboxY; checkboxY += 11; widgets[i].bottom = checkboxY; checkboxY += 2; } // Disable all scenario editor related widgets for (int32_t i = WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y; i <= WIDX_MAP_GENERATOR; i++) { widgets[i].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; } if ((gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_SCENARIO_EDITOR) || gCheatsSandboxMode) { // scenario editor: build park entrance selected, show rotate button if ((input_test_flag(INPUT_FLAG_TOOL_ACTIVE)) && gCurrentToolWidget.window_classification == WindowClass::Map && gCurrentToolWidget.widget_index == WIDX_BUILD_PARK_ENTRANCE) { widgets[WIDX_ROTATE_90].type = WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn; } // Always show set land rights button widgets[WIDX_SET_LAND_RIGHTS].type = WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn; // If any tool is active if ((input_test_flag(INPUT_FLAG_TOOL_ACTIVE)) && gCurrentToolWidget.window_classification == WindowClass::Map) { // if not in set land rights mode: show the default scenario editor buttons if (gCurrentToolWidget.widget_index != WIDX_SET_LAND_RIGHTS) { ShowDefaultScenarioEditorButtons(); } else { // if in set land rights mode: show land tool buttons + modes widgets[WIDX_LAND_TOOL].type = WindowWidgetType::ImgBtn; widgets[WIDX_LAND_TOOL_SMALLER].type = WindowWidgetType::TrnBtn; widgets[WIDX_LAND_TOOL_LARGER].type = WindowWidgetType::TrnBtn; for (int32_t i = WIDX_LAND_OWNED_CHECKBOX; i <= WIDX_CONSTRUCTION_RIGHTS_SALE_CHECKBOX; i++) widgets[i].type = WindowWidgetType::Checkbox; widgets[WIDX_LAND_TOOL].image = ImageId(LandTool::SizeToSpriteIndex(_landRightsToolSize)); } } else { // if no tool is active: show the default scenario editor buttons ShowDefaultScenarioEditorButtons(); } } } void OnDraw(rct_drawpixelinfo& dpi) override { DrawWidgets(dpi); DrawTabImages(&dpi); auto screenCoords = windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ window_map_widgets[WIDX_LAND_TOOL].midX(), window_map_widgets[WIDX_LAND_TOOL].midY() }; // Draw land tool size if (WidgetIsActiveTool(*this, WIDX_SET_LAND_RIGHTS) && _landRightsToolSize > MAX_TOOL_SIZE_WITH_SPRITE) { auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(_landRightsToolSize); DrawTextBasic(&dpi, screenCoords - ScreenCoordsXY{ 0, 2 }, STR_LAND_TOOL_SIZE_VALUE, ft, { TextAlignment::CENTRE }); } screenCoords.y = windowPos.y + window_map_widgets[WIDX_LAND_TOOL].bottom + 5; // People starting position (scenario editor only) if (widgets[WIDX_PEOPLE_STARTING_POSITION].type != WindowWidgetType::Empty) { screenCoords = windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ widgets[WIDX_PEOPLE_STARTING_POSITION].left + 12, widgets[WIDX_PEOPLE_STARTING_POSITION].top + 18 }; GfxDrawSprite(&dpi, ImageId(SPR_6410, COLOUR_BRIGHT_RED, COLOUR_LIGHT_BROWN), screenCoords); } if (!(gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_SCENARIO_EDITOR) && !gCheatsSandboxMode) { // Render the map legend if (selected_tab == PAGE_RIDES) { screenCoords = windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ 4, widgets[WIDX_MAP].bottom + 2 }; static constexpr StringId _mapLabels[] = { STR_MAP_RIDE, STR_MAP_FOOD_STALL, STR_MAP_DRINK_STALL, STR_MAP_SOUVENIR_STALL, STR_MAP_INFO_KIOSK, STR_MAP_FIRST_AID, STR_MAP_CASH_MACHINE, STR_MAP_TOILET, }; static_assert(std::size(RideKeyColours) == std::size(_mapLabels)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < std::size(RideKeyColours); i++) { GfxFillRect( &dpi, { screenCoords + ScreenCoordsXY{ 0, 2 }, screenCoords + ScreenCoordsXY{ 6, 8 } }, RideKeyColours[i]); DrawTextBasic(&dpi, screenCoords + ScreenCoordsXY{ LIST_ROW_HEIGHT, 0 }, _mapLabels[i], {}); screenCoords.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; if (i == 3) { screenCoords += { 118, -(LIST_ROW_HEIGHT * 4) }; } } } } else if (!WidgetIsActiveTool(*this, WIDX_SET_LAND_RIGHTS)) { DrawTextBasic( &dpi, windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ 4, widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y].top + 1 }, STR_MAP_SIZE, {}, { colours[1] }); } } void ResetMap() { InitMap(); CentreMapOnViewPoint(); } private: void InitMap() { std::fill(_mapImageData.begin(), _mapImageData.end(), PALETTE_INDEX_10); _currentLine = 0; } void CentreMapOnViewPoint() { rct_window* mainWindow = WindowGetMain(); int16_t ax, bx, cx, dx; int16_t bp, di; if (mainWindow == nullptr || mainWindow->viewport == nullptr) return; auto offset = MiniMapOffsets[GetCurrentRotation()]; // calculate centre view point of viewport and transform it to minimap coordinates cx = ((mainWindow->viewport->view_width >> 1) + mainWindow->viewport->viewPos.x) >> 5; dx = ((mainWindow->viewport->view_height >> 1) + mainWindow->viewport->viewPos.y) >> 4; cx += offset.x; dx += offset.y; // calculate width and height of minimap ax = widgets[WIDX_MAP].width() - 11; bx = widgets[WIDX_MAP].height() - 11; bp = ax; di = bx; ax >>= 1; bx >>= 1; cx = std::max(cx - ax, 0); dx = std::max(dx - bx, 0); bp = scrolls[0].h_right - bp; di = scrolls[0].v_bottom - di; if (bp < 0 && (bp - cx) < 0) cx = 0; if (di < 0 && (di - dx) < 0) dx = 0; scrolls[0].h_left = cx; scrolls[0].v_top = dx; WidgetScrollUpdateThumbs(*this, WIDX_MAP); } void IncreaseMapSize() { auto newMapSize = gMapSize; if (IsWidgetPressed(WIDX_MAP_SIZE_LINK) || _resizeDirection == ResizeDirection::Y) newMapSize.y++; if (IsWidgetPressed(WIDX_MAP_SIZE_LINK) || _resizeDirection == ResizeDirection::X) newMapSize.x++; auto increaseMapSizeAction = MapChangeSizeAction(newMapSize); GameActions::Execute(&increaseMapSizeAction); } void DecreaseMapSize() { auto newMapSize = gMapSize; if (IsWidgetPressed(WIDX_MAP_SIZE_LINK) || _resizeDirection == ResizeDirection::Y) newMapSize.y--; if (IsWidgetPressed(WIDX_MAP_SIZE_LINK) || _resizeDirection == ResizeDirection::X) newMapSize.x--; auto decreaseMapSizeAction = MapChangeSizeAction(newMapSize); GameActions::Execute(&decreaseMapSizeAction); } void SetMapPixels() { int32_t x = 0, y = 0, dx = 0, dy = 0; int32_t pos = (_currentLine * (MAP_WINDOW_MAP_SIZE - 1)) + MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL - 1; auto destinationPosition = ScreenCoordsXY{ pos % MAP_WINDOW_MAP_SIZE, pos / MAP_WINDOW_MAP_SIZE }; auto destination = _mapImageData.data() + (destinationPosition.y * MAP_WINDOW_MAP_SIZE) + destinationPosition.x; switch (GetCurrentRotation()) { case 0: x = _currentLine * COORDS_XY_STEP; y = 0; dx = 0; dy = COORDS_XY_STEP; break; case 1: x = MAXIMUM_TILE_START_XY; y = _currentLine * COORDS_XY_STEP; dx = -COORDS_XY_STEP; dy = 0; break; case 2: x = MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_BIG - ((_currentLine + 1) * COORDS_XY_STEP); y = MAXIMUM_TILE_START_XY; dx = 0; dy = -COORDS_XY_STEP; break; case 3: x = 0; y = MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_BIG - ((_currentLine + 1) * COORDS_XY_STEP); dx = COORDS_XY_STEP; dy = 0; break; } for (int32_t i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL; i++) { if (!MapIsEdge({ x, y })) { uint16_t colour = 0; switch (selected_tab) { case PAGE_PEEPS: colour = GetPixelColourPeep({ x, y }); break; case PAGE_RIDES: colour = GetPixelColourRide({ x, y }); break; } destination[0] = (colour >> 8) & 0xFF; destination[1] = colour; } x += dx; y += dy; destinationPosition.x++; destinationPosition.y++; destination = _mapImageData.data() + (destinationPosition.y * MAP_WINDOW_MAP_SIZE) + destinationPosition.x; } _currentLine++; if (_currentLine >= MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL) _currentLine = 0; } uint16_t GetPixelColourPeep(const CoordsXY& c) { auto* surfaceElement = MapGetSurfaceElementAt(c); if (surfaceElement == nullptr) return 0; uint16_t colour = MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_0); const auto* surfaceObject = surfaceElement->GetSurfaceStyleObject(); if (surfaceObject != nullptr) colour = MapColour2(surfaceObject->MapColours[0], surfaceObject->MapColours[1]); if (surfaceElement->GetWaterHeight() > 0) colour = WaterColour; if (!(surfaceElement->GetOwnership() & OWNERSHIP_OWNED)) colour = MapColourUnowned(colour); const int32_t maxSupportedTileElementType = static_cast(std::size(ElementTypeAddColour)); auto tileElement = reinterpret_cast(surfaceElement); while (!(tileElement++)->IsLastForTile()) { if (tileElement->IsGhost()) { colour = MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_21); break; } auto tileElementType = tileElement->GetType(); if (EnumValue(tileElementType) >= maxSupportedTileElementType) { tileElementType = TileElementType::Surface; } colour &= ElementTypeMaskColour[EnumValue(tileElementType)]; colour |= ElementTypeAddColour[EnumValue(tileElementType)]; } return colour; } uint16_t GetPixelColourRide(const CoordsXY& c) { uint16_t colourA = 0; // highlight colour uint16_t colourB = MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_13); // surface colour (dark grey) // as an improvement we could use first_element to show underground stuff? TileElement* tileElement = reinterpret_cast(MapGetSurfaceElementAt(c)); do { if (tileElement == nullptr) break; if (tileElement->IsGhost()) { colourA = MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_21); break; } switch (tileElement->GetType()) { case TileElementType::Surface: if (tileElement->AsSurface()->GetWaterHeight() > 0) // Why is this a different water colour as above (195)? colourB = MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_194); if (!(tileElement->AsSurface()->GetOwnership() & OWNERSHIP_OWNED)) colourB = MapColourUnowned(colourB); break; case TileElementType::Path: colourA = MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_14); // lighter grey break; case TileElementType::Entrance: { if (tileElement->AsEntrance()->GetEntranceType() == ENTRANCE_TYPE_PARK_ENTRANCE) break; Ride* targetRide = get_ride(tileElement->AsEntrance()->GetRideIndex()); if (targetRide != nullptr) { const auto& colourKey = targetRide->GetRideTypeDescriptor().ColourKey; colourA = RideKeyColours[static_cast(colourKey)]; } break; } case TileElementType::Track: { Ride* targetRide = get_ride(tileElement->AsTrack()->GetRideIndex()); if (targetRide != nullptr) { const auto& colourKey = targetRide->GetRideTypeDescriptor().ColourKey; colourA = RideKeyColours[static_cast(colourKey)]; } break; } default: break; } } while (!(tileElement++)->IsLastForTile()); if (colourA != 0) return colourA; return colourB; } void PaintPeepOverlay(rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { auto flashColour = GetGuestFlashColour(); for (auto guest : EntityList()) { DrawMapPeepPixel(guest, flashColour, dpi); } flashColour = GetStaffFlashColour(); for (auto staff : EntityList()) { DrawMapPeepPixel(staff, flashColour, dpi); } } void DrawMapPeepPixel(Peep* peep, const uint8_t flashColour, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { if (peep->x == LOCATION_NULL) return; MapCoordsXY c = TransformToMapCoords({ peep->x, peep->y }); auto leftTop = ScreenCoordsXY{ c.x, c.y }; auto rightBottom = leftTop; uint8_t colour = DefaultPeepMapColour; if (EntityGetFlashing(peep)) { colour = flashColour; // If flashing then map peep pixel size is increased (by moving left top downwards) if (flashColour != DefaultPeepMapColour) { leftTop.x--; } } GfxFillRect(dpi, { leftTop, rightBottom }, colour); } static uint8_t GetGuestFlashColour() { uint8_t colour = DefaultPeepMapColour; if ((gWindowMapFlashingFlags & MapFlashingFlags::FlashGuests) != 0) { colour = GuestMapColour; if ((gWindowMapFlashingFlags & MapFlashingFlags::SwitchColour) == 0) colour = GuestMapColourAlternate; } return colour; } static uint8_t GetStaffFlashColour() { uint8_t colour = DefaultPeepMapColour; if ((gWindowMapFlashingFlags & MapFlashingFlags::FlashStaff) != 0) { colour = StaffMapColour; if ((gWindowMapFlashingFlags & MapFlashingFlags::SwitchColour) == 0) colour = StaffMapColourAlternate; } return colour; } void PaintTrainOverlay(rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { for (auto train : TrainManager::View()) { for (Vehicle* vehicle = train; vehicle != nullptr; vehicle = GetEntity(vehicle->next_vehicle_on_train)) { if (vehicle->x == LOCATION_NULL) continue; MapCoordsXY c = TransformToMapCoords({ vehicle->x, vehicle->y }); GfxFillRect(dpi, { { c.x, c.y }, { c.x, c.y } }, PALETTE_INDEX_171); } } } /** * The call to GfxFillRect was originally wrapped in sub_68DABD which made sure that arguments were ordered correctly, * but it doesn't look like it's ever necessary here so the call was removed. */ void PaintHudRectangle(rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { rct_window* mainWindow = WindowGetMain(); if (mainWindow == nullptr) return; rct_viewport* mainViewport = mainWindow->viewport; if (mainViewport == nullptr) return; auto offset = MiniMapOffsets[GetCurrentRotation()]; auto leftTop = ScreenCoordsXY{ (mainViewport->viewPos.x >> 5) + offset.x, (mainViewport->viewPos.y >> 4) + offset.y }; auto rightBottom = ScreenCoordsXY{ ((mainViewport->viewPos.x + mainViewport->view_width) >> 5) + offset.x, ((mainViewport->viewPos.y + mainViewport->view_height) >> 4) + offset.y }; auto rightTop = ScreenCoordsXY{ rightBottom.x, leftTop.y }; auto leftBottom = ScreenCoordsXY{ leftTop.x, rightBottom.y }; // top horizontal lines GfxFillRect(dpi, { leftTop, leftTop + ScreenCoordsXY{ 3, 0 } }, PALETTE_INDEX_56); GfxFillRect(dpi, { rightTop - ScreenCoordsXY{ 3, 0 }, rightTop }, PALETTE_INDEX_56); // left vertical lines GfxFillRect(dpi, { leftTop, leftTop + ScreenCoordsXY{ 0, 3 } }, PALETTE_INDEX_56); GfxFillRect(dpi, { leftBottom - ScreenCoordsXY{ 0, 3 }, leftBottom }, PALETTE_INDEX_56); // bottom horizontal lines GfxFillRect(dpi, { leftBottom, leftBottom + ScreenCoordsXY{ 3, 0 } }, PALETTE_INDEX_56); GfxFillRect(dpi, { rightBottom - ScreenCoordsXY{ 3, 0 }, rightBottom }, PALETTE_INDEX_56); // right vertical lines GfxFillRect(dpi, { rightTop, rightTop + ScreenCoordsXY{ 0, 3 } }, PALETTE_INDEX_56); GfxFillRect(dpi, { rightBottom - ScreenCoordsXY{ 0, 3 }, rightBottom }, PALETTE_INDEX_56); } void DrawTabImages(rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { // Guest tab image (animated) uint32_t guestTabImage = SPR_TAB_GUESTS_0; if (selected_tab == PAGE_PEEPS) guestTabImage += list_information_type / 4; GfxDrawSprite( dpi, ImageId(guestTabImage), windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ widgets[WIDX_PEOPLE_TAB].left, widgets[WIDX_PEOPLE_TAB].top }); // Ride/stall tab image (animated) uint32_t rideTabImage = SPR_TAB_RIDE_0; if (selected_tab == PAGE_RIDES) rideTabImage += list_information_type / 4; GfxDrawSprite( dpi, ImageId(rideTabImage), windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ widgets[WIDX_RIDES_TAB].left, widgets[WIDX_RIDES_TAB].top }); } void ShowDefaultScenarioEditorButtons() { widgets[WIDX_BUILD_PARK_ENTRANCE].type = WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn; widgets[WIDX_PEOPLE_STARTING_POSITION].type = WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y].type = WindowWidgetType::Spinner; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y_UP].type = WindowWidgetType::Button; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y_DOWN].type = WindowWidgetType::Button; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_LINK].type = WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X].type = WindowWidgetType::Spinner; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X_UP].type = WindowWidgetType::Button; widgets[WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_X_DOWN].type = WindowWidgetType::Button; // Only show this in the scenario editor, even when in sandbox mode. if (gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_SCENARIO_EDITOR) widgets[WIDX_MAP_GENERATOR].type = WindowWidgetType::Button; // Push width (Y) and height (X) to the common formatter arguments for the map size spinners to use auto ft = Formatter::Common(); ft.Add(gMapSize.y - 2); ft.Add(gMapSize.x - 2); } void InputLandSize() { Formatter ft; ft.Add(MINIMUM_TOOL_SIZE); ft.Add(MAXIMUM_TOOL_SIZE); TextInputOpen(WIDX_LAND_TOOL, STR_SELECTION_SIZE, STR_ENTER_SELECTION_SIZE, ft, STR_NONE, STR_NONE, 3); } void InputMapSize(WidgetIndex callingWidget) { if (IsWidgetPressed(WIDX_MAP_SIZE_LINK)) _resizeDirection = ResizeDirection::Both; else _resizeDirection = (callingWidget == WIDX_MAP_SIZE_SPINNER_Y) ? ResizeDirection::Y : ResizeDirection::X; Formatter ft; ft.Add(MINIMUM_MAP_SIZE_PRACTICAL); ft.Add(MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_PRACTICAL); TextInputOpen(callingWidget, STR_MAP_SIZE_2, STR_ENTER_MAP_SIZE, ft, STR_NONE, STR_NONE, 4); } CoordsXY ScreenToMap(ScreenCoordsXY screenCoords) { screenCoords.x = ((screenCoords.x + 8) - MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL) / 2; screenCoords.y = ((screenCoords.y + 8)) / 2; auto location = TileCoordsXY(screenCoords.y - screenCoords.x, screenCoords.x + screenCoords.y).ToCoordsXY(); switch (GetCurrentRotation()) { case 0: return location; case 1: return { MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_BIG - 1 - location.y, location.x }; case 2: return { MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_BIG - 1 - location.x, MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_BIG - 1 - location.y }; case 3: return { location.y, MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_BIG - 1 - location.x }; } return { 0, 0 }; // unreachable } MapCoordsXY TransformToMapCoords(CoordsXY c) { int32_t x = c.x, y = c.y; switch (GetCurrentRotation()) { case 3: std::swap(x, y); x = MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_BIG - 1 - x; break; case 2: x = MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_BIG - 1 - x; y = MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_BIG - 1 - y; break; case 1: std::swap(x, y); y = MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_BIG - 1 - y; break; case 0: break; } x /= 32; y /= 32; return { -x + y + MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL - 8, x + y - 8 }; } uint8_t _activeTool; uint32_t _currentLine; uint16_t _landRightsToolSize; std::vector _mapImageData; bool _mapWidthAndHeightLinked{ true }; enum class ResizeDirection { Both, X, Y, } _resizeDirection{ ResizeDirection::Both }; static constexpr const uint16_t RideKeyColours[] = { MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_61), // COLOUR_KEY_RIDE MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_42), // COLOUR_KEY_FOOD MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_20), // COLOUR_KEY_DRINK MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_209), // COLOUR_KEY_SOUVENIR MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_136), // COLOUR_KEY_KIOSK MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_102), // COLOUR_KEY_FIRST_AID MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_55), // COLOUR_KEY_CASH_MACHINE MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_161), // COLOUR_KEY_TOILETS }; static constexpr const uint8_t DefaultPeepMapColour = PALETTE_INDEX_20; static constexpr const uint8_t GuestMapColour = PALETTE_INDEX_172; static constexpr const uint8_t GuestMapColourAlternate = PALETTE_INDEX_21; static constexpr const uint8_t StaffMapColour = PALETTE_INDEX_138; static constexpr const uint8_t StaffMapColourAlternate = PALETTE_INDEX_10; static constexpr const uint16_t WaterColour = MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_195); static constexpr const uint16_t ElementTypeMaskColour[] = { 0xFFFF, // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_SURFACE 0x0000, // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_PATH 0x00FF, // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_TRACK 0xFF00, // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_SMALL_SCENERY 0x0000, // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_ENTRANCE 0xFFFF, // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_WALL 0x0000, // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_LARGE_SCENERY 0xFFFF, // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_BANNER }; static constexpr const uint16_t ElementTypeAddColour[] = { MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_0), // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_SURFACE MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_17), // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_PATH MapColour2(PALETTE_INDEX_183, PALETTE_INDEX_0), // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_TRACK MapColour2(PALETTE_INDEX_0, PALETTE_INDEX_99), // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_SMALL_SCENERY MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_186), // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_ENTRANCE MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_0), // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_WALL MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_99), // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_LARGE_SCENERY MapColour(PALETTE_INDEX_0), // TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_BANNER }; }; rct_window* WindowMapOpen() { try { rct_window* w = WindowFocusOrCreate(WindowClass::Map, 245, 259, WF_10); w->selected_tab = 0; w->list_information_type = 0; return w; } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return nullptr; } } void WindowMapReset() { rct_window* w; // Check if window is even opened w = WindowBringToFrontByClass(WindowClass::Map); if (w == nullptr) { return; } auto* mapWindow = static_cast(w); mapWindow->ResetMap(); }