/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2022 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef _WIN32 // Windows.h needs to be included first # include // Then the rest # include "../Version.h" # include # include # include # include # undef GetEnvironmentVariable # include "../OpenRCT2.h" # include "../common.h" # include "../core/Path.hpp" # include "../core/String.hpp" # include "../localisation/Date.h" # include "../localisation/Language.h" # include "Platform.h" # include # include # include // Native resource IDs # include "../../../resources/resource.h" // Enable visual styles # pragma comment( \ linker, \ "\"/manifestdependency:type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"") static uint32_t _frequency = 0; static LARGE_INTEGER _entryTimestamp; // The name of the mutex used to prevent multiple instances of the game from running static constexpr wchar_t SINGLE_INSTANCE_MUTEX_NAME[] = L"RollerCoaster Tycoon 2_GSKMUTEX"; # define SOFTWARE_CLASSES L"Software\\Classes" # define MUI_CACHE L"Local Settings\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Shell\\MuiCache" char* strndup(const char* src, size_t size) { size_t len = strnlen(src, size); char* dst = reinterpret_cast(malloc(len + 1)); if (dst == nullptr) { return nullptr; } dst = reinterpret_cast(std::memcpy(dst, src, len)); dst[len] = '\0'; return dst; } namespace Platform { static std::string WIN32_GetKnownFolderPath(REFKNOWNFOLDERID rfid); static std::string WIN32_GetModuleFileNameW(HMODULE hModule); std::string GetEnvironmentVariable(std::string_view name) { std::wstring result; auto wname = String::ToWideChar(name); wchar_t wvalue[256]; auto valueSize = GetEnvironmentVariableW(wname.c_str(), wvalue, static_cast(std::size(wvalue))); if (valueSize < std::size(wvalue)) { result = wvalue; } else { auto wlvalue = new wchar_t[valueSize]; GetEnvironmentVariableW(wname.c_str(), wlvalue, valueSize); result = wlvalue; delete[] wlvalue; } return String::ToUtf8(result); } static std::string GetHomePathViaEnvironment() { std::string result; auto homedrive = GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMEDRIVE"); auto homepath = GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMEPATH"); if (!homedrive.empty() && !homepath.empty()) { result = Path::Combine(homedrive, homepath); } return result; } std::string GetFolderPath(SPECIAL_FOLDER folder) { switch (folder) { // We currently store everything under Documents/OpenRCT2 case SPECIAL_FOLDER::USER_CACHE: case SPECIAL_FOLDER::USER_CONFIG: case SPECIAL_FOLDER::USER_DATA: { auto path = WIN32_GetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_Documents); if (path.empty()) { path = GetFolderPath(SPECIAL_FOLDER::USER_HOME); } return path; } case SPECIAL_FOLDER::USER_HOME: { auto path = WIN32_GetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_Profile); if (path.empty()) { path = GetHomePathViaEnvironment(); if (path.empty()) { path = "C:\\"; } } return path; } case SPECIAL_FOLDER::RCT2_DISCORD: { auto path = WIN32_GetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_LocalAppData); if (!path.empty()) { path = Path::Combine(path, u8"DiscordGames\\RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Triple Thrill Pack\\content\\Game"); } return path; } default: return std::string(); } } std::string GetCurrentExecutableDirectory() { auto exePath = GetCurrentExecutablePath(); auto exeDirectory = Path::GetDirectory(exePath); return exeDirectory; } std::string GetInstallPath() { auto path = std::string(gCustomOpenRCT2DataPath); if (!path.empty()) { path = Path::GetAbsolute(path); } else { auto exeDirectory = GetCurrentExecutableDirectory(); path = Path::Combine(exeDirectory, u8"data"); } return path; } std::string GetCurrentExecutablePath() { return WIN32_GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr); } std::string GetDocsPath() { return GetCurrentExecutableDirectory(); } static SYSTEMTIME TimeToSystemTime(std::time_t timestamp) { ULARGE_INTEGER time_value; time_value.QuadPart = (timestamp * 10000000LL) + 116444736000000000LL; FILETIME ft; ft.dwLowDateTime = time_value.LowPart; ft.dwHighDateTime = time_value.HighPart; SYSTEMTIME st; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st); return st; } std::string FormatShortDate(std::time_t timestamp) { SYSTEMTIME st = TimeToSystemTime(timestamp); std::string result; wchar_t date[20]; ptrdiff_t charsWritten = GetDateFormatEx( LOCALE_NAME_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &st, nullptr, date, static_cast(std::size(date)), nullptr); if (charsWritten != 0) { result = String::ToUtf8(std::wstring_view(date, charsWritten - 1)); } return result; } std::string FormatTime(std::time_t timestamp) { SYSTEMTIME st = TimeToSystemTime(timestamp); std::string result; wchar_t time[20]; ptrdiff_t charsWritten = GetTimeFormatEx( LOCALE_NAME_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &st, nullptr, time, static_cast(std::size(time))); if (charsWritten != 0) { result = String::ToUtf8(std::wstring_view(time, charsWritten - 1)); } return result; } bool IsOSVersionAtLeast(uint32_t major, uint32_t minor, uint32_t build) { bool result = false; auto hModule = GetModuleHandleW(L"ntdll.dll"); if (hModule != nullptr) { using RtlGetVersionPtr = long(WINAPI*)(PRTL_OSVERSIONINFOW); # if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 8 # pragma GCC diagnostic push # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-function-type" # endif auto fn = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(hModule, "RtlGetVersion")); # if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 8 # pragma GCC diagnostic pop # endif if (fn != nullptr) { RTL_OSVERSIONINFOW rovi{}; rovi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(rovi); if (fn(&rovi) == 0) { if (rovi.dwMajorVersion > major || (rovi.dwMajorVersion == major && (rovi.dwMinorVersion > minor || (rovi.dwMinorVersion == minor && rovi.dwBuildNumber >= build)))) { result = true; } } } } return result; } bool IsRunningInWine() { HMODULE ntdllMod = GetModuleHandleW(L"ntdll.dll"); if (ntdllMod && GetProcAddress(ntdllMod, "wine_get_version")) { return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if the current version of Windows supports ANSI colour codes. * From Windows 10, build 10586 ANSI escape colour codes can be used on stdout. */ static bool HasANSIColourSupport() { return IsOSVersionAtLeast(10, 0, 10586); } static void EnableANSIConsole() { if (HasANSIColourSupport()) { auto handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); DWORD mode; GetConsoleMode(handle, &mode); if (!(mode & ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING)) { mode |= ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING; SetConsoleMode(handle, mode); } } } bool IsColourTerminalSupported() { static bool hasChecked = false; static bool isSupported = false; if (!hasChecked) { if (HasANSIColourSupport()) { EnableANSIConsole(); isSupported = true; } else { isSupported = false; } hasChecked = true; } return isSupported; } static std::string WIN32_GetKnownFolderPath(REFKNOWNFOLDERID rfid) { std::string path; wchar_t* wpath = nullptr; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetKnownFolderPath(rfid, KF_FLAG_CREATE, nullptr, &wpath))) { path = String::ToUtf8(wpath); } CoTaskMemFree(wpath); return path; } static std::string WIN32_GetModuleFileNameW(HMODULE hModule) { uint32_t wExePathCapacity = MAX_PATH; std::unique_ptr wExePath; uint32_t size; do { wExePathCapacity *= 2; wExePath = std::make_unique(wExePathCapacity); size = GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, wExePath.get(), wExePathCapacity); } while (size >= wExePathCapacity); return String::ToUtf8(wExePath.get()); } u8string StrDecompToPrecomp(u8string_view input) { return u8string(input); } void SetUpFileAssociations() { // Setup file extensions SetUpFileAssociation(".park", "OpenRCT2 park (.park)", "Play", "\"%1\"", 0); SetUpFileAssociation(".sc4", "RCT1 Scenario (.sc4)", "Play", "\"%1\"", 0); SetUpFileAssociation(".sc6", "RCT2 Scenario (.sc6)", "Play", "\"%1\"", 0); SetUpFileAssociation(".sv4", "RCT1 Saved Game (.sc4)", "Play", "\"%1\"", 0); SetUpFileAssociation(".sv6", "RCT2 Saved Game (.sv6)", "Play", "\"%1\"", 0); SetUpFileAssociation(".sv7", "RCT Modified Saved Game (.sv7)", "Play", "\"%1\"", 0); SetUpFileAssociation(".sea", "RCTC Saved Game (.sea)", "Play", "\"%1\"", 0); SetUpFileAssociation(".td4", "RCT1 Track Design (.td4)", "Install", "\"%1\"", 0); SetUpFileAssociation(".td6", "RCT2 Track Design (.td6)", "Install", "\"%1\"", 0); // Refresh explorer SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, nullptr, nullptr); } static HMODULE _dllModule = nullptr; static HMODULE GetDLLModule() { if (_dllModule == nullptr) { _dllModule = GetModuleHandle(nullptr); } return _dllModule; } static std::wstring get_progIdName(std::string_view extension) { auto progIdName = std::string(OPENRCT2_NAME) + std::string(extension); auto progIdNameW = String::ToWideChar(progIdName); return progIdNameW; } bool SetUpFileAssociation( std::string_view extension, std::string_view fileTypeText, std::string_view commandText, std::string_view commandArgs, const uint32_t iconIndex) { wchar_t exePathW[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t dllPathW[MAX_PATH]; [[maybe_unused]] int32_t printResult; GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, exePathW, static_cast(std::size(exePathW))); GetModuleFileNameW(GetDLLModule(), dllPathW, static_cast(std::size(dllPathW))); auto extensionW = String::ToWideChar(extension); auto fileTypeTextW = String::ToWideChar(fileTypeText); auto commandTextW = String::ToWideChar(commandText); auto commandArgsW = String::ToWideChar(commandArgs); auto progIdNameW = get_progIdName(extension); HKEY hKey = nullptr; HKEY hRootKey = nullptr; // [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes] if (RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SOFTWARE_CLASSES, &hRootKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hRootKey); return false; } // [hRootKey\.ext] if (RegSetValueW(hRootKey, extensionW.c_str(), REG_SZ, progIdNameW.c_str(), 0) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hRootKey); return false; } if (RegCreateKeyW(hRootKey, progIdNameW.c_str(), &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); RegCloseKey(hRootKey); return false; } // [hRootKey\OpenRCT2.ext] if (RegSetValueW(hKey, nullptr, REG_SZ, fileTypeTextW.c_str(), 0) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); RegCloseKey(hRootKey); return false; } // [hRootKey\OpenRCT2.ext\DefaultIcon] wchar_t szIconW[MAX_PATH]; printResult = swprintf_s(szIconW, MAX_PATH, L"\"%s\",%d", dllPathW, iconIndex); assert(printResult >= 0); if (RegSetValueW(hKey, L"DefaultIcon", REG_SZ, szIconW, 0) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); RegCloseKey(hRootKey); return false; } // [hRootKey\OpenRCT2.sv6\shell] if (RegSetValueW(hKey, L"shell", REG_SZ, L"open", 0) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); RegCloseKey(hRootKey); return false; } // [hRootKey\OpenRCT2.sv6\shell\open] if (RegSetValueW(hKey, L"shell\\open", REG_SZ, commandTextW.c_str(), 0) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); RegCloseKey(hRootKey); return false; } // [hRootKey\OpenRCT2.sv6\shell\open\command] wchar_t szCommandW[MAX_PATH]; printResult = swprintf_s(szCommandW, MAX_PATH, L"\"%s\" %s", exePathW, commandArgsW.c_str()); assert(printResult >= 0); if (RegSetValueW(hKey, L"shell\\open\\command", REG_SZ, szCommandW, 0) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); RegCloseKey(hRootKey); return false; } return true; } static void RemoveFileAssociation(const utf8* extension) { // [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes] HKEY hRootKey; if (RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SOFTWARE_CLASSES, &hRootKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // [hRootKey\.ext] RegDeleteTreeW(hRootKey, String::ToWideChar(extension).c_str()); // [hRootKey\OpenRCT2.ext] auto progIdName = get_progIdName(extension); RegDeleteTreeW(hRootKey, progIdName.c_str()); RegCloseKey(hRootKey); } } void RemoveFileAssociations() { // Remove file extensions RemoveFileAssociation(".park"); RemoveFileAssociation(".sc4"); RemoveFileAssociation(".sc6"); RemoveFileAssociation(".sv4"); RemoveFileAssociation(".sv6"); RemoveFileAssociation(".sv7"); RemoveFileAssociation(".sea"); RemoveFileAssociation(".td4"); RemoveFileAssociation(".td6"); // Refresh explorer SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, nullptr, nullptr); } bool HandleSpecialCommandLineArgument(const char* argument) { return false; } bool FindApp(std::string_view app, std::string* output) { log_warning("FindApp() not implemented for Windows!"); return false; } int32_t Execute(std::string_view command, std::string* output) { log_warning("Execute() not implemented for Windows!"); return -1; } uint64_t GetLastModified(std::string_view path) { uint64_t lastModified = 0; auto pathW = String::ToWideChar(path); auto hFile = CreateFileW(pathW.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FILETIME ftCreate, ftAccess, ftWrite; if (GetFileTime(hFile, &ftCreate, &ftAccess, &ftWrite)) { lastModified = (static_cast(ftWrite.dwHighDateTime) << 32ULL) | static_cast(ftWrite.dwLowDateTime); } CloseHandle(hFile); } return lastModified; } uint64_t GetFileSize(std::string_view path) { uint64_t size = 0; auto pathW = String::ToWideChar(path); WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA attributes; if (GetFileAttributesExW(pathW.c_str(), GetFileExInfoStandard, &attributes) != FALSE) { ULARGE_INTEGER fileSize; fileSize.LowPart = attributes.nFileSizeLow; fileSize.HighPart = attributes.nFileSizeHigh; size = fileSize.QuadPart; } return size; } bool ShouldIgnoreCase() { return true; } bool IsPathSeparator(char c) { return c == '\\' || c == '/'; } std::string ResolveCasing(std::string_view path, bool fileExists) { std::string result; if (fileExists) { // Windows is case insensitive so it will exist and that is all that matters // for now. We can properly resolve the casing if we ever need to. result = std::string(path); } return result; } bool RequireNewWindow(bool openGL) { // Windows is apparently able to switch to hardware rendering on the fly although // using the same window in an unaccelerated and accelerated context is unsupported by SDL2 return openGL; } std::string GetUsername() { std::string result; wchar_t usernameW[UNLEN + 1]{}; DWORD usernameLength = UNLEN + 1; if (GetUserNameW(usernameW, &usernameLength)) { result = String::ToUtf8(usernameW); } return result; } uint16_t GetLocaleLanguage() { wchar_t langCode[LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]; if (GetLocaleInfoEx(LOCALE_NAME_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SNAME, langCode, static_cast(std::size(langCode))) == 0) { return LANGUAGE_UNDEFINED; } const std::pair supportedLocales[] = { { L"ar", /*LANGUAGE_ARABIC*/ LANGUAGE_UNDEFINED }, // Experimental, don't risk offering it by default yet { L"ca", LANGUAGE_CATALAN }, { L"zh-Hans", LANGUAGE_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED }, // May not be accurate enough { L"zh-Hant", LANGUAGE_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL }, // May not be accurate enough { L"cs", LANGUAGE_CZECH }, { L"da", LANGUAGE_DANISH }, { L"de", LANGUAGE_GERMAN }, { L"en-GB", LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_UK }, { L"en-US", LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US }, { L"eo", LANGUAGE_ESPERANTO }, { L"es", LANGUAGE_SPANISH }, { L"fr", LANGUAGE_FRENCH }, { L"it", LANGUAGE_ITALIAN }, { L"ja", LANGUAGE_JAPANESE }, { L"ko", LANGUAGE_KOREAN }, { L"hu", LANGUAGE_HUNGARIAN }, { L"nl", LANGUAGE_DUTCH }, { L"no", LANGUAGE_NORWEGIAN }, { L"pl", LANGUAGE_POLISH }, { L"pt-BR", LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE_BR }, { L"ru", LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN }, { L"fi", LANGUAGE_FINNISH }, { L"sv", LANGUAGE_SWEDISH }, { L"tr", LANGUAGE_TURKISH }, { L"vi", LANGUAGE_VIETNAMESE }, }; static_assert( std::size(supportedLocales) == LANGUAGE_COUNT - 1, "GetLocaleLanguage: List of languages does not match the enum!"); for (const auto& locale : supportedLocales) { if (wcsncmp(langCode, locale.first.data(), locale.first.length()) == 0) { return locale.second; } } return LANGUAGE_UNDEFINED; } CurrencyType GetLocaleCurrency() { wchar_t currCode[9]; if (GetLocaleInfoEx(LOCALE_NAME_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL, currCode, static_cast(std::size(currCode))) == 0) { return Platform::GetCurrencyValue(nullptr); } return Platform::GetCurrencyValue(String::ToUtf8(currCode).c_str()); } MeasurementFormat GetLocaleMeasurementFormat() { UINT measurement_system; if (GetLocaleInfoEx( LOCALE_NAME_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_IMEASURE | LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER, reinterpret_cast(&measurement_system), sizeof(measurement_system) / sizeof(wchar_t)) == 0) { return MeasurementFormat::Metric; } return measurement_system == 1 ? MeasurementFormat::Imperial : MeasurementFormat::Metric; } uint8_t GetLocaleDateFormat() { // Retrieve short date format, eg "MM/dd/yyyy" wchar_t dateFormat[80]; if (GetLocaleInfoEx(LOCALE_NAME_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, dateFormat, static_cast(std::size(dateFormat))) == 0) { return DATE_FORMAT_DAY_MONTH_YEAR; } // The only valid characters for format types are: dgyM // We try to find 3 strings of format types, ignore any characters in between. // We also ignore 'g', as it represents 'era' and we don't have that concept // in our date formats. // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd317787(v=vs.85).aspx // wchar_t first[std::size(dateFormat)]; wchar_t second[std::size(dateFormat)]; if (swscanf_s( dateFormat, L"%l[dyM]%*l[^dyM]%l[dyM]%*l[^dyM]%*l[dyM]", first, static_cast(std::size(first)), second, static_cast(std::size(second))) != 2) { return DATE_FORMAT_DAY_MONTH_YEAR; } if (first[0] == L'd') { return DATE_FORMAT_DAY_MONTH_YEAR; } if (first[0] == L'M') { return DATE_FORMAT_MONTH_DAY_YEAR; } if (first[0] == L'y') { if (second[0] == 'd') { return DATE_FORMAT_YEAR_DAY_MONTH; } // Closest possible option return DATE_FORMAT_YEAR_MONTH_DAY; } // Default fallback return DATE_FORMAT_DAY_MONTH_YEAR; } TemperatureUnit GetLocaleTemperatureFormat() { UINT fahrenheit; // GetLocaleInfoEx will set fahrenheit to 1 if the locale on this computer // uses the United States measurement system or 0 otherwise. if (GetLocaleInfoEx( LOCALE_NAME_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_IMEASURE | LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER, reinterpret_cast(&fahrenheit), sizeof(fahrenheit) / sizeof(wchar_t)) == 0) { // Assume celsius by default if function call fails return TemperatureUnit::Celsius; } return fahrenheit == 1 ? TemperatureUnit::Fahrenheit : TemperatureUnit::Celsius; } bool ProcessIsElevated() { BOOL isElevated = FALSE; HANDLE hToken = nullptr; if (OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken)) { TOKEN_ELEVATION Elevation; DWORD tokenSize = sizeof(TOKEN_ELEVATION); if (GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenElevation, &Elevation, sizeof(Elevation), &tokenSize)) { isElevated = Elevation.TokenIsElevated; } } if (hToken) { CloseHandle(hToken); } return isElevated; } std::string GetSteamPath() { wchar_t* wSteamPath; HKEY hKey; DWORD type, size; LRESULT result; if (RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Valve\\Steam", &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return {}; // Get the size of the path first if (RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"SteamPath", nullptr, &type, nullptr, &size) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return {}; } std::string outPath = ""; wSteamPath = reinterpret_cast(malloc(size)); result = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"SteamPath", nullptr, &type, reinterpret_cast(wSteamPath), &size); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { auto utf8SteamPath = String::ToUtf8(wSteamPath); outPath = Path::Combine(utf8SteamPath, u8"steamapps", u8"common"); } free(wSteamPath); RegCloseKey(hKey); return outPath; } std::string GetFontPath(const TTFFontDescriptor& font) { auto path = WIN32_GetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_Fonts); return !path.empty() ? Path::Combine(path, font.filename) : std::string(); } bool EnsureDirectoryExists(u8string_view path) { auto wPath = String::ToWideChar(path); auto success = CreateDirectoryW(wPath.c_str(), nullptr); return success != FALSE || GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; } bool LockSingleInstance() { // Check if operating system mutex exists HANDLE mutex = CreateMutexW(nullptr, FALSE, SINGLE_INSTANCE_MUTEX_NAME); if (mutex == nullptr) { log_error("unable to create mutex"); return true; } else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { // Already running CloseHandle(mutex); return false; } return true; } int32_t GetDrives() { return GetLogicalDrives(); } u8string GetRCT1SteamDir() { return u8"Rollercoaster Tycoon Deluxe"; } u8string GetRCT2SteamDir() { return u8"Rollercoaster Tycoon 2"; } time_t FileGetModifiedTime(u8string_view path) { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA data{}; auto wPath = String::ToWideChar(path); auto result = GetFileAttributesExW(wPath.c_str(), GetFileExInfoStandard, &data); if (result != FALSE) { FILETIME localFileTime{}; result = FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&data.ftLastWriteTime, &localFileTime); if (result != FALSE) { ULARGE_INTEGER ull{}; ull.LowPart = localFileTime.dwLowDateTime; ull.HighPart = localFileTime.dwHighDateTime; return ull.QuadPart / 10000000ULL - 11644473600ULL; } } return 0; } datetime64 GetDatetimeNowUTC() { // Get file time FILETIME fileTime; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&fileTime); uint64_t fileTime64 = (static_cast(fileTime.dwHighDateTime) << 32ULL) | (static_cast(fileTime.dwLowDateTime)); // File time starts from: 1601-01-01T00:00:00Z // Convert to start from: 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z datetime64 utcNow = fileTime64 - 504911232000000000ULL; return utcNow; } bool SetupUriProtocol() { log_verbose("Setting up URI protocol..."); // [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes] HKEY hRootKey; if (RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SOFTWARE_CLASSES, &hRootKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // [hRootKey\openrct2] HKEY hClassKey; if (RegCreateKeyW(hRootKey, L"openrct2", &hClassKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegSetValueW(hClassKey, nullptr, REG_SZ, L"URL:openrct2", 0) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegSetKeyValueW(hClassKey, nullptr, L"URL Protocol", REG_SZ, "", 0) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // [hRootKey\openrct2\shell\open\command] wchar_t exePath[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, exePath, MAX_PATH); wchar_t buffer[512]; swprintf_s(buffer, std::size(buffer), L"\"%s\" handle-uri \"%%1\"", exePath); if (RegSetValueW(hClassKey, L"shell\\open\\command", REG_SZ, buffer, 0) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Not compulsory, but gives the application a nicer name // [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache] HKEY hMuiCacheKey; if (RegCreateKeyW(hRootKey, MUI_CACHE, &hMuiCacheKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { swprintf_s(buffer, std::size(buffer), L"%s.FriendlyAppName", exePath); // mingw-w64 used to define RegSetKeyValueW's signature incorrectly // You need at least mingw-w64 5.0 including this commit: // https://sourceforge.net/p/mingw-w64/mingw-w64/ci/da9341980a4b70be3563ac09b5927539e7da21f7/ RegSetKeyValueW(hMuiCacheKey, nullptr, buffer, REG_SZ, L"OpenRCT2", sizeof(L"OpenRCT2")); } log_verbose("URI protocol setup successful"); return true; } } } } } log_verbose("URI protocol setup failed"); return false; } uint32_t GetTicks() { LARGE_INTEGER pfc; QueryPerformanceCounter(&pfc); LARGE_INTEGER runningDelta; runningDelta.QuadPart = pfc.QuadPart - _entryTimestamp.QuadPart; return static_cast(runningDelta.QuadPart / _frequency); } void Sleep(uint32_t ms) { ::Sleep(ms); } void InitTicks() { LARGE_INTEGER freq; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq); _frequency = static_cast(freq.QuadPart / 1000); QueryPerformanceCounter(&_entryTimestamp); } } // namespace Platform #endif