/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2023 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static constexpr const StringId WINDOW_TITLE = STR_GUESTS; static constexpr const int32_t WH = 330; static constexpr const int32_t WW = 350; enum WindowGuestListWidgetIdx { WIDX_BACKGROUND, WIDX_TITLE, WIDX_CLOSE, WIDX_TAB_CONTENT_PANEL, WIDX_PAGE_DROPDOWN, WIDX_PAGE_DROPDOWN_BUTTON, WIDX_INFO_TYPE_DROPDOWN, WIDX_INFO_TYPE_DROPDOWN_BUTTON, WIDX_MAP, WIDX_FILTER_BY_NAME, WIDX_TRACKING, WIDX_TAB_1, WIDX_TAB_2, WIDX_GUEST_LIST }; // clang-format off static Widget window_guest_list_widgets[] = { WINDOW_SHIM(WINDOW_TITLE, WW, WH), MakeWidget({ 0, 43}, {350, 287}, WindowWidgetType::Resize, WindowColour::Secondary ), // tab content panel MakeWidget({ 5, 59}, { 80, 12}, WindowWidgetType::DropdownMenu, WindowColour::Secondary, STR_ARG_4_PAGE_X ), // page dropdown MakeWidget({ 73, 60}, { 11, 10}, WindowWidgetType::Button, WindowColour::Secondary, STR_DROPDOWN_GLYPH ), // page dropdown button MakeWidget({120, 59}, {142, 12}, WindowWidgetType::DropdownMenu, WindowColour::Secondary, 0xFFFFFFFF, STR_INFORMATION_TYPE_TIP ), // information type dropdown MakeWidget({250, 60}, { 11, 10}, WindowWidgetType::Button, WindowColour::Secondary, STR_DROPDOWN_GLYPH, STR_INFORMATION_TYPE_TIP ), // information type dropdown button MakeWidget({273, 46}, { 24, 24}, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, ImageId(SPR_MAP), STR_SHOW_GUESTS_ON_MAP_TIP ), // map MakeWidget({297, 46}, { 24, 24}, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, ImageId(SPR_G2_SEARCH), STR_GUESTS_FILTER_BY_NAME_TIP), // filter by name MakeWidget({321, 46}, { 24, 24}, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, ImageId(SPR_TRACK_PEEP), STR_TRACKED_GUESTS_ONLY_TIP ), // tracking MakeTab ({ 3, 17}, STR_INDIVIDUAL_GUESTS_TIP ), // tab 1 MakeTab ({ 34, 17}, STR_SUMMARISED_GUESTS_TIP ), // tab 2 MakeWidget({ 3, 72}, {344, 255}, WindowWidgetType::Scroll, WindowColour::Secondary, SCROLL_BOTH ), // guest list WIDGETS_END, }; // clang-format on class GuestListWindow final : public Window { private: enum class TabId { Individual, Summarised }; enum class GuestViewType { Actions, Thoughts, }; enum class GuestFilterType { Guests, GuestsThinking, GuestsThinkingAbout, }; struct FilterArguments { uint8_t args[12]{}; StringId GetFirstStringId() { StringId firstStrId{}; std::memcpy(&firstStrId, args, sizeof(firstStrId)); return firstStrId; } bool operator==(const FilterArguments& other) { return std::memcmp(args, other.args, sizeof(args)) == 0; } bool operator!=(const FilterArguments& other) { return !(*this == other); } }; struct GuestGroup { size_t NumGuests{}; FilterArguments Arguments; uint8_t Faces[58]{}; }; struct GuestItem { using CompareFunc = bool (*)(const GuestItem&, const GuestItem&); EntityId Id; char Name[256]; }; static constexpr const uint8_t SUMMARISED_GUEST_ROW_HEIGHT = SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT + 11; static constexpr const auto GUESTS_PER_PAGE = 2000; static constexpr const auto GUEST_PAGE_HEIGHT = GUESTS_PER_PAGE * SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT; static constexpr size_t MaxGroups = 240; TabId _selectedTab{}; GuestViewType _selectedView{}; bool _trackingOnly{}; std::optional _selectedFilter; FilterArguments _filterArguments; std::string _filterName; size_t _numPages{}; size_t _selectedPage{}; GuestViewType _lastFindGroupsSelectedView{}; uint32_t _lastFindGroupsTick{}; uint32_t _lastFindGroupsWait{}; std::vector _groups; std::vector _guestList; std::optional _highlightedIndex; uint32_t _tabAnimationIndex{}; public: void OnOpen() override { widgets = window_guest_list_widgets; WindowInitScrollWidgets(*this); _selectedTab = TabId::Summarised; _selectedView = GuestViewType::Thoughts; _numPages = 1; widgets[WIDX_TRACKING].type = WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn; widgets[WIDX_FILTER_BY_NAME].type = WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn; widgets[WIDX_PAGE_DROPDOWN].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; widgets[WIDX_PAGE_DROPDOWN_BUTTON].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; min_width = 350; min_height = 330; max_width = 500; max_height = 450; RefreshList(); } void SetFilter(GuestListFilterType type, int32_t index) { _selectedPage = 0; _numPages = 1; _trackingOnly = false; _filterArguments = {}; Formatter ft(_filterArguments.args); switch (type) { case GuestListFilterType::GuestsOnRide: { auto guestRide = get_ride(RideId::FromUnderlying(index)); if (guestRide != nullptr) { ft.Add( guestRide->GetRideTypeDescriptor().HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_IN_RIDE) ? STR_IN_RIDE : STR_ON_RIDE); guestRide->FormatNameTo(ft); _selectedFilter = GuestFilterType::Guests; _highlightedIndex = {}; _selectedTab = TabId::Individual; _selectedView = GuestViewType::Thoughts; } break; } case GuestListFilterType::GuestsInQueue: { auto guestRide = get_ride(RideId::FromUnderlying(index)); if (guestRide != nullptr) { ft.Add(STR_QUEUING_FOR); guestRide->FormatNameTo(ft); _selectedFilter = GuestFilterType::Guests; _highlightedIndex = {}; _selectedTab = TabId::Individual; _selectedView = GuestViewType::Thoughts; } break; } case GuestListFilterType::GuestsThinkingAboutRide: { auto guestRide = get_ride(RideId::FromUnderlying(index)); if (guestRide != nullptr) { ft.Add(STR_NONE); guestRide->FormatNameTo(ft); _selectedFilter = GuestFilterType::GuestsThinking; _highlightedIndex = {}; _selectedTab = TabId::Individual; _selectedView = GuestViewType::Thoughts; } break; } case GuestListFilterType::GuestsThinkingX: { ft.Add(PeepThoughts[index & 0xFF]); _selectedFilter = GuestFilterType::GuestsThinking; _highlightedIndex = {}; _selectedTab = TabId::Individual; _selectedView = GuestViewType::Thoughts; break; } } RefreshList(); } void OnResize() override { min_width = 350; min_height = 330; if (width < min_width) { Invalidate(); width = min_width; } if (height < min_height) { Invalidate(); height = min_height; } } void OnUpdate() override { if (_lastFindGroupsWait != 0) { _lastFindGroupsWait--; } // Current tab image animation _tabAnimationIndex++; if (_tabAnimationIndex >= (_selectedTab == TabId::Individual ? 24uL : 32uL)) _tabAnimationIndex = 0; InvalidateWidget(WIDX_TAB_1 + static_cast(_selectedTab)); gWindowMapFlashingFlags |= MapFlashingFlags::GuestListOpen; } void OnMouseUp(WidgetIndex widgetIndex) override { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_CLOSE: Close(); break; case WIDX_MAP: ContextOpenWindow(WindowClass::Map); break; case WIDX_TRACKING: _trackingOnly = !_trackingOnly; SetWidgetPressed(WIDX_TRACKING, _trackingOnly); Invalidate(); scrolls[0].v_top = 0; RefreshList(); break; case WIDX_FILTER_BY_NAME: if (!_filterName.empty()) { // Unset the search filter. _filterName.clear(); SetWidgetPressed(WIDX_FILTER_BY_NAME, false); RefreshList(); } else { WindowTextInputRawOpen( this, WIDX_FILTER_BY_NAME, STR_GUESTS_FILTER_BY_NAME, STR_GUESTS_ENTER_NAME_TO_SEARCH, {}, _filterName.c_str(), 32); } break; } } void OnMouseDown(WidgetIndex widgetIndex) override { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_TAB_1: case WIDX_TAB_2: { if (_selectedFilter && _selectedTab == static_cast(widgetIndex - WIDX_TAB_1)) break; _selectedTab = static_cast(widgetIndex - WIDX_TAB_1); _selectedPage = 0; _numPages = 1; widgets[WIDX_TRACKING].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; if (_selectedTab == TabId::Summarised) { widgets[WIDX_FILTER_BY_NAME].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; SetWidgetPressed(WIDX_FILTER_BY_NAME, false); _filterName.clear(); } else if (_selectedTab == TabId::Individual) { widgets[WIDX_TRACKING].type = WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn; widgets[WIDX_FILTER_BY_NAME].type = WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn; } widgets[WIDX_PAGE_DROPDOWN].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; widgets[WIDX_PAGE_DROPDOWN_BUTTON].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; _tabAnimationIndex = 0; _selectedFilter = {}; Invalidate(); scrolls[0].v_top = 0; RefreshList(); break; } case WIDX_PAGE_DROPDOWN_BUTTON: { auto* widget = &widgets[widgetIndex - 1]; WindowDropdownShowTextCustomWidth( { windowPos.x + widget->left, windowPos.y + widget->top }, widget->height() + 1, colours[1], 0, Dropdown::Flag::StayOpen, _numPages, widget->width() - 3); for (size_t i = 0; i < _numPages; i++) { gDropdownItems[i].Format = STR_DROPDOWN_MENU_LABEL; uint16_t* args = reinterpret_cast(&gDropdownItems[i].Args); args[0] = STR_PAGE_X; args[1] = static_cast(i + 1); } Dropdown::SetChecked(static_cast(_selectedPage), true); break; } case WIDX_INFO_TYPE_DROPDOWN_BUTTON: { gDropdownItems[0].Format = STR_DROPDOWN_MENU_LABEL; gDropdownItems[0].Args = GetViewName(GuestViewType::Actions); gDropdownItems[1].Format = STR_DROPDOWN_MENU_LABEL; gDropdownItems[1].Args = GetViewName(GuestViewType::Thoughts); auto* widget = &widgets[widgetIndex - 1]; WindowDropdownShowTextCustomWidth( { windowPos.x + widget->left, windowPos.y + widget->top }, widget->height() + 1, colours[1], 0, Dropdown::Flag::StayOpen, 2, widget->width() - 3); Dropdown::SetChecked(static_cast(_selectedView), true); break; } } } void OnDropdown(WidgetIndex widgetIndex, int32_t dropdownIndex) override { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_PAGE_DROPDOWN_BUTTON: _selectedPage = dropdownIndex; Invalidate(); break; case WIDX_INFO_TYPE_DROPDOWN_BUTTON: _selectedView = static_cast(dropdownIndex); Invalidate(); break; } } void OnTextInput(WidgetIndex widgetIndex, std::string_view text) override { if (!text.empty()) { _filterName = text; SetWidgetPressed(WIDX_FILTER_BY_NAME, true); RefreshList(); } } void OnPrepareDraw() override { SetWidgetPressed(WIDX_TAB_1, false); SetWidgetPressed(WIDX_TAB_2, false); SetWidgetPressed(WIDX_TAB_1 + static_cast(_selectedTab), true); widgets[WIDX_INFO_TYPE_DROPDOWN].text = GetViewName(_selectedView); widgets[WIDX_MAP].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; if (_selectedTab == TabId::Individual && _selectedFilter) widgets[WIDX_MAP].type = WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn; ResizeFrameWithPage(); widgets[WIDX_GUEST_LIST].right = width - 4; widgets[WIDX_GUEST_LIST].bottom = height - 15; widgets[WIDX_MAP].left = 273 - 350 + width; widgets[WIDX_MAP].right = 296 - 350 + width; widgets[WIDX_FILTER_BY_NAME].left = 297 - 350 + width; widgets[WIDX_FILTER_BY_NAME].right = 320 - 350 + width; widgets[WIDX_TRACKING].left = 321 - 350 + width; widgets[WIDX_TRACKING].right = 344 - 350 + width; if (_numPages > 1) { widgets[WIDX_PAGE_DROPDOWN].type = WindowWidgetType::DropdownMenu; widgets[WIDX_PAGE_DROPDOWN_BUTTON].type = WindowWidgetType::Button; auto ft = Formatter::Common(); ft.Increment(4); ft.Add(_selectedPage + 1); } else { widgets[WIDX_PAGE_DROPDOWN].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; widgets[WIDX_PAGE_DROPDOWN_BUTTON].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; } } void OnDraw(rct_drawpixelinfo& dpi) override { DrawWidgets(dpi); DrawTabImages(dpi); // Filter description StringId format; auto screenCoords = windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ 6, widgets[WIDX_TAB_CONTENT_PANEL].top + 3 }; if (_selectedTab == TabId::Individual) { if (_selectedFilter) { if (_filterArguments.GetFirstStringId() != STR_NONE) { format = GetFilterString(*_selectedFilter); } else { format = STR_GUESTS_FILTER_THINKING_ABOUT; } } else { format = STR_ALL_GUESTS; } } else { format = STR_ALL_GUESTS_SUMMARISED; } { Formatter ft(_filterArguments.args); DrawTextEllipsised(&dpi, screenCoords, 310, format, ft); } // Number of guests (list items) if (_selectedTab == TabId::Individual) { screenCoords = windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ 4, widgets[WIDX_GUEST_LIST].bottom + 2 }; auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(static_cast(_guestList.size())); DrawTextBasic( &dpi, screenCoords, (_guestList.size() == 1 ? STR_FORMAT_NUM_GUESTS_SINGULAR : STR_FORMAT_NUM_GUESTS_PLURAL), ft); } } ScreenSize OnScrollGetSize(int32_t scrollIndex) override { int32_t y = 0; switch (_selectedTab) { case TabId::Individual: // Count the number of guests y = static_cast(_guestList.size()) * SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT; _numPages = (_guestList.size() + GUESTS_PER_PAGE - 1) / GUESTS_PER_PAGE; if (_numPages == 0) _selectedPage = 0; else if (_selectedPage >= _numPages) _selectedPage = _numPages - 1; break; case TabId::Summarised: default: // Find the groups if (IsRefreshOfGroupsRequired()) { RefreshGroups(); } y = static_cast(_groups.size() * SUMMARISED_GUEST_ROW_HEIGHT); break; } y -= static_cast(GUEST_PAGE_HEIGHT * _selectedPage); y = std::max(0, std::min(y, GUEST_PAGE_HEIGHT)); if (_highlightedIndex) { _highlightedIndex = {}; Invalidate(); } auto i = std::max(0, y - widgets[WIDX_GUEST_LIST].bottom + widgets[WIDX_GUEST_LIST].top + 21); if (i < scrolls[0].v_top) { scrolls[0].v_top = i; Invalidate(); } return { 447, y }; } void OnScrollMouseOver(int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) override { auto i = screenCoords.y / (_selectedTab == TabId::Individual ? SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT : SUMMARISED_GUEST_ROW_HEIGHT); i += static_cast(_selectedPage * GUESTS_PER_PAGE); if (static_cast(i) != _highlightedIndex) { _highlightedIndex = i; Invalidate(); } } void OnScrollMouseDown(int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) override { switch (_selectedTab) { case TabId::Individual: { auto i = screenCoords.y / SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT; i += static_cast(_selectedPage * GUESTS_PER_PAGE); for (const auto& guestItem : _guestList) { if (i == 0) { auto guest = GetEntity(guestItem.Id); if (guest != nullptr) { WindowGuestOpen(guest); } break; } i--; } break; } case TabId::Summarised: { auto i = static_cast(screenCoords.y / SUMMARISED_GUEST_ROW_HEIGHT); if (i < _groups.size()) { _filterArguments = _groups[i].Arguments; _selectedFilter = _selectedView == GuestViewType::Actions ? GuestFilterType::Guests : GuestFilterType::GuestsThinking; _selectedTab = TabId::Individual; widgets[WIDX_TRACKING].type = WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn; Invalidate(); widgets[WIDX_FILTER_BY_NAME].type = WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn; scrolls[0].v_top = 0; RefreshList(); } break; } } } void OnScrollDraw(int32_t scrollIndex, rct_drawpixelinfo& dpi) override { gfx_fill_rect( &dpi, { { dpi.x, dpi.y }, { dpi.x + dpi.width - 1, dpi.y + dpi.height - 1 } }, ColourMapA[colours[1]].mid_light); switch (_selectedTab) { case TabId::Individual: DrawScrollIndividual(dpi); break; case TabId::Summarised: DrawScrollSummarised(dpi); break; } } void RefreshList() { // Only the individual tab uses the GuestList so no point calculating it if (_selectedTab != TabId::Individual) { RefreshGroups(); } else { _guestList.clear(); for (auto peep : EntityList()) { EntitySetFlashing(peep, false); if (peep->OutsideOfPark) continue; if (_selectedFilter) { if (!IsPeepInFilter(*peep)) continue; EntitySetFlashing(peep, true); } if (!GuestShouldBeVisible(*peep)) continue; auto& item = _guestList.emplace_back(); item.Id = peep->sprite_index; Formatter ft; peep->FormatNameTo(ft); format_string(item.Name, sizeof(item.Name), STR_STRINGID, ft.Data()); } std::sort(_guestList.begin(), _guestList.end(), GetGuestCompareFunc()); } } private: void DrawTabImages(rct_drawpixelinfo& dpi) { // Tab 1 image auto i = (_selectedTab == TabId::Individual ? _tabAnimationIndex & ~3 : 0); i += GetPeepAnimation(PeepSpriteType::Normal).base_image + 1; gfx_draw_sprite( &dpi, ImageId(i, COLOUR_GREY, COLOUR_DARK_OLIVE_GREEN), windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ widgets[WIDX_TAB_1].midX(), widgets[WIDX_TAB_1].bottom - 6 }); // Tab 2 image i = (_selectedTab == TabId::Summarised ? _tabAnimationIndex / 4 : 0); gfx_draw_sprite( &dpi, ImageId(SPR_TAB_GUESTS_0 + i), windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ widgets[WIDX_TAB_2].left, widgets[WIDX_TAB_2].top }); } void DrawScrollIndividual(rct_drawpixelinfo& dpi) { size_t index = 0; auto y = static_cast(_selectedPage) * -GUEST_PAGE_HEIGHT; for (const auto& guestItem : _guestList) { // Check if y is beyond the scroll control if (y + SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT + 1 >= -0x7FFF && y + SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT + 1 > dpi.y && y < 0x7FFF && y < dpi.y + dpi.height) { // Highlight backcolour and text colour (format) StringId format = STR_BLACK_STRING; if (index == _highlightedIndex) { gfx_filter_rect(&dpi, { 0, y, 800, y + SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT - 1 }, FilterPaletteID::PaletteDarken1); format = STR_WINDOW_COLOUR_2_STRINGID; } // Guest name auto peep = GetEntity(guestItem.Id); if (peep == nullptr) { continue; } auto ft = Formatter(); peep->FormatNameTo(ft); DrawTextEllipsised(&dpi, { 0, y }, 113, format, ft); switch (_selectedView) { case GuestViewType::Actions: // Guest face gfx_draw_sprite(&dpi, ImageId(get_peep_face_sprite_small(peep)), { 118, y + 1 }); // Tracking icon if (peep->PeepFlags & PEEP_FLAGS_TRACKING) gfx_draw_sprite(&dpi, ImageId(STR_ENTER_SELECTION_SIZE), { 112, y + 1 }); // Action ft = Formatter(); peep->FormatActionTo(ft); DrawTextEllipsised(&dpi, { 133, y }, 314, format, ft); break; case GuestViewType::Thoughts: // For each thought for (const auto& thought : peep->Thoughts) { if (thought.type == PeepThoughtType::None) break; if (thought.freshness == 0) continue; if (thought.freshness > 5) break; ft = Formatter(); peep_thought_set_format_args(&thought, ft); DrawTextEllipsised(&dpi, { 118, y }, 329, format, ft, { FontStyle::Small }); break; } break; } } y += SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT; index++; } } void DrawScrollSummarised(rct_drawpixelinfo& dpi) { size_t index = 0; auto y = 0; for (auto& group : _groups) { // Check if y is beyond the scroll control if (y + SUMMARISED_GUEST_ROW_HEIGHT + 1 >= dpi.y) { // Check if y is beyond the scroll control if (y >= dpi.y + dpi.height) break; // Highlight backcolour and text colour (format) StringId format = STR_BLACK_STRING; if (index == _highlightedIndex) { gfx_filter_rect(&dpi, { 0, y, 800, y + SUMMARISED_GUEST_ROW_HEIGHT }, FilterPaletteID::PaletteDarken1); format = STR_WINDOW_COLOUR_2_STRINGID; } // Draw guest faces for (uint32_t j = 0; j < std::size(group.Faces) && j < group.NumGuests; j++) { gfx_draw_sprite( &dpi, ImageId(group.Faces[j] + SPR_PEEP_SMALL_FACE_VERY_VERY_UNHAPPY), { static_cast(j) * 8, y + 12 }); } // Draw action/thoughts Formatter ft(group.Arguments.args); // Draw small font if displaying guests if (_selectedView == GuestViewType::Thoughts) { DrawTextEllipsised(&dpi, { 0, y }, 414, format, ft, { FontStyle::Small }); } else { DrawTextEllipsised(&dpi, { 0, y }, 414, format, ft); } // Draw guest count ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(STR_GUESTS_COUNT_COMMA_SEP); ft.Add(group.NumGuests); DrawTextBasic(&dpi, { 326, y }, format, ft, { TextAlignment::RIGHT }); } y += SUMMARISED_GUEST_ROW_HEIGHT; index++; } } bool GuestShouldBeVisible(const Guest& peep) { if (_trackingOnly && !(peep.PeepFlags & PEEP_FLAGS_TRACKING)) return false; if (!_filterName.empty()) { char name[256]{}; Formatter ft; peep.FormatNameTo(ft); format_string(name, sizeof(name), STR_STRINGID, ft.Data()); if (!String::Contains(name, _filterName.c_str(), true)) { return false; } } return true; } bool IsPeepInFilter(const Guest& peep) { auto guestViewType = _selectedFilter == GuestFilterType::Guests ? GuestViewType::Actions : GuestViewType::Thoughts; auto peepArgs = GetArgumentsFromPeep(peep, guestViewType); if (_filterArguments.GetFirstStringId() == STR_NONE && _selectedFilter == GuestFilterType::GuestsThinking) { Formatter(peepArgs.args).Add(STR_NONE); } return _filterArguments == peepArgs; } bool IsRefreshOfGroupsRequired() { uint32_t tick256 = floor2(gCurrentTicks, 256); if (_selectedView == _lastFindGroupsSelectedView) { if (_lastFindGroupsWait != 0 || _lastFindGroupsTick == tick256) { return false; } } return true; } GuestGroup& FindOrAddGroup(FilterArguments&& arguments) { auto foundGroup = std::find_if( std::begin(_groups), std::end(_groups), [&arguments](GuestGroup& group) { return group.Arguments == arguments; }); if (foundGroup != std::end(_groups)) { return *foundGroup; } auto& newGroup = _groups.emplace_back(); newGroup.Arguments = arguments; return newGroup; } void RefreshGroups() { _lastFindGroupsTick = floor2(gCurrentTicks, 256); _lastFindGroupsSelectedView = _selectedView; _lastFindGroupsWait = 320; _groups.clear(); for (auto peep : EntityList()) { if (peep->OutsideOfPark) continue; auto& group = FindOrAddGroup(GetArgumentsFromPeep(*peep, _selectedView)); if (group.NumGuests < std::size(group.Faces)) { group.Faces[group.NumGuests] = get_peep_face_sprite_small(peep) - SPR_PEEP_SMALL_FACE_VERY_VERY_UNHAPPY; } group.NumGuests++; } // Remove empty group (basically guests with no thoughts) auto foundGroup = std::find_if(std::begin(_groups), std::end(_groups), [](GuestGroup& group) { return group.Arguments.GetFirstStringId() == STR_EMPTY; }); if (foundGroup != std::end(_groups)) { _groups.erase(foundGroup); } // Sort groups by number of guests std::sort( _groups.begin(), _groups.end(), [](const GuestGroup& a, const GuestGroup& b) { return a.NumGuests > b.NumGuests; }); // Remove up to MaxGroups if (_groups.size() > MaxGroups) { _groups.resize(MaxGroups); } } /** * Calculates a hash value (arguments) for comparing peep actions/thoughts */ static FilterArguments GetArgumentsFromPeep(const Guest& peep, GuestViewType type) { FilterArguments result; Formatter ft(result.args); switch (type) { case GuestViewType::Actions: peep.FormatActionTo(ft); break; case GuestViewType::Thoughts: { const auto& thought = peep.Thoughts[0]; if (thought.type != PeepThoughtType::None && thought.freshness <= 5) { peep_thought_set_format_args(&thought, ft); } break; } } return result; } static constexpr StringId GetViewName(GuestViewType type) { switch (type) { default: case GuestViewType::Actions: return STR_ACTIONS; case GuestViewType::Thoughts: return STR_THOUGHTS; } } static constexpr StringId GetFilterString(GuestFilterType type) { switch (type) { default: case GuestFilterType::Guests: return STR_GUESTS_FILTER; case GuestFilterType::GuestsThinking: return STR_GUESTS_FILTER_THINKING; case GuestFilterType::GuestsThinkingAbout: return STR_GUESTS_FILTER_THINKING_ABOUT; } } template static bool CompareGuestItem(const GuestItem& a, const GuestItem& b) { const auto* peepA = GetEntity(a.Id); const auto* peepB = GetEntity(b.Id); if (peepA != nullptr && peepB != nullptr) { // Compare types if (peepA->Type != peepB->Type) { return static_cast(peepA->Type) < static_cast(peepB->Type); } // Compare name if constexpr (!TRealNames) { if (peepA->Name == nullptr && peepB->Name == nullptr) { // Simple ID comparison for when both peeps use a number or a generated name return peepA->Id < peepB->Id; } } } return strlogicalcmp(a.Name, b.Name) < 0; } static GuestItem::CompareFunc GetGuestCompareFunc() { return gParkFlags & PARK_FLAGS_SHOW_REAL_GUEST_NAMES ? CompareGuestItem : CompareGuestItem; } }; rct_window* WindowGuestListOpen() { auto* window = window_bring_to_front_by_class(WindowClass::GuestList); if (window == nullptr) { window = WindowCreate(WindowClass::GuestList, 350, 330, WF_10 | WF_RESIZABLE); } return window; } /** * @param index The number of the ride or index of the thought */ rct_window* WindowGuestListOpenWithFilter(GuestListFilterType type, int32_t index) { auto* w = static_cast(WindowGuestListOpen()); if (w != nullptr) { w->SetFilter(type, index); } return w; } void WindowGuestListRefreshList() { auto* w = window_find_by_class(WindowClass::GuestList); if (w != nullptr) { static_cast(w)->RefreshList(); } }