# STR_XXXX part is read and XXXX becomes the string id number. # Everything after the colon and before the new line will be saved as the string. # Use # at the beginning of a line to leave a comment. # # Vanilla strings. Only change strings that differ from UK English! STR_0007 :Miniature Railroad STR_0015 :Bobsled Coaster STR_0035 :Carousel STR_0038 :Restroom STR_0041 :3D Theater STR_0045 :Elevator STR_0047 :ATM STR_0052 :Tunnel Of Horror STR_0517 :Passengers ride in miniature trains along a narrow-gauge railroad track STR_0529 :Mine train themed roller coaster trains career along steel roller coaster track made to look like old railroad track STR_0534 :Self-driven gas-engined go karts STR_0555 :Guests ride in an elevator up or down a vertical tower to get from one level to another STR_0835 :Game initialization failed STR_0836 :Unable to start game in a minimized state STR_0837 :Unable to initialize graphics system STR_0976 :Restrooms and Information Kiosks STR_1035 :Local authority won't allow construction above tree-height! STR_1102 :Traveling at {VELOCITY} STR_1105 :Traveling at {VELOCITY} STR_1108 :Traveling at {VELOCITY} STR_1120 :Traveling at {VELOCITY} STR_1129 :All vehicles in same colors STR_1130 :Different colors per {STRINGID} STR_1131 :Different colors per vehicle STR_1136 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select main color STR_1137 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select additional color 1 STR_1138 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select additional color 2 STR_1139 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select support structure color STR_1140 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select vehicle color scheme option STR_1361 :Can't change speed... STR_1362 :Can't change launch speed... STR_1363 :Too high for supports! STR_1364 :Supports for track above can't be extended any further! STR_1365 :In-line Twist (left) STR_1366 :In-line Twist (right) STR_1367 :Half Loop STR_1368 :Half Corkscrew (left) STR_1369 :Half Corkscrew (right) STR_1370 :Barrel Roll (left) STR_1371 :Barrel Roll (right) STR_1372 :Launched Lift Hill STR_1373 :Large Half Loop (left) STR_1374 :Large Half Loop (right) STR_1375 :Upper Transfer STR_1376 :Lower Transfer STR_1377 :Heartline Roll (left) STR_1378 :Heartline Roll (right) STR_1379 :Reverser (left) STR_1380 :Reverser (right) STR_1381 :Curved Lift Hill (left) STR_1382 :Curved Lift Hill (right) STR_1383 :Quarter Loop STR_1384 :{YELLOW}{STRINGID} STR_1385 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Other track configurations STR_1386 :Special... STR_1387 :Can't change land type... STR_1388 :{OUTLINE}{GREEN}+ {CURRENCY} STR_1389 :{OUTLINE}{RED}- {CURRENCY} STR_1390 :{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1391 :{RED}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1392 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}View of ride/attraction STR_1393 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Vehicle details and options STR_1394 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Operating options STR_1395 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Maintenance options STR_1396 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Color scheme options STR_1397 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Sound & music options STR_1398 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Measurements and test data STR_1399 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Graphs STR_1400 :Entrance STR_1401 :Exit STR_1402 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Build or move entrance to ride/attraction STR_1403 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Build or move exit from ride/attraction STR_1404 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Rotate 90{DEGREE} STR_1405 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Mirror image STR_1406 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Toggle scenery on/off (if available for this design) STR_1407 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Build this... STR_1408 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Cost: {BLACK}{CURRENCY} STR_1409 :Entry/Exit Platform STR_1410 :Vertical Tower STR_1411 :{STRINGID} in the way STR_1412 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_3}Data logging not available for this type of ride STR_1413 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_3}Data logging will start when next {STRINGID} leaves {STRINGID} STR_1414 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}{DURATION} STR_1415 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Velocity STR_1416 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Altitude STR_1417 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Vert.G's STR_1418 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Lat.G's STR_1419 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}{VELOCITY} STR_1420 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}{LENGTH} STR_1421 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}{COMMA16}g STR_1422 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Logging data from {POP16}{STRINGID} STR_1423 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Queue line path STR_1424 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Footpath STR_1425 :Footpath STR_1426 :Queue Line STR_1427 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Customers: {BLACK}{COMMA32} per hour STR_1428 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Admission price: STR_1429 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1430 :Free STR_1431 :Walking STR_1432 :Heading for {STRINGID} STR_1433 :Queuing for {STRINGID} STR_1434 :Drowning STR_1435 :On {STRINGID} STR_1436 :In {STRINGID} STR_1437 :At {STRINGID} STR_1438 :Sitting STR_1439 :(select location) STR_1440 :Mowing grass STR_1441 :Sweeping footpath STR_1442 :Emptying litter bin STR_1443 :Watering gardens STR_1444 :Watching {STRINGID} STR_1445 :Watching construction of {STRINGID} STR_1446 :Looking at scenery STR_1447 :Leaving the park STR_1448 :Watching new ride being constructed STR_1449 :{SPRITE} {STRINGID}{NEWLINE}({STRINGID}) STR_1450 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{09}{20}{00}{00}{SPRITE} {STRINGID}{NEWLINE}({STRINGID}) STR_1451 :{STRINGID}{NEWLINE}({STRINGID}) STR_1452 :Guest's name STR_1453 :Enter name for this guest: STR_1454 :Can't name guest... STR_1455 :Invalid name for guest STR_1456 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Cash spent: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1457 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Cash in pocket: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1458 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Time in park: {BLACK}{REALTIME} STR_1459 :Track style STR_1460 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}'U' shaped open track STR_1461 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}'O' shaped enclosed track STR_1462 :Too steep for lift hill STR_1463 :Guests STR_1464 :Helix up (small) STR_1465 :Helix up (large) STR_1466 :Helix down (small) STR_1467 :Helix down (large) STR_1468 :Staff STR_1469 :Ride must start and end with stations STR_1470 :Station not long enough STR_1471 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Speed: STR_1472 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Speed of this ride STR_1473 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Excitement rating: {BLACK}{COMMA2DP32} ({STRINGID}) STR_1474 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Excitement rating: {BLACK}Not yet available STR_1475 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Intensity rating: {BLACK}{COMMA2DP32} ({STRINGID}) STR_1476 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Intensity rating: {BLACK}Not yet available STR_1477 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Intensity rating: {OUTLINE}{RED}{COMMA2DP32} ({STRINGID}) STR_1478 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Nausea rating: {BLACK}{COMMA2DP32} ({STRINGID}) STR_1479 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Nausea rating: {BLACK}Not yet available STR_1480 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I can't afford {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1481 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I've spent all my money{ENDQUOTES} STR_1482 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I feel sick{ENDQUOTES} STR_1483 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I feel very sick{ENDQUOTES} STR_1484 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I want to go on something more thrilling than {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1485 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID} looks too intense for me{ENDQUOTES} STR_1486 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I haven't finished my {STRINGID} yet{ENDQUOTES} STR_1487 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}Just looking at {STRINGID} makes me feel sick{ENDQUOTES} STR_1488 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much to go on {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1489 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I want to go home{ENDQUOTES} STR_1490 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1491 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I've already got {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1492 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I can't afford {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1493 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not hungry{ENDQUOTES} STR_1494 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not thirsty{ENDQUOTES} STR_1495 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}Help! I'm drowning!{ENDQUOTES} STR_1496 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm lost!{ENDQUOTES} STR_1497 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID} was great{ENDQUOTES} STR_1498 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I've been queuing for {STRINGID} for ages{ENDQUOTES} STR_1499 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm tired{ENDQUOTES} STR_1500 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm hungry{ENDQUOTES} STR_1501 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm thirsty{ENDQUOTES} STR_1502 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I need to go to the bathroom{ENDQUOTES} STR_1503 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I can't find {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1504 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much to use {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1505 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not going on {STRINGID} while it's raining{ENDQUOTES} STR_1506 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}The litter here is really bad{ENDQUOTES} STR_1507 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I can't find the park exit{ENDQUOTES} STR_1508 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I want to get off {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1509 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I want to get out of {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1510 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not going on {STRINGID} - It isn't safe{ENDQUOTES} STR_1511 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This path is disgusting{ENDQUOTES} STR_1512 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}It's too crowded here{ENDQUOTES} STR_1513 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}The vandalism here is really bad{ENDQUOTES} STR_1514 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}Great scenery!{ENDQUOTES} STR_1515 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This park is really clean and tidy{ENDQUOTES} STR_1516 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}The jumping fountains are great{ENDQUOTES} STR_1517 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}The music is nice here{ENDQUOTES} STR_1518 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This balloon from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1519 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This cuddly toy from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1520 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This park map from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1521 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This on-ride photo from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1522 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This umbrella from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1523 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This drink from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1524 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This burger from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1525 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}These fries from {STRINGID} are really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1526 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This ice cream from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1527 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This cotton candy from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1528 : STR_1529 : STR_1530 : STR_1531 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This pizza from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1532 : STR_1533 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This popcorn from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1534 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This hot dog from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1535 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This tentacle from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1536 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This hat from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1537 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This candy apple from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1538 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This T-shirt from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1539 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This donut from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1540 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This coffee from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1541 : STR_1542 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This fried chicken from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1543 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This lemonade from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1544 : STR_1545 : STR_1546 : STR_1547 : STR_1548 : STR_1549 : STR_1550 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}Wow!{ENDQUOTES} STR_1551 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I have the strangest feeling someone is watching me{ENDQUOTES} STR_1552 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for a balloon from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1553 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for a cuddly toy from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1554 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for a park map from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1555 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for an on-ride photo from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1556 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for an umbrella from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1557 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for a drink from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1558 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for a burger from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1559 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for fries from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1560 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for an ice cream from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1561 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for cotton candy from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1562 : STR_1563 : STR_1564 : STR_1565 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for pizza from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1566 : STR_1567 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for popcorn from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1568 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for a hot dog from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1569 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for tentacle from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1570 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for a hat from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1571 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for a candy apple from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1572 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for a T-shirt from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1573 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for a donut from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1574 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for coffee from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1575 : STR_1576 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for fried chicken from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1577 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for lemonade from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1578 : STR_1579 : STR_1580 : STR_1581 : STR_1582 : STR_1583 : STR_1584 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This on-ride photo from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1585 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This on-ride photo from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1586 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This on-ride photo from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1587 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This pretzel from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1588 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This hot chocolate from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1589 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This iced tea from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1590 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This funnel cake from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1591 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}These sunglasses from {STRINGID} are really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1592 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}These beef noodles from {STRINGID} are really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1593 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}These fried rice noodles from {STRINGID} are really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1594 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This wonton soup from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1595 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This meatball soup from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1596 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This fruit juice from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1597 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This soybean milk from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1598 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This sujeonggwa from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1599 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This sub sandwich from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1600 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This cookie from {STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1601 : STR_1602 : STR_1603 : STR_1604 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}This roast sausage from {STRINGID} are really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1605 : STR_1606 : STR_1607 : STR_1608 : STR_1609 : STR_1610 : STR_1611 : STR_1612 : STR_1613 : STR_1614 : STR_1615 : STR_1616 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for an on-ride photo from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1617 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for an on-ride photo from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1618 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for an on-ride photo from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1619 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for a pretzel from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1620 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for hot chocolate from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1621 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for iced tea from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1622 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for a funnel cake from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1623 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for sunglasses from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1624 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for beef noodles from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1625 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for fried rice noodles from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1626 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for wonton soup from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1627 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for meatball soup from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1628 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for fruit juice from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1629 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for soybean milk from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1630 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for sujeonggwa from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1631 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for a sub sandwich from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1632 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for a cookie from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1633 : STR_1634 : STR_1635 : STR_1636 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much for a roast sausage from {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1637 : STR_1638 : STR_1639 : STR_1640 : STR_1641 : STR_1642 : STR_1643 : STR_1644 : STR_1645 : STR_1646 : STR_1647 : STR_1648 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}Help! Put me down!{ENDQUOTES} STR_1649 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm running out of cash!{ENDQUOTES} STR_1650 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}Wow! A new ride being built!{ENDQUOTES} # Two removed inside jokes about Intamin and Phoenix STR_1651 : STR_1652 : STR_1653 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}...and here we are on {STRINGID}!{ENDQUOTES} STR_1654 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Recent thoughts: STR_1655 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Construct footpath on land STR_1656 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Construct bridge or tunnel footpath STR_1657 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Preferred ride STR_1658 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}intensity: {BLACK}less than {COMMA16} STR_1659 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}intensity: {BLACK}between {COMMA16} and {COMMA16} STR_1660 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}intensity: {BLACK}more than {COMMA16} STR_1661 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Nausea tolerance: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_1662 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Happiness: STR_1663 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Nausea: STR_1664 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Energy: STR_1665 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Hunger: STR_1666 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Thirst: STR_1667 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Bathroom: STR_1668 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Satisfaction: {BLACK}Unknown STR_1669 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Satisfaction: {BLACK}{COMMA16}% STR_1670 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Total customers: {BLACK}{COMMA32} STR_1671 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Total profit: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1672 :Brakes STR_1673 :Spinning Control Toggle Track STR_1674 :Brake speed STR_1675 :{POP16}{VELOCITY} STR_1676 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Set speed limit for brakes STR_1677 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Popularity: {BLACK}Unknown STR_1678 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Popularity: {BLACK}{COMMA16}% STR_1679 :Helix up (left) STR_1680 :Helix up (right) STR_1681 :Helix down (left) STR_1682 :Helix down (right) STR_1683 :Base size 2 x 2 STR_1684 :Base size 4 x 4 STR_1685 :Base size 2 x 4 STR_1686 :Base size 5 x 1 STR_1687 :Water splash STR_1688 :Base size 4 x 1 STR_1689 :Block brakes STR_1690 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{STRINGID}{NEWLINE}{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_1691 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} Cost: {BLACK}{CURRENCY} STR_1692 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} Cost: {BLACK}from {CURRENCY} STR_1693 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Guests STR_1694 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Staff STR_1695 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Income and costs STR_1696 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Customer information STR_1697 :Cannot place these on queue line area STR_1698 :Can only place these on queue area STR_1699 :Too many people in game STR_1700 :Hire new Handyman STR_1701 :Hire new Mechanic STR_1702 :Hire new Security Guard STR_1703 :Hire new Entertainer STR_1704 :Can't hire new staff... STR_1705 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Sack this staff member STR_1706 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Move this person to a new location STR_1707 :Too many staff in game STR_1708 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Set patrol area for this staff member STR_1709 :Sack staff STR_1710 :Yes STR_1711 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_1}Are you sure you want to sack {STRINGID}? STR_1712 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{247}{19}{00}{00}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Sweep footpaths STR_1713 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{248}{19}{00}{00}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Water gardens STR_1714 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{249}{19}{00}{00}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Empty litter bins STR_1715 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{250}{19}{00}{00}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Mow grass STR_1716 :Invalid name for park STR_1717 :Can't rename park... STR_1718 :Park Name STR_1719 :Enter name for park: STR_1720 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Name park STR_1721 :Park closed STR_1722 :Park open STR_1723 :Can't open park... STR_1724 :Can't close park... STR_1725 :Can't buy land... STR_1726 :Land not for sale! STR_1727 :Construction rights not for sale! STR_1728 :Can't buy construction rights here... STR_1729 :Land not owned by park! STR_1730 :{RED}Closed - - STR_1731 :{WHITE}{STRINGID} - - STR_1732 :Build STR_1733 :Mode STR_1734 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Number of laps: STR_1735 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Number of laps of circuit STR_1736 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA16} STR_1737 :{COMMA16} STR_1738 :Can't change number of laps... STR_1739 :Race won by guest {INT32} STR_1740 :Race won by {STRINGID} STR_1741 :Not yet constructed! STR_1742 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Max. people on ride: STR_1743 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Maximum number of people allowed on this ride at one time STR_1744 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA16} STR_1745 :{COMMA16} STR_1746 :Can't change this... STR_1747 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Time limit: STR_1748 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Time limit for ride STR_1749 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{DURATION} STR_1750 :{DURATION} STR_1751 :Can't change time limit for ride... STR_1752 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show list of individual guests in park STR_1753 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show summarized list of guests in park STR_1754 :{BLACK}{COMMA16} guests STR_1755 :{BLACK}{COMMA16} guest STR_1756 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Admission price: STR_1757 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Reliability: {MOVE_X}{255}{BLACK}{COMMA16}% STR_1758 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Build mode STR_1759 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Move mode STR_1760 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Fill-in mode STR_1761 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Build maze in this direction STR_1779 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{254}{19}{00}{00} Panda costume STR_1780 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{255}{19}{00}{00} Tiger costume STR_1781 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{00}{20}{00}{00} Elephant costume STR_1782 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{01}{20}{00}{00} Roman costume STR_1783 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{02}{20}{00}{00} Gorilla costume STR_1784 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{03}{20}{00}{00} Snowman costume STR_1785 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{04}{20}{00}{00} Knight costume STR_1786 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{05}{20}{00}{00} Astronaut costume STR_1787 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{06}{20}{00}{00} Bandit costume STR_1788 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{07}{20}{00}{00} Sheriff costume STR_1789 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{08}{20}{00}{00} Pirate costume STR_1790 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select uniform color for this type of staff STR_1791 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Uniform color: STR_1792 :Responding to {STRINGID} breakdown call STR_1793 :Heading to {STRINGID} for an inspection STR_1794 :Fixing {STRINGID} STR_1795 :Answering radio call STR_1796 :Has broken down and requires fixing STR_1797 :This option cannot be changed for this ride STR_1798 :Whirlpool STR_1799 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1800 :Safety cut-out STR_1801 :Restraints stuck closed STR_1802 :Restraints stuck open STR_1803 :Doors stuck closed STR_1804 :Doors stuck open STR_1805 :Vehicle malfunction STR_1806 :Brakes failure STR_1807 :Control failure STR_1808 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Last breakdown: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_1809 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Current breakdown: {OUTLINE}{RED}{STRINGID} STR_1810 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Carrying: STR_1811 :Can't build this here... STR_1812 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_1813 :Miscellaneous Objects STR_1814 :Actions STR_1815 :Thoughts STR_1816 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select information type to show in guest list STR_1817 :({COMMA16}) STR_1818 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}All guests STR_1819 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}All guests (summarized) STR_1820 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Guests {STRINGID} STR_1821 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Guests thinking {STRINGID} STR_1822 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Guests thinking about {POP16}{STRINGID} STR_1823 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show guests' thoughts about this ride/attraction STR_1824 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show guests on this ride/attraction STR_1825 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show guests queuing for this ride/attraction STR_1826 :Status STR_1827 :Popularity STR_1828 :Satisfaction STR_1829 :Profit STR_1830 :Queue length STR_1831 :Queue time STR_1832 :Reliability STR_1833 :Down-time STR_1834 :Guests favorite STR_1835 :Popularity: Unknown STR_1836 :Popularity: {COMMA16}% STR_1837 :Satisfaction: Unknown STR_1838 :Satisfaction: {COMMA16}% STR_1839 :Reliability: {COMMA16}% STR_1840 :Down-time: {COMMA16}% STR_1841 :Profit: {CURRENCY2DP} per hour STR_1842 :Favorite of: {COMMA16} guest STR_1843 :Favorite of: {COMMA16} guests STR_1844 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select information type to show in ride/attraction list STR_1845 :{MONTHYEAR} STR_1846 :{COMMA16} guests STR_1847 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{11}{20}{00}{00}{COMMA16} guests STR_1848 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{10}{20}{00}{00}{COMMA16} guests STR_1849 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Play music STR_1850 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select whether music should be played for this ride STR_1851 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Running cost: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} per hour STR_1852 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Running cost: {BLACK}Unknown STR_1853 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Built: {BLACK}This Year STR_1854 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Built: {BLACK}Last Year STR_1855 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Built: {BLACK}{COMMA16} Years Ago STR_1856 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Profit per item sold: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1857 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Loss per item sold: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1858 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Cost: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} per month STR_1859 :Handymen STR_1860 :Mechanics STR_1861 :Security Guards STR_1862 :Entertainers STR_1863 :Handyman STR_1864 :Mechanic STR_1865 :Security Guard STR_1866 :Entertainer STR_1867 :{BLACK}{COMMA16} {STRINGID} STR_1868 :Can't change number of rotations... STR_1869 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Number of rotations: STR_1870 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Number of complete rotations STR_1871 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA16} STR_1872 :{COMMA16} STR_1873 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Income: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} per hour STR_1874 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Profit: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} per hour STR_1875 :{BLACK} {SPRITE}{BLACK} {STRINGID} STR_1876 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{INLINE_SPRITE}{251}{19}{00}{00}Inspect Rides STR_1877 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{INLINE_SPRITE}{252}{19}{00}{00}Fix Rides STR_1878 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Inspection: STR_1879 :Every 10 minutes STR_1880 :Every 20 minutes STR_1881 :Every 30 minutes STR_1882 :Every 45 minutes STR_1883 :Every hour STR_1884 :Every 2 hours STR_1885 :Never STR_1886 :Inspecting {STRINGID} STR_1887 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Time since last inspection: {BLACK}{COMMA16} minutes STR_1888 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Time since last inspection: {BLACK}more than 4 hours STR_1889 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Down-Time: {MOVE_X}{255}{BLACK}{COMMA16}% STR_1890 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select how often a mechanic should check this ride STR_1891 :No {STRINGID} in park yet! STR_1894 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{STRINGID} sold: {BLACK}{COMMA32} STR_1895 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Build new ride/attraction STR_1896 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Expenditure/Income STR_1897 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Ride construction STR_1898 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Ride running costs STR_1899 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Land purchase STR_1900 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Landscaping STR_1901 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Park entrance tickets STR_1902 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Ride tickets STR_1903 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Shop sales STR_1904 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Shop stock STR_1905 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Food/drink sales STR_1906 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Food/drink stock STR_1907 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Staff wages STR_1908 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Marketing STR_1909 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Research STR_1910 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Loan interest STR_1911 :{BLACK} at {COMMA16}% per year STR_1912 :{MONTH} STR_1913 :{BLACK}+{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1914 :{BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1915 :{RED}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1916 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Loan: STR_1917 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{CURRENCY} STR_1918 :Can't borrow any more money! STR_1919 :Not enough cash available! STR_1920 :Can't pay back loan! STR_1921 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Start a new game STR_1922 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Continue playing a saved game STR_1924 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Exit STR_1925 :Can't place person here... STR_1926 :{SMALLFONT} STR_1927 :{YELLOW}{STRINGID} has broken down STR_1928 :{RED}{STRINGID} has crashed! STR_1929 :{RED}{STRINGID} still hasn't been fixed{NEWLINE}Check where your mechanics are and consider organizing them better STR_1930 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Turn on/off tracking information for this guest - (If tracking is on, guest's movements will be reported in the message area) STR_1931 :{STRINGID} has joined the queue line for {STRINGID} STR_1932 :{STRINGID} is on {STRINGID} STR_1933 :{STRINGID} is in {STRINGID} STR_1934 :{STRINGID} has left {STRINGID} STR_1935 :{STRINGID} has left the park STR_1936 :{STRINGID} has bought {STRINGID} STR_1937 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show information about the subject of this message STR_1938 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show view of guest STR_1939 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show view of staff member STR_1940 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show happiness, energy, hunger etc. for this guest STR_1941 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show which rides this guest has been on STR_1942 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show financial information about this guest STR_1943 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show guest's recent thoughts STR_1944 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show items guest is carrying STR_1945 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show orders and options for this staff member STR_1946 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select costume for this entertainer STR_1947 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show areas patrolled by selected staff type, and locate the nearest staff member STR_1948 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Hire a new staff member of the selected type STR_1949 :Financial Summary STR_1950 :Financial Graph STR_1951 :Park Value Graph STR_1952 :Profit Graph STR_1953 :Marketing STR_1954 :Research Funding STR_1955 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Number of circuits: STR_1956 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Number of circuits of track per ride STR_1957 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA16} STR_1958 :{COMMA16} STR_1959 :Can't change number of circuits... STR_1960 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Balloon price: STR_1961 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Cuddly Toy price: STR_1962 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Park Map price: STR_1963 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}On-Ride Photo price: STR_1964 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Umbrella price: STR_1965 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Drink price: STR_1966 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Burger price: STR_1967 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Fries price: STR_1968 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Ice Cream price: STR_1969 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Cotton Candy price: STR_1970 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_1971 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_1972 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_1973 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Pizza price: STR_1974 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_1975 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Popcorn price: STR_1976 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Hot Dog price: STR_1977 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Tentacle price: STR_1978 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Hat price: STR_1979 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Candy Apple price: STR_1980 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}T-Shirt price: STR_1981 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Donut price: STR_1982 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Coffee price: STR_1983 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_1984 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Fried Chicken price: STR_1985 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Lemonade price: STR_1986 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_1987 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_1988 :Balloon STR_1989 :Cuddly Toy STR_1990 :Park Map STR_1991 :On-Ride Photo STR_1992 :Umbrella STR_1993 :Drink STR_1994 :Burger STR_1995 :Fries STR_1996 :Ice Cream STR_1997 :Cotton Candy STR_1998 :Empty Can STR_1999 :Trash STR_2000 :Empty Burger Box STR_2001 :Pizza STR_2002 :Voucher STR_2003 :Popcorn STR_2004 :Hot Dog STR_2005 :Tentacle STR_2006 :Hat STR_2007 :Candy Apple STR_2008 :T-Shirt STR_2009 :Donut STR_2010 :Coffee STR_2011 :Empty Cup STR_2012 :Fried Chicken STR_2013 :Lemonade STR_2014 :Empty Box STR_2015 :Empty Bottle STR_2016 :Balloons STR_2017 :Cuddly Toys STR_2018 :Park Maps STR_2019 :On-Ride Photos STR_2020 :Umbrellas STR_2021 :Drinks STR_2022 :Burgers STR_2023 :Fries STR_2024 :Ice Creams STR_2025 :Cotton Candy STR_2026 :Empty Cans STR_2027 :Trash STR_2028 :Empty Burger Boxes STR_2029 :Pizzas STR_2030 :Vouchers STR_2031 :Popcorn STR_2032 :Hot Dogs STR_2033 :Tentacles STR_2034 :Hats STR_2035 :Candy Apples STR_2036 :T-Shirts STR_2037 :Donuts STR_2038 :Coffees STR_2039 :Empty Cups STR_2040 :Fried Chicken STR_2041 :Lemonade STR_2042 :Empty Boxes STR_2043 :Empty Bottles STR_2044 :a Balloon STR_2045 :a Cuddly Toy STR_2046 :a Park Map STR_2047 :an On-Ride Photo STR_2048 :an Umbrella STR_2049 :a Drink STR_2050 :a Burger STR_2051 :some Fries STR_2052 :an Ice Cream STR_2053 :some Cotton Candy STR_2054 :an Empty Can STR_2055 :some Trash STR_2056 :an Empty Burger Box STR_2057 :a Pizza STR_2058 :a Voucher STR_2059 :some Popcorn STR_2060 :a Hot Dog STR_2061 :a Tentacle STR_2062 :a Hat STR_2063 :a Candy Apple STR_2064 :a T-Shirt STR_2065 :a Donut STR_2066 :a Coffee STR_2067 :an Empty Cup STR_2068 :some Fried Chicken STR_2069 :some Lemonade STR_2070 :an Empty Box STR_2071 :an Empty Bottle STR_2072 :{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} Balloon STR_2073 :{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} Cuddly Toy STR_2074 :Map of {STRINGID} STR_2075 :On-Ride Photo of {STRINGID} STR_2076 :{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} Umbrella STR_2077 :Drink STR_2078 :Burger STR_2079 :Fries STR_2080 :Ice Cream STR_2081 :Cotton Candy STR_2082 :Empty Can STR_2083 :Trash STR_2084 :Empty Burger Box STR_2085 :Pizza STR_2086 :Voucher for {STRINGID} STR_2087 :Popcorn STR_2088 :Hot Dog STR_2089 :Tentacle STR_2090 :{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} Hat STR_2091 :Candy Apple STR_2092 :{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} T-Shirt STR_2093 :Donut STR_2094 :Coffee STR_2095 :Empty Cup STR_2096 :Fried Chicken STR_2097 :Lemonade STR_2098 :Empty Box STR_2099 :Empty Bottle STR_2100 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}On-Ride Photo price: STR_2101 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}On-Ride Photo price: STR_2102 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}On-Ride Photo price: STR_2103 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Pretzel price: STR_2104 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Hot Chocolate price: STR_2105 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Iced Tea price: STR_2106 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Funnel Cake price: STR_2107 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Sunglasses price: STR_2108 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Beef Noodles price: STR_2109 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Fried Rice Noodles price: STR_2110 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Wonton Soup price: STR_2111 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Meatball Soup price: STR_2112 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Fruit Juice price: STR_2113 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Soybean Milk price: STR_2114 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Sujeonggwa price: STR_2115 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Sub Sandwich price: STR_2116 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Cookie price: STR_2117 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2118 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2119 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2120 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Roast Sausage price: STR_2121 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2122 :On-Ride Photo STR_2123 :On-Ride Photo STR_2124 :On-Ride Photo STR_2125 :Pretzel STR_2126 :Hot Chocolate STR_2127 :Iced Tea STR_2128 :Funnel Cake STR_2129 :Sunglasses STR_2130 :Beef Noodles STR_2131 :Fried Rice Noodles STR_2132 :Wonton Soup STR_2133 :Meatball Soup STR_2134 :Fruit Juice STR_2135 :Soybean Milk STR_2136 :Sujeonggwa STR_2137 :Sub Sandwich STR_2138 :Cookie STR_2139 :Empty Bowl STR_2140 :Empty Drink Carton STR_2141 :Empty Juice Cup STR_2142 :Roast Sausage STR_2143 :Empty Bowl STR_2144 :On-Ride Photos STR_2145 :On-Ride Photos STR_2146 :On-Ride Photos STR_2147 :Pretzels STR_2148 :Hot Chocolates STR_2149 :Iced Teas STR_2150 :Funnel Cakes STR_2151 :Sunglasses STR_2152 :Beef Noodles STR_2153 :Fried Rice Noodles STR_2154 :Wonton Soups STR_2155 :Meatball Soups STR_2156 :Fruit Juices STR_2157 :Soybean Milks STR_2158 :Sujeonggwa STR_2159 :Sub Sandwiches STR_2160 :Cookies STR_2161 :Empty Bowls STR_2162 :Empty Drink Cartons STR_2163 :Empty Juice cups STR_2164 :Roast Sausages STR_2165 :Empty Bowls STR_2166 :an On-Ride Photo STR_2167 :an On-Ride Photo STR_2168 :an On-Ride Photo STR_2169 :a Pretzel STR_2170 :a Hot Chocolate STR_2171 :an Iced Tea STR_2172 :a Funnel Cake STR_2173 :a pair of Sunglasses STR_2174 :some Beef Noodles STR_2175 :some Fried Rice Noodles STR_2176 :some Wonton Soup STR_2177 :some Meatball Soup STR_2178 :a Fruit Juice STR_2179 :some Soybean Milk STR_2180 :some Sujeonggwa STR_2181 :a Sub Sandwich STR_2182 :a Cookie STR_2183 :an Empty Bowl STR_2184 :an Empty Drink Carton STR_2185 :an Empty Juice Cup STR_2186 :a Roast Sausage STR_2187 :an Empty Bowl STR_2188 :On-Ride Photo of {STRINGID} STR_2189 :On-Ride Photo of {STRINGID} STR_2190 :On-Ride Photo of {STRINGID} STR_2191 :Pretzel STR_2192 :Hot Chocolate STR_2193 :Iced Tea STR_2194 :Funnel Cake STR_2195 :Sunglasses STR_2196 :Beef Noodles STR_2197 :Fried Rice Noodles STR_2198 :Wonton Soup STR_2199 :Meatball Soup STR_2200 :Fruit Juice STR_2201 :Soybean Milk STR_2202 :Sujeonggwa STR_2203 :Sub Sandwich STR_2204 :Cookie STR_2205 :Empty Bowl STR_2206 :Empty Drink Carton STR_2207 :Empty Juice Cup STR_2208 :Roast Sausage STR_2209 :Empty Bowl STR_2707 :Use system dialog window STR_2735 :{COMMA16}km/h STR_2828 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Most dazzling ride color schemes award STR_2845 :{TOPAZ}Your park has received an award for being 'The park with the most dazzling choice of color schemes'! STR_2971 :Main color scheme STR_2972 :Alternative color scheme 1 STR_2973 :Alternative color scheme 2 STR_2974 :Alternative color scheme 3 STR_2975 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select which color scheme to change, or paint ride with STR_2976 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Paint an individual area of this ride using the selected color scheme STR_2989 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select main color STR_2990 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select text color STR_3081 :Castle entrance (gray) STR_3093 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Favorite: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_3099 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select color STR_3100 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select second color STR_3101 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select third color STR_3102 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Re-paint colored scenery on landscape STR_3122 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Favorite ride of: {BLACK}{COMMA16} guest STR_3123 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Favorite ride of: {BLACK}{COMMA16} guests STR_3372 :{BLACK}= A.T.M. STR_3373 :{BLACK}= Restroom # Strings added by OpenRCT2. Only add strings that differ from UK English! STR_5440 :Minimize fullscreen on focus loss STR_5459 :Rotate counterclockwise STR_5460 :Rotate view counterclockwise STR_5515 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Stops guests from vandalizing your park when they're angry STR_5517 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Gray STR_5557 :Stay connected after desynchronization (Multiplayer) STR_5572 :Add To Favorites STR_5573 :Remove From Favorites STR_5620 :Corkscrew Follies STR_5817 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Sets UI scaling type. Requires hardware display to be used.{NEWLINE}Linear scaling is smooth, but blurry. Smooth Nearest Neighbor scaling is sharp, but can cause a minor performance hit. STR_5827 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Sets the color scheme used for the GUI STR_5843 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Enables progressive unlocking of scenarios (RCT1 behavior) STR_5907 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}When enabled, zooming in will center around the cursor, as opposed to the screen center. STR_5921 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}If enabled, rain and gloomy colors will be rendered during storms. STR_6046 :Normalize height map STR_6053 :The heightmap cannot be normalized STR_6159 :Smooth Nearest Neighbor STR_6166 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Synchronizes each frame displayed to the monitor's refresh rate, preventing screen tearing. ############# # Scenarios # ############# ## RCT Original STR_SCNR :Forest Frontiers STR_PARK :Forest Frontiers STR_DTLS :Deep in the forest, build a thriving theme park in a large cleared area STR_SCNR :Dynamite Dunes STR_PARK :Dynamite Dunes STR_DTLS :Built in the middle of the desert, this theme park contains just one roller coaster but has space for expansion STR_SCNR :Leafy Lake STR_PARK :Leafy Lake STR_DTLS :Starting from scratch, build a theme park around a large lake STR_SCNR :Diamond Heights STR_PARK :Diamond Heights STR_DTLS :Diamond Heights is already a successful theme park with great rides - develop it to double its value STR_SCNR :Evergreen Gardens STR_PARK :Evergreen Gardens STR_DTLS :Convert the beautiful Evergreen Gardens into a thriving theme park STR_SCNR :Bumbly Beach STR_PARK :Bumbly Beach STR_DTLS :Develop Bumbly Beach's small amusement park into a thriving theme park STR_SCNR :Trinity Islands STR_PARK :Trinity Islands STR_DTLS :Several islands form the basis for this new park STR_SCNR :Katie's World STR_PARK :Katie's World STR_DTLS :A small theme park with a few rides and room for expansion - Your aim is to double the park value STR_SCNR :Dinky Park STR_PARK :Dinky Park STR_DTLS :A small, cramped amusement park which requires major expansion STR_SCNR :Aqua Park STR_PARK :Aqua Park STR_DTLS :A park with some excellent water-based rides requires expansion STR_SCNR :Millennium Mines STR_PARK :Millennium Mines STR_DTLS :Convert a large abandoned mine from a tourist attraction into a theme park STR_SCNR :Karts & Coasters STR_PARK :Karts & Coasters STR_DTLS :A large park hidden in the forest, with only go-kart tracks and wooden roller coasters STR_SCNR :Mel's World STR_PARK :Mel's World STR_DTLS :This theme park has some well-designed modern rides, but plenty of space for expansion STR_SCNR :Mothball Mountain STR_PARK :Mothball Mountain STR_DTLS :In the hilly forests of Mothball Mountain, build a theme park from scratch STR_SCNR :Pacific Pyramids STR_PARK :Pacific Pyramids STR_DTLS :Convert the Egyptian Ruins tourist attraction into a thriving theme park STR_SCNR :Crumbly Woods STR_PARK :Crumbly Woods STR_DTLS :A large park with well-designed but rather old rides - Replace the old rides or add new rides to make the park more popular STR_SCNR :Big Pier STR_PARK :Big Pier STR_DTLS :Convert this sleepy town's pier into a thriving attraction STR_SCNR :Lightning Peaks STR_PARK :Lightning Peaks STR_DTLS :The beautiful mountains of Lightning Peaks are popular with walkers and sightseers - Use the available land to attract a new thrill-seeking clientele STR_SCNR :Ivory Towers STR_PARK :Ivory Towers STR_DTLS :A well-established park, which has a few problems STR_SCNR :Rainbow Valley STR_PARK :Rainbow Valley STR_DTLS :Rainbow Valley's local authority won't allow any landscape changes or large tree removal, but you must develop the area into a large theme park STR_SCNR :Thunder Rock STR_PARK :Thunder Rock STR_DTLS :Thunder Rock stands in the middle of a desert and attracts many tourists - Use the available space to build rides to attract more people STR_SCNR :Mega Park STR_PARK :Mega Park STR_DTLS :Just for fun! ## Corkscrew Follies STR_SCNR :Whispering Cliffs STR_PARK :Whispering Cliffs STR_DTLS :Develop the seaside cliffs into a thriving amusement park STR_SCNR :Three Monkeys Park STR_PARK :Three Monkeys Park STR_DTLS :Central to this large developing park is a giant triple-track racing/duelling steel coaster STR_SCNR :Canary Mines STR_PARK :Canary Mines STR_DTLS :This abandoned mine already has the makings of a tourist attraction with its minature railway and a pair of vertical drop roller coasters STR_SCNR :Barony Bridge STR_PARK :Barony Bridge STR_DTLS :An old redundant bridge is yours to develop into an amusement park STR_SCNR :Funtopia STR_PARK :Funtopia STR_DTLS :Covering land both sides of a highway, this park has several rides already operating STR_SCNR :Haunted Harbor STR_PARK :Haunted Harbor STR_DTLS :The local authority has agreed to sell nearby land cheaply to this small seaside park, on the condition that certain rides are preserved STR_SCNR :Fun Fortress STR_PARK :Fun Fortress STR_DTLS :This castle is all yours to turn into a theme park STR_SCNR :Future World STR_PARK :Future World STR_DTLS :This futuristic park has plenty of space for new rides on its alien landscape STR_SCNR :Gentle Glen STR_PARK :Gentle Glen STR_DTLS :The local population prefer gentle and relaxing rides, so it is your job to expand this park to suit their tastes STR_SCNR :Jolly Jungle STR_PARK :Jolly Jungle STR_DTLS :Deep in the jungle lies a large area of land ready to be turned into a theme park STR_SCNR :Hydro Hills STR_PARK :Hydro Hills STR_DTLS :A series of stepped lakes form the basis for this new park STR_SCNR :Sprightly Park STR_PARK :Sprightly Park STR_DTLS :This elderly park has many historical rides but is badly in debt STR_SCNR :Magic Quarters STR_PARK :Magic Quarters STR_DTLS :A large area of land has been cleared and partially themed ready for you to develop into a landscaped theme park STR_SCNR :Fruit Farm STR_PARK :Fruit Farm STR_DTLS :A thriving fruit farm has built a railroad to boost its income, your job is to develop it into a full-blown amusement park STR_SCNR :Butterfly Dam STR_PARK :Butterfly Dam STR_DTLS :The area around a dam is available for you to develop into an amusement park STR_SCNR :Coaster Canyon STR_PARK :Coaster Canyon STR_DTLS :A vast canyon is yours to turn into a theme park STR_SCNR :Thunderstorm Park STR_PARK :Thunderstorm Park STR_DTLS :The weather is so wet here that a giant pyramid has been built to allow some rides to be built under cover STR_SCNR :Harmonic Hills STR_PARK :Harmonic Hills STR_DTLS :The local authority won't allow you to build above tree height in this park STR_SCNR :Roman Village STR_PARK :Roman Village STR_DTLS :Develop this Roman-themed park by adding rides and roller coasters STR_SCNR :Swamp Cove STR_PARK :Swamp Cove STR_DTLS :Built partly on a series of small islands, this park already has a pair of large roller coasters as its centerpiece STR_SCNR :Adrenaline Heights STR_PARK :Adrenaline Heights STR_DTLS :Build a park to appeal to the high-intensity thrill-seeking local people STR_SCNR :Utopia Park STR_PARK :Utopia STR_DTLS :An oasis in the middle of the desert provides an unusual opportunity to build an amusement park STR_SCNR :Rotting Heights STR_PARK :Rotting Heights STR_DTLS :Overgrown and dilapidated, can you resurrect this once-great amusement park? STR_SCNR :Fiasco Forest STR_PARK :Fiasco Forest STR_DTLS :Full of badly designed and dangerous rides, you have a very limited budget and time to fix the problems and turn the park around STR_SCNR :Pickle Park STR_PARK :Pickle Park STR_DTLS :The local authority will not allow any kind of advertising or promotion, so this park must succeed by reputation only STR_SCNR :Giggle Downs STR_PARK :Giggle Downs STR_DTLS :A four lane steeplechase ride is the centerpiece of this expanding park STR_SCNR :Mineral Park STR_PARK :Mineral Park STR_DTLS :Turn this abandoned stone quarry into a place to attract thrill-seeking tourists STR_SCNR :Coaster Crazy STR_PARK :Coaster Crazy STR_DTLS :You have limited funds but unlimited time to turn this mountainside area into a vast roller coaster park STR_SCNR :Urban Park STR_PARK :Urban Park STR_DTLS :A tiny park has done a deal with the nearby town to allow expansion through the town itself STR_SCNR :Geoffrey Gardens STR_PARK :Geoffrey Gardens STR_DTLS :A large garden park needs turning into a thriving theme park ## Loopy Landscapes STR_SCNR :Iceberg Islands STR_PARK :Iceberg Islands STR_DTLS :A collection of icebergs make a cold setting for this ambitious theme park STR_SCNR :Volcania STR_PARK :Volcania STR_DTLS :A dormant volcano is the setting of this coaster-building challenge STR_SCNR :Arid Heights STR_PARK :Arid Heights STR_DTLS :Free of any financial limits, your challenge is to develop this desert park while keeping the guests happy STR_SCNR :Razor Rocks STR_PARK :Razor Rocks STR_DTLS :Your task is to build a massive coaster-filled park in amongst Razor Rocks STR_SCNR :Crater Lake STR_PARK :Crater Lake STR_DTLS :A large lake in an ancient crater is the setting for this park STR_SCNR :Vertigo Views STR_PARK :Vertigo Views STR_DTLS :This large park already has an excellent hyper-coaster, but your task is to massively increase its profit STR_SCNR :Big Pier 2 STR_PARK :Big Pier 2 STR_DTLS :Big Pier has expanded its network of walkways over the sea, and your task is to expand the park to use the extra space STR_SCNR :Dragon's Cove STR_PARK :Dragon's Cove STR_DTLS :This sea-side cove is the setting for this coaster-building challenge STR_SCNR :Good Knight Park STR_PARK :Good Knight Park STR_DTLS :A castle with a pair of roller coasters needs developing into a larger theme park STR_SCNR :Wacky Warren STR_PARK :Wacky Warren STR_DTLS :A park which has much of its footpaths and coasters underground STR_SCNR :Grand Glacier STR_PARK :Grand Glacier STR_DTLS :A glacier-filled valley is yours to develop into a theme park STR_SCNR :Crazy Craters STR_PARK :Crazy Craters STR_DTLS :In a far-off world where money is not needed, you must build an entertainment centre to keep the people happy STR_SCNR :Dusty Desert STR_PARK :Dusty Desert STR_DTLS :Five coasters require completion in this desert park STR_SCNR :Woodworm Park STR_PARK :Woodworm Park STR_DTLS :This historical park is only allowed to build older-styled rides STR_SCNR :Icarus Park STR_PARK :Icarus Park STR_DTLS :Develop this alien park to maximize its profit STR_SCNR :Sunny Swamps STR_PARK :Sunny Swamps STR_DTLS :This well-themed amusement park already has several rides, but has plenty of space for expansion STR_SCNR :Frightmare Hills STR_PARK :Frightmare Hills STR_DTLS :A scary park with a giant centrepiece coaster STR_SCNR :Thunder Rocks STR_PARK :Thunder Rocks STR_DTLS :Two large hunks of rock stick out of the sand, upon which the beginnings of a theme park are constructed STR_SCNR :Octagon Park STR_PARK :Octagon Park STR_DTLS :In this large park you must design and build ten large coasters STR_SCNR :Pleasure Island STR_PARK :Pleasure Island STR_DTLS :A long thin island makes a challenging setting to build a selection of coasters STR_SCNR :Icicle Worlds STR_PARK :Icicle Worlds STR_DTLS :An icy landscape needs turning into a thriving theme park STR_SCNR :Southern Sands STR_PARK :Southern Sands STR_DTLS :A desert park with some cleverly designed coasters is yours to expand STR_SCNR :Tiny Towers STR_PARK :Tiny Towers STR_DTLS :In this tiny park you must finish building the five existing coasters STR_SCNR :Nevermore Park STR_PARK :Nevermore Park STR_DTLS :A large park with a novel transportation system around its edge STR_SCNR :Pacifica STR_PARK :Pacifica STR_DTLS :This large island is all yours to develop as an amusement park STR_SCNR :Urban Jungle STR_PARK :Urban Jungle STR_DTLS :A giant abandoned skyscraper is a unique opportunity for a theme park developer STR_SCNR :Terror Town STR_PARK :Terror Town STR_DTLS :This urban area is all yours to develop into an amusement park STR_SCNR :Megaworld Park STR_PARK :Megaworld Park STR_DTLS :A giant park already packed full of rides needs improving STR_SCNR :Venus Ponds STR_PARK :Venus Ponds STR_DTLS :On a far-away planet this area of land needs turning into a theme park STR_SCNR :Micro Park STR_PARK :Micro Park STR_DTLS :Try to create the world's smallest profitable park ## Real Parks from RCT1 # None of them had details STR_SCNR :Alton Towers STR_PARK :Alton Towers STR_DTLS : STR_SCNR :Heide-Park STR_PARK :Heide-Park STR_DTLS : STR_SCNR :Blackpool Pleasure Beach STR_PARK :Blackpool Pleasure Beach STR_DTLS : ## Misc parks from RCT1 # Had no details STR_SCNR :Fort Anachronism STR_PARK :Fort Anachronism STR_DTLS : ############################################################################### ## RCT2 Scenarios ############################################################################### STR_SCNR :Alpine Adventures STR_PARK :Alpine Adventures STR_DTLS :Convert a small mountain ski resort into a snow-themed amusement park STR_SCNR :Amity Airfield STR_PARK :Amity Airfield STR_DTLS :Build a flying-themed amusement park in this abandoned airport STR_SCNR :Botany Breakers STR_PARK :Botany Breakers STR_DTLS :Your challenge is to build a high-profit park on this paradise island STR_SCNR :Build your own Six Flags Belgium STR_PARK :Six Flags Belgium STR_DTLS :Build your own version of this European Six Flags park STR_SCNR :Build your own Six Flags Great Adventure STR_PARK :Six Flags Great Adventure STR_DTLS :Use your design skills to recreate this Six Flags park STR_SCNR :Build your own Six Flags Holland STR_PARK :Six Flags Holland STR_DTLS :Build this European Six Flags park the way you want to STR_SCNR :Build your own Six Flags Magic Mountain STR_PARK :Six Flags Magic Mountain STR_DTLS :Create your own version of this massive Six Flags park STR_SCNR :Build your own Six Flags over Texas STR_PARK :Six Flags over Texas STR_DTLS :Starting from scratch, build the rides in this Six Flags park STR_SCNR :Build your own Six Flags Park STR_PARK :Six Flags STR_DTLS :Build your own design of Six Flags park - Either build rides from other Six Flags parks or design and build your own rides STR_SCNR :Bumbly Bazaar STR_PARK :Bumbly Bazaar STR_DTLS :Starting with a small market bazaar, your challenge is to increase the profit from shops and stalls by building rides and roller coasters to attract more customers STR_SCNR :Crazy Castle STR_PARK :Crazy Castle STR_DTLS :You have inherited a large castle - Your job is to convert it into a small theme park. STR_SCNR :Dusty Greens STR_PARK :Dusty Greens STR_DTLS :Situated near a highway junction in the desert, Dusty Greens is an opportunity to develop a small golf resort into a thriving theme park STR_SCNR :Electric Fields STR_PARK :Electric Fields STR_DTLS :You have inherited a small farm, and your challenge is to build a small theme park amongst the fields and farm buildings STR_SCNR :Extreme Heights STR_PARK :Extreme Heights STR_DTLS :Free of financial restrictions, your challenge is to expand this desert park to attract people seeking the ultimate thrills STR_SCNR :Factory Capers STR_PARK :Factory Capers STR_DTLS :An abandoned factory complex is an opportunity to build a mechanical-themed amusement park STR_SCNR :Fungus Woods STR_PARK :Fungus Woods STR_DTLS :Restricted to only older-style wooden rides, your challenge is to build a thriving theme park in Fungus Woods STR_SCNR :Ghost Town STR_PARK :Ghost Town STR_DTLS :Hired by a large amusement park chain, your task is to build them a giant roller coaster park around an abandoned mining town STR_SCNR :Gravity Gardens STR_PARK :Gravity Gardens STR_DTLS :Your challenge is to build a roller coaster park in the beautiful Gravity Gardens - No other rides, just roller coasters! STR_SCNR :Infernal Views STR_PARK :Infernal Views STR_DTLS :A park nestled precariously on lava rock with streams of magma STR_SCNR :Lucky Lake STR_PARK :Lucky Lake STR_DTLS :With unlimited funds but a challenging lake location, this park will be a challenge to expand and manage STR_SCNR :Rainbow Summit STR_PARK :Rainbow Summit STR_DTLS :Built on a hillside, this park is forbidden from building anything tall. Can you expand the park and make it successful? STR_SCNR :Six Flags Belgium STR_PARK :Six Flags Belgium STR_DTLS :Try your hand at running and improving this Six Flags park STR_SCNR :Six Flags Great Adventure STR_PARK :Six Flags Great Adventure STR_DTLS :Build the missing Six Flags rides, or create your own designs to improve the park! But don't forget your ultimate aim - To attract more guests to the park! STR_SCNR :Six Flags Holland STR_PARK :Six Flags Holland STR_DTLS :Try your hand at running and improving this Six Flags park STR_SCNR :Six Flags Magic Mountain STR_PARK :Six Flags Magic Mountain STR_DTLS :Build the missing Six Flags rides, or create your own designs to improve the park! But don't forget your ultimate aim - To repay your loan while keeping the park value up! STR_SCNR :Six Flags over Texas STR_PARK :Six Flags over Texas STR_DTLS :Build the missing Six Flags rides, or create your own designs to improve the park! But don't forget your ultimate aim - To attract more guests to the park! ############################################################################### ## Wacky Worlds Scenarios ############################################################################### STR_SCNR :Africa - African Diamond Mine STR_PARK :Mines of Africa STR_DTLS :You inherited a disused diamond mine, and find a valuable diamond. You decide to invest that money to build a world-famous theme park. STR_SCNR :Africa - Oasis STR_PARK :Mirage Madness STR_DTLS :A desert Oasis has been discovered and would provide a beautiful location for a park. Transport to the oasis has been provided. STR_SCNR :Africa - Victoria Falls STR_PARK :Over The Edge STR_DTLS :A dam has been built offering abundant, cheap hydroelectric power with which to run a park. You need to reach a high park value to help repay the loan for the dam. STR_SCNR :Antarctic - Ecological Salvage STR_PARK :Icy Adventures STR_DTLS :The environment agency has turned to you to transform an old oil refinery ecological eyesore into a top tourist attraction. Land is cheap but loan interest is high. You can sell the old buildings for salvage. STR_SCNR :Asia - Great Wall of China Tourism Enhancement STR_PARK :Great Wall of China STR_DTLS :The authorities have decided to enhance tourism around the Great Wall by building a theme park on the adjacent land. Money is no object! STR_SCNR :Asia - Japanese Coastal Reclaim STR_PARK :Okinawa Coast STR_DTLS :An existing park has run out of space. Your only option is to build out into the sea, and so you have taken out a loan. Height restrictions on your building are enforced due to foundations and earthquake risk. STR_SCNR :Asia - Maharaja Palace STR_PARK :Park Maharaja STR_DTLS :You have been commissioned by the Maharaja to bring entertainment to the large local population. Build a park inspired by the Maharaja's palace. STR_SCNR :Australasia - Ayers Rock STR_PARK :Ayers Adventure STR_DTLS :You are helping Aboriginal people to build a park as part of a cultural awareness program. You need to get a large number of guests to educate them in the unique heritage of the Aboriginal people. STR_SCNR :Australasia - Fun at the Beach STR_PARK :Beach Barbecue Blast STR_DTLS :A local entrepreneur's sealife park has gone bust. You already operate a small park and buy the other park from the construction company. Develop a big combined park. STR_SCNR :Europe - European Cultural Festival STR_PARK :European Extravaganza STR_DTLS :You have been brought in to take over a European Cultural Visitor Attraction and must increase the number of guests in order to pay back the EU subsidy by the end of the current European parliament term. STR_SCNR :Europe - Renovation STR_PARK :From The Ashes STR_DTLS :An old park has fallen into disrepair. You gain a European Union grant to return this deprived area to its former glory! You need to renovate the park and repay the grant. STR_SCNR :N. America - Extreme Hawaiian Island STR_PARK :Wacky Waikiki STR_DTLS :The people of Hawaii are bored of surfing and are looking for something more intense. You need to build a park with this in mind to keep the area's tourist attraction rating high. STR_SCNR :North America - Grand Canyon STR_PARK :Canyon Calamities STR_DTLS :You have to build a park on limited land either side of this natural treasure - you do have the opportunity to buy neighboring land from the Native American Indians. You need to complete the objective to sustain the local town's population. STR_SCNR :North America - Rollercoaster Heaven STR_PARK :Rollercoaster Heaven STR_DTLS :You are a successful business tycoon on long sabbatical who desires to use this time transforming the city park into Rollercoaster Heaven. Money is no object! STR_SCNR :South America - Inca Lost City STR_PARK :Lost City Founder STR_DTLS :To further boost local tourism you must construct a park that is in tune with its surroundings, and has height restrictions. STR_SCNR :South America - Rain Forest Plateau STR_PARK :Rainforest Romp STR_DTLS :Space is limited in the precious rainforest - you must cram as much as possible into the existing clearing, in order to provide a viable alternative to the local timber industry. STR_SCNR :South America - Rio Carnival STR_PARK :Sugarloaf Shores STR_DTLS :You run a small park near Rio but the bank has called in your loan. You need to quickly increase your earning capacity to repay this unexpected debt. ############################################################################### ## Time Twister Scenarios ############################################################################### STR_SCNR :Dark Age - Castle STR_PARK :Cliffside Castle STR_DTLS :Local members of the battle re-enactment society are rather serious about their hobby. They've entrusted you with the job of constructing a Dark Age theme park on the grounds of Cliffside Castle. STR_SCNR :Dark Age - Robin Hood STR_PARK :Sherwood Forest STR_DTLS :To liberate wealth from the rich and distribute it to the needy, you and your Merry Men have decided to build a theme park in Sherwood Forest. STR_SCNR :Future - First Encounters STR_PARK :Extraterrestrial Extravaganza STR_DTLS :Life has been discovered on a distant planet Build an alien theme park to cash in on the unprecedented wave of interest. STR_SCNR :Future - Future World STR_PARK :Gemini City STR_DTLS :Show off your inventive, utopian vision of the future - come up with a futuristic park design that incorporates state-of-the-art attractions. STR_SCNR :Mythological - Animatronic Film Set STR_PARK :Animatronic Antics STR_DTLS :You have been given the task of running and improving an existing theme park, which has been built on an old film set. Build a tribute to the pioneering stop-motion animators who first brought mythical creatures to life on the silver screen. STR_SCNR :Mythological - Cradle of Civilization STR_PARK :Mythological Madness STR_DTLS :You own an island of particular archaeological value. You've decided to fund its preservation by constructing a theme park based on the area's rich Mythological heritage. STR_SCNR :Prehistoric - After the Asteroid STR_PARK :Crater Carnage STR_DTLS :You own a dusty old meteor crater. In the true entrepreneurial spirit, you've decided to construct an asteroid theme park and convert your seemingly worthless land into a sizeable fortune. STR_SCNR :Prehistoric - Jurassic Safari STR_PARK :Coastersaurus STR_DTLS :You've been given the task of constructing a Jurassic era theme park. To optimize your visitors' access to the exotic plant and animal exhibits, you will need to build rides going over and into the valley. STR_SCNR :Prehistoric - Stone Age STR_PARK :Rocky Rambles STR_DTLS :To thwart the highway developers and preserve the mysterious ancient stone circles, you will need to construct a Stone Age theme park and turn a profit. However, attracting visitors may pose a challenge, as the terrain is a tad inhospitable. STR_SCNR :Roaring Twenties - Prison Island STR_PARK :Alcatraz STR_DTLS :The infamous Prison Island - whose population once swelled with bootleggers and racketeers - is now up for sale. You've decided to convert it into a top tourist attraction, and money is no object STR_SCNR :Roaring Twenties - Schneider Cup STR_PARK :Schneider Shores STR_DTLS :The 75th anniversary of your grandfather's Schneider Cup victory is coming up in a few years. You're going to honour his achievement by building a theme park based on the famous seaplane race. STR_SCNR :Roaring Twenties - Skyscrapers STR_PARK :Metropolis STR_DTLS :You own an empty lot near the low-rise part of town. To squeeze the most out of your urban property, build a skyscraper theme park inspired by the soaring art deco architecture of the twenties. STR_SCNR :Rock 'n' Roll - Flower Power STR_PARK :Woodstock STR_DTLS :A large annual music festival takes place on your land. Build a hip theme park to keep the free-spirited audience entertained. STR_SCNR :Rock 'n' Roll - Rock 'n' Roll STR_PARK :Rock 'n' Roll Revival STR_DTLS :This aging theme park has seen better days. Help the owner give it a retro rock 'n' roll makeover and turn the place into a successful venue.